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Cyra huffed, uncharacteristically and unwillingly silent.. Then again, she felt she'd paid the auctioneer back.. for now. Not that it had felt -bad- to be fair. But.. still! She'd had a kinky suggestion and had been shut down! Briefly, she was distracted by the idea of talk-cumming.. no.. no that was not who she was.. right?

"And I'm hmn.. sure your masters will be forgiving and remember your loyalty."
Cyra smiled, subtly chosing her words.. She held no ill will towards the auction guards.. less of them was more, really..
She also chuckled at Love. I -am- emberassed about nudity. But I don't let it get me down.

"I feel like we missed a knock knock joke.. huh.. oh the spell is fading.."

Cyra mused, stepping into the darkness to get a better look in.

"Hello, I'm Cyra. To be fair the trouble I caused hurt no one but the auctioneer ladies pride and she's been really rude. Now I know you want to break me and stuff but no reason not to be well mannered about it, right?"
She tried, trying to get a better look in, and.. if she had been stepping in along as well, giving Momo a calming pat on the back.
Cyra stepped in the dark room. Even her fiendish eyes only allowed her to see shadows where human eyes would see nothing, but they couldn't make light where there was none. The room looked like a weird mix of an arcane laboratory, and a pleasure dungeon not much different than the one Cyra had been kept before. On one side of the room, the side that looked like a lab, a figure was leaning over the lab table, busy with something. It was a red-ish humanoid body, covered by countless spiked chains...

However, before Cyra had a chance to take a better look of the room, the figure turned around...and Cyra saw the face of someone she had not seen or expected to see a long time now.

It was her very own mother...! Or at least someone who resembled her very, very much. However it was hard for someone else to have her wicked eyes...was it really her?

"Welcome." the chain devil offered, with a slight smile.

"Huh. Strangest thing." She mused, stepping inside and giving a casual glance over some laboratory equipment. "Close the door? Yeah, figure, closing the door, wouldn't want any peepers. Heh, peeping devils.."
She chuckled, reaching out to close the door, her hand only briefly slipping.

She exhaled heavily.
"Sorry, a bit nervous about .. things..."
She nodded, taking in the chain-clad woman. Definitly just a coincidence. Well, even if it wasn't, souls that turned into devils lost their memory, or.. most of it.. right? Well she'd learned how that one went..
"You know.. now's really not a good time, we could just play a game of chess, I'll promise to behave reasonably.."
She offered, averting her eyes a little. This situation was.. it made her unsure of things!
"Eh, hi?" Momo had also walked inside, but unable to look at anything, she just stood there.

The devil kept her attention towards Cyra however, approaching her.

"You can see in the dark...I guess that takes half the fun out of things. So...do you recognize me?" she whispered.

"I heard you have been anaughty girl...tell me, what did you do?" she continued her questioning.

She put a soothing hand on Momo.. this could just be some sort of trick, of course. Some sort of magic by the devil to get her to lower her defenses, look like everyones mom.. she could verify it with Momo... then again, why have something like this, in the dark?
"Yeah sorry. I'm ah ....err.."
She stammered.. what was wrong with her. This was just a coincidence.

"Well I just wished to share a proposal for increasing my sales-revenue, however, the auctioneer took exeption to that and cursed me with some annoying magic. I got a little unruly and had her kiss my boot to prove a point."
She admitted, shifting a little.. why was this like admitting something to a parent...

".. she was totally meant o me though!"
25826 "So, I take it that you don't know how you should behave? Weird, usually we sell trained slaves." she mused.

"But it's ok, we will fix you, even in that short time....you first, then her." she nodded towards Momo.

"First, you will have to remove your armor. Or you want me to remove it for you?"

"I was kinda worried I'd get this reaction.. err truth is not sure I can remove this armor it's magical you see, .. slightly disconcerting actually... err.. I will try.."
She nodded, reaching out for the armor and .. patting it a little.

"Also! ... "
She had to insist! "Slave-gimmicks, you know? Horny and willing is .. err.. kinky, sure but.. err.. that can't be the only thing, it gets boring."
She tried with the uncannily familiar devil, whilest.. well she tried to soothe-remove her armor, for now...
The armor made a happy vibration, before melting down and rushing to sneakily invade her pussy, and crawl all the way into her womb....it felt like she was having an orgasm, but without having it? The armor creature shifted around, content about returning to it's home!
"Hmm...it feels familiar." she commended, before returning tot he topic on hand.

"So, you are a willing and horny slave, but you didn't like what your masters had planned for you, so you attacked them? Was that what you were supposed to do?" she asked.

"So, what do you think we should do to you now, to make sure this won't happen again? I could sign you up as an untrainable slave if you want, however you would probably only fetch a couple of gold pieces...and your owner will be treating you according to that price too...really bad idea, if you ask me."

