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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The cell was barren, so there was really nothing to be found there besides the blanket. The concerns towards the prisoner's well-being appeared to be very, very minor when the importance of things was considered in this hell hole.

About an hour into the waiting and trying to sleep on the floor, Adelle was brought back from the half-sleep she was in as a rush of cold air suddenly swept into her cell. Once she actually got around to looking towards the door, the busty girl could see a floating figure in a long, loose kimono come to sight. It was a fairly similar sight to the snow woman she had seen a few days earlier while wandering in the dreamscapes, but a whole lot less inviting as this one was a wiry, malnourished-looking one with a dark blue, snowflake-patterned robe that looked to be wet and did indeed drip onto the floor here and there. She passed by the cell initially, but turned back after having moved just a few feet past. They then came to Adelle's door, looking right at her with half of her face covered by the wet hair. The other side was gaunt, with the eye on that side being a black pit only illuminated by a pinpoint of green light. "Who...?" was what the thing said as it started to hover into the cell and towards the busty girl, passing through the bars as if they were not even there to begin with.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing nothing really in the tiny cell that could help her, Adelle sighed. It was obvious that they cared nothing for their prisoners, which meant that they did expect them to die here. That was all the more reason to want her weapons back, so if she was going to die, then at least she could maybe take out that kitsune with her, and that orc, and as many of the rest as she could.

After a while of drifting in and out of sleep, Adelle felt a chill in the air and shivered, pulling the dirty blanket around her a bit more in an effort to keep warm. Glancing over her shoulder towards the cell door, she saw the ghostly figure float past and then stop to return to her cell, coming inside. Shivering again, both in fear and from the cold, Adelle silently gulped and looked up at the woman when she spoke to her. "I uh, I'm Adelle. And I'm a prisoner here against my will, along with my friend and the one we were trying to rescue," Adelle replied softly to the ghostly woman as she raised up to look at her. "Who are you, miss?" Adelle then asked quietly.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The ghostly woman floated closer as Adelle explained herself, doing an analysis as she looked at her from all directions, passing into the wall when the room was not there in the tight cell. "I see..." she commented before turning back to the door and shifting right through again. "Get her out, Tadakatsu..." she spoke to something else, and the clanking of armor soon followed as a figure clad in partially rusted and moss-covered suit of samurai armor came into view. They were a big figure, with a polearm of some sort, and a really easily identifiable stag antler helmet. Stowing his polearm, the figure grabbed the door, pulling it off the frame with a single tug before stepping in, barely making it through the hole where the door had been with the bulk of his armor. He helped Adelle to her feet, pulling out his shorter sword and handing it to her without a word.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle sat there in her little bed as the ghostly woman floated about and looked at her from various angles. When she ghostly woman phased through the door again and spoke to someone outside, Adelle raised up a bit more to a sitting position, as the door was literally pulled off its hinges by a suit of samurai armor. "W-Whoa, that's amazing," Adelle whispered softly to herself as the figure stepped into the room with her and drew a wakizashi and offered it to her.

Adelle went to one knee and bowed respectfully to the figure. "T-Thank you sir, I'm honored," Adelle said, feeling compelled to do so as she took the blade and turned to the ragged blanket behind her and cut some of it up and quickly fashion herself a makeshift outfit so she wasn't fully nude. "I have friends that I must rescue too, and someone to get revenge on for them as well," Adelle then told the ghostly woman and the armored figure, not caring why the two were there, but only glad that they were.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The armored figure appeared to be housing a dried-up corpse within as Adelle could notice some flesh and empty eye sockets inside the helmet, which was not completely enclosed as their face was not shielded up to the eyes by the mask that was acting as facial armor. They appeared to be a little unsure what to make of the whole bowing act, but did not make any number of it as they stepped back out to the corridor with the dripping ghost woman, who was lingering around the back of the ceiling block, where the end wall was. A swirling portal of black energy had been produced there, possibly being the spot where the two entities had arrived from.

Another one soon entered through the portal as well, this new one being somewhat unpleasant to Adelle's eyes as it was a plague doctor, the memories from the previous encounter with the one guy instantly coming to mind. This one was far more gaunt and tall than the church mafia guy though, and had an unnatural aura about them. She could also make note of the facts that he had some tentacles slipping briefly in and out from the spaces between the buttons on his jacket, which looked rather unsettling. They also produced a trail of slime as they went, which was not too visible but if one paid attention they could certainly see it being there in this being's wake.

