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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting re-armed was no issue at all, given the complete lack of resistance towards the act. But as Adelle went for the blade, the two kept on struggling for a little bit. Just as she could turn attention back towards the melee, the busty girl got to see a turn for the worse as the plant giant overcame Rose's strength with it's own, pushing her back and tripping her down, the thing coming on top of her as she went. The struggle on the ground was barely noticeable, and soon the plant monster got back up again, now having a fairly securely restrained Rose inside it's body as the creature did not cover her up completely while keeping her trapped within itself. The large girl's feet and hands were firmly bound inside knots of vines, the firm ball of vines making any use of claws fairly impossible, and there were some vines coiled around Rose's upper arms, waist and neck to keep her remaining exposed body pinned against the plant's form.

With this particular event, the whole situation just got a good deal trickier, and the plant would surely not keep Rose just as she was if left alone. The situation would likely take a lewd turn in a hurry.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

This thing worked fast, Too fast for her liking, she saw. It had bound Rose's arms and legs up, and was holding her quite firmly against its form. "N-No... dammit. I won't let you have her that easily you bastard," Adelle growled before she rushed the beast and rushed back to the fray, and began to slash at it, trying to cut Rose's arms free so she could attack again.

"Hang on hon... I won't leave you here like this," Adelle told Rose as she came to her aid in hopes of rescuing her, and moving as quickly as she could to keep from getting grabbed herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Having Rose to carry around was not making the monster faster, the situation giving Adelle some freedom to swing before it could retaliate. She did manage some damage on an arm before the monster swung the very same limb towards her, the increased weight of the large girl's claw hand inside there making it not the best thing one could get hit by. But thankfully that did not happen, not on this swing at least. Rose herself was struggling to release some portion of herself, but she was not really having much in the way of success as more of the body's material vines creeped on her, coming around her thighs and securing them against the body. Some other snaky limbs came in from under her breasts, coiling around them firmly before anchoring themselves back into position over the large girl's shoulders, acting like a fairly molesty form of seat belt and making Rose gasp as she was squeezed under the fabric that covered most of her large tits.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It was a good thing that Rose was still struggling with the thing as it swung around at Adelle with Rose's arm still inside, because if she'd gotten hit by that, there was probably a good chance she'd have been knocked off and possibly knocked her out if she landed wrong and bumped her head. Adelle could really only watch as more and more of Rose's body was bound up by the plant creature's vines, and try to hack away at them to cut Rose free. After a couple of more swings at the things, Adelle would try and press the tip of her wakizashi down between Rose's left arm and the vines to try and pry her free, using the edge of her blade to cut into the thing and maybe weaken it enough for Rose to try and get loose some.

If that didn't work, which Adelle figured it wouldn't, Adelle prepared herself and would swing around behind Rose and attempt to pull her free while pressing her blade into the thing's chest... area, and use both legs while holding Rose with her arms, hooking hers up under Rose's and grabbing her wakizashi handle to twist it and try to wound the creature while she pulled. This had an unfortunate side effect though, in that Adelle's hands were quite close to Rose's breasts and would brush across them in her attempts to pull her companion free.

"C-Come on hon... try and pull with me here. I w-won't... leave you behind," Adelle grunted as she tried to pull Rose free.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going around and trying to get herself some more open shots on the arm, Adelle met with some issue as the blade was having a hard time making contact with the moving creature. Rose too tried to make her effort known the best she could, but the state she was in made it real hard. And if it wasn't bad enough a situation already, the creature managed to knock Adelle off with the other hand as she went for another go at the arm, the hit being fairly rough as it shoved the busty girl back some five feet but it was mostly just the push, only a little slight painful jolt to the system coming from the force. It really didn't make Adelle operate any worse, but now she was a little distance away as the creature turned heading towards her, Rose at the front as more coils secured her limbs and waist even tighter against the body. A slightly different flat vine came around behind her head, pulling itself tightly over her eyes and acting as a blindfold while another similar one did the same for the large girl's mouth, gagging her as well as blinding. At this point, it was pretty much impossible for her to escape without assistance, the multiple restraining vines on each limb and her body shutting her resistance down completely.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was knocked away before she could swing around behind Rose to try and pull her free, the blow that knocked her away thankfully not hitting her Too hard or anything. "D-Dammit... come on Adelle, you can do this," Adelle muttered to herself as she got backup as the thing turned to face her with Rose still trapped against it.

