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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan finds her way back to the EGG chamber where she had been before and sits down in the seat. The door closes automatically and the lights dim. The screen before her gives her the options to start a new game, load her old game, or access the settings menu.

If she loads her current game, she will find herself back in the arms of Tess, with her breast size being at least one size larger than she envisions herself as having. (So if she envisioned herself with a B cup, she would have a C cup in the game.)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

As she go inside, she decide to continue her game. "hm...lets she what i was doing, oh yes." then she press the button
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan opens her eyes and finds Tess lying cuddled in her arms. Her friend seemed asleep, but she was murmuring to herself, and subconsciously her hand was stroking between her thighs. Susan realized that she too was feeling horny now that she was awake again, even though she had fallen asleep with Tess both fully satisfied.

She noted that her own breasts had reduced in size somewhat upon re-entering the world, but they were still a size larger than her real life state. Tess' breasts also seemed to be slightly reduced, and neither of them were lactating any longer.

Susan felt awkward, as Tess looked so comfortable and cute lying asleep as she was, fingering herself in her sleep. But now that the silver haired warrior was awake, she realized that she would once again need to satisfy herself. No doubt Grobble would soon bring them to the queen, and she didn't want to be acting like a wanton sex-fiend in front of the being who would decide her fate.

Susan 6/6, AP 4
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"At least is better than before" She through looking her "new" body, she change her attention toward the arousal than she was feeling. Susan decide to gently wake up her friend as prepare herself for another session with her. She also look happily than the breasts of her friend were also reduced.

"Good morning Tess, time to wake up" The silver hair girl said as she caress the head of Tess.

"Sigh...looks like we need to do it again"She said after give time to her to wake up
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess stirs in her sleep and rolls over onto her back, stretching her legs as she yawns widely. Then murmuring again, she brings her hand back to her cunny and begins to rub it.

"Mm... it's not that horrible is it?" she says, still not opening her eyes, yawning a second time. Her other hand strays to her breasts, and finding them reduced in size, she at last opens her eyes and stares at them in relief. "Ah, the effects have worn off. I feel a bit like my old self again."

She smiles and then looks at Susan, her face softening. "Well, come on then. Let's help each other get rid of this feeling. You work me and I'll work you?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan look the lovely cute scene, as she remember the words of Paul and wonder herself in which person was based the redhair girl. "Glad to hear than that curse go out. So, thats your real size?" said Susan smiling as she start to caress her friend body she concentrate more in the erogenous parts of Tess, then she proceed to kiss from the belly to the neck of her as she softly stroke the breasts of Tess, as both bodies strat to caress each other she help her friend to stroke her cunt.

The time passed and after a few positions the little Tess was reaching her peak, it was a little more hard without the sensibility of her breasts, but thanks to her experience Susan was able to make it and the orgasmic shout of Tess fill the house.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess looks down at her breasts in regard to Susan's follow up question. "They're still a bit bigger than I remember, but that constant sensitivity is gone."

Susan chose that moment to test Tess' sensitivity and found that some of it at least was still there as she kneaded the red head's C-cups.

The two exchange positions several times, alternating fingering and licking each other until they both reach their climax.

Both have reached Sporen Resistance Level 3! You will now only receive a point of AP once every 30 minutes while being exposed to the Sporen spores.

Grobble appears in the doorway several minutes after the two are done and brings with him two sets of basic robes, brown, baggy things with ropes to bind and tie off at the waist, such that they both look like Franciscan monks once they are dressed.

"We do not normally require clothes, but these are taken from the troglodyte cultists that we sometimes catch within our domain," Grobble explained. "I shall take you now to the Queen while you are more in control of yourselves."

So saying the pair was led by Grobble and a small entourage of other Sporen Guards to a large stone building structure carved into the base of the "northern" cavern wall. Within the large structure were gathered many Sporens of all shapes and colors, roughly as tall as Susan and Tess, and all looked on them with black eyes shining out from underneath their caps.

Against the wall, sitting on a throne that was encircled in a ray of sunlight that poured through a single shaft in the cavern ceiling, stood a proud Sporen whose stem curved in a pleasant hourglass shape and was recognizable as a woman by human standards, though the bumps that made up her breasts had no nipples, nor did she have any hair or opening at where her womanhood should have been. Her mouth was invisible to the eye until she opened it to speak, and her eyes seemed to be deep and searching, peering hard at the two humans before her.

