What's new



She smiled with the praise, blushing a little at the now.. rather nice seeming chain-devil, before glancing over to Momo, being hoistered up and smooshed against her.. before the chains actually withdrew.. and she blushed and smiled more. Awww. Momo was such a nice girl, with a beautiful fox-cock to suck on, yet a soft, fuzzy pussy in this form.. why couldn't Cyra just enjoy -her- as a slut?
Heck, hadn't the devil-cult basically gifted her to Momo? Caging them together or not, that was technically still in effect, right? She vividly remembered that canine cock, that throbbing-red penis and it's vulpine taste...
So she already kind of had a master, one that could take many noble beastial forms.. alright, so perhaps she could encourage Momo a little to be less shy, but beyond that..
The tingling of chains brushing and wiggling through her warm, moist wetness, freeing both of their pussies to embrace one another distracted Cyra from her fantasies. Wait had she just been a bit disappointed for the marking not making her as slutty as promised.. or.. had it?...

"Awww Momo.. it'll be nice to be marked to be agreeable and obediant with you.. don't worry, it didn't hurt much, feels pretty.. normal right now."
Those were good things yes? Who wanted to be all argumentative and troublesome..
"Hmnn.. my foxgirl... I am curious on the prize, but I don't need it.. I've gotten you worried, you deserve a break for it, Momo.."
she offered. The cute fox also deserved to be marked like her, though... and she felt nice and warm.. even if it was quite emberassing to nuzzle their sexes up against one another in their bondage.. she could feel the warmth of Momo's sweet pussy, the gentle pulsing of her heart.. it felt like a chain of fate was connecting them, although that may have been an actual chain.
"Hamn.. Sollution.. Let's cum together.. Momo."
She suggested, with a tender smile, before teasing Elith... "Then we'll have to split the reward hamnn... right?"
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25957 Momo licked Cyra's neck affectionatelly in response.

"No, I don't want the reward, you get it!.....hmmm ok, then together!" she argued back before agreeing with Cyra's solution, nuzzling against her.

"It was meant to be a competition....but you can both get the reward if you cum at exactly the same time. Otherwise, the last person wins." the chain devil looked over, amused by Momo's and Cyra's antics.

Momo had also started rubbing her pussy against Cyra's....and Cyra could feel the chain that had just untied her, coiling around both of them, tying them together this time, with just enough space for them to squirm against each other...

Also, Cyra could slowly feel some kind of magical bonding happening...she was an obedient slut, but she had a feeling that grew stronger with every move of their bodies, a feeling that Momo was like a sister obedient slut...they should both go out together, to hunt for cock and pussy in the weird human jungles...no, she meant in the cities and in the villages...

Cyra smiled and nuzzled herself up against Momo.. her hair smelled so nice.. She purred softly, trying to.. coordinate her lustful rocking with the fox-girl, the chains jangling along with their bound up lovemaking.
"Haaah.... Momo.."
She sighed softly.... hah, foolish chain-devil, little did she know about the forming connection between the two happy sluts... she liked the sensation of bonding with the wild girl.. in a way, it was like what she had had with Love, but more.. physical and she enjoyed not being alone, most certainly. So she looked at Momo, encouragingly, before trying to speed up her thrusting and writhing, silver-white and red hair intermingling upon their shoulders.. and between their legs.
If the Chain-devil was working some magic, she'd find Cyra right now rather receptive to it, smiling and rocking along with her fellow slut, held together by the chains.. She looked at Momo and gently, longingly kissed her lips... what a pretty, fellow slut..

"Haaah.. Momo.. wanna go hunt beautifulc cocks to suck and pussies to pleasure with me Momo?"
she cooed.. rocking along lustfully, forcefully, albeit trying to time herself with Momo, she felt a growing desire to be a happy, obediant slut together with the fox...
"Ah yes...that sound...great....Snowfoxy...." Momo moaned responding to Cyra's speeding up, and also picking up the pace. Cyra could feel what she thought...she wanted to take her to meet her family, and her friends, the other animals of the forest, and have fun with them too...

"Hey now, lets not get ahead of ourselves. You will have to do the cocks and pussies that come to you for now." the devil chuckled. Well, of course she wasn't expecting that Cyra would escape afterwards...nothing would stop them from going around the world fucking and getting fucked by everything!