Adelle rushed at the thing, trying to be as fast as possible and leaping up to grab onto Rose's back, before she brought her blade up and stabbed it forward into the creature's chest area with her right arm, and wrapped her left arm around Rose. "H-Hold on Rose... I'm... g-going to... get you... out of this," Adelle said, trying to pull Rose as hard as she could to pry her loose, her left hand between Rose's breasts since she had nowhere else to really place it to pull at.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting stuck in there again, Adelle made a jump straight into the thick of it and hanging on to the immobile form of Rose that was there to provide stable points to hold onto. Having so much area to stab into with her sword, it was nearly impossible to miss and this lead to her stabbing two times as the monster shook itself. It did seem to be working, but this thing appeared to have a lot of endurance as well. It took the hits, but it was not clearly too happy to receive the stabs as it simply proceeded to pick the busty girl up and throw her away from itself and Rose for the third time. For some reason, it was apparently not wanting much to do with her at that point.

No, it seemed to be content with holding Rose in it's clutches. The large girl still remained as she was despite the stabbing happening, and it only kept on getting worse as two more vines came forward from behind her hips, sliding across the areas were her legs connected with the body and making way under her skirt in neat, dynamic timing. Some squiggling under there happened and then Rose moaned into the gag vine, the whole reaction telling Adelle what had just happened. If it was a thing that the large girl cared about, probably not, but it looked as if her first partner of sexual acts was this plant giant.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle yelped as the thing scooped her right back up from off of Rose when she tried to pull her free, landing flat on her bubbly ass with a grunt. "D-Dammit... come on. I won't... o-oh no. Rose I'm... s-so sorry," Adelle panted, whimpering softly as she saw the vines underneath Rose's skirt moving and realizing what had just happened as she moaned into the gag vine.

Adelle got back up and tried to think quickly, wondering Just what she could do to get its attention off of Rose. She pulled her shirt up to flash her breasts at the thing, wondering if that would work to grab its attention, where she'd unbutton her jeans and begin unzipping them. "H-Hey big guy, come on. Nice big milky tits here too you know. Nice fresh pussy too. Why don't you drop her and get a nice and willing partner that won't struggle," Adelle said to the plant creature, though if that didn't work, she'd right her clothing and go back at the thing and try to get on Rose's back again to pry her loose again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite the bait that probably would have worked on most things, the plant did not seem to pay the slightest attention to Adelle's tactics. No, it seemed to be completely happy that she was keeping her distance. Going on with what it had probably been planning all along, the thing moved backwards from the situation, reaching up to the ceiling with it's limbs as Adelle was trying to bait it and taking hold of some one-time lighting fixtures and whatever there were. It rose up, taking Rose along for the ride as it attached itself back to the place where it had been before the two got there, shifting it's mass slightly to take Rose into itself some more so she would not fall off. While there were no real binding development besides that, it did shift the large girl's gag to replace it with a vine that went into her mouth and strapped on just like the gag had previously.

The two were in the ceiling now, Rose getting some plant love despite probably not wanting to. The height was not too hard to reach, the length of Adelle's blade probably being enough to reach if she jumped at the ongoing humpage.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-Well damn," Adelle grumbled as the creature seemingly ignored her attempts to entice it to let Rose go in favor of her.