After the plague doctor abomination had entered, they made way to one of the cell doors, keeping clear of the corridor. The other three made so too, though the ghost woman probably would have not needed to. "Keep clear, please... Nightmare is coming." they told Adelle, gesturing her to keep clear from the corridor as something was about come through the portal after the plague doctor, and it might not be the most gentle of entries apparently.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Peeking into the armor, Adelle saw the... zombie was the only word she could think of to call it really. After she looked around again, she saw the portal and was a little worried at first, but did as the ghostly woman had said and stepped back a bit to keep from getting in the way while she got her makeshift outfit fixed up. When the plague doctor masked person came through the portal that had been made, Adelle shuddered a bit as she remembered the doctor that had tortured her a day or two before.

Even without seeing this one's face, she just felt that he, or it, had to look better than the doctor from before, and then there were the tentacles too, and tentacles weren't that bad. When warned to stay clear for the one the ghostly woman called Abomination, Adelle did exactly as told and moved back a bit next to the ghost woman. "So um... what's about to happen? Also, I know where one of my friends is at, but not the other. This... oni woman or whatever she was took her. The other is in the main hall here. I know the way there at least," Adelle asked curiously, looking a bit scared still, but feeling more and more relieved as she saw the ghostly woman's support.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Nightmare is coming..." was the only thing that the ghost woman had to say before the portal flashed violently and a large, jet-black stallion with a flaming mane and tail burst forth at full gallop, rushing past the various monsters and Adelle herself, going straight for the cell block door. Lowering it's head, the thing just plowed through, taking the door with it as it started the assault into the main orc room. Tadakatsu and the plague doctor followed as fast as they could, the latter going on without any weapons while the undead samurai readied his polearm for a massacre.

The ghost woman, while remaining back and out from the starting melee between the three other combatants and the slowly waking orc horde, did not remain passive as she started to sing in a mournful, alien language. The song appeared to have no effect at first, but Adelle could feel a wind starting to circulate as a black, ominous cloud started to gather at roof level. As the song went forward, the cloud started to belch out rain, which soon turned into sleet. The wind picked up as well, soon getting joined by lightning from the cloud. As the woman's song intensified, the weather got nastier as well. In just a minute, there was a full-blown hurricane inside the orc chamber, accompanied by blinding sleet, lightning bolts and fist-sized ice chunks coming from the cloud. The weather was intense, and by that point, the orcs were starting to die in droves as the ice shattered their bodies or lightning fried them up. Those who did not get slain by the weather were probably trying to escape or got slain by the other three marauding monster, who appeared to be fairly unaffected by the effects of the summoned weather. Nightmare and Tadakatsu were straightforward fighters, using their weapons, natural and not, to take down the opposition. The plague doctor was a little different, appearing to have converted a few orcs into zombie versions of their former selves. And now, these things were turning on their allies, which certainly did not make it easier for them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle just nodded and looked on as Nightmare came into the room, her eyes going wide when the large beast came in. Gulping softly, Adelle could only think to herself that she'd unleashed hell on this place. So long as she rescued her friends she didn't care too much about that kitsune bitch and whatnot. Adelle stayed back a bit as the fighting commenced, stabbing any orcs that came close right in their chests.

When she noticed the plague doctor guy turning the dead orcs into zombies, Adelle gasped and stepped back. So he was a necromancer of some sort, perhaps even undead himself. "Note to self, don't piss these guys off," Adelle idly thought to herself as the fighting continued.

Once the nearby orcs were taken care of, Adelle followed them further in and directed them which ways to go to get to where Lucrezia was being held captive, as she didn't know where Rachaela was.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

By the time the last orcs in the room kicked the bucket or were fleeing towards the main hall, the room had been turned into a wet mess of ice blocks and quickly melting sleet, and the somewhat orderly arrangement of beds and tables had been turned into a junkyard by the combined efforts of the panicked residents, the summoned weather and the rampaging monsters. There were really two ways to go at that moment, one that went to a yet unexplored part of the caves and the other to the one place that was the assumed main hall from earlier. That particular area appeared to have some other assailants going at it, with a brief glimpse of a familiar chandelier ghost passing Adelle's vision as she saw the main hall lighting up with flames even more than it had been previously. And as she got the whole hall into view, the busty girl could see a fairly different-looking Luna riding on Blaze's arm as the ghost set the entire web complex up into a sea of purple flames. The spider lady was not there, so it was a fairly safe assumption to make that they probably had a secret pathway for quick escape somewhere in the ceiling.

