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Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Ok long enough for me to double post now...

How many people have I chased away here with my complex characters? Is there anyone still interested in this? Let me know, and if there are still any people interested I'll see what I can do about setting us up sometime over the Weekend.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

*is still interested, but wishes Bartnum would get off his lazy ass and help.*


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Well as soon as I tie a few loose ends up here I may start it myself, since we both were supposed to be co-gm's, or at least that was how I THINK it was supposed to work.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

That was indeed how it was supposed to work.

It's not so much that I'm sat on my lazy ass, as Burrito suggests, but due to my laptop still being broken I can't get on as often as I used to be able to. I also thought that all interest had been lost some time ago, but if people are still up for it, I see no reason not to start it up again.

So, confirmed are Bartnum, Siphon and Burrito. If anyone else still wants to participate, post now.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Is good to hear from you Bartnum, was beginning to fear the Gremlins ate ya.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm still ready.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright, here is the deal. I am going to try, barring anything unforseen, to start this up on TUESDAY. I still need to PM Aika, which I will do likely tomorrow for the move to occur.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Yeah. So I found an error in my interpretation of a Dark Templar's abilities. I made a slight edit to keep the character consistent, and I hope the GM's won't get pissed at my mistake. Sorry if I caused any confusion or screwed up any plans.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Poor Ix, he can only detect things within 50m and Nebula is talking to him from a ways out side of the station.

Edit: And if you want a voice to plug in for Nebula when it says 'Hey' just plug 'listen' on the end and think of Navi from the Legend of Zelda games.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I've already spoken to Burrito on this, and as we both understand it, this is how the protoss ability works.

He can send communications TO anyone he chooses telepathically, but can only see thoughts that are directed specifically AT him, either in reply or willingly sent. When communicating he can sift through the mind of said person, but only if they are actively communicating with him, and minor details at best. This means unless the person communicates back with just thought only, he would be unable to glean anything from their minds.

Given this information, I personally see no trouble with it, and it is basically identical to my character in Defend ULMF, so I am alright with it. Just posting that here to clear up any issues.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

No, I'm just saying that it's amusing that Ix can't sense what he is talking to.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I know Phoenix, but I was just confirming I had spoken to him on the changes he made and that I understood them and everything was clear in case anyone were to ask.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Isn't it great when races get old tv signals and think their messages to come and meet?


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Yeah, great... You do know that the first broadcast with enough power to reach outer space was Hitler's great speech, right?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

LOL @ both of you. Ironic too that Siphon would have absolutely no idea what he's talking about, not being from Earth originally.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Yeah, great... You do know that the first broadcast with enough power to reach outer space was Hitler's great speech, right?
And Gilligan's island came out over a decade later, so it probably made it too. (Also, this is just the one they detected which was clear enough to understand)

Also, take note that a shedding is not comparable to a year, but is the average period between when a a Traveler sheds its outer skin for one that isn't as scarred and damaged by space travel.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'd like to join this roleplay; Snake and his details will be PM'ed to Siphon some time in the next two weeks or so. If I don't a friendly nudge would be appreciated; I have several of these to join at once, and I may not get the chance to finish this one before I forget about it.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Ok, ridiculous post incoming.. I don't think I missed anything important, :p. I know her history sounds ridiculous, but the vast majority of it was actually played out in RP, rather than written....

Name : Daina Eil'Mori

Age : 383

Species : Asari

Description : At a comfortable 5"8, Daina stands relatively tall for her species, though years of commando training, as well as extensive military and extraordinary service have removed any hint of excess fat from her body. The biology of Asari only allows so much deviance from the standard form, though. As a race in which every individual must be prepared to bear children, there is no escaping a certain feminine curve, a softness in certain areas. As a result, she resembles in shape a human female, though she'd be the quickest to remind you - Asari are monogendered, there is no need to think of her as male, or female. Not, of course, that one could mistake her for human - blue skin, the lack of hair, and the interesting tentacles that form the back of her head preclude that!

These days, she's most often found in her matte black assault suit - skintight armour, designed to allow flexibility while providing protection, as well as interlinking with her own biotic abilities to provide a kinetic dampener - a shield, of sorts. She tends to carry several weapons, in various holsters.. a pistol, and what appears to be a baton at her waist, a small box that unfolds into a rather efficient sniper's rifle on her back, and a pair of Asari shimmerknives, one underneath her right forearm, and one across her chest in a quick-release holster.

Powers/Abilities/Training : It is said, that the Asari make the most lethal warriors in the galaxy. Thankfully, there are only a few of them. Daina stands up to this legend, and indeed, surpasses it. A dead eye with her pistol, as well as being trained, though less practiced, with the rifle she carries on her back, Daina specialises in close quarter infiltration, and fighting. Using an Asari style of combat involving one, or two shimmerblades to pierce armour and shielding with apparent ease, she has been likened by Siphon/Talvesh, an individual she's.. more than familiar with.. to a dancing flame. On top of her impressive physical abilities, as an Asari, Daina has a unique link with the very mass around her. Asari nervous systems are based in waves, rather than particles, and as a result, can extend to form a shimmering blue corona. With this extended, Daina can interact, and manipulate, the matter, and more importantly, space, around her. Something as simple as synchronising her nervous system with another being, which equates to a form of tactopathy - like telepathy, but through touch, to twisting the space a being occupies to reduce it to nothing but meat.

