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Cyra found herself relaxing, yawning slightly.. being knotted by the lewd animal was quite.. nice and relaxing.. she purred and stretched lazily, letting herself fall asleep to the nice warmth flooding into her.. and ontop of her.

Sadly, her awakening was not as nice as her falling asleep.. she yawned and blinked.. wait, had the drow gotten wind of her.. situation... She sighed inwardly.. fighting.. she died.. trying to sex it up with lewd devil-assasines.. she failed.. doing the lewd thing, the right thing, did it really matter, she just got in more trouble... She felt a pang of guilt and shifted uncomfortable, looking at Momo, whom she'd dragged into this..

She let her head hang.. "Great.. this slut can't do things right.."
She pondered.. oddly, she was less afraid of the auction than of seeing mistress sadness and or disappointment... perhaps she should just run off, find a place where she wasn't a bother.. she glanced down on herself.. that weird armor-sextoy from the smith didn't seem to help out either.. she was lactating.. her body was useful, but still crafted from pure evil... She clasped her hands together, focusing on the remnants of good and holyness in her.. yes.. freeing Momo who was innocent in this and then just.. run off. "Moon-step."
She declared.. cages couldn't hold her, really.
Cyra stood there, concentrating her holy power...perhaps she should just go to a cave somewhere, or let her mistress sell her and then escape and go to a dark cave somewhere...but there was something very annoying in her mind, she realized. Something very, really annoying. Like a padlock that was blocking the only restroom in the building...it was a heavy padlock too. So annoying. It wasn't hers, even...it really made her upset. She hated chains and locks the most, didn't she?

It almost happened on instict. She felt a rage against this thing...it had to go! It was evil, and using her holy power against it, she would shatter it!

Instantly, her mind was filled with things...things she had forgotten. Yes, how she had lived in her past life...that her current sadness was nothing but the effect of a spell...she felt so free. She had been chained so long, by doubting her purpose...of course, her purpose was not for some cosmic power to decide, but for hers!

She remembered when she had died...and then she was resting. When something called her...an evil summoning, no doubt. However, she had managed to resist it...paying the price of losing her memories. Then, a second summoning...this time done by someone who was not evil. She had not resisted that one...but she was plenty of weak already, and her memories were already gone...

But now she could remember...
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Cyra growled and panted and stumbled. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she wasn't a fan of cages and chains and restraints.. much less those limiting her.. which was kinda what this place was all about, wasn't it?
She growled and stumbled, bashing a fist against an iron bar of the cage, before stumbling back from it.. she... remembered.. her mother and father, siblings.. allies.. and a lot of lewd things she'd done. No wonder she'd tried to be a hero, but being all shiny and right had felt wrong..
"Thinking about it, the situation really isn't that bad."

She turned to momo, and patted her back. "You know, should've figured, iron against fist, iron wins. I mean, unless you're Dispater, eh?
So! Any idea about this auction? When will it be? I'm kinda curious now, never been auctioned off. Anyway.. don't worry my foxy mistress, nothing bad's gonna happen, not while you're with me."

She mused, focusing her thoughts for a moment.

Heya Love, sorry for the silence, I was.. distracted. Sorry double for being a bitch earlier, not gonna lie, losing your memory and your body is a great way to make you question.. whatever. Can you rendezvous with the dark-elfish mercenaries? My helping them out might have gotten them in a little trouble. Oh, wait, important things first, I regathered my memory, so my priority is to go back to the prime material. Need to figure out who tried to summon me. Also should do if Sera is doing fine. We can't have demonic perv-holes pop up all over the prime. Anyway, I'm gonna be auctioned off as a sex-slave soon, you should come and check it out, I guarantee I'm a super high quality sex slave, finest pussy this side of the styx, guaranteed. And I'm only saying that 'cause I figure you're on the other side of styx right now, darlin'.
Oh, sidenote, on a scale from 1 to 10 how hard would you think it is to steal that smith-gal the imp lead me to from her Chain devil mistress? I kinda want to give her as much metal as she needs and see what kind of armor she can come up with if you give her some free time on the prime material.

