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"This slut figured she'd decapitate a few guards, to discourage the rest. If you don't have something above the paygrade of a bearded devil...."
She hesitated.. why did she say these things again.. her memory was a mess.

"Also.. personality? Not even sure what this slut's personality is about anymore right now...."
She sighed, "Somewhere in between? Kinda want to get some memory back, can't stick around here for that."
She nodded, briefly checking out the devil.. well he wasn't ugly or anything and.. judging by the calm way of handling being bound, there were worse personalities.

"Also, lactation drug aside, this slut is not actually pregnant.."
she chuckled.
"Well, they are not my guards, I am just a guest here...but I gess they wouldn't be dissuaded so easily." he chuckled "Plus, they can't fight. And I would hate to get them back in pieces." he nodded. Kind of true, it was.

"Well, you have more personality than most others around here. It is almost exotic to have a sex slave fight back...so, what do you say, we could have some fun. And you can leave later?" he offered, smiling heartily.

"Not pregnant? That sounds like an interesting story...but it doesn't matter now, does it?"

"Not here to beat up a bunch of devils.. not going to hesitate to do it either, if this slut has to..."
Cyra reciprocated the.. honesty? She bit her lips and hesitated. Wait sex-slave? That was kinda what she was, wasn't it...
"Hold on, you are a guest but keep pregnant women as slaves in your.. guest-house? Just whose guest are you? Tell me a little more about that if you want to just have fun."
She nodded. Knowing more about just who she was dealing with was fair.. and allowed her some time to make up her mind. For now, she tried to edge over to Autumn.. nothing -stopped- her from removing her restraints, no?
"I am but a humble emissary of Glasya...so of course I can get what I want. You do smell familiar too...odd, but familiar. Have you fiendish blood?" he pondered.

"Well, the thing is, this house is Eristria's, and causing havoc would cause her to become very angry, both at you and your guild." he explained "Why don't you free me first, and then we can go together to my bedroom...or actually, why don't we continue with you trying to tie me down and milk me? That was pretty nice..." he encouraged.

"However, no swinging that chain around, deal?" he offered, licking his lips.

"Me? I'm just an unimportant slut.."
Cyra smiled, innocently. it.. was.. a lie? That came easy to her, as she pretended to smell herself briefly.. gah, don't get distracted. Althought she failed at that, raising her brow as he tempted her to continue, chuckling.. and letting go of the chain.

"No reason not to be civilized."
She chuckled, forsaking her.. test here. Thinking about it.. Glasya was the sixth, right.. from there it wouldn't be far to number eight..

Having made up her mind, she reached out to grab the devils arm, forcefully, but not brutally now, tugging him to try and tie him down once more, proper.
"Let's say this slut would want to leave this place without a big fuss.. surely you'd know a way..."

(19 str check!)
The devil didn't look very convienced, but he didn't press her to answer either.

He still struggled to avoid getting tied down, but either the resistance was not real enough, or Cyra had become too much better at it...soon his second hand was strapped too.

"Oh, a slut like you dares to do this to me...do you know who I am, slut?" he countered.

"And of course I know, but I won't help you...no matter what you do to make me talk..." he teased. Cyra knew he was acting...but still, punishing him a bit felt kind of fun...the way he looked at her, like he was superior, gave her the urge to do perverted things to him, until he begged for mercy...not as good as being herself in his position, of course...but she was sure it would feel nice...

"You misunderstand.."
She chuckled, leaning forward to secure the devils bindings proper.. nothing painful, for now.. she gave a wink at him.. and a longing glance at his cock that was most definitly not playacted.. then however, she reached out to free Autumn properly.

"Get the others, if you care to have them along."
She instructed, before focusing back on the devil.. and shrugging. "Sorry.. this slut is really no good at erotic torturing.. or perhaps... I once was."
She pondered, briefly. She could ask Love of course.. although that would be an.. interesting explanation. She decently remembered her way here.. but the devil was right, it was tricky to go through, moreso with three women not all of whom could fight, propably.. she smacked her lips.

She could contact Love.. but.. always relying on her lewd input.. plus she got her into this mess.. kinda... She shook her head.
"Autumn.. how about you tell this slut how you got here."
She decided. She wanted to know what had happened to her,.. to the other trapped girls, what to think of this devil...
Autumn had just unstrapped herself, but before she had a chance to reply, the devil interrupted.

"No, no, this is too boring. You had just a nice start, but it looks like you just don't have what it takes. Mili." he called.

