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"Snapper, the Death-finger!"
She would not let her enthusiasm for titles be dampened! "What other way of getting to know fiendish bodies is there.. dissection? I guess there's a few chain Devils that can help you out.. and.. yeah, I'm not a scholar, but you can still read up on some common .. .encounters. It beats confusing a Hound Archon with a Werewolf with a Jackal Guardianal with a.. a.. Yugoloth.. mage.. dog.. whatever those were called. Arcanoloth?"
She shrugged. Although she did secretly wonder if all of those had canine penises. And which one was the best. The hound archon was propably well hung but boring, the Guardianal .. propably a bit too nice, almost, the Arcanoloth too mean.. although werewolves could be pretty rough too.. Well she had her 'were-fox' anyway!

She gulped a little with the mage taking a closer look.. and obliged by standing up.
"What does a holy warriors body look like, exactly though? You rarely see them through the shiny armors. I -am- a warrior for the cause of good, or at least what I think good, but I understand many would claim that..."
She nodded, shifting ever so slightly with the examination on her. "I could more look the part armored up, but errr.. that wouldn't sell that well, now, would it? Plus.. it got you interested, heh."

"So.. what is your... judgement?"

She asked, with just a hint of a flush to her cheeks, whilest he watched her up close. Well, for the bidding to go well for her she had to entice at least two, better three parties, no?
The wizard's eyes wandered all over Cyra's body...she could feel his gaze all over her body...he was really looking every tiny detail...how embarrassing...maybe he could notice that she was getting kind of wet? No, probably it was impossible, right?

"Hmm...your body is very nice. It is." he said, sipping some of his wine.

"I have seen countless bodies...and your is too symetrical, too perfect. Almost like the body of a fiend...or a celestial." he mused.

"Yet, I should be able to recognize both of those. I guess I will have to buy you, after all." he nodded to himself "Even if I am wrong...I won't be losing out, right?" he smirked.

"So be it then. I have principles, so I won't touch you before I buy you. But you can be sure, it is already a done deal." he smirked.

It felt kind of weird...why was he able to resist her charms? She was pretty sure she could tease him a bit more...maybe make him forget his so called principles? It felt like a very slutty idea...provoke him into doing something shameful...would serve him right for not even touching her...right?

Then again, it looked like he was done with his investigation...maybe she should just go for the unknown guest?

Cyra shifted a little. It wasn't even that the gaze was all that intense, it seemed more.. professional.. but being watched like this..Well she did pick the dress with the intent to entice.. he propably also noticed the scars of her once-wings.. a part of her regretted that one.. but no.. she was not made for learning to fly in the first place. It was propably not a good idea for her or especially Love to reveal the actual details of her origin without dire need though, not here, anyway.

"You got good eyes. I didn't lie when I said this was not a normal human body. But you will forgive me if I.. unless bought, opt to keep some secrets, yes? A lady got to have a mystery about her. I guess I'll have to admit that not even I know the full story either, heh."
Technically true. The manner of her death and the time in between were quite the mystery. She wondered just what kind of experiments the mage would try to learn more about her body though... wait was that something to be into?

Part of her really wanted to tease him more.. yes that felt nice and slutty.. she reached out, nudging Momo.. and decided she could tease him on the leave! Her dress swaying, she gave a playful smile.. curious mage or not, he was a man too, was he not...

Fiend or Celestial. Thinking about it, what her memory-deprived self hadn't realized was, sure, Love had -claimed- she had turned her into a pleasure devil, but just doing that and slapping some Baator-clay on her didn't make it so. She wondered if in time her body would adapt to be partially angelic, or something in between.. but first, she had to avoid dying in hell. And doing too improper things. Like not sucking a really nice cock presented to her, that was definitly bad.

Either way, it was time to meet this mystery interest.. Oh but first, a soft groping of Momo's bottom. Her fault, for swaying it along so cutely!

She introduced at the booth. "Can I dare to come in?"
She grinned and did so anyway. Fear was not one of her vices.
26164 "Hmm, enter." a female voice was heard from behind the door.

The woman inside looked more of a fighter than the wizard...but her look was sharper than her sword.

"Cyra Darkbane." the woman called, her eyes scanning Cyra's body through her clothes.

"The woman with face, but no name. Until now."

"Who could have guess you would end up here? So many resourses wasted looking for you." she sighed, but her face didn't show any emotion.