She enthused, before glancing over to Momo.
"Anyway, this slut... .. I .. am pretty bad at waiting, how about you go foxy again and.."
She pulled the slutty druid into a sudden, but no less sensual kiss, breaking it off with a warm, sensual embrace that pulled Momo against her soft, tingly breasts and the roundness of her armor-parasite nesting belly. "I'll help you release some of that tension, my fox-mistress? Oh! Question, I can't help but wonder, where you always a human that really likes turning fox, or are you a fox turned human? Not gonna lie, pervert in me's got fingers crossed for the latter, heh."
She purred, playing her fingers over the foxy body.
"I guess we could also tell fancy stories if you aren't in the mood though, I understand, created a bit of a whirl with the cultists didn't I, and you got caught in the middle for no good reason.."
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"What is a dispater? Some kind of rock? Ah, no, I don't know about human things much...auctions are human things right?" Momo pondered somewhat confused by Cyra's abrupt change.

"You got your memories back? How? So...what did you remember? I mean it's ok even if you were a laundry lady, I am just curious...wait, more importantly, you weren't answering so I went looking for you...the drow went to the cultists and demanded your release, so I assume you are there? At the end they agreed to sell you to the auction, and decide who gets you that way. I was making plans on how to steal you instead." Cyra was sure that she heard a mental chuckle "In any case...this works fine as well. We can try that escape plan from the auction. There is a problem however. First, they will showcase you the visitors...that may be somewhat embarrassing...if you can't do it...I am pretty sure I could help you escape from wherever you are. After the showcase, the auction starts. And then they take you to prepare you to be sold. That's when we will strike and escape...if you are ok with this plan."

"The blacksmith? From my understanding she is paying off a contract, so it will be hard. Uhmm....I will see what I can do, maybe try to find a loophole in her contract? Otherwise we could abduct her against her will, that way it won't be her fault that she left..."

"Hmm...some mating would help, yes...I don't know? I am a fox, because my mom and dad were foxes...but I originally had this body, so some say I am human. I don't understand?" she scratched her head in a fox-like manner.

"Momo is fox!" she nodded as if she just decided it.

"You are human? You have white hair like a snow fox...only very old humans have those, right?" she pondered. Really, what Cyra was? She was a hero with the body of a devil...well almost. Wasn't her situation similar to Momo's?

"Dispater is a big devil boss. I heard he rules the third layer and one of his hand can turn things into iron and the other rust them, which is incidently like a rust monster which is a cute little bug that is no fun if you have precious metals."
Cyra stated, just happy she remembered.. and decided to scratch Momo behind the ears, because she was cute like that.
"An auction means lots of sexy masters and mistresses compete to see who likes us most.. but jokes on them, already got you."
She nodded.

"Anyway, hold on, need to talk to the semi-evil lust-devil voice in my head..."
She nodded to Momo, before raising a finger and turning back to her. "She's pretty nice really."

I guess a bit of a shock and struggle helps juggle the memory. As for whom I was.. I think it's funner to show you live.
Oh don't you dare ruin this showcasing for me, I've never been auctioned before. I'm super curious how much I'll sell for. Can you drum up some more interest? Oh yeah, striking before they prepare me with some dumb compliance collar sounds good thinking about it. They propably still have my equipment on me, I kinda want to see what happens if I plant that poser-rose sceptre in some angry devils face.
Abducting smiths sounds great. We can write an evil ransom note and there'll be an evil bondage devil wanting to hunt us down. So exciting.
Anyway, tell me how I can help out.

She cheered, mentally.

"Huh. Admit it, mating is your sollution to lots of things. So a fox born in a sexy humanoid body? Anyway, you are cute. I'll keep you. Pet-foxes are just as well as pet-dogs or wolves."
She nodded to Momo, then pulled her white hair forward to glance at it.

"The result of..."
She looked at her companion. "Breeding experiments, to simplify it. I am not that old, but was exposed to negative energy within the womb, in the attempt to breed a superior warrior. They failed, I only got the hair and.. a certain knack on things I am only now remembering properly."
She chuckled to Momo.
"But! If you want to call me Lady Snowfox, that's totally cool by me. Either way.. if they dun come to show us off soon, I'm going to do some fun mating to pass the time.. oh.."
Prepare extraction for me and a red haired girl/fox named Momo. She's cute, so I am keeping her.