"Or you could do anything I tell you...and we can sell you at a high price, to a worthy master who will like you...so?"

"W.. wait woaaah ahmn... oh we.. need to modify you to be .. err..more.. aahmn.. exterior.. ooh..... most of the time.."
Cyra gasped and panted with her armor returning.. filling her up quite fully, a hand cupping her lower belly, a distracted moan or two escaping her lips.

"Errr.. I was.. broadly interpreting?"
She tried, cheeks flushed deeply, realizing the show she'd.. given the devil.
"I err.. guess I'll try doing what you tell me, ma'am?"
She tried, shifting a little, trying to calm the flush on her cheeks. She did want to be valuable.. well.. the auction would propably not happen proper anyway, but better not to let anyone in on that...

Still, she stepped closer to the devil, ever so slightly nervous for multiple reasons..
"It is good that you understand." the devil nodded.

Five long chains flew out of a chest at the side, reaching towards Cyra. They coiled around her arms and hand, and pulled them apart, so that she was in an X shaped position.

The last chain, tied itself around her body, looping once around her neck, then going all the way down to her pussy, and then back upwards forming some kind of spidery network that chained her inside, with her breasts only peeking outside...

"Much better." she commanded satisfied.

"But still we aren't done with the intro. We need to give your new master a guarantee that he can control you."

"Time is too short for the full training, so this can't be avoided. But you have three options....I can give you a magical branding that will make you more obedient and ready to serve...in general. Or I could give you a collar that will only make you very obedient to the one who is your master. Finally, I can cast a spell on you that will leave you greatly weakened, for a while. It may drop your price, but if you want to be a disobedient slave, you have to ensure you are both free willed and helpless...don't you agree?" she mused.

"I mean I.. woah.. I'd expect that not playing along would cause more of these?"
She glanced at the chains.. and then eeped, blushing with the chains holding her.. rather exposed.. "Errr.."
She made, blushing slighly. Well, at least there were no nasty hooks or spikes.. yet. She'd heard chain devils could get a lot less.. cooperative.

She then gasped, feeling the sensation of the chain curling around a rather sensitive part of her, before forming a revealing, emberassing, binding outfit. "I.. err.."
She gulped... distracted by the devils apperance.. and the chains and.. her exposed situation.. ."This slut.. err.. no wait, we moved past that.."
She shook her head. The weakening was propably the best sollution.. albeit if she wanted to escape...
The collar was easy to fix but then again, the auctioneer would likely get control of that first.. the branding, now..that she had experienced with.. it had felt.. good..

"ERrr.. is.. there a fourth option.. maybe full training light? Errr.. you strike me as a reasonable person, no reason to go.. wild, yes?"
She nodded, biting the edge of her lip briefly..A good slave, obediant and ready to serve.. no.. no she should propably go with the collar.. right? Gah.. she was not getting aroused fantasizing about her stupid marking and how nice it had felt with the cult before...
"Well, we could sell you at a later date and give you a full training first." she shrugged

"Actually this may be the best option. So...sure, four options. You can get the branding, you can get the collar, you can get the spell...or I can take you for the full training for a few months." she offered.

"And you" she turned to Momo "...just happen to have the exact same options. But we will come to you later..." she said to Momo, who was still obediently sitting on the floor, still unable to see anything.

"Ah, ok dark lady..." Momo replied "I will have the same!"

She hesitated.. "I mean I do still need to be auctioned off today.. if that's easier with the branding guess we should go for that.. not sure I have months.."
She blushed.. again why did the devil look so much like...

Being aware of how exposed she was did not quite help her emberassment right now..
"Very well." she nodded, sending a chain to grab a red feathered quil and a black ink vial from the desk. It really was amazing how those chains moved...they could tie someone down, and pick up things as if they were hands...what else could they be used for?

The chains pulled Cyra on the air, bringing her pussy to the devils eye level. She was so exposed like that...and soon she would, once again become an obedient slut, craving for sex and ready to please anyone...the perfect cover for her mission...at least she wasn't addicted to it, she could stop any time she wanted! Yes, she broke the elf's spell on her own, so now if she became a slut by the spell it would be because she wanted, not because someone made her to...

Then again she had begged for the spell the previous time too...maybe she should keep this a bit longer? It probably won't be easy to find more of it later...probably?

Cyra could feel the devil slowly scribing something above her pussy...she couldn't quite see, but there was a ticklish sensation, along with her mind becoming strangely happy...yes, that's what she wanted, to be happy for presenting herself to others...and being a good girl...!

She watched the chains slither about with a bit of apprehension.. ink? So this would be a genuine marking.. not just a magical? Well.. it'd propably be both..
Why was she getting aroused at that idea.
It was propably the chain to blame.

She mieeped and shifted about when she was hoistered up by the chains, her sex growing softer and pussy, a hint of wetness glistening between her legs as she imagined what the devil might do to her.. make her an obediant slut... again..