"Hmm....I am....uhmmmm...OHHHHHH." Momo moaned, reaching her orgasm, surprisingly, the same time with Cyra! She felt that their bond was now stronger...she kinda wanted someone to scratch her ears and pet her...and Momo did exactly that, as if she knew...

"Well, I will be damned. You actually did it." Elith cursed, somewhat surprised.

"I guess I have to keep my word now...eh. To satisfy your curiosity, it is some aphrodisiac perfume...it will make you become the center of the attention in the showcase, and your price will surely be higher. As a bonus, it will work on you, too. Amazing isn't it? I totally wasn't planning on using two doses..." she grumbled.

"But for now, lets focus on your training. You will be asked to do many things, that you may find embarrassing. So, you will have to overcome your fears...tell me, Cyra...truthfully, what is that, which you find most embarrassing?" she asked the white haired warrior...

Cyra decided she kind of liked the snow-fox nickname. It was almost as if their bond went beyond a simple lewd snuggling, Cyra could feel Momo's desires.. and she liked the idea. She for herself wanted to get back to the prime material, do some heroic.. and lewd things.. oh and introduce Momo to Love and her horse (Still to be aquired.)

She chuckled inwardly at the lewd chain-devil lady. Her.. their desires could not be contained this easily, kinky as this place was. Cyra felt like she was struggling a little, cumming quickly with the sensation of... bonding with the lewd druid-fox, but so did Momo, with Cyra smiling and moaning, nuzzling up to her warmly. Following Momo's scratches behind her ears she grinned, extending her hand to reciprocate the gesture, best as she could in those chains, simply thinking of Momo as a cute fox in human disguise made it easy to give her just the right, pet-encouraging scratches, whilest Cyra felt her warmth pulse against the fox.

"What I find most emberassing? Hrmnn.. I mean hard to answer, knowing you'll propably use it against me.. the speech-thing the auctioneer hamn..."
She moaned a little, nuzzling her head upon Momo's shoulder. "cursed me with was rather emberassing, but also annoying.. this.."
She glanced down at her swollen belly and tingly, lactation induced breasts.. "Is emberassing."
She pondered, for a long moment. "Yet, I'm struggling to find a good, honest answer you deserve as thanks for your.. effort here and making me and Momo feel this .. nice and connected. Not just talking chains here of course..." She wondered if she could focus intensely enough on a desire to have Momo teach her how to behave like a good fox-slut later.. hmnnnn...

"I think the truth is really emberassing are not things that you can do to me, but things that I am made to want to do.. if that makes sense.
Sure you could make me weak and kneel and have a piggie fuck me while I beg to be fed cum-covered pretzels, but unless it's my choice that's just something you make me do, a means to an end. I think what's emberassing to me is more.. me.. doing something lustful, because.. it feels too good not to. Not because I am forced to, but because I want to do it, because I'm such a hamnn.. slut."

She explained, rubbing her hardened nipples ever so slightly up against Momo's. Well, Elith had wanted her to answer truthfully..
"For example, admitting that I enjoy this deeper connection to my lewd fox lover is kinda emberassing. Oh and being the centre of attention at the auction would also be emberassing. Hmnn.. doing it while posing as lewd deluxe slave couple... I wont lie, being made to strip and pose a little and tease could be quite entic.. err.. emberassing too. hmnn.. her touching me and revealing me whilest I am powerless to stop her, only able to take my revenge on her in kind...
On the other hand, walking out there, like two slabs of meat, naked and ready to kneel and suck on the first guy that didn't buckle their belt up proper would be shameful, yes,.. but it also wouldn't truly be me, wouldn't affect me as much. It might be more enjoyable for Momo, but if you think about it, animals are naked all the time and have no shame about it. Can one truly overcome their fears, if one doesn't feel fear in the first place?

To be ashamed and emberassed requires one to have shame, to have something to lose. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, in this state, running around naked and without a chance to comb my hair after having hmnn.. great fun with my lovely fox companion and at the stables earlier, I can't be the most emberassed I could be about anything."

