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Jul 15, 2018
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If you make it, they will fap.
Wise words.

Also, if it's something you really want to do you don't need to publish it under your name or anything, use an alias and take the pressure off.
I heard you like aliases so I put an alias in your alias so you can alias while you alias.

The best part about all this is that you posted in this section and on your blog; two places almost nobody would ever look.
At first I was only going to post to the blog/site and then lurk here to see if anyone ever noticed, but I decided that would be way too unlikely.

I guess the most important thing to ask is: are you staying for a while?
No comment.

I actually run an adult games development server if you'd ever want to join; doing everything yourself can be a huge pain, but if you wanted to focus on just art or just programming or just designing/writing, I'm sure there would be lots of people on the server who would willingly team up with you to make games with you.
The offer is appreciated but I find the process of collaboration to be astronomically harder and more stressful than just making a game.

I'm sure you might know already but your Newgrounds account has been hacked into several years back and your games have been "upgraded" with scam links.
Sad days. I wanted to post there, too.

Welcome back :eek:

Not only has linemarvel made a post, but Dark's making a non-moderator post outside h-games? This is truly a rare event indeed!
Nah, this thread ain't about me. It's about history.
Don't stop us now. The moment of truth. We were born to make history.

[... back and forth...] ... sounds like somebody who doesn't want to be straddled with the expectations of others. And encouragement sounds awfully a lot like expectation.
If I have a problem with expectations and encouragement -- and I absolutely do, your armchair psychology is very accurate -- then it's 100% my problem and no one else should worry about it.

That said, guys, I failed and disappeared for 10 years. How much harder do I have to try to kill your expectations? :LOL:

LineMarvel is back he's gonna make the most amazing game evvvvverrrrrr.

Welcome back, I hope those 10 years were good on you.
I survived them. I think.

This might be weird and out of place, but it's a random curiousity that popped into my head. I don't know how much you've looked into things either during your absence or afterwards, but if you are aware of koonsoft and the games he makes... I'm curious about your thoughts on that?
I'm glad he (and a number of other people) kept the dream alive and replaced me. That took some of the burden off.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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If I have a problem with expectations and encouragement -- and I absolutely do, your armchair psychology is very accurate -- then it's 100% my problem and no one else should worry about it.

That said, guys, I failed and disappeared for 10 years. How much harder do I have to try to kill your expectations? :LOL:

LineMarvel is back he's gonna make the most amazing game evvvvverrrrrr.
I just don't understand. Why do you feel beholden to anonymous horny people?

I'm not saying it's wrong to feel that way mind, simply that it perplexes me as to how one could. I'd get it if you had a patreon and had promised something to people who'd given you money, or some other thing where you'd been given compensation for work that you had yet to do. But AFAIK (and I could be wrong, as I wasn't aware of H-games until after your... departure) this isn't the case.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Some people just have an overwhelming sense of responsibility for everything they do, I guess. Why do you think I keep coming back to pretend moderate?

... It's because Nunu told me to.

No comment.
Boooooo. And here I was, excited you'd start blogging again, or at least be like some sagely guru commenting on the changing landscape of h-games. WAY TO KILL MY EXPECTATIONS.


The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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It's awesome that you're back around, I didn't give up hope we'd get Mystic Girl til 2011 lmao, checking every other week. I wonder how the landscape of adult games would be now if you hadn't come along, not to mention the communities surrounding it. I bet it feels weird to have had one in your name carrying on through all these years.
Have you kept up with H-games in any capacity? If so do you have any favorites?


Demon Girl
Apr 28, 2010
Reputation score
I knew you'd be back one day. It was your first game, jungle girl that got me hooked into hentai games I was so lost before that and desperate to find something fun to entertain myself as nothing I found worked for me. Then thanks to Jungle girl a whole new world open up to me. Still so glad about that. So yeah....

Just glad you are back even if just to chill out and not make new games!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 28, 2011
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''LineMarvel is back he's gonna make the most amazing game evvvvverrrrrr'' mystic girl?


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Oh wow, I thought this was going to be a pretender at first.

So where did you source the voices for jungle and demon girl from?


New member
Jul 15, 2018
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> Boooooo. And here I was, excited you'd start blogging again, or at least be like some sagely guru commenting on the changing landscape of h-games. WAY TO KILL MY EXPECTATIONS.