Yet her cold look felt somewhat seductive...and Cyra found hard to remove her eyes from the woman's jeweled nipple, that was visible through her clothes...some kind of enchantment maybe? But she had some hidden desire to suckle on that nipple...even if it was some kind of trap...too bad she couldn't....

"It is fine, since I got you, now." she nodded "But I am so wondering. What is, that makes you so important? A kings ransom, for a white haired girl..."

The next booth had a sharp and dangerous looking woman inside. Cyra was mostly relieved it was no evil rape-devil. Mostly.
"You've seen me before? A fan? Flattered!


She mused, her eyes wandering down the womand chest.. that was a cute piercing.. enticing. Even, wait how could she see it? This devilish body couldn't see through things..
"A kings ransom.. are you refering to the auction or something else?"
She stepped over. "I mean, you don't have me yet, you'll have to do a little bidding. You could just snatch me along, but hell can be very persistant about their property."
Something to keep in mind for sooner rather than later. She also glanced to the side, nudging Momo.

"Plus she's here too! Don't forget about Momo."
She gave a thumbs up.. before shrugging, facing the hard-eyed woman. "If you mean that question for real, I think that, baring an arch-devil showing up, I have the potential of being the most dangerous person at this auction."
She chuckled. "And that is with my body still like.. a third asleep, plus minus. Now to be clear, I said potential, there's propably a dozen folks here that can squish me pretty easily.. right now.
But people sense that potential, they are attracted to it."

Cyra smiled, innocently. "What about you?"
"Buying you shouldn't be that hard. Or needed, actually. I can just sell information about you." she gave a light shrug.

"You aren't aware of it, and yet you managed to hide yourself down here. Interesting, the least. You have a bounty on you...one that can't be counted in gold pieces. See, Noristria has pulled every string possible, to send people after you. Enough strings to make me memorize your face, even." she continued, looking Cyra straight in her eyes.

"She...is no one I am aware of." she nodded towards Momo "And that's a good thing, for her."

"So...you suggest you hide potential. And your introduction suggests a bigger story. I am open to...trade deals, if I can be persuaded they are profitable."
somehow Cyra could detect, that...maybe sadly...the woman asked her to prove her real ability, not her sex-skills...even if she could try to prove both...show how perfect she really is...in both fighting, and being a horny slut....

"More profitable than just selling you out, that is." she concluded.

"Hmm...she is mine, and not for sale!" Momo argued back, showing her teeth...a bit funny sight for a human.

"Perhaps I'm very good at pretending not to be aware. I know someone's been looking for me. Is Noristria the evil witch gal?"
She chuckled.

"You don't seem the type to chat about your employer, so you already rejected the contract."
Cyra concluded. "Or, you can still snatch me up and deliver me and smoothe over talking about this, but you don't really want to .. cash in on me. I doubt it's because you're afraid or because you like me.. so you don't really like what Noristria is up to. And you want to know what she knows, that you don't."
Cyra tipped her chin, theorizing.. and also nuzzling a little to Momo. The fox was so adorable!

"I must say, pretty impressive that you did find me, that means you have planar tracking magic.. that means using the handkerchief wouldn't shake you off either, not for long, anyway, hmn... guess I really have to talk this out, heh.

Well, there is a bigger picture, yes. But if you already consider selling information rather than offering gold, I don't think I can tell you all of my lifes story. I mean.. unless that already is part of a transaction. I was aware that someone was after me. I wasn't aware you were this close. Then again, even if I had been, I hadn't changed my course of action, because, frankly, being brought in by someone that's after me, alive, is just another kind of opportunity. Someone wants to meet me really bad, mustn't be with ill intent,.. eh? Yeah, I know not my luck..."

Cyra bluffed knowing more about the contract than she really did. She did however know that someone had gone through -a lot- of effort to revive her, perhaps this Noristria, perhaps someone else, still it was doubtful they'd do that, just to let her get killed again.

"Oh! My! I could take myself hostage even."
She raised a finger to her throat. Admittedly, without a weapon she propably couldn't kill herself.. but this woman didn't know that, propably.
"How Quaint. I die here and now, it wont be the end of me, but it will propably make me even more of a bitch to track down. Now, I tried dying and it's a bother, as I said, still recovering from a prior time," She lowered her finger again at this.