She nodded, flexing her arm and grinning at Momo. "Ready to show off a little my red fox?"
"Hmmm..." Momo purred having her ears scratched "Waaait, I got you! Don't try to turn this around! And I like you most, so I will win the auction!" she complained.

'Write a note? Well, ok, but you are the one taking responsibility for this...so, how much you trust those drow? We could have them help us, or they aren't really trustworthy?'

"Breeding experiments? We should do those...hmm...I will fuck you like a fox then...." Momo approached, changing her shape.

Cyra and Momo had their fun uninterrupted. It looked like everyone was preocupied with other things...
A day and half passed...Cyra and Momo however didn't really notice the passage of time...

Two well-dressed soldiers entered the room. Cyra would easily notice from their battlescars that they probably were much better than the average guard one would find in the material plane...if even they were guards at all.

"Hey, you two. It's time to go."

"Ah, such a fine slut, what a pity to let her go..."

"The Second Lady will buy her back probably...and then retrain her..."

"Why sell her in the first place? Just fight those damned drow...that's why we can't have good things" the second guard complained, before unlocking the cage door.

"Here, you will have to wear those like good girls that you are..." he produced a pair of manacles.

"Hmnn yes.. you got me.. my sexy fox.. buuut I can make a suggestion or two yes? Heh.. Just try and look sexy and fun, I'll worry about the getting of us..."
She nodded. Let them help me. I trust them.. mmhhh.. they owe me and they are kinky.. let's say moderate trustworthyness.

"It was kinda nasty business, the breeding-rituals that is, best I understand. Evil rituals, sacrifices, the whole shebang. Hmnn.. but yes.. fuck me my strong, red fox..."

She'd encourage, lustfully. The cage didn't seem that small with Momo in it... It seemed with her full memories returned, Cyra had a way of.. well, getting her way, even whilest being very much on bottom with the lewd fox-girl.
(She'd use the time to explain the plan to Momo, as well as tell her about drow and Love just in case they got seperated. Also, lotsa fox-dick-pleasing. Maybe a little hair-combing if we can fashion something..)

She waved her hands to the guards..
"What no bathing, and brushing and prim and propering. It's almost like you don't want to get the best of prices for these two adorable sluts..."
She looked at the manacles, chuckling and extending her hands. "Oh are those cold iron? They are pretty adorable... errr.. we can wear these, sure.. should we also pretend they actually keep us all trapped? I'm asking if they are ment to be slave-acessoires or if you want the auctioneers to think they work..

Anyway! Reason for why you shouldn't fight the drow is because.. well.. I kinda liked them, they seem nice, you wouldn't want to hurt those hot dark-elf bottoms, would you?"

She gasped. "Anyway! Enough chit chat! produce us to the auctioneers! I am curious to see who got there.. oh, any high up devils?"
She inquired, innocently observing her two guards..

(Medicine to try and distinguish what fighting style her guards might use by their battle-scars. Just in case!)
"No those are regular manacles. Were you always this talkative? Of course the auction house will want to prepare you, so there is no point in double bathing you."

"Well, I wouldn't mind..." the other guard added, to which the first one didn't even bother to reply, just rolling his eyes.

Soon, Cyra left the red bannered building, for an other short trip through the city. However, this time the trip would happen through carriage. It turns that carriages in hell looked more like mobile fortifications, or steel siege engines rather than a device for comfortable traveling. They had a strange sigil on them, resembling some kind of coin with a fiendish head on it.

Cyra would enter the carriage along with Momo, and a second carriage would follow behind them. However, there were numerous guards around the carriages. Probably more for showing off, rather than actually expecting battle, judging from their clothes.

A while later, they arrived at the auction house. It was a massive castle, four floors tall. Cyra could hear nice music coming from the inside...certainly not the drums of war one would expect to listen to in hell...


25712 Cyra and Momo were greeted by a well dressed lady.

"So, this is the girl everyone wants...and you must be the fox girl that made her owners angry." she mused.

"Take them, clean them, and dress them up. A sex slave outfit for this one...and a pet's for the fox-girl." she nodded after thinking about it for a moment.

"I've been this talkative, forgot I was, now am again. Also See this guy's got the right idea!"
She gunfinger pointed at the second guard.