I'm not going to start blogging again because there's so little worth saying at this point. But hey, for old time's sake, here's one last swing at it:

Let me sum up everything that's wrong with hentai games:

At any given point in time when playing a hentai game, ask yourself two questions:
1) Is there any gameplay?
2) Is there any hentai?

The answer to both is usually "no".
The answer to at least one of them is almost always "no".

This is not a hard problem to fix. It's not being fixed. It may even be getting worse over time.

Clearly, people either don't agree that it's a problem or aren't capable of fixing it.

Either way, that is why sagely gurus tend to become hermits.

> I wonder how the landscape of adult games would be now if you hadn't come along, not to mention the communities surrounding it. I bet it feels weird to have had one in your name carrying on through all these years.

It's completely bizarre and surreal. My games weren't very good and my art was terrible, yet here we are.

Maybe if I hadn't come along, we'd all be better off? Maybe I set the bar too low and lulled people into a false sense of pride and accomplishment?

> Have you kept up with H-games in any capacity? If so do you have any favorites?

See above for an explanation of why I don't think very highly of many hentai games.
Once in a while I blitz through a few of them. Most every game has some specific elements that are good and noteworthy but finding ones that provide a complete experience is rare.
Some random stuff of the top of my head...

Relatively Complete Packages
Goblin Walker: It's a complete, solid game. Most of the time is spent in gameplay and the hentai is largely integrated into it. Not a fan of the art style though and the sex scenes are subpar.
Queen's Legacy: Nice blend of RPG, action, simple unobtrusive narrative, world-building and gameplay systems that revolve around hentai and integrate with one another in varied ways. Save file keeps disappearing or getting corrupted so I've never gotten through it.
She ill server: Interesting take on gameplay which doesn't always hit the mark but is worth it for reasons you should be able to guess by now. Anyone who cares about hentai game design should check it out for ideas.

Mostly Gameplay-Focused
Demon's Sperm: A really competent 2D 'souls' game. Shame they forgot to put hentai in most of it.
LiLipalace: Recent oldschool first-person dungeon crawler on Steam. Decently engaging game with good variety from what I've played. Unfortunately it's hard to fit a lot of hentai into a game when 99% of the time you're staring at empty hallways or portraits of monsters.
Rune's Pharmacy (and 50 million other RPG Maker games): Hours at a time with no sex, bland uninteresting combat, unlikely you'll see most of the sex scenes without unlocking the gallery, but overall well put together and has some good sequences.
And a bunch of beat-em-ups, metroidvanias, etc. It's easy to make a mediocre game and slap a couple naked girls in it.

No real point in giving examples of games with little gameplay since that's what jpegs are for.

> So where did you source the voices for jungle and demon girl from?

Ripped from whatever random porn I had lying around at the time that didn't have excessive amounts of noise and music in them. I don't remember the sources, though it looks like someone tracked down one in this thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/the-voice-of-demon-girl.4816/
Pretty sure I only even had that porn from the Kazaa days where everything was mislabeled so it was completely random what you'd get.


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Pretty sure I only even had that porn from the Kazaa days where everything was mislabeled so it was completely random what you'd get.
Ha, yes the dark days before bittorrent and streaming sites.
Back when you had to decide what fetish you'd want to fap to the next day.

What about Nightmare Sphere, Nanocrisis/Hounds of the Blade, JSK's games?


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Ha, yes the dark days before bittorrent and streaming sites.
Back when you had to decide what fetish you'd want to fap to the next day.

What about Nightmare Sphere, Nanocrisis/Hounds of the Blade, JSK's games?
Oh lordy thinking about it now, this may be where I developed my porn-hoarding tendency. Along with the need to have everything properly categorized and labeled. If it weren't for stupid people mislabeling kazaa porn I'd be a relatively normal pervert!


Feb 25, 2009
Reputation score
Christ, what's it been, 13 years since Jungle Girl came out?

There's people browsing this board - legally - who had not entered grade school when you made that. Lots of people browsing this board have no reason to believe that "Linemarvel" is an actual person who did anything.

linemarvel said:
It's completely bizarre and surreal. My games weren't very good and my art was terrible, yet here we are.