She nodded.
".. see this is why I didn't like the auctioneers magic, for one we'd be here for a while as I struggle all this out through moans and you struggle to pierce it together, for two, yes, you can sell horny white haired slut and redhead slut, guaranteed to suck your cock whenever you want to but.. really? Is that the profit margin you are going for here? I feel like they'd ought to pay you more for your efforts. Me? I'd want to buy slave that was more than a bed-warmer and twenty minutes of fun a day, especially if I got eternity to spent. I'd want.. I dunno, Myly the sex-assassine, obediant to your every whim, she will stalk your enemy from the shadows.. just remember to reward her with the cock she craves even more than to wet her blade with the blood of your enemies! Starting bid at 10.000 gold, do I hear 11?"

Despite (or perhaps in part because of) the chains she twirled her hand with just the right subtone and flair that made something in Elith almost wanted to raise her hand at the great, fictional offer, with Cyra still bound up and nuzzled close against Momo, although the lewd closeness seemed to encourage her, if anything.

(Trend of meh battle rolls, insane rolls for not so important stuff continues. Nat 20 for 26 persuasion for mock auctioning! :p )
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It felt kind of odd admitting those things...not long ago she would have denied anything like that with vigor. Was it her memories that changed her, or the spell? Or maybe she was just lying to herself previously, like Love had claimed? Still, getting tricked and/or forced by Love...if she was so shameless, would she still enjoy it? Maybe she should beg Love to up her game, find embarrassing things to do that would even embarrass the new Cyra...

"Hmmm....fine. I guess I need to motivate you, and let you free to choose how to embarrass yourself better."

"I see you have a bond with the Fox girl. You were sold because of some guild politics...however she was sold as a simple slave. You will, most probably, not get sold to the same master." the devil delivered some sad news...then again, it didn't really matter, if they escaped before that....but it still felt kind of sad...

"So, I think....if you persuade me...I could give you an opportunity. You can dress up all you want, have baths or whatever. If you fetch double the expected price...and that is 10.000gp, we will add her as a bonus with you, instead of selling her seperately." she offered, sitting on the workbench, with her legs suggestively opened....

"However, I am not supposed to meddle to things like that...which begs the question, why should I do it?" she asked, clearly suggesting something, with the chains releasing Cyra and Momo.

Cyra gave an innocent nuzzle to the foxgirl at the news of not being sold together.. now she was motivated to break out!

"Impress you with my poetry? Chess? Pretzel trivia? Lewdities? It's lewdities isn't it."
She chuckled. "As for why you should or shold not meddle about in the auction... Well, a wise woman like you certainly recognizes opportunities. The current leader of this place struggled to contain a single slavegirl.. perhaps she'll soon struggle much more. If my sale were to succeed it would not exactly reflect badly on you to take the initiative like this.

Finally, there is low risk for you in this. Your job is to enjoy my compliance, the details are left up to you.. If I get the freedom to act more.. liberally, I can still act properly enslaved and submissive.. hmnnn.."

She purred, approaching.

"I mean imagine me as a properly dressed up noble slave-girl, having an educated discussion about tactical warfare and then this naughty fox girl comes up and gently, sensually.."
She took Momo's hand, mentally encouraging the fox by thinking about her soft, sensual body, whilest guiding her hand to play along the outer lips of her sex. "Teasing me just like this, and there's nothing I can do about it.. perhaps the fox feels teasy and softly pulls my dress away and I can only moan helplessly.. what am I gonna do, stop her because she makes me feel good? Lash out at my pretty fox-sister? I'd never."

She nodded. "This isn't just a scheme to get out of being sold either, by the way, full disclosure, with the incompetence of these guards, if I had -wanted- to get out, I am pretty confident I could have. I mean, the cult-sluts more or less put me up for auction because they could. I am genuinly curious how much money I could make. Frankly, I feel like I can still beat ten thousand. If you have a better idea than high class knightly courtesan, I mean.. you know more about this than I."
She shrugged, glancing over to the Kython quizzically.

(12 persuasion!)
"I don't know...what do you think that would please me?" she chuckled.

"She, the leader? Hah, good one. But what if I tell them you are ready, and you prove to be not? This would be a risk for me...easier to say you are not ready, and keep you few extra months to...make sure." she mused.