Cyra let herself be carriaged along.. not that comfortable really.. kinda pretty horses though... she wondered if she could get a hell-steed before leaving..
She took in the auction house. Huh. Suprisingly big. also spikey and fortressey, no suprise there. Welp, she brushed back her hair with a manacled hand and hopped onwards to the action..

And a fancy auctioneer. Propably a spellcaster, guessing by the fancy dress.. "Hello! I'm Cyra! Awww I'm really that popular? That's nice.. Would you like to make a little more money from my sale though?"
She nodded.

"I think I got a great sales pitch. See I come with some equipment, magical sword, a devil slaying sceptre.. oh.. wait.. the cultists did tell you about that, right? They didn't just pass me off as some slut to get around a risk comission fee?"
She pondered.

"I think I have a great suggestion to help you make the most money out of this sexy slut.. I can tell you more whilest I'm being bathed and prepared if you want to, time's money after all.."
(14 persuasion because rolling is fun!)
"We will make just enough." she chuckled "Your things will be auctioned seperately. But you are more than welcome to try and persuade me why they would fetch a higher price as a package with you."

"However that's a matter of speech. Girls who talk less fetch more...so...don't resist this" she touched Cyras lip in a 'shhh' motion, with her eyes flaring up for a moment, as she cast a spell soundlessly.

"You are more than welcome to explain now." she concluded. Cyra felt nothing really had changed...until she tried talking again. For some reason, she could feel the vibration of her own voice...as a tingling sensation on her pussy. She could still take it if it was just a few words, but a full sentence would be impossible to finish without moaning a couple of times.

"So...I am listening." she smirked, waiting to see the results of her spell.

"Well you don't seem way excited enough for this sale if you properly understand my value and... hmnn?"
She raised a brow.. and failed to resist the spell.... although if anyone asked, that was totally intentionally.

"Any..woah.. haah.." She blinked, at the sudden sensation of tingling between her legs. Wh.. what was that? Just when she wanted to present some fanciful ideas this bitch wanted to humiliate her.. or was it show her whose in charge? Her eyes narrowed "Hmnn.. so this is haah.. how you want to hmnn.. play it..?"
She nodded. "For this.."
She paused.

"You will..."

She inhaled, pausing again, she was not giving this one the satisfaction.

"Die screaming."

She threatened the auctioneer, exhaling, smiling dangerously before straining against the manacles binding her.

Hey Love, just got to the auctionhouse, hope preparations are going fine, the auctioneer is a real buzzkill it seems, if you can, ask the drow to dig up a curse or enchantment breaking or two, they seem to like to preen their sales up with some very annoying magic.

(fitting for being nude and cuffed up I figure .. 13 str to break through those while at it.)
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"Hm, hmmm, not at all how they described you. Then again, it doesn't matter if you are still defiant, as long as you sell, does it?" she chuckled, not looking worried at all at Cyra's threats.

"Some like them defiant...but your selling pitch already is 'obedient sex slave'. This can be trouble, huh. I guess if you want things done, you better do them yourself. Bestow Curse: Horny Slut." she chanted a second spell.

This time Cyra felt a more aggressive spell targeting her...she felt the spell giving a tingling sensation on her nipples, and an orgasm trying to build...if she failed to resist this one, she would find herself lewdly cursed for sure...

The armor creature inside her stirred, unsure if this was a combat situation or not...if Cyra wanted, it would come to her defense, she knew it. But she would still have no weapon, and fighting now would surely cause more troubles...

'Have you gotten yourself in trouble already? How did you even do this?' Love grumbled 'I will ask, but there is no delaying if they don't have it on hand. Try to avoid getting fully dominated, alright?'

(Wisdom save!)

Cyra narrowed her eyes.. she wasn't lost and questioning anymore. She liked doing lewd things, liked the tingling, warming feeling quite a lot... but not at the behest of a slave-driver forbidding her from speaking properly... and with her mind focusing, the tingling magic shattered like waves upon the stone of her fury. (24 wis save!) She calmed her armor.. for now. Normally, she'd use a more poignant response, but with the magic, she could not. "Waste more..."

She declared, focusing herself for a moment. "...spells whore!"