Maybe if I hadn't come along, we'd all be better off? Maybe I set the bar too low and lulled people into a false sense of pride and accomplishment?
You set the bar real low, but I don't think that matters - you at least set the bar, and people far more skilled than you are out there making games. Lately, there's been people making plenty of reasonably good games (Somme Works is about to release something, MGQ continues to exist, Succubus Heaven is a thing that's going to come out in an amount of time, JSK keeps doing his thing...I'd say that for a normal human, this is a reasonably sized list on its own, and an enthusiast could extend it without much effort...) It's not like you should be spending hours of your day masturbating to hentai games anyway, and the few games that are good should be more than enough for most people.
Last edited:


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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It's not like you should be spending hours of your day masturbating to hentai games anyway


Active member
Jun 28, 2018
Reputation score
Welcome back

Wise words.
... I find the process of collaboration to be astronomically harder and more stressful than just making a game.
I know this feeling all too well. Not everyone works well in groups.
Even if you can find artists and programmers who can work together, it's extremely difficult to find someone who is adept at both leadership and game development.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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It's completely bizarre and surreal. My games weren't very good and my art was terrible, yet here we are.

Maybe if I hadn't come along, we'd all be better off? Maybe I set the bar too low and lulled people into a false sense of pride and accomplishment?
I kinda liken it to Myst; looking back now, the game is pretty rough to play now, but nobody can deny that it was innovative and set a new standard at the time. To just look back at it and say, "Man, I made a terrible game" is ignoring the context behind it. Jungle/Demon Girl was a good game. But by today's standards, it is not a good game.

Even looking at Mystic Girl, it was clear the art was improving, as were the ideas for changing up the gameplay (I remember there was a sentinel that would've corresponded to enemy types and you were trying to implement multiple enemy grabs). And this was back in like, 2007. I've little doubt that if you really did keep going all these years, the bar would've raised higher and higher.

I just feel like it's unfair to say that you set the bar too low; the bar was low to begin with. If the guy who invented the fireplace saw modern HVAC systems and thought to himself, "My creation was awful. If I hadn't done this, things probably would've been even better," then people would think he's ridiculous. All progress needed a bedrock. Standing on the shoulders of giants, and all that jazz.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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And if that's not convincing enough there's a fan gallery of Demon Girl by Derpixon that's top notch AND the adaptation of the demon girl style of gameplay by Koooonsoft.

That actually brings up a question I've had. What did you think when Angel Girl first came out? I remember nearly everyone here losing their shit and calling it a ripoff cuz he was gonna sell it at first, but he released it free of charge and everyone's given him a thumbs up from then on.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
I think Linemarvel makes a good point about H-games these days. The whole reason people are playing them is for the Hentai content, and alot of RPGmaker stuff could be alot more Hentai oriented. Take the latest Tsukinomizu release for instance; Nightmare girls, the game itself is very high quality, the art, the setting, even the music is all original, in terms of a Hentai RPG, its harder to get higher quality than that. That being said, alot of the content is that of a traditional RPG, even the combat system, which i had hoped would be more similar to Jumble Jokers, ended up being somewhat of a disappointment.

It seems that the games that really tie things all together are few and far between, games that make the sex the centerpiece of the game and build combat systems specifically around that system, they don't have to be RPGmaker games but they can be. LineMarvel really brought alot of us into this kind of thing and the industry has certainly improved since then, but it isn't quite where i thought it would be and certainly not where it should be.


New member
Mar 4, 2019
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seeing someone come back after long time makes me want to say this :

"Welcome back soldier, ready to continue?"


Tentacle God
Aug 23, 2012
Reputation score
Hey LM.
Though I was around after you decided to vanish into the ether, welcome back!


New member
Jul 15, 2018
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So I've actually been very, very, veeeeeeery slowly chipping away at a new project which will probably never go anywhere but I thought I'd tease to torture you all. You're welcome 👺

It's really just a tech demo that's an excuse for me to fuck around with all the fantastic new Unity stuff that's coming out lately (nested prefabs, C#7, addressables, DoTS, render pipelines, ShaderGraph, new garbage collector, omg Unity is straight fire in 2019). I'll peck away at this super long term (YEARS) and if it looks viable one day... I could take a run at a patreon or something.

And now that I've typed that out it'll never happen. jebaited.

RE all your supportive responses: You all make me feel better about a lot of things. Also a ton happened to me since I last posted and I feel better about a lot in general.

PS. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is stealing all my free time but inspiring me to dive into anime shaders. I am having great interest in that.