"So how about this, unless you have something more to offer me than simply that hard, sexy stare of yours, we'll just see the auction play out.. you can offer information, the others will hear what you offer and who knows... they propably wont be able to outbid you... bit of a gamble. After all, someone else could collect on that bounty too and the information of just how valuable I am is more of a liability than a boon right now... unless you want to make a special deal with the devils, take it from me, that's a can of worms and a half. It's easy to get devils involved. It's hard to get them un-involved."
She shrugged.
"Sidenote, let me just thank you for this opportunity, I've never taken myself hostage before, made me feel a little giddy, not going to lie..."
She smiled. It was not that she wasn't taking this serious, she was just simply not afraid. She didn't scare easily and this woman, while intense, was too interested in her to just do away with her. Least she could do in exchange was not to disappoint her by backing down or making deals for her safety easily!

(17 insight on what'd best impress this one!
16 bluff on the deceptive bits!)
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"Hmmm...no actually, this is a random encounter. We aren't here for you, you just happened to be here." Cyra could almost swear she could detect a trace of a smirk, in her otherwise collected face.

"You are right however. I wouldn't bother to go out of my way to serve her. I could send someone after you, yes...but come personally down here just for that? That would never happen. That is the point of having power." she nodded, pausing for a moment.

"I doubt you can just kill yourself out of any situation. You wouldn't tell me, if you could. You are just an innocent...snow fox, aren't you?" she smirked openly for the first time, opening slightly her legs. Under her skirt, Cyra noticed a big, juicy cock poking out...maybe she should...try what it tasted like...a bit?

"I know. Not everything, but a lot. We can help each other. You have an escape plan from here, don't you?" she pondered, looking Cyra straight in her eyes. There was something really magnetic...she kind of felt like she craved to stare back....but at the same time not looking down felt...too wrong. Also, looking down she would be able to look at that cock....that was truly tempting...

"You could use my help. Being ignorant of trouble, doesn't make you immune to it." at least, Cyra's intuition told her that she meant that...or maybe she was just a very good liar?

"Huh. So you are powerful and bored enough to go to hell-auctions as a hobby?"
She raised a brow... and then raised it higher.. when had she said that snow-fox bit close to this one? Even if this was a random encounter, the womans senses were not normal.. neither, apparently, was her anatomy.. and Cyra blushed, ever so slightly. So the lewdly, teasingly revealed nipple had not just been a playful thing of a bored noble. What an interesting potential buyer for her! She almost wouldn't mind being bought at this point...

"Yeah, dying is no fun, I was just exploring possibilities.. ahem.."
it was strange, how intense the woman was, yet shifted over to sexuality.. she certainly had Cyra's gaze... in more ways than one.. her eyes wandered down to that juicy cock.. and back up to those intense eyes. "Helping one another always sounds like a good deal. Alright, well then.. I .. yes, I guess I am an obediant Snow-fox. At least I want to be. It's also true that Momo here owns me.. although nothing stops you from owning her and thus me by default, I guess.. She is propably better trained than me, really."
She purred, the womans sensual reveal and raw power enticing something within her... and she approached, subtly shifting to kneel before her.

"Or if you aren't into such a deep commitment right away, how about a little.. patronage. See having me as an ally can be.. very pleasant."
She nodded, kneeling down gracefully before the raven haired beauty.. and taking a look at her .. and her penis.. actually, more up close...

"I can tell you are powerful, alway an attractive thing, I dare say I am powerful too.. but as I hinted, I am still not at my best.. I know I was revived, but I lost too much. Only recently regained my memory... I do not know if by design or happenstance. I do not even know if the one paying for me was responsible fore the revival either.. What I know is that this is not a trouble I can't handle.. propably."
She nodded.