Then, she bend her arms outwards,... before rushing forward, attempting to strangle the auctioneer with her own manacles! (only an 11 to hit though! ... if that does hit, would throw a 3d8 smite on top of things, using the manacles as 'weapon'.), her eyes burning with (Admittedly slightly lust-distracted) fury at the earlier spell. She could propably try to just knock the auctioneer out, if she managed to keep her mind steady against the mental attacks. If she called for help.. well she would have called for help against an unarmed slave girl that was said to be an obediant slut. That was bad enough, in baator. If she didn't.. well, Cyra had to just use her hatred of that despicable magic silencing her dignity to resist further attempts to ensorcell her.. for a moment she seemed like she wanted to say something, but she just narrowed her eyes at the auctioneer. On the other hand, she hadn't done the silent, valorous warrior routine...

For one, if I wanted to escape, I could propably do it any time.. they only bound my hands after all, but Momo can't. and.. hey not my fault the auctioneer is a bitch. I wanted to help with a great sales pitch, buuut... nooo.. we just want you to be horny and moany and slutty. This auctioneer sucks, I'll try and kill her, then get me a better one. It's not like she can kill or even overly damage the merchandise. Plus it's one less spellcaster for you to worry about even if she manages to disable me whilest using up her magic.
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The woman stepped back avoiding, Cyra's sudden charge. However, contrary to Cyra's expectations she didn't seem too eager to have a fistfight with her.

"Immobilize her." she ordered the guards, who rushed towards Cyra.

She then casted an other spell.

"Blink" she chanted...however nothing really happened.

'But aren't you already moany and slutty...oh well...I guess I will have to resque you then, heh.'

"Needing help?"
Cyra smirked..

"Against the unarmed haah.. slave?"
Auctioneer can cast curse and blink magic.. well not anymore, unless she memorized multiple.

She reported.

Some sorta defensive spell? I could just teleport and run, but running nakedly and shackled through devil-town doesn't sound that appealing.
She'd also proven her point, she -could- just lay down and let this happen. She could also smack the auctioneer, knowing that they couldn't leave too many visible scars, or take too long punishing her without moving the auction. Hah! She was inconveniencing!

She rushed forwards.. but again, it was rather hard hitting someone with shackles, and Cyra missed widely. With the guards closing in on her, she shrugged. Don't come out little armor pet. Shhh.. let 'em grab me, I'm not in real danger.
"Come on! More.. ahmnn.. spells, just to be able to ahmnn.. h.. handle poor me! I want you to be the laughing stock of your own aaah.. men after this!"
Cyra grinned, before addressing the guards: "Hey.. you definitly sure nhlmmaaah..n one of you handle this better than her? Haaah.. all I wanted was to .. haaahmn.. talk things out.."

"So, you think that if a stray dog walks in and tries to bite me, I will have to fall on fours and bite it back? What a silly idea." she chuckled, putting some distance between herself and Cyra.

"We have less than eleven hours to the auction. Get this bitch under control and send her to Elith for prosessing. I want an obedient sex slave, not a rebellious bitch tonight." she scolded the guards.

The two guards rushed on Cyra, the same time her armor rushed outside to form an armor around her!

"What?" one of them asked puzzled, as their hands slipped away.

"Some kind of magic item...the reds really messed up this time. There is no escaping here anyway...why don't you be a good girl and surrender?" she used a suggestion this time. If the purpose was burning away her spells, it was working...but Cyra could see the gate guards rushing to help too.

Momo meanwhile growled at the guards, and her shape changed to one of a bear...
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"Seems you have to hamn.. run from the dog though."
Cyra countered, before noticing the armor engulf her, smirking ever so slightly. "Ole!"
She grinned, when slipping away from the guards, watching the armor-pet, like liquid metal, coat her.

"Pretty neat.. just needs a bit of upgrading as Aahmnn I thought.. yes.. "
She noted.. and panted, looking down on herself.


"No Momo, don't fight. use a ahaamnn... get-away shape if you can, pick me up later."

She suggested. no matter how she looked at it, the only way to win this theoretical fight was to take the auctioneer hostage, or well, to run away. Then she turned to the auctioneer. "Seriously.. ever since I began resisting your magic it's felt so.. haaamnn... ooh tingly.. Pathetically weak."
She mused, staring the auctioneer down with ice-cold fury at her suggestion.
"Come on.. try another."
She nodded, focusing and raising her voice, provokingly.. making sure that the guards and anyone out on the nearby street could hear, as she rushed up towards the auctioneer, kicking up her boot... before slamming it back into the ground.
"Guess a lowly slave has to hamnn... yes.. teach you how it's done eh? See this Boot? KISS!"
She demanded, pointing down at her newly-formed filligreen protection boot, grinning. At this point, it was about having her fun before the inevitable spanking. Maybe if Momo could get away... but frankly, if she got the auctioneer to kiss her boot for this lewd talking-curse.. that was victory enough, circumstances considered.