"If your plan is to sell your skills, you are going to have a hard time...they can easily hire mercenaries for war related abilities. Not that we lack them. The showcase is mostly about the slave games...different tasks a slave can try to prove their worth, setting their starting price."

"And then of course you can socialize with the potential buyers...but only those who invite you to their booth. So...do your plannings accordingly. However...that is after you persuade me to do this for you..."

"You? If I were to guess a bit of shibari dominating... you seem to actually enjoy a good talk..."
She hesitated, with the fiend looking so much like her mother.. "Twisting those dear to you to submit to beasts and debase themselves.

The Chain-devil didn't seem convinced. She had to admit, All in all Love seemed far more reasonable by average at this point.

Anyway, they can't hire someone like me. And you could try and keep me here.. could be fun too, really.. but I have plans and I'd hate to have to destroy you after we got along so great. I'd rather be a good girl and have a good time."
She shrugged. The pleasure-devil would have insisted she do some sexy seducing at this point... then again, this one likely was used to a fair amount of naked bodies in her profession. She then shrugged, grinning clapping her hands together.

"Just kidding.. I'm a harmless slave, what could I do to anyone. Honestly though, by the sound of it, this whole auction is going to be more trouble than fun. I was hoping for maybe a bit of showing off, centre-of-attention, sweet talking some sexy mistresses and strong masters, perhaps make a new friend or two, rather than going through tasks and exercises and all that.

Sooo topic change! Do you happen to know a chain devil who has a cute smith-girl as a pet? works at the outer ring, black hair, armored appendages. hmnn.. great cock.."

That was still another priority. The armor she had was quite useful, she decided, but it needed a little.. adjusting. Running around nude with everyone thinking her pregnant was emberassing.. and not stylish either. A hidden armor was a great option but certainly it could be more.. stylish. Even if part of it still enjoyed staying in Cyra, that was kind of fine and kinky..
Plus a smith with that kind of talent, she definitly needed that. Right now she only had an... advisor in Love, a pet and companion in Momo and maybe an officer in Ozrog and potential allies in the drow. She needed a proper army, or at least a little focused company to properly deal with the strange portal-problems on the prime, as well as people giving her trouble..
Oh! And something to prevent death and being revived like this.. long term goal. Dying had been less fun than expected, even if the last had been fun, it had landed her here. She had to take precautions against that. Perhaps recovering her body could still be of use for a.. backup? Even if the memory-loss her had been a fool about disliking this powerful fiendish body... oh And she had to find out who had tried to summon her first, mid-term goal. Oh, and get to know Momo's friends.. free-time mid-term goal? Propably first get back to Sera and properly question her about the tome and it's origin.
"Hmm...jokings like that can get you in trouble. But I see, there is a problem there...the others won't know that you are an obedient slave, and not ready to murder them." she pondered.

"I guess we can still get you the collar, just to...reassure potential buyers. Oh well, your choice...the will still be some who are simply not afraid. But back on topic..."

"We can arrange something that will show how good you are at things...I can also arrange you to skip it...but that would be like admitting that you are just not skilled or trained enough." she shrugged. "Cheap slaves like that only go to the hundreds..."

"But there will be socializing afterwards, no need to worry about that." she assured.

"However, I am starting to doubt if you can pull it off...when someone is suggestively opening their legs, and ask you to persuade them, what do you think you should be doing to persuade them? Hmmm...any guesses?" she asked teasingly.

"I know many devils...but I can't identify them from their pets." she chuckled "You have to be a bit more specific...you want herto buy you or...?"

Cyra folded her hands.
"Hmnn.. sadly the smith didn't tell me much more, chain devil lady, one not to be trifled with, soon to be promoted. Actually, I was looking to buy the smith, they do good work."
She mused.. either way, it seemed that cajoling and even subtle threatening didn't work on the devil. She could try seducing, of course, but.. frankly, it seemed all the chain devil was after was some brief physical amusement.

"I saw you spread like your legs like a wanton whore, yes. I was hesitant to take the nearest whip and treat you the way you seemed to want to be persuaded, little devil slut."
She smirked.