"Huh.. just an ink-marking.. .."
She mused.. before moaning softly,,feeling.. so exposed, yet happy.. the evil chain-devil seemed quite nice... motherly, yes.. and Cyra found herself holding still for the.. process.. not that she could struggle much whilest bound in the chains.. but.. "Hihi.. tickles..although.. haah.. being marked does feel kind of nice..."
She noted, positively suprise and letting herself relaxing into the happyness, a hint of her wetness beginning to glisten upon the chain as she sighed lustfully... She briefly wondered what fiendish marking was placed upon her.. and if it'd last longer... and.. oh well this felt nice.. so she just relaxed into the chains and didn't resist the devil working her subservient desires into her body..
It took a while, and for Cyra who was tickled by the quill and teased by the chains, it felt even longer...Cyra wasn't sure if she really was becoming more obedient and slutty because of the marking...she was pretty sure that it was normal to be that way. It made sense, and it was the right way to be...

She couldn't help but imagine, what if she really got sold to someone, wouldn't that be amazing? She would be a cute sex slave, having sex whenever her master wanted to...it was really a pity that she had not realized it sooner...maybe she should call off this escape mission? It was kind of risky...why risk it when you can be a good slut in hell!

Then again, she could be a slut not-in-hell too...probably. She could go to villages, and do bad things to be arrested, and hopefully paraded naked through the city...bad things like sucking someones cock in public, maybe...

Finally, the marking was done, and with a small tingling pain it gave a small light, briefly illuminating the dark room, to Momo's amusement.

It seemed that the marking had been done...for the auction...or maybe till Cyra got bored of it...or maybe forever...but it didn't really matter, because she wouldn't change her mind this time...probably. Probably because she could be a great slut without the marking too...maybe?

"Nuuh.. tickles.."
She shifted and moaned ever so slightly, rocking into the chains. Definitly mostly because it tickled, not because it felt really good, her sex tingling warmly, her mind wandering.. yes she could be sold to a gentle, but domineering devil.. a cute lady like the drow.. or perhaps a master, with a nice, big cock for her to suck.. oh! or perhaps one that liked sharing her with friends.. or pets.. as long as she was treated well who cared?

"Honestly.. I don't think this marking really works.."
She mused, pondering.. well perhaps it was pretty for her.. yes.. a nice, strong master with a big cock. Why not an evil devil that knew how to train her.. although the idea of sucking some nice cock in the real world didn't sound too bad either.. huh..

"Owie.. that hurt a bit.. huh.. is it done? I really didn't feel that much, perhaps we should do some of the longer training.. or try again? I still feel all the same... really.."
She pondered. Yes, a nice, holy warrior on her mission for a strong master to enjoy her pretty body whilest she got to pleasure his cock.. nothing wrong with that.
"Yes, it is done...we can'tdo it again, but there are still the other options if you want." she chuckled. Getting everything sounded like a good idea...well actually not a good idea for escaping afterwards, but becoming totally helpless with the spell, to be handled by anyone who would, normally, be weaker than her, sounded so sexy! She wondered what the auctioneer lady would do to her if she knew...probably something very lewd and humiliating for sure...maybe she should give it a try?

And the collar, she would have to obey all and every command given by one person...sure, deciding to obey because she wanted to was nice, but obeying because she had to, even if unwilling would also feel great...not that she wouldn't want anyway, but still...

"Otherwise, we can start with your training..." she smiled.

"Well, I guess for the proper partner-look we ought to mark Momo too and then.. well.. we don't have months, but perhaps we can start for a few hours of nice training.. I'm a quick learner. Might not even need the collar afterwards.."
Wait was that right? It made her tingle all proper and nicely.. yes.. Elith was nice and the training sounded.. delicious. "If I get bought by a nice master perhaps they'll let me continue the training later."
She had to admit, the idea of being trained to be an obediant devil slave was.. tempting.
"You have the right idea, good girl." the chain devil praised her with a chuckle, and the four chains that had been holding up Cyra lowered and released her. It was Momo's turn to get marked...

"Luckily, I don't have to do the same work twice..." she nodded, and even more chains appeared, to tie Momo in a similar way to how Cyra was binded.

"You wouldn't mind you sharing your mark with her, would you?" she asked, as the chaines moved Momo and Cyra closer and closer, and finally pushing them together, their pussies almost touching each other...almost because Cyra's chain body-suit was between them. But just then, the chain shifted around, untying itself from Cyra, slowly rubbing against her pussies as it slithered away....until it had finally been removed.

"I want you to rub against each other. The first one tomake the other cum will get a special prize..." the devil explained.

"I don't want the special prize, let Cyra have it!" Momo selflessly offered with a slight moan, as she started rubbing her hairy pussy against Cyra's...