Cyra was wondering what Mili could mean, when suddenly she had a weird bad feeling...

Behind her, a weird woman appeared out of thin air. 25595

"Take care of things down here, and then bring me some girls who can fight back...I think some of those drow could work. Kick those four out, I don't have further use for them." he shrugged.

"Master, can I keep her?" the weird, scantly dressed woman asked.

"Sure, whatever. I am out. Aopufi Met" and just like that, he disappeared.

"Hello. And goodnight." the woman turned to Cyra.

She smelled kind of nice...like the smell of a rose scented candle burning. Soon, Cyra would see Autumn, yawning dizzily, before sitting down and falling asleep...

"Wait huh.. oh.. hmnn.. magic.. figured he was a higher ranked devil."
She noted, before glancing over to Autumn.. falling asleep.... ot thats what this nice smell was..

"Why doesn't this slut have scantly clad sexy assassines.."
She pondered.. well, because she was too submissive, propably. Plus there was Momo who, admittedly, was more of a slutty slut than a slutty scantly clad assassine.. she sighed inwardly.. alright, yes, she liked others playing with her but that shouldn't mean that..

"Magic doesn't really work well on this slut though..."
she shrugged briefly. Wait it didn't? Was that a bluff or another stray memory... "So you are the one that abducted the other women hmnnn. Feel like someone ought to spank you for that."
She hesitated.. and shrugged.

"Eh, .. go ahead with the throwing out, fighting is too much of a bother.."
She decided. At least she'd basically finished the mission. She kind of yearned to just get her memory back to get this over with.. or forget about all of it...
"The poison doesn't work? Interesting." she mused.

"Them, I kick out. You, I have fun with first. Be a good girl and play with me...I will skip hitting you hard in the head, to make you sleep." she offered.

"Oh, it's poison. Yeah that wont work either." She bluffed. Had she always been poison resistant? She wasn't entirely sure...
"The hitting hard is not gonna work on this slut either... "
Well, she could try and pretend to be quite powerful, why not?
(10 deception!)

But then she shrugged again. The devils hot servant definitly made her feel like she was missing out. A part of her felt like she deserved such things, to command and guide these pretties.. another just felt like a horny slut. She lacked.. well she had the goal of her memories.. but who was she, what was she fighting for? Things had been easier back with Sera...
She looked at the assassine, seeming undecided if she wanted to surrender or fight..
The sexy assassin smiled behind her veil, taking Cyra's silence for acceptance.

"Come. I will take you to my room to have sex and fun. No need to fight...I could kill you by accident. It's rare to find a nice one for me..."

Yes, she should tag along. The girl needed to have sex with her, that would please her for sure...and this slut was all about pleasing people. Even if they were assassins, devils, cultists, or beasts...it was the mission her ownerhad given her, and not any less of a holy mission than her real mission...whatever that one was!

Who knows what the assassin would do to her...she recalled something about assassins doing sex so good that their partners would die from cumming too much...but she was sure she could endure...besides this assassin had been ordered to kick her out, not to kill her.

Or maybe she could try her best to resist...but was there really a point? It wasn't like she couldn't fight the assassin after they had sex...maybe?

She shrugged.. and decided to go along. After all killing either the pretty one or getting killed wasn't a favourable outcome, plus why not have a good time... although that'd been a lot of what she'd been doing recently, hadn't it? Plus the idea of tagging along made her feel kind of tingly, she had to admit.... pleasing people was good...? Yeah.. it felt good..

So she followed the sexy girl along to her room, getting a good look at.. well.. kind of everything of her was exposed.. huh.
The bedroom was upstairs...it wasn't really meant to be a bedroom. It was one of the holes the spinnagons used as nests...big enough for the little devils, but barely enough for a small bedroll and a chest next to it, also serving as an end table...from all the rooms in this keep, this was the one she had picked to sleep in? Cyra was pretty sure that even the cheapest inns had bigger rooms...

The sexy assassin swiftly crawled on the bedroll first, opening her legs, giving a slap to her pussy, before starting rubbing it slowly in a circular motion.

"Hmmmm....come..." she offered. What exactly did she want from Cyra, was a mystery...or maybe she wasn't sure of it herself. It seemed that the poor assassin girl was really lacking human attention...

"This slut expected more luxury.."
She mused. A part of her wanted to tell the scantly clad woman that she could definitly do better.. but under whom.. her? She was just a horny slut.. then again, so was the assassine, no?