"Or what else did you mean? Should I make you a clearer offer? I want to enjoy my servitude.. so.. you can set me up to be sold properly... or the one that will replace you will know not to undervalue me."
She raised a finger. "You are a Kython, a fiend who measures their age by centuries, I'm certain you have seen many, many slave girls before me, so you can tell those afraid and angry and lying... so ask yourself if I am among them."
She demanded, staring at the chain-devils eyes with cold determination.. as she approached, and sat down between her legs. This was still a little weird, looking at who she was...

"You see, I'd be very happy if you could find out which chain devil owns the cute smith.. it should be easy for you..ahmn.."
She extended her tongue. "I'd like your relationship with me to be pleasurable.. perhaps even past the auction. If you can tell me more by the time it starts.. I will know you want that too."
She nodded, kissing the chain devils mons, before licking lower, enticing Elith's pussy.
"Or you can try and train me, keep me, collar me up.. I might enjoy parts of that a lot, sure. I am a submissive slut... but it doesn't fit my schedule, right now."
She licked on. "Please, don't force me to not be a good girl with you, like your greeter-lady did, yes?"
She implored.
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"I prefer 'Mistress that deserves to be served for her extrordinary generocity'. And..." she stroked Cyra's cheek.

"...I think you like pleasing others too, don't you?" she continued. It really felt weird...she wasn't entirely wrong. Maybe it was the mind controlling thing, but Cyra could feel the desire to please her...even if she was a hated devil....

"I will leave how you present yourself to you. However...be very careful. If you were to say what you said to me to someone else...then we could end up having to punish you even before selling you..." she moaned slightly.

"I know what a good girl you are...but your mouth can get you into trouble, because others don't." she scratched Cyra's ear, pushing her softly against her pussy.

"If you fail to get sold...I will keep you then." she mused "But don't think of it as a reward...because it won't be." she warned.

While Elith obviously couldn't find information for the chain devil that was the owner of the blacksmith girl, she was indeed trained on how to properly behave in the upcoming auction...well, or pretended to be trained. She was kind of impatient to get out there and suck some cocks, but it was because of her own free will, not because the devil's told her to...

She would have to participate in the showcase anyway, but she could choose how she wanted to present herself...and Momo. She would be able to pick her own clothes, and even write how she wanted to be introduced to the crowd.

The showcase had some competitive games for the slaves...and she would be able to participate in any of them that she wanted. She could also recieve invitations from the VIP booths...but she would have to do her best to get invited first. Then, she would have to persuade them to bid on her...

The lowest she would be sold would be 5.000gp...but if she wanted to sell herself along with Momo, she would have to make her bid go up to 10.000gp. Luckily, she didn't really need to, because she was planning to escape...but she couldn't help but wonder, how much would they bid on her...and who would buy her?

Love on the other hand, had been pretty busy, not contacting Cyra...not that Cyra had the time to spare. But probably everything was going right on her end...

And like that, the time for the auction drew near....

"I mean.. I do.."
She nodded under the devils caress. "Oh I know how to.. deal with different people."
For an evil devil Elith was quite nice, in the way she let Cyra.. attend her. The white haired paladin purred and rewarded her accordingly with her tongue.. err.. served her? She raised her brows at the threat of being kept... she then hesitated, and nodded:
"I wont disappoint.. oh and.. as an advice.. watch the auction from a distance. You know I came in on some guild-feud, who knows how the cultists might react if they fail to buy me back, I had heard a guard saying that was the plan..."
She decided that after her and Momo got to feel so nice.. and with the chain devil more.. agreeable, a warning was in place.. if a slightly skewed one. It wasn't technically a lie..

The chain-devils training had been.. well, it felt kind of like a waste of time.. why all this pretense and prancing around, she just wanted to get out there and see what pretty cocks she could attract ... her way.

So that was what she worked on. a proper bath.. for herself and.. well, as well as she allowed it, Momo too. Next, She had herself redressed, She got herself a fancy cloak, a little headband.. although for some reason, they refused to hand her any real weaponry or other useful items.. Finally, after some consideration, she decided to part with the cute armor-pet, for now, but she insisted on hiding it 'as a sex toy' in a small sash, why she put on a beautiful white dress, and had her hair styled back to subtly hide her harsher facial features...