"As for plan.. well.. you will laugh. My plan is to get out of here without any of my rescuers dying. I haven't thought up the exact details, but I'm here because I wanted to see how well I'd sell. I guess snatching the transporting handkerchief earlier mentioned, to get both out of hell and out of this current situation could be a good sollution, but I have to make sure it looks as if I tricked my saviours too, to avoid them getting into trouble."
She shrugged and smiled. "I'm not overconfident or foolish, so I appreciate any advice you'd have, but I'm simply not of the mindset that there's such a thing as insurmountable problems. .. but I've been talking a lot, perhaps you should take the lead on that.. I'll help you.. consider our interactions in a positive state of mind, if I may."
She subtly hinted, while not so subtly reaching out, to adjust that skirt before her, glancing up and.. unless for some strange reason, the so far anonymous benefactor and headhunter wanted to stop her, intentionally keeping eye contact as she slowly leaned forwards, placing a kisss upon the head of that nice, large shaft.. and gently pushing back its foreskin with her sensual lips. How could a good slut like her have a cock presented and not give it at least a little taste?
If she wasn't discouraged however, she'd slowly let herself sink on that shaft, teasing it into erection if her sight hadn't done that already, whilest presenting her slightly wiggling bottom to Momo.. the poor fox shouldn't think that Cyra was ignoring her completely!

If the woman was content letting Cyra advance upon her, the lewd knight would reach out, gently stroking her slender fingers along that cock as she advanced up on her patrons body, slowly caressing along that cock not to force her partner into higher arousal, but just to maintain her pleasure, as Cyra reached out to uncover.. and then give a kiss to that delightfully decorated nipple. She'd been wanting to taste that before already, after all, and she was curious to watch her hosts reaction to either.. approach of her hungry lips.
"No...hell is ugly, smelly, dangerous and not fun. I came because I have to...do something." she explained, slouching back in her armchair, as her blade disappeared into thin air...and her other 'blade' poked further ahead, with a throbbing erection. At least her cock was guaranteed to be truthful...

"Hmmm...you are doing a great job...maybe I should buy you after all...oh well, I will send people looking for you afterwards, I guess..." she mused, stroking Cyra's head as she licked her cock.

Meanwhile Momo gave a jealous slap to Cyra's butt! She also had a cock, didn't she! Well, she was going to punish Cyra a bit with it...not that she was very angry, but she should be punished anyway! But she didn't want to turn to a fox here...at the end she decided to just rub against her, and leave her scent...make sure to let the weird lady know who Cyra belonged to!

The lady didn't seem to be bothered...instead she just chuckled as Cyra suckled on her nipple. The piercing looked like an engraved ring...some kind of weird runes? Sucking the nipple and playing it with her tongue, felt so satisfying...

"You silly girl..." the woman smiled, touching Cyra's chin and bringing her closer to her face.

"Poisoned nipple ring. I don't get to use it as often now...but it is a funny, deadly trinket."

"Oh don't look me like that...lucky for you, I have a strong immunity to that poison. So strong, that my...bodily fluids work as an antidote..."
she offered, pulling Cyra in an especially wet kiss...

Momo was a bit annoyed...but not really worried. After all she could also remove the poison...and she actually decided to do so secretly, by poking her middle finger in Cyra's butt, and applying the ancient druidic spell directly in Cyra's body. Cyra could feel it...a refreshing feeling crawling up her butt, and going to the rest of her body...as Momo kept fiddling with her finger. However, she couldn't exactly concentrate on the feeling...the lewd poisoner lady was focused on feeding her her saliva...it tasted somewhat sweet, and she couldn't really object to just drinking some more of it...at the same time as the cock she had left down there, rubbed against her white pussy hair...

"Yeah I agreee.. didn't notice the smell though, guess I acclimcated.. what do you have to do?"
She couldn't help but cheekishly inquire.-... but was mostly distracted by the growing hardness of the womans secondary blade for now!

"Ahamnnn.." She sighed, lustfully. "Make sure those you send after me are cute and or well mannered, wouldn't want to cause any accidents.."
She innocently hinted.. before mieeping at Momos sudden charge-taking.. she didn't mind that, though. She wasn't entirely sure why the nice, snuggly fox was now rubbing up all over her squishily... it reminded her a bit of a cat rubbing up against it's owner, posessively.

She gave that nipple ring a long lick, before recieving an explanation.. it felt a bit.. tingly.
"Poisoned ring huh? Is that the truth or a little seductive trick..?"
She cooed.. again, she seemed fearless.. but this time more because she had a growing suspicion average poisons didn't really work well on her anymore, after the assassine... the sensual, wet kiss however did!