Watching the thing starting to rise up with Rose in its grasp, Adelle looked down at her blade, hoping it could reach, and she sprinted at the thing and jumped up for it, stabbing her wakizashi up into the creature's form to use to help her climb, and pulling her kukri out to use for extra grip as she climbed the thing once more. She'd climb as best she could to where Rose was being held. "I'm... n-not going to give up. Rose is my friend damn you. And I'm not going to let you do whatever you want with her," Adelle growled at the thing as she held on tightly, trying to sever the thing's hold on one of Rose's arms so she could help try and cut herself free.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, with the target being fairly easy to hit due to the fact that it was sitting still, Adelle got to make her move with relative ease. But once she was hanging in there, the real hassle began as the monster was still not quite willing to pass up on the enjoyment that was Rose, and it let go with the other arm to swat at Adelle and hopefully make her go away. It took a good solid minute of non-stop struggle and flailing of things to reach some sort of conclusion in the bizarre situation. Adelle got to hit only twice, but she held on despite getting battered repeatedly by the monster in an effort to keep on her saving action. But the decisive blow was to come from the plant, which once more removed her by slamming her to the side and back to the floor below.

By that time however, it had been blessed with enough time and freedom to finish up with what it had been wanting to do, and as she looked up, Adelle could see the pace of thrusting going at a rapid clip before coming to a stop on both ends of Rose. Some chugging and depositing of cum happened, large quantities getting pumped into both of the large girl's lower holes and her mouth as well, what did not make in there proper coming out the entryways instead. A few seconds of stillness followed, and then the fairly unexpected as the thing released it's grip on the large girl, not being one to drop her down from the height they were in. Instead, it simply lowered her down like some sort of plant crane moving cargo, the necessary vines going down enough to let her touch the ground and end up on her hands and knees again before letting go. As the vines retreated quickly back to the main body, a muscular action expelled Adelle's blade from the body and onto the floor, removing that too from the situation before the plant went inert, probably back to hibernation or sleep.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's attempts were only in vain it seemed as the plant creature simply would not let Rose go, and Adelle's attacks were just not strong enough to get it to let her friend go. She was able to hold on and at least annoy the thing though, as it swatted at her in an attempt to get her to leave it alone, but she refused to and kept hanging on, until finally the tentacles thrusting in and out of Rose started picking up their pace as the thing finally knocked her off of it and back to the floor, where she landed with a groan and could only stare back up as the tentacles plowed Rose's tight pussy and ass, along with her mouth as well.

"D-Dammit... I failed Rose. I'm sorry," Adelle thought to herself as she lie there recovering after falling several feet to the floor, lying on her back and watching.

When it finally seized up and filled Rose up with its cum, Adelle closed her eyes and looked away for a few moments until it began lowering Rose back down, where Adelle continued to lie there for a few moments until Rose was on the ground again. "Y-You alright Rose? I'm sorry, I just wasn't strong enough to make it let you go," Adelle asked Rose, groaning as she rolled over to crawl over to her companion and check on her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not too quick to be getting up, Rose remained in the position she had been let go into, spitting out a few globs of plant cum as she gasped for breath, having gone through a quick but still intense ride by the looks of it and endured it all with barely being able to breathe thanks to the vine deep in her mouth. The stuff was coming down her legs as well, the leaking happening there on the other end too. Her panties had been pulled down just a little bit, and the cloth that had been covering her chest was now strung between the things, despite the lack of further attention than the simple binding they had gone through. "It's... I'm.... fine... He is a tough thing... by the looks of it... It was not your fault... He just... barely got the best of us... But... it could have been worse... It looked like he was just after this... sex thing and happened to think I was good for him... That was intense..." she spoke up eventually, doing her best to ignore the mess she was at the moment. "Yet I feel like... he had been looking for a moment like this... for a long time... there was the whole forceful side but... yet I did not feel like I was in... any real danger at any moment he held me... Almost as if... he really liked me as... I am... and did not want to let the moment escape..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-Well... to be honest, you are really beautiful Rose. I'm not afraid to admit that I would love to make love to you when we get back home. I mean, after watching that earlier, I'm... getting k-kind of hot myself," Adelle said softly, her cheeks flushed a bit as she spoke. "A-Anyway, here, let me help you get cleaned up a bit," Adelle then said getting a rag out of her backpack and gently wiping Rose's pussy and ass with it to clean her up some before getting back up and taking her shirt off to wipe Rose's face clean for her, and then pouring some water from her water canteen she kept for emergencies and pouring it all over her shirt and wringing it out to put it back on, likely showing her breasts very easily through her shirt.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Really now... I'm not sure... but I'll not close it out either..." the large girl would say to the rather direct invitation to further lewds. Rose was not hard to clean up of course, given her current state, but there was a fair bit of area to be cleared on her. Yet it wasn't anything unmanageable, and she was soon looking a good bit better, if a bit more disheveled and blushy than normal. It took her a moment to get up, the rapid and powerful act having left it's impact on her, causing some wobbly legs to happen as she got to standing up on them again. Almost as if to confirm the previous thoughts she had shared, a vine quickly slipped down as she was on her feet, brushing her cheek in what could almost be described as a loving manner. It was all fairly odd.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle blushed heavily at Rose's words and nodded, not saying anything more on the matter as she helped her friend clean up. Adelle helped her back to her feet as well, letting Rose lean on her some if she needed until her legs weren't wobbly anymore. Looking back up as the vine reached down to brush over Rose's cheek, Adelle gulped slightly and started to get ready to move on with her companion, keeping a close eye out for anything else that would come after them, and sheathing her wakizashi and kukri again and letting Rose lean against her as they went if she needed it.