"There has been much said about the two humans who fought my guards at the secret gateway to our realm. I have been advised that you may well be spies or servants of the scaled ones, who crave the flesh of our young and old alike, and eat of our unawakened kin in the depths. You did not surrender until it was obvious to you that you were trapped and outnumbered, and there seems to be no assurances that you are simply what you appear to be - two escaped slaves and tentacle birth mothers - defiled and tainted by the dark powers, as humans so easily are, you may already be under their sway, willing or not.

"State your names and your purpose, as you would have me believe them. And be careful, for I am Salgia, bloom of Yulga, Queen of the Sporens, and blessed to detect all falsehoods."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan was resting at the side of Tess until she heard steps coming from outside, instinctively she try to cover her body with the sheet but stop after remember were she was. The when the Grobble appear with the clothes in his hands the young warrior a relief after know than they will not show themselves completely naked as who know how many fungi mens and the queen look at them.

Unfortunately that relief stopped as she heard from were come the clothes. "Sigh... i hope than this clothes don't cause more misunderstandings", well im glad to have clothes at least, thanks Grobble" After be prepared both follow the Sporens guards, as they reach the reunion place the great crowd of sporens reunited make her think than not much things happen in this realm as she feels like a witch send to be burned at the stake.

Then she saw the gorgeous figure of the Queen, there was not doubt than if Susan were in other circumstances she would have believe than that shape was from the more beautiful human than she have never seen. The words than the Queen spoke make her think than they were damned, surely they will receive the store anger of all of the Sporens even when she have the chance to defend herself of these charges.

Not was until the Queen present herself than the silver hair warrior saw a chance to show the innocence of both. She just have desired to know why she was here before the trial.

"First, I'm very grateful to your highness to give us this chance to say why we are here." Say the warrior with a reverence as she breath to calm herself after the accusation of the Queen "My name is Susan Summers an adventurer and she is my friend Tess, i found her chained as she was victim of some tentacles. After defeat them and free her, i ask her why she was there and she told me than some kind of cult of half human kidnap her from her town with other of her friends

"I promise her than i would help her to return to her town as i was also looking for the exit. Also, i know than you don't ask this but, i was the only armed in that battle against your guards. So, im the only one than must be judged."
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Do not presume to tell me how to judge you or your partner," the Queen said hotly. "That she was unarmed does not prove she had no ill intent. Spies and brainwashed servants of our enemies do not come to us with swords and axes, but they do come with words and sorrowful stories and always they desire us to leave the safety of our cavern to help them seek the enemy, or to give aid to their escape."

The Queen leans back on her throne.

"To the charge of attacking a member of our Guard, you are pardoned, but only because Grobble's account suggests you had never encountered us before and were under recent duress. The matter of you possibly being spies for our enemies is a greater concern, but since you only desire to escape, and do not ask for our aid in this, beyond simply letting you go, I am willing to have you transported to a part of the caves closer to the exit. Though you will be forced into a sleep by our medicines first, so that if you are spies, you will remain unable to lead our guards into a trap. Once you leave, you will not be given permission to return, and I ask that you prepare to leave immediately. Our guard shall see you off."

So it seemed that the Queen had ruled to let them go, but to do so cautiously, and to leave them in another part of these caverns with no real clue where to go and no aid in weapons or equipment.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan nod "Thanks queen Salgia", she dont was expecting any helpand continue the game only with the help of Tess, but of course a weapon for her friend were been better. She take out her pride and decide to ask a last favor to the Queen "Salgia Queen of the Sporens. i know than im not trustworthy and your people have do us the favour to left us rest for a day, even when some think than we could be followers of your opponents without notice it, however i request a last favour before leaving your realm. I know than my swords skills maybe will be not eneought to protect us, so could you please borrow us a weapon for my partner? . Susan wait for the answer, but for some reason the words of the queen remain in her head. Could be true than Tess is a spy or just a doll controled by someone? "No that cant be" she say to her inner self as she try to focus in the moment.