From afar, she looked like the perfect, innocent pure maiden.. It was only when one took a closer look, that this didn't hold up to scrutiny.. or rather, , being designed to hide nothing.. at least not to those that wanted to look proper... a keen enough observer could even spot the fiendish marking over the silvery hair above her sex. The outfit enticed herself.. dressed.. yet exposed. She hoped it wouldn't distract her with too much arousal; but the plan was pretty simple.. they could see pretty much all of her.. but they had to look. And if she had one staring at her, that ment others would feel like there was something to look at and stare for themselves. Plus she would wear something elegant that still didn't hide her desire to service nice, big cocks. Looking down on that dress, she wondered if she could attract like a guard-captain who'd benevolently share her with all his men.. not that she minded women either and.. gah! Focus on the outfit!

Momo, she encouraged to do a similiar outfit, her dress red, as well as featuring pantiless stockings.

But no one had forbidden her from having more than one outfit, so a part of the time preparing was spent with her calling out towards the spirit of her horse.. likely, the lower planes woul affect it, but then so had they her body, as she called herself a stately nightmare stallion, with a glint of intelligence in it's eyes, carrying saddle, and, bound upon it, armor and a sword-replica - Cyra secretly wondered if The Watcher's ability to follow her around also applied to fake swords, thats why she'd insisted on that one.
She'd go in, followed by the dark horse, which, through subtle, teasing instructions through their mental link would show subtle, but clear interest in Cyra as well along the way..

She was quite glad she could have her own introduction.. presentation was everything and even if the auctioneer lady had a plan of revenge with her, she'd not want to mess with their sales.. hopefully. And thus Cyra would want herself introduced as:

'This pure, holy warrior has been the bane of many foes, a general leading an army against evil, but that's not why you want to bid on her, oh no, because you know how we captured and tamed her? she let down her guard and went on her knees, sucking off her own mount and letting her travel companion mount her! That's right. The most perverted holy-knight, we barely had to tame and train her, leaving her feisty spirit, for you to properly nurture or break, of course she will be unable to resist serving you.
But that's not all, what do you think she is.. human? Half-elf? Wrong! Dare you learn of the true secrets of her body? Mount included, and if the bidding reaches 10000 gold we'll throw in her companion fox for free, but careful, she gropes!

~With that, Cyra prepared herself to just let the lewd introduction happen, standing calm, but proud.. as best as she could, of course!~

(Initial charisma check because why not; 11!)
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26106 The auction was something all mercenary houses - and even some devils were looking forward too. Not only it was one of the few interesting things they could do in hell...but everyone hoped to get some good things in cheap prices. Or to find that one thing they desperately needed, no matter the price.

While going in and out of hell was not easy for the devils, it was not impossible with the right kind of magic...and while no one could claim that Avernus was a trade hub, it had its fair amount of treasures and rarities.

The various interested parties had already seated themselves around the stage, with the lowly mercenaries down below, and the more important guests seated in private boxes, up on the balconies.

"And this is the last item of todays auction...a well of many worlds. This little handkerchief, when unfolded forms a portal...a portal that leads to a random world. I know what you might think...an exit to a random world is useless. But isn't it the perfect way to run away? Who will be able to follow you...Or to go to one of those very hard to go planes. It is random, but give it enough tries, and you might get lucky! Or, maybe even find and conquer a new world! The possibilities are endless!" the auctioneer declared.

"It has been identified by Jaren Blackheart, the famous archmage." he said, giving a bow towards one of the balconies.

"It goes without saying how good of an item it is." he assured "But enough of that." he motioned, as the well dressed servant took away the small display box.

"Next, we are going to present to you the slaves....I am sure you will find them just as interesting." he chuckled.


Cyra had been waiting backstage, along with a dozen of other slaves. The ones who were expected to sell for less were presented first, so she was at the end of the line. Or...almost at the end of the line.

26107 Behind her, an other woman was waiting her turn. She had been chained as much as possible, and even her mouthhad been gagged. It was weird, since that would mean they expected her to sell even more than Cyra...who was already expected to sell high.

Finally, it was Momo's and Cyra's turn.