Cyra moaned, trapped in an.. interesting position, Momo prodding at her backdoor which, actually, felt quite nice, her auction-dress easily pulled aside.. at the same time, those dark, luscious lilps from her dark haired benefactor closed around hers and she felt a strange satisfaction as the lustful dominatrix kept feeding her her saliva.. and Cyra moaned, licking at and drinking down the strange.. gift.
Meanwhile, she felt the throbbing of a hard shaft between her legs.. now all she had to do was spread her legs, maybe relax a little, and let herself sink lower upon it.. and she did, with a soft, sensual moan. The auction was already turning out ot be more fun than she expected. She sighed out, drinking more of that sweet Saliva whilest wiggling a little with Momo molesting her backdoor playfully.
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The woman guided Cyra down on her cock, softly pushing it deep inside her!

"Hmhh....your pussy, is exactly the right size." she mused "Maybe you were meant to be my cocksleeve?" she asked. It was obvious that she wanted Cyra to do the moving...not that she had any other option, in this position...

Yet Cyra would have some trouble moving around with Momo's fingering her butt..

"Ah, fine, fine, I will help...you are mine, I am just sharing you for now!" Momo complained, removing her finger and firmly grasping Cyra's butt. While Cyra was busy kissing, Momo would lift her butt up and down, helping her get fucked by the cock underneath her.

Momo was stronger than she looked, that was for sure. And unless Cyra made an effort to resist, she would soon find herself getting grinded, pulled and slammed on her mistresses cock, by Momo's capable hands.

"Oh...I see why you two are coming in pair, now." the woman with the unknown name moaned, as Cyra was helplessly fucked her.

"There is not much time to talk however. Here, take this." she said, pushing a ring on Cyra's finger.

"It will help me find you afterwards, if you wish...but most importantly, it is a special magic item. Touch the ring on a locked thing, and it will unlock it. There is a very interesting woman, besides you, sold here today. You will know who she is, if you see her."

"This means that there will be additional guards...so escaping on your own will probably be impossible." she explained "However, if you manage to free her from her bindings, she will easily help you escape. That's what the ring is for...don't overuse it, because it's power is limited. Just use it to undo her bindings, and she should be able to take care of the rest."

Cyra had some trouble concentrating, something hard to do between Momo's determind handling, and her building orgasm...but it wasn't too hard to understand, even for a silly slut like her...

"Understood? Good. Uhhh....I am about to cum soon...decide where you want to take it." the woman offered.

Maybe she shouldn't let her cum inside her? Cyra wanted nothing more than to take the load in her pussy, like the proper slutty cum-dump she was...but it would surely be noticed by anyone who would use her later.

"It's ok...do what you want...I can clean you up..." Momo offered, sensing Cyra's dilemma.

Still, it would be faster to just take the load in her mouth, and swallow everything...even if she would have to finish pleasing herself without the help of the cock...


Weird unlocking ring, Unknown number of charges remaining

"Ahmn.. woaah.."
Cyra sighed out lustfully, feeling the ladies shaft push into her.. not as teasingly as the assassine, she noted, but still, encouraging her to do the work, whilest that nicely large cock filled her up.. She then mieeped slightly over at Momo who.. assisted her, a shy blush managing to creep over her lips as, with the foxes assistance, that nice, hard cock pushed deep into her.

Cyra.. had little reason for or interest in resisting, .. who would she be to mind such a nice, strong cock pushing into her. Instead, she rather closed her eyes, sighing out as her warm wetness lubricated a nice, inviting path deep into her body for her dark-haired benefactor, the holy knight moaning out sensually and just.. letting herself get fucked along with the movement, her soft, sensual dress splayed out and half hanging ajar, revealing her smooth curves, bossom resting ontop of her partner.

"Haah.. hmnnn?"
She raised a brow.. a useful ring, this was a talent Cyra never really picked up. She had noticed the woman, yes, but she'd been blindfolded.. She nodded at the ring.
"Haaahmn.. a friend of yours? But sounds like .. hamn.. an amusing plan."
She nodded.. whilest doing her best to take the nice cock deeper into her. "Ohmn.. I'd prefer if we fucked a little more, talked a little less right now.. hammnnn.."
She cooed. Well, giving that cock a good tasting was surely tempting.. but right now with how she was.. caught in the moment,.. she really wanted to feel all that nice, warm cum fill her up.. and her nice Foxy mistress even offered to help out!