(If the conversation end)
After prepared her equipment she decide to give a last words to Grobble in case than she dont have the chance to speak once again with him "Thanks to all Sir Grobble i wish than i could return all the favours than you give us. Maybe some day i return to help all of you when i have trained enought, of course.", can i ask you a last question? its there another good creatures in this cave like all of you?"
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

The Queen says that she owes you no favors, and that your best method to escape is not to fight but to run and sneak by your foes. Her gift to you are the clothes you wear, which with the hoods cowled about your heads shall make excellent disguises.


Later on, after the queen dismisses them and they are preparing to leave, Grobble approaches them and waves away Susan's thanks. "Your thanks is not necessary. All I have done has been my duty. We are taking you to a place further down the river, and you will be put to sleep first, so that you may not show our enemies the way back to our caverns, either willingly or unwillingly. I would not call us "good," only civilized and determined to not be eaten by the troglodytes. We simply wish to be left alone, so do not feel the need to come back. I wish you well, and hope you will escape the evil cultists."

After Tess and Susan are ready to leave, they are given a wooden cup each filled with a bitter tea which they are told to drink. The concoction puts them to sleep, and when next they wake, the green glow of the cavern is gone, and they are alone in a chamber with several passages leading out of it and the sound of running water behind them.

Two torches are lit and stuck in the rocks beside them, and six other torch sticks lie nearby for future use.

"You are awake! I was afraid you would sleep longer and the troglodytes might find you!" came a youthful Sporen voice from beyond the torches. Out of the rocks trundled a female Sporen with their typical milky white stem and a pink cap with white spots. In her hand she gripped a spear and in her other she held out a mace towards Tess.

"My mother can be very rude to humans. She only wanted to get rid of you quickly because she's afraid of the lizard cultists. But I'm not! I'm Balgia, and one day I will be the Sporen queen! I won't be content just living in a cavern hiding from our enemies. I'm going to become a great warrior first and travel with you!"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Then, i suppose than this is the last time than we see you, i will pray everyday for the safety of your people" Of course the desire to return t help them still remain in Susan. But for the moment she decide to use the tactic to disguise themselves as cultist until she can reach the town of Tess.

The time to leave come and the young warrior take the wooden cup, she expect than the awful taste of the old medicine and decide to swallow all in one drink, the taste was not so bad compared by the nasty flavor of the mushroom beasts anyway she expect to don't need to drink more of the tea. Some moments later she feels the effects act, so she try to find a place to lie down and rest.

Susan wake up still a little drowsy as her eyes try to adjust to the light of the torches. Unexpectedly a female voice completely awaken her, she focus her attention toward the Young female Spouren, as she let her finish her introduction.

"Nice to meet you Balgia, I'm Susan and she is Tess, but i suppose than you meet us in the trial. I'm glad to heard than you will aid us." Said the silver hair girl with a nice smile as she note than her plan of try to disguise was useless with the presence of her new partner. "I want to help you in your fight against the troglodytes, but first i want to take Tess to her town, there we could find more people than want to join our forces. I was expecting to use these clothes to avoid any fight, but maybe you have another plan"

Then, Susan wait a little to hear the answer of Balgia and the point of view of the silent Tess.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The sporen princess blinks at the idea of disguise, as though she had not been considering it, but quickly recovered herself with a shake of her capped head.

"Those disguises won't work. You're not as tall as a troglodyte, and the human cultists speak many passwords. I don't think you'll get far..." Balgia said.

"There are only three exits out of this place, either we follow the river, past the troglodyte city, or we travel down this right path towards the great gate, but that is where the cultists have created their temple, or we can journey on this left path, which is used less and leads to a side gate, but it is guarded by something that the cultists and troglodytes avoid."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Sonia get dissapointed of the tactic and heard with atention the info of Balgia.

Hm... a hard choise, i think than if we free the left path, we could have a way to make a sorprise attack later against the cultists or toglodites when we have more allies.

Lets take that left path with caution, if we find than its to hard we could still choice other. Maybe we should guard these clothes in that case.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan, Tess (now armed with a mace), and Balgia make their way down the left path, torches held aloft to light their way. The tunnel winds and eventually begins to open into a wider, straighter passage way. Examples of human (or perhaps some other sentient race's) stonework become apparent. Stone pillars begin to rise out of the floor and touch the ceiling, and a breath of fresh air seems to be streaming in from ahead of them.

"Ah, it's a sign, the