"The next slave is very interesting. Ahem. This pure, holy warrior has been the bane of many foes, a general leading an army against evil, but that's not why you want to bid on her, oh no, because you know how we captured and tamed her? she let down her guard and went on her knees, sucking off her own mount and letting her travel companion mount her! That's right. The most perverted holy-knight, we barely had to tame and train her, leaving her feisty spirit, for you to properly nurture or break, of course she will be unable to resist serving you.
But that's not all, what do you think she is.. human? Half-elf? Wrong! Dare you learn of the true secrets of her body? Mount included, and if the bidding reaches 10000 gold we'll throw in her companion fox for free, but careful, she gropes!" the auctioneer explained, following word for word Cyra's instructions.

"Of course, some of you are also aware of...her most recent past. What is actually true? Hmmm..." he pondered with a teasing expression.

"So...slave, tell us a thing or two about yourself." he asked Cyra.

Her stallion behind her, has lightly headbutting her, mentally complaining for her not sucking it's cock already...and ironically, also for giving it a fiendish body...

"Ahem..." Momo took a breath, prepearing to talk. Through their connection, Cyra felt that Momo would probably say something to declare that she belonged to her, and her alone...!

Cyra made a random mental note to, if the drows were gonna cause a ruckus anyway, try and snatch the handkerchief.. it sounded quite useful for an emergency getout. Admittedly, a random world could be dangerous too and leaving everything behind was troublesome, but she'd barely formed connections after her revival anyway. Sera was kind of set up, safe as could be in a small village, anyway, who else was there.. one night stand merchant? wolf-dog? Asshole tree? Oh, Momo would have to leave her family behind perhaps... Cyra could soothe that, though.

"Heya, chained up and gagged.. spellcaster eh.. oi.. right right, I get it, no talking.."
Cyra huffed at the auctionhouse guards.. she was just curious on the one coming after her!
Then, the auctioneer introduced her.. she grinned.. and nudged Momo softly.. aww.. the fox was kind of romantic... and cute.. she really had to get to know more about Momo later.. "We are just play-pretending here.. my foxy mistress."
She whispered, also gently petting along her noble hmnn.. strong steeds side, before raising her voice.

"Hello! I'm Cyra Darkbane, I once raised an army to topple my country and usurp my parents, relatable, am I right?" She gun-finger pointed at the audience.

"I got myself stuck in an evil artifact, escaped and then I got myself fucked to death by an evil fiend who may or may not have been a demon-prince. I got revived, swings and roundabouts, it's why I'm here today. Don't worry though, if you purchase me, I've been prepared to be a good, obediant girl for your enjoyment."
Lying was about rearranging the truth. If she was allowed to, she would quickly rush on with her speech...

"I wouldn't bid on myself if I wanted a simple 'yes master' toy for a good time, there's easier options than me, but what I can offer you, guaranteed.. is I wont be boring. Happy to answer any questions or challenges, if you don't need me I'll be relaxing being pretty over here for you all.. remember, you can all watch now, but only one can keep this forever... and what better things were you gonna do with that gold, anyway?"
She nodded, her hand petting along her horses flank.. ever so slightly suggestively, soothingly.. whilest deciding Momo's posessiveness had at the very least earned her a soft, sensual, lesbian kiss...

(15 for a random persuasion on that.. where is my useless nat 20 when I want one? :p )
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"It is only natural for someone who appeared out of nowhere to have an extrordinary story, isn't it?" the auctioneer chuckled.

"We have had the previous slaves to show their...talens. However, with her we shall do an exception. As some of you know, she has been trained already...three times now. What more should be said?" he mused.

"Make sure to invite her, and check her....quality in person." he bowed, before nodding to Cyra to go backstage.


"Hmmm. Your presentation was too...cheesy, even for my standards." the auctioneer sighed. "Luckily for you, nobody really cares. You have been invited in four VIP boxes. You can choose which ones to visit..."

"The drow, and the reds have both invited you, unsurprisingly. You have also received an invitation from an unknown, but very well paying guest. Also...Mr Blackheart also invited you. You should consider who you want to visit...and also the right order, if you don't want to insult anyone."

"If you ask me...I would only visit the last ones, since the first ones plan to bid you in any case." he suggested.

"Hey, it's my first slave auction, gotta own it. Blackeheart was the archmage, wasn't he? I am curious to see what he'd want with me, then the mysterious booth, then the drow.. and.. hrmnnn.. I'll think if I want to visit the Red's along the way."
She decided. The mage sounded interesting, as did a random rich supporter.