Once there was no resistance to hamper them anymore, Blaze floated down onto ground level ant let Luna step down from her arm. The witch was now wearing a thin bodysuit with some decorative armor bits of metal on her, but that outfit quickly vanished and was replaced with her usual attire as she appeared to return to her senses. "Hmm... that was unpleasant... can't we just talk these things out..." she thought out loud in a rather absent-minded manner, barely even noticing what was around her. Thankfully, it appeared that she had not counted Lucrezia as a target to be burned, the other mage still being there in her previous bondage.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she witnessed the massacre and moved onward, as it couldn't be called anything else really, Adelle out of the corner of her eye, noticed a familiar being that she was certain she'd seen before. When she entered the main hall, Adelle looked over and saw Luna riding atop Blaze, and she sighed softly. Smiling up at Luna, Adelle felt so relieved and overcome with joy that she found herself wanting to rush over and hug her friend. She also noticed the spider lady had vanished, and Adelle actually felt a bit sad that she couldn't have taken the eggs she'd birthed and taken them to find them a good home to teach them right.

After Luna was set down, Adelle rushed over to her, where she hugged her. "Oh Luna, I'm so glad to see you," Adelle said as she embraced her friend.

Once Luna had registered Adelle and everything, Adelle moved over and released Lucrezia from her bonds. Taking the blindfold off and then the gag. "Hey it's okay... Lucrezia, I'm Adelle, from the guild. Samson sent me and Rachaela to find you. Didn't expect all of this though," Adelle said softly to the mage girl as she began undoing her bindings to free her completely.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It appeared that the regular Luna was safe to approach, there not being any flying spells or hostile reaction from Blaze, who appeared to remember Adelle despite only seeing her once. "Oh hey... did not have to look for you, apparently. Good thing that the guys managed to work together." Luna replied, appearing to be not particularly taken by any of the goings on. "But you could not have sent that psychic beacon and those familiars. So... I'm guessing her? The old dude did say that she is some sort of mage." they went along to question something that Adelle had no idea of as she looked at the bound Lucrezia. The familiars from before had split up, the two Japanese-styled ones having gone to the other direction from the orc room, but the other two were with them now. They paid no particular attention to Luna or Adelle at that point, their attention fully directed at Lucrezia. The doctor was looking to go at the restraints, but noticed that the busty girl was doing the same, which made him step back and let her go ahead.

Taking off the blindfold first was probably a good idea, since who knows how Lucrezia might have reacted without seeing around her first. The mage had intense golden eyes that went along with the yellow part of her gradient hair rather well, and the look she gave to the surroundings went from fierce to mellow after she had taken a good look at what she was greeted by. After getting the gag out from her mouth, she immediately uttered some words of power, making all the remaining restraints unlock and slide right off. Getting up, Lucrezia kept up with the casting, the following words covering her naked form up as black underwear appeared first, followed by a thin under-dress of white, that getting topped by a black, thicker one that layered neatly onto the first one. The white one was solid, but the black one had a split in the front that was held together by criss-crossing lace, creating a white line in the middle as the undergarment showed between the lace. The white dress had full sleeves on it as well, but the black one lacked these. To cover that, the mage had bracers made from black leather that reached up to her elbows on top of the under-dress. She also had some fairly ladylike long boots with only a low heel that enabled one to perform properly in them when needed. Other than that, she had nothing on her lower body, but the skirts of the double dresses were long and modest enough to cover up as they went to her knees. As a final touch, a appeared into her right hand, giving the mage a somewhat non-traditional look for someone of her type.

"Hmm, that eager newcomer, yes? I heard a thing or two about you from Samson. He said that he likes the work morale that you have." Lucrezia spoke up finally once her clothes and equipment were completely there, a brief need to stretch her limbs taking over after having spent so many hours fixed on the same position. The two familiars there were looking relieved, the doctor expressing some concern for Lucrezia's health while the stallion came over to nuzzle her face a bit with it's snout. "Sorry about troubling your minds with this, you two. I should not have fallen for something like this and make all of you worry. I'll apologize to everyone when we get back." she spoke with them, confirming that these two were indeed some of her familiars and had somehow gotten there to co-operate with Luna and her familiars in a rescue effort.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing Luna's response got Adelle curious as she hugged her friend and house mate. She brushed the thoughts aside for now and went to Lucrezia's aid. As soon as Lucrezia's gag was gone, she seemingly rose up to full power as she conjured clothes onto her body and a wand or something to use as a weapon she assumed. Adelle stepped back and let Lucrezia work, watching in amazement as the girl finished. Adelle was mostly amazed that Lucrezia still had so much power left after all the evil kitsune had stolen from her, and the familiars she didn't know apparently belonged to her, or at least some did anyway.