Ship : The SS Florence. A small craft, especially in comparison to, for example, the Daedalus, the Florence is barely forty meters long. Containing a small cockpit, a long row of cryo-sleep pods, a single crew area, dominated by the large galactic map in the center, CO's quarters, and the garage/maintenance bay, as well as the engine observation deck, it's certainly no comparison to the city-sized ships it often seems to come up against. However, the Florence was never designed as a battleship. Rather than armour, and weaponry, the ship boasts the best available stealth systems, resulting in a craft that can run in "stealth mode", presenting no target to radar or infared scans, giving off no emissions, nor even visuals. However, this can only be held for ten hours at a time, before the heat produced by the engines becomes dangerous for the crew. The weapons and armour systems... are non-standard. The Florence has enough power to run either the weapons, or the mass deflector. Although standard kinetic barriers are always running (except when in stealth mode), the mass deflector can literally warp the space in front of the ship to steer enemy projectiles or even light-based weaponry, such as lasers, safely around the ship. This does place significant strain on the pilot, and requires biotic abilities to safely use. The weaponry, when it comes down to it, operates around the same principle, compressed into a projectile. While, again, very basic mass accelerators are in operation - enough to take on unshielded ships of a similar size, the Florence relies on the experimental tech for it's main offence. Compressing a twisted ball of space-time, and launching it, the it can inflict a crushing, twisting warping effect on any ship - even through shields, that travels mercilessly through any targets encountered without stopping. However, this can reach a maximum size of roughly 5 cubic meters - not enough to do huge damage to anything bigger than a light cruiser.

The newest addition to the Florence, is a wormhole jumper. Or at least, what might be one. Combining the abilities of a biotic pilot, this piece of tech can effectively jump the Florence to any point within a hundred cubic kilometers, with near pinpoint accuracy. However, it's a little exhausting, and experimental. If they land on something... they swap, in short. This is designed to improve maneuverability, and dogfight capabilities.

History : Daina is what some might call.. a dimension jumper. In her most recent years, she's seen more parallel universes than most of us care to think about - usually with awkward results. Starting out as an Asari commando, her brief romance with a human officer - the best there was, a certain Diana Kaira, was cut short by the woman's execution during a hostage crisis. Daina recovered, but became far more.. killjoy. Her reckless spree knew no bounds, extending even to genocide - she led the team that annihilated the homeworld of the race that, in her view, murdered her lover. Not even this was enough, though. Daina signed herself up for the slingshot -- an experiment that basically, in the words of the techie "Spun space-time in coils and fired something through the middle". One confused Asari ended up in the universe we see as "ours" - the universe of SBS. It wasn't long before she gravitated towards the school, meeting Siphon/Talvesh, and the twins. One replicator attack later, Daina found herself once again careering through the galaxy, this time with Siphon and friends. It was during this time, Daina and Siphon grew a little closer than perhaps was proper for fellow soldiers.

Worse was still to come, though. A parallel universe means a parallel self. In this 'verse, Daina Eil'Mori didn't permit the execution of her lover to go ahead - instead, she ripped the would be hostage takers apart with her biotic powers. Upon meeting up, the two made the mistake of touching, and were combined painfully into one. As a result, Daina technically holds three military ranks - Major, Captain, and M'Shari, an Asari rank.

Reunited with her lover, if a parallel universe version of her, Daina enjoyed a brief period of happiness, before another replicator attack brought things to a crashing halt. Pursuing the replicators to their source, and discovering what seemed to be a frozen naked singularity - that offered to grant Diana, but no one else, a single wish -, Daina could only watch in shock as her lover stepped casually into the portal, with nothing but an apology - a portal that vanished shortly after. Reeling with horror, Daina made a devastating suicidal assault on the last fortress of the replicators, literally yanking the whole planet down with her to collapse it into the only thing the nanobots could not escape - a black hole.

Presumed dead for some time, Daina emerged from thin air to reclaim her ship, with a new, hardened outlook, and missing gaps in her memories. Also by her side, and now manning the SS Florence for her, was an AI - something long outlawed by both Asari, and Galactic civilisation. An AI based on the personality of Diana Kaira.

Notes : Now, a few notes and explanations, xD. Daina's taken from the universe of Mass Effect - Sci-Fi type tech there is based on "biotic fields" - something generated either by something called Element Zero, or, Asari physiology, as they are partly composed of the stuff. It's theorised it forms a core for their unique nervous system. This element, when subjected to a positive electrical current, makes things heavier within a certain field, controlled by shape of the element, as well as power supplied to it. A negative electrical current, makes things lighter. They do this by manipulating space-time directly, pressuring certain points, or lifting others, to use the standard "rubber sheet" metaphor. This forms the basis for shielding - making things heavier to remove their kinetic energy, or lighter to dissipate harmlessly, and mass accelerators - railgun type technology, used in sidearms and heavy guns.

In terms of travel, most ships are outfitted to use "relays", devices discovered around the galaxy capable of imbduing an object with a massive, semi-permanent mass effect field, making them much lighter. Practically infinitesimally light, allowing ships using these relays to reach the speed of light, and travel across galaxies with ease.

Asari stuff :

Shimmerknives - Asari blades that incorporate a mass field, to literally part matter around the blade. They seem to shimmer, and dance like a flame in the light, hence the name. They only activate when melding with an Asari nervous system, though.

BlueSilver - A form of element zero, shining with a blue-silver colour, that amplifies and strengthens biotic potential, usually seen as a light plating, or perhaps a small vein running through a blade. Daina is lucky enough to have a baton made of it.

Voiding - An Asari's eyes will turn completely black when using their biotics, or melding with someone. Melding is their means of reproduction, or sharing information - synching nervous systems to share thoughts and memories. The more contact, the stronger the meld. Strong enough, and the Asari can copy, and store the DNA of the other individual - to, if she so chooses, create offspring with.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright, I've already known the majority of this sheet before you posted it up, a lot of that being that yeah, half her history is from the other RP. I'm going to say go ahead and jump on in, have her show at the station then. Siphon will be most pleased to see her show up now too.
Last edited:

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Ah, sorry about the drone thing: I missed the part where siphon left.