"Come on hon, I'll take point this time, it's the least I can do," Adelle told her, looking left and right, and above at just about each cell they passed by while exploring the remainder of this prison wing.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite the shaky rise, Rose did not need too much in the way of help after she had stood up for a minute. "Well you still won't... be the frontline if it goes there again..." she would say as they went, the rest of the cell block's remaining in their rooms and being bulbs as the two went on through. Eventually they reached the opposite side and the large doors there. Those would open easy enough, revealing that the area behind was indeed the yard of the small-scale prison, having some of the usual things one could find in such. Basketball and volleyball courts, exercise area with some basic equipment, a shack that was probably meant for maintenance and some simple wide open space.

Besides those, there were some other doorways across the yard, one going to the staff areas and the other apparently to the yet unexplored cell block on the opposite side.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Rose, I can't let you take another attack like that. You look like you can barely get back up as it is," Adelle told Rose with a worried look on her face, patting her friend's shoulder and looking determined to not let Rose have to deal with what happened before again if she could help it.

With that, regardless of whether or not Rose listened to her, Adelle led the way on through the rest of the right wing of the prison to the back courtyard, where they saw the courts for basketball and volleyball, along with the gym like area and the shack nearby as well. Adelle gently touched Rose's arm to get her attention and nodded towards the shack, silently telling her to follow, where Adelle pulled her pistol up and clicked the safety off as she closed in on the shack, remaining as quiet as she could until she made her way over to the shack. Once at the shack, Adelle silently tried to turn the doorknob to open it, and if it didn't open, Adelle would glance over at Rose and nod to the door, motioning for her to open the thing up for her while she herself pointed her pistol through the door and at anyone that might be within.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I was made for this. I can handle it." Rose would come back, her words not delaying for the first time in the few days they had been together.

The yard was as harmless as it looked like, the empty courts only loosing some sand grains in the wind as the two moved across them to see what might be lurking around in the lonesome shack. The shack was not locked despite the door being closed, the insides hiding a generator, but maybe more importantly there was a mess of a staiway on the floor as well, the surrounding concrete looking like it had been broken on purpose to make more room on the opening. And there was a removed steel trap door a little farther back in the room as well, looking like it had once been a cover for these stairs.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"A-Alright hon, if you're sure. I won't stop you. I'm just worried about you is all. You're my friend and I don't want to see you get hurt," Adelle replied with a nod.

When they got into the small shack, Adelle noticed the generator immediately and couldn't help but notice the stairs in there as well, which used to be hidden. "Hmm... I'd say this is the place, if I had to guess anyway," Adelle muttered softly to Rose as she spotted where there had been a trap door before, but now there was nothing to hide the stairs.

Adelle stepped inside after checking the doorway for tripwires and whatnot, before she started easing her way down the stairs, slowly but surely, and keeping a close eye out for any other traps that might be lying in wait for them.