She leaned in, licking her lips, pondering.. "Would you like this slut to.. pleasure you?"
She cooed, kissing her lower belly. "What are you doing in such a place, anyway?"
She asked, open endedly, kissing the girls naval next..
"Yes...pleasure me." she nodded shamelessly.

"Protect the master when he needs me, do things for him. But master does no sex for me..." she complained.

However, Cyra was hearing more than the girl's voice...

You have to be a good slut...you have to lick her pussy clean, and make her pleased...your purpose...horny slut...

She could feel her pussy getting wet, and her nipples hardening...

Just a slut...your whole purpose...nothing else....crave for sex...you need to be treated like a sex slave, to be a good girl...

Yes, her purpose was to be a good girl, a proper slut, wasn't it? It surely was! There was no doubt about it. She had to think hard about how to please this assassin girl...Mili was her name? Wait, what was going on?

The assassin girl has showing a potion to Cyra. She had probably just explained what it was, but Cyra hadn't really been paying attention...

"You want to drink, or should I?" Mili offered again. The potion looked pink, with some silver-blue thing swirling inside. Maybe she should ask what this thing would do?

She raised a brow... "We can definitly have fun. but.. uh.."
She hesitated and blushed, looking at the girls pussy.. and diving forwards, kissing and licking along her folds.. woah what was...

"Haah.. hmnn... if he doesn't erer... sex you are you sure your master cares for you can.. can please you.. uh.."
Cyra blinked. It was pretty clear to her that the poor girl was being neglected so she should really pleasure her pussy... she leaned forward in between her legs and.. what was going on.. she felt.. ooh she needed to be a sex-slave... she cooed and licked along the girls sex with long, lustful licks.. this was amazing and..

She blinked and looked up.. "Haah.. wait.. can you tell this horny slut what that potion is?"
She asked. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on, right now, but with a sensual suckling on the girls clit it was easy to.. distract herself.. her body felt so nice and hot, one of her hands coming up to toy along her breast and nipple lustfully...
Cyra looked in the girls eyes...yes, those were the eyes of her mistress, for now. She had to be a good slut, a sex slave willing to do everything. She looked away on instict. Looking straight at her mistress felt nice, but a good sex slave shouldn't stare, she should know her place...

"It makes you grow cock for a while. It feels nice...sooo?" the assassin offered again.

This slut felt a bit confused. Was she supposed to have a cock? She could become a man slut for now...probably? But then again, her role in life was to be fucked by cocks...that was her sole purpose...wouldn't it be against nature to do the opposite? Then again, maybe she could be just as good as a sex slave with a dick...maybe...such a hard decision for a slut that can't really think of such hard things to think...

Cyra demurely lowered her eyes after taking in her beautiful mistress. Was that this girls doing... was it the magic from her mistress? Did she care.. no she just wanted to be a good slut, right now.
"Sorry.. this slut can't.. haah.. really make such decisions.. you should do what you think best, mistress.."
she nodded, encouragingly, nuzzling up to the girls pussy and continuing her encouraging, sensual licking along it.
Yes, she should have thought about this earlier. Being a horny slut was way easier.. she.. was ment to serve beautiful cocks.. although if Mistress wanted..
"This slut can have a nice, throbbing cock for you if you want, but she'd be happy pleasing your cock too. But sluts shouldn't decide that.."
She moaned out, pinching her nipple and suckling on Mili.
The assassin girl uncorked the small vial, and pushed it on Cyra's lips...yes she should swallow all of it...swallowing was fun, even if it wasn't cum...

This slut felt a burning in her pussy...but it kinda felt natural...like moving a muscle she didn't know she had before? Her pussy was practically overflowing with juices...that only showed how much of a slut she was...

Soon, a huge cock emerged between her legs, with a ballsack filled with cum to the brim...she had to fuck something...she had to push this hot cock somewhere...she had to unleash her cum, or she could go crazy for sure...where was a pussy when you need one...

Right, there was a pussy right next to her...but she didn't have clearance to fuck it yet! She knew she had to get permission before fucking, it was her role as a good slut...even if she went crazy, she had to resist pushing her cock in her pussy before getting permission...but she kind of wanted to be a bad girl, even if she knew she shouldn't...this was so confusing...fuck and risk getting delayed, or ask for permission....

[Succubus power unlocked! Cyra can now grow a cock as an action! With some practice, she could probably change other parts of her body too...]