(Bluff 25 to lie about letting the spell work on her.!
Taking aoos if applicable.
And modificed Command: Grovel spell, DC 14 wisdom save.)
The woman tried to resist Cyra's spell, to no avail. She lowered herself, to the ground kissing her boot-armor, even as her face was filled with rage and embarrassment.

[Auctioneer woman will remember this!]

Afterwards, the now four guards grabbed Cyra...not that it was hard, since she decided to stop resisting them after her victory.

"You will regret this...I swear!" she humilated woman threatened...but what worse could Cyra really get through?

"You useless things, I want ten of you to escort her to Elith. Tell her she is a caster and a warrior." she shouted, before disappearing from the floor.

Momo looked curiously at Cyra, scratching her bear head before turning back to human.

"What's a gataway? I haven't seen those before?" she asked "Momo will also be a bad girl and bite someone!" she argued.

"Huh.. was wrong.. "
She mused, looking down, not minding the slight moan that came with the tingle of her speech.. by comparison, it was not as bad. "Guess you hamnn.. died in angry silence."

"It can end here. Y'know.. hamnn.. I came to your establishment to have.. haah.. a little fun, after all. Not.. aah.nn.. happy you so coldly denied my suggestions, but I think I've.. ahmn.. proven what I can do with a single spell.

She moaned out... this spell was quite... distracting.. she then shrugged.. "Or keep going."

She glanced to Momo. This spell was really getting exhausting. IF as she suspected the auctioneer would continue to leave her with this, she shrugged, simply saying. "Let's not get bitey, alrighaaah.mn.. talk later."
Before turning to the guards.

"Take it away, hamnn boys...

She mused, as she was lead away. "Would be cautious, if I was you... haah... you wouldn't be the first to.. disappear after witnessing something humiliating haah.. your boss doesn't want anyone to remember or talk about.. hmnnn.. if.. I was you, I'd consider a little vacation...

Anyway, this hamnn.. Elith, what's she like?"

She asked, innocently.

Heya Love! Currently trying to reduce the numbers of guards you have to deal with.. no no, killed no one, although there may be some slave-breaking of me going on from a miss Elith. I think that's a girls name.. anyway. I trust you'll not mind if I do some emberassing things while all slavered up? Thanks. Oh! If you wanna see something fun, call the auctioneer 'Miss Bootkisser. She's totally into it. Well.. not sure yet, actually.
Her mental tone shifted, from playful to serious. She'll have to get used to it sooner or later though.

(11 intimidate. I am no real good at it! 17 persuasion though! Better at that!)
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"You want it removed? Oh, I certainly would...but I am all out of dispels, such a shame. It looks like you will have to wait it out. Take that girl together too, she is a druid." she added, before the spell made her disappear.

Cyra would be stuck for a while with the weird spell...every time she talked, she could feel the slight vibration of her vocal cords on her clitoris...talking slower didn't help, and talking faster definitely didn't help. Not talking...well, that felt like having a juicy cock in front of her, and being unable to fuck it. How would it feel to cum just by her talking....?

"What are you talking about? We saw nothing. Now just...go." one of the guards replied awkwardly. His expression turned more troubled when asked for Elith.

"We aren't discussing about our masters, they can be or do as they like, ok?" he replied, very alarmed about the possibility of getting silenced for talking too much.

'Uh...are you sure you are Cyra? You were pretty embarrassed about being naked...what did you remember exactly? Try to stay alive, alright?' Love replied.

Finally, Cyra's team reached in front of an old iron door. The guard knocked three times.

"We bring a defiant slave for training. She is a caster and a warrior, and she already caused trouble. She is to be auctioned tonight." the guard explained before the closed door, and then stepped back.

Few moments later, the door opened with an clanging sound, and a pitch-dark room appeared behind it.

"Come in..." a feint voice was heard from inside.