"Any further tips you can give me sire?"
She asked, giving Momo a random nuzzle, because she could.
"He was, and still is." he chuckled at his joke "Having coin is nice, but having power is even better...think about my words." he hinted.

"Well, I guess it depends on the circumstances." he mused, looking at the tightly bound girl. At the end, she had been kept there and not been presented to the crowd. It seemed that she would be presented directly at the auction...probably?

The auctioneer motioned one of the servant girls closer, before instructing her to lead Cyra and Momo to the archmage. Sadly, the horse would have to stay behind...

26132 "Come in." a voice was heard from behind the door.

The servant girl opened the door, walking inside first with a bow.

"My lord, I present to you Cyra Darkbane, and Momo." she offered, taking a step back.

The wizard was sitting on a comfortable padded armchair, overlooking the auction theater below. There were three other similar armchairs, one to his right, and two to his left, with a small table between each of them. The one next to him had a cup of wine, and a pretty deep red bottle next to it.

"Hmm...you may leave." he waved his hand rudely toward the servant girl, who retreated closing the door behind her.

"Cyra Darkbane? Interesting name. But I have the feeling that you are more interesting than your name." he mused, as the corners of his lips curved upward slightly. Or maybe it was just her idea?

"A druid and a...pure, holy warrior? Tell me more about that." he asked, motioning them to sit down with his hand.

"Care to join me for a drink?" he offered, and unless Cyra objected, she would notice that two more glasses had appeared on the table. Then the bottle floated upwards, filling them...
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Cyra could appreciate a bad joke when she heard one... before crossing her arms behind her back. "What is power really, though. If it is to get people to do what you want, aren't you the most powerful here, right now?" She winked at the announcer, before leaving.

Cyra walked into the archmages booth, smiling to the servant girl, before bowing, both stylized and a little cheekily, to the man himself.

"Thanks, I picked the second part myself."
She nodded, hopping down on the chair nonchalantly, kicking back and sniffing at the wine curiously, before taking a sip. "Two foxes, one White, one Red. Do you believe we should define ourselves by the titles we give ourselves, or by those others give us?

Mages have it good in that regard, you know. Arch-mage. That very name inspires respect by those that hear it, no matter if given by others or taken for yourself. But what is there for the martial types? Arch-knight? Captain Commander? Oh I'm just talking because titles always fascinated me, I made up like half of mine myself. They still came up with others for me. Traitor-Queen. Tyrant Slayer. Some more demeaning ones.

I met Momo here whilest infiltrating the cultist mercenaries. I believe they picked her up and trained her, gotta learn more about that myself. I was promised her as payment for a little task so I definitly value her more than them. Things turned around a little, so, she now owns me. We still have a good time.

So, if you grant me a question in turn, what brings you here?"

She mused.

"Planar binding and some fancy ingredients get you any kind of pussy you want. Angel, water genasi, ooze elemental. Heck, Modron, although, not... sure how that one would work."
She rubbed her chin. "Sorry, lost my train of thought imagining two Modrons doing it. I mean they do have mouths at least. Are you into modrons? I could wear a pointy hat and go: we are modron. pleasuring you is our current imperative.

You know what scratch that. If you gotta make out with something boring get yourself an inevitable."

She decided.
"Titles, huh. I guess someone who leads people would bother with them." he sighed.

"For me, they are among the useless distractions. If you can kill someone with the snap of your fingers, you don't need a title for it. And those who aren't afraid of you, won't be scared by your title, no matter how amazing it is."

"I am very interested in fiendish bodies...but not the way you think."
he chuckled. "I see you have some knowledge of the planes, interesting."

"But you didn't answer my question, did you? You claimed to be a holy warrior. Your body..."
he looked straight through Cyra's see through clothes, giving her a weird feeling of hotness "...certainly isn't that of a holy warrior."

"Please, allow me to get a better look..."
he asked, waving softly his hand for her to stand up.

Somehow getting...investigated like that would feel so hot...maybe he would even touch her? Maybe she could seduce him that way? It did hurt her pride a bit that he seemed more interested on the technical stuff rather than how sexy she was...even if she could detect some arousal in his eyes...and then again, denying would be super suspicious, if he wasn't sure what was wrong with her body already...