"Alright, I'll see about freeing the girl.. hmnn.. but for now.. haah.. well it should be obvious f.. fuuck.. you are fucking mheeh so fill me up nice and proper..."
She moaned, girating her hips, her loins squeezing and tugging on the shaft impaling her lustfully, milking it like a good slut for all that delicious cum within...
"Not a friend...at least not yet." she chuckled, grinding her body against Cyra's.

"Hmmm...fine, I will breed you properly..." she whispered in Cyra's ear, moving her cock to assist Momo with the fucking...

"Hey, I will make foxes with her first! That's unfair!" Momo jelously complained, but didn't really stop what she was doing, making sure that Cyra's pussy got properly filled by the womans hot cum...yes, it maybe was the tattoo talking, but that was her purpose...to be a good breeding slut for all her masters and mistresses...there was no doubt about it...even as her mind jolted from her own orgasm....

"That was...rather enjoyable, Cyra. I can't wait..." she mused, licking her lips.

"As for you...you are interesting one. I wonder if you can actually keep her...heh. Well, if you don't propely clean her, she is going to have my child first..." she teased Momo.

"No!" Momo angrily denied, before pausing with some doubts "Snofoxie...you will let me...clean you...right?" she asked. She was a bit scared....what if Cyra really wanted to belong to that woman instead of her from now on, and didn't let her clean her?

Cyra raised a brow. If not a friend of the headhunter(?) the last auctioning item was likely another target with a price on her head.
She however, blushed when the still mysterious woman put what she was doing so.. bluntly.. That Momo wanted to make little foxes did not help Cyra's emberassment.. although it did emblazon her arousal. Yes... being bred, being a good slut.. if that was the tatoo talking she liked the tatoo.. or was that because of it...

It didn't matter.. she relaxed and rocked along with the lew fucking lustfully, opening herself to the warm, fertile semen to flood her.. "Haah.. oh yes.. err.."

Cyra blushed a little, emberassed at the after-sex talk of having children.. what had she gotten herself into?.. it felt really good, though...
"I uh.. haah.. being bred feels so nice...hmnn oh uh.. awww"
Poor Momo looked so worried.. she'd definitly have to let her clean her properly. "Aww you .."
She blushed, in her afterglow, touching the tatoo above her sex briefly.. perhaps there was another sollution.. "You know, you could just breed me too.. ah.."
She cast aside her glance. "A canine knot can pump out a lot of cum and.. ah.. I mean.. no..l"
She shook her head..

"It's propably best for the auction.. yes.. to just clean up and not dawdle here too long, yes... let's do that.."
She nodded, blushing a little still, presenting her sex to Momo's lewd tongue. Yes, she had to move on to the Drow, tell them not to go too risky, perhaps even the cultists.. although she wasn't sure on the reception there... technically, she hadn't betrayed them.. right? Then again, they hadn't exactly been nice, throwing Momo under the bus as well, no.. a proper response to that was showing them up with the waste of potential that was the fox-slut in being just a slut.. but wait, being a slut was good, a horny breeding slut... but also doing heroics.. besides that!
"I am a fox, not a doggie!" Momo complained "But I can also become a dog if you want me to...I mean..." she offered, pulling Cyra around and kissing her.

"But snowfox is mine, ok? I can even become a horsie if you want..." she declared, before diving down, to Cyra's cum filled pussy.

Momo started licking, trying to get the cum out with her tongue...licking around however could only do so much...for the poor fox girl, sucking the cum out wasn't something that could cross her mind.

"Uh...ophen up a bhit morr..." she pleaded, trying to push her tongue deeper in Cyra's pussy, to scoop out as much cum as possible...

Indeed time was running short...and surely Momo would feel bad if she couldn't learn how to suck...maybe Cyra could say it was enough, pat Momo on the head and call it a day? Besides, it was her purpose to get bred...why struggle so hard to fight it? It wasn't like she could get pregnant with just one time, right?

".. vulpine knot, sorry, similiar family, other genus.. anyway!"
She petted Momo softly, honestly, the fox was really a nice mistress and companion. It was a good start!

"Oooh .. I should have thought of a druid companion earlier.. I got a horse though.. aww.. yep, yours, not gonna let myself be seperated.."
She enthused to the nice fox.. before blush-moaning under her lickings.
She blushed and parted her legs, moaning a little... perhaps she should call it a day, but she didn't want to betray the poor fox.. who also should learn how to pleasure her more througoutly, always useful knowledge! "Hamnn.. ooh.. please also suck on me and.. aah.. nice.. but.. aaah.. let's hurry up, I dun want.. errr.. to be caught like this, might raise some questions and lower some prices.."
She nodded, petting Momo's hair softly.
It took a while for Momo to find out how to suck properly...but eventually she figured out how it worked. So that's how humans drunk water that way...and she had thought they were just pouring it in their mouths!