"Oh... what did he say about me exactly?" Adelle asked when Lucrezia addressed her, feeling rather nice that Samson had apparently been talking about her in a good light.

"And Rachaela came with me. I don't know where she is now though. That oni woman or whatever she is took her somewhere. And the webs up there was where I was at for the better part of my time here with some arachne lady. She uh... well... let's just say it. She made me a mother," Adelle said, blushing a bit as she finished. "And... damn... that bitch better not have broken my bike. Oh she'd better hope that it's here," Adelle then said, starting to say something else when she remembered her bike having been tossed into the air and nearly flattening her in the process.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Adelle tried to calm down and focus on one thing at a time. "Come on, we gotta find Rachaela first before anything. And my gear too. Doubt I'll be much help if it comes to a fight, but I don't know where it's all at though, same as Rachaela," Adelle said, looking over to Lucrezia.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not much more than that. He did mention that you had some bad luck with the assignments, in addition to the work morale part." Lucrezia spoke up initially about the question towards Adelle and Samson's words about her. "Oh, that promising little one? Would be a shame if she was lost to something as trivial as one fox's desire to exploit their way to power using others. We'll just have to look for her. As much of a disgrace it is to get abused by a spider, we can't stop to dwell on that right now. We'll have to take a look around and see what there is, I don't think neither of us has seen the entire cave area they have here." she went on to say, indicating that they should probably check out the other areas. There was one path from this chamber that was yet unknown to Adelle, along with the other other path in the orc chamber.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ah, I see. Well, everyone has runs of bad luck. Mine is sure to change for the better eventually," Adelle replied, a bit chipper that Samson would even mention her to the better hunters of the guild. "Yeah, at least she was better than those nasty orcs. Ugly pigs. And do you want to stick together, strength in numbers and all that? Or you want to split up and cover more ground quicker? Even if I don't got my gear, it might be better to do that, so that it's less likely that they escape with Rachaela, and before we can punish that foxy bitch," Adelle went on to say, trying to forget about the arachne as she suggested splitting up.

If Lucrezia agreed and thought it was okay to do so, then Adelle would nod and head to the orc area, figuring that was where her gear was, and any other captives that might be in need of rescuing. She would hope that Luna would be coming with her, though if Luna thought it best to go with Lucrezia, then she would tell her that was okay with her before heading back to the other chamber in the orc area, though hopefully with some sort of support.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose I could take my familiars and look in the other direction. They can protect me, even though I am far from helpless at this point. You two had some familiars of hers to cover for you?" Lucrezia asked confirmation from Luna, who did tell her that there were indeed two of her magical creatures to rely on, what with Adelle being a little hampered in the way of combat and the witch still being something of a wild card with her unknown abilities. The plague doc and the dark steed went ahead with Lucrezia, their group making for the other path in their current hall to look around and see what was there.

With Luna following her in a fairly absent-minded manner, the two ladies headed back into the massacre room, the orcs lying there making a rather grizzly scene as there were bodies in various states of dismemberment, scattered in pools of water and blood from the summoned storm's aftermath. Tadakatsu's bladed pole, while absolutely sharp, did appear to have a property of shredding whatever it cut in nasty ways. Making way through that room would have been a struggle for most sane minds, but in her current state of mind, Adelle had little trouble with going through the carnage. Luna appeared to be curious about the morbid display, but she thankfully did not start poking at the orc innards or do anything similarly creepy and necromantic. But then again, that was not exactly her area of expertise, so maybe she wouldn't even do it if given the chance. The other corridor was a good bit larger than the prison corridor, so there was actual movement to be had there. A few doors lined one side, one of them being open as some sounds of fighting could be heard. Eventually they could see Tadakatsu fly to the wall on the opposite side as the oni woman emerged from the room in her bandage underwear, now wielding a metal club that was basically as long as Adelle was tall, and as wide as a small log in diameter. The weapon also had some metal studs, which probably served to further increase impact on armor. She was wielding it with only her other hand, the unplugged gourd on her other hand as she chugged from there hard and long, looking like she was rather intoxicated and angry. "FUCK OFF ZOMBIE, YOU AIN'T TOUCHING THE LITTLE LADY!" they yelled in massive voice. "THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR BEING NICE, IS IT? I SAVE HER FROM THE ORCS AND THE FOX, ONLY TO GET SOME ZOMBIE TO TRY AND COME AT ME?! LET US BE!" the oni went on in her drunken rage, apparently not willing to have Tadakatsu intrude on her and Rachaela, who appeared to be in the room if these words were of any indication. The ghost lady was nowhere to be seen, leaving her location and even presence uncertain.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded when Lucrezia asked if Luna had familiars to help them out, even as Luna answered as well. After heading back to the orc's area of the lair, Adelle had to swallow her vomit back down at the rather gross scene. It didn't frighten her or anything, it was just a little... messy was all. After what these orcs would have done to her though she couldn't help but feel very little remorse for them. She did hope the arachne had gotten the eggs out at least, even if the arachne herself didn't make it.

When they came to where the oni apparently was, with Tadakatsu flying out of one of the doors and into the wall. Adelle glanced at Luna and leaned over. "Don't kill her, just knock her out if you can. She didn't seem quite as bad as the others here," Adelle whispered to Luna before getting ready to possibly fight, though hoping she wouldn't have to and could sneak by while Tadakatsu and Luna's other familiars took care of the oni woman, and attempting to do so if she saw the opportunity.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Putting the flask back onto her belt, the oni swung her huge club up, preparing to squash Tadakatsu before he could recover from the harsh impact. But she was stopped by the sight of the orc massacre that was behind Adelle and the rest of them. As they had gone by the orcs, Blaze has gone and used the opportunity to drain all the lingering souls there, and was now rather dangerously lit up with the massive amount of soul power she had gathered. This was probably the primary concern she had, and she appeared to not have much faith in any of the other entities there, neither the orcs nor the other female monster-types. The club came down a little less fast than it had been raised, and she soon hung it onto her back with the help of a chain. Following that, the jug returned to her hand again as more consumption of alcohol started. "Oh fuck this. I'm not going to risk myself for all of that fox's nonsense." they said before stepping back to the room where they had burst from just a minute ago.

Given what had happened, Luna could not do too much besides look at the scene with some weird amusement. All things considered, she did not appear to have much concern for Tadakatsu, as she had not reacted to him getting bashed and almost splattered in any way.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the oni's reaction as Blaze came up behind them, Adelle tilted her head a bit and followed her into the room to find Rachaela, or at least she hoped to find her anyway. "You know you don't have to be like that crazy fox. You can be different if you want," Adelle said to the oni as she followed her in, a bit back to keep from being bashed by her club as she motioned for Luna to follow her cautiously.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"And just what makes you think I am anything like her? I just hang with her since we go back some time, and I have a debt I own to her." the oni replied as Adelle stepped through the doorway. The room beyond was spacious, with most of the ground covered by different animal pelts to make the stone tolerable to walk on. It was easy to see why as the oni had not worn any shoes or even socks during the times the busty girl had paid enough attention to that kind of thing. Besides the skins, there was only some furniture. A rack with three different but still fairly similar hefty clubs was in one corner, the remaining spot on the four slot rack being empty. A large, low table was in another corner, being one of Eastern style as it had no chairs, only more pelts to sit on. There were several large pots in there as well, scattered around in different parts of the room. If the inhabitant was of any indication, they probably held a lot of booze in them. Finally, in the remaining back corner, was a raised stone area that appeared to be a bed as it had a whole load of pelts covering it, along with some pillows. But more importantly, a still naked but well-covered Rachaela was there too, surprisingly deeply in sleep with all the hassle that had gone on outside. The thunder, the orc massacre and now the brief fight between the oni and Tadakatsu not being enough to wake her up. But she was very clearly breathing, so she was not dead by any stretch.

The oni, for her part, was not looking too keen on fighting anything as she sat down on the other side of the table, slamming her booze on the table as she did.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, considering you're with her and doing her bidding, kinda not a good thing in your favor you know. But look, you didn't kill Rachaela there, and you didn't kill me, when you clearly could. So I don't believe that you're a bad person by any means. You could obviously do better than this though. What did you do to Rachaela though?" Adelle replied to the oni, noticing Rachaela was still alive, though out cold from the looks of it, and Adelle looked worried about her friend as she stepped over to check on her a little closer.