Finally, with Cyra's pussy somewhat cleaned, she was free to go to her next target...the drow!

"Remember what I told you, Cyra...and try to keep the ring a hidden. I doubt anyone would recognize it, but you never know..." the woman with the still unknown name suggested.

Next were the drow. Cyra followed exactly the same process she had in the past...follow the servant around, arrive at the box, knock the door...

"Excuse me, esteemed guests. The slave you invited has arrived!"

"She may enter..." an elfish voice was heard from inside.

26506 Upon entering, Cyra would be greeted by a surprising sight. Was is even allowed to do such things here?

"Welcome, Cyra. Excuse this mess, but I got a bit bored...you don't mind, do you?" the drow asked.

"What took you so long anyway? It matters not. I am Tiera, one of your sisters. You did some good work...well, only if you didn't end up caught." she sighed.

"But we will buy you back, no need to worry, my sister." Tiera offered, without stopping tormenting the poor human...

Cyra nodded, eyeing the ring.. before well.. carrying it in the palm of her hand. It was a bit of a distraction, but her dress had not been designed with concealment plan, but once outside, she could easily affix it to her armor-carrying horse, giving it a soothing pat-pat..
"Let's go see the drow and then get auctioned.. I think I've gotten the best from the devil cultists already.."
She nudged Momo. "It's you!"

"Hohumnn... oh ah yeaah, sorry, I just couldn't hold still at the time and lacked better options. I'm better now, now my stupid ideas will be far more effective! Also look! I got this adorable fox from the cultists. Nothing of value was lost, I mean I would have liked to try out the rose and I might need to apologize to my sword, but.. anyway!"

She raised a brow, both at the scene before her, and .. "Half expected a feisty tiefling to be with you here.. anyway, don't get in too much trouble, or worry if the bidding gets a little crazy, I'm working on a thing... say, can you tell me who the most dangerous of the auction-guards or overseers is. for.. unrelated purposes. Just anything particular I should watch out for?"
She raised a brow at the mans position... Kinky as it would be to be sold as a sex-slave, she kind of had plans! And Momo! And things to do.

"Also whats the program, this is just a presentation before the big sales, right? I'm pre to last?"
She inquired, having only a half sorted plan in her head, it helped to sort a little more before you improvised..

"...is he doing alright by the way?"
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"No! It's the other way around!" Momo corrected Cyra, chuckling happily as she followed along.

"Apologize to your sword? Fox? Hm...my poor sister. I guess we will have to un-break you." the drow mistress sighed.

"What are you working on? What was all that nonsense they told in your introduction? Usually they only say things they have confirmed themselves. Very unlike them to let you do your own introduction."

"If you are working on an escape...don't. It will be easier to steal you from them, if we don't manage to buy you. But we have enough gold to buy you, anyway."

"If you do have to know...the guards are only average. But the auction house belongs to Zariel herself...so while she would never bother making a move personally, her subordinates would hunt you down just to save face for her. Also, the appraiser is one of ours, so you don't need to worry about your items getting sold." she chuckled.

26726 "Yes...there is word that they are selling a high priestess. It is kind of weird, because neither us or the other mercenaries care for her. But who cares, I would say some devil is trying to humiliate her, if I had to guess."

"Him? He is fine." she pulled the man's hair, pulling him in her pussy.

"Actually...he is...DONE." she called, pulling out the riding corp, letting the poor man spray cum all over her.

"Forget this insignificant pathetic worm...he has had his reward. Isn't that right, slut?" she stood up, asking the man who nodded readily in agreement.

"He is a painslut. I brought him here, to show you. He is someone who walks the same path you will...in time." she explained, picking some cum with her finger from her chest, and tasting it, before walking towards Cyra.

"So...as you may have guessed, I will be your painslut trainer. I will be training you for the following years...if you are still determined to walk down that path. I also had a little present for you...but Zarnia, the appraiser I mentioned below hasn't delivered it yet." she sighed, pressing softly but firmly her crop against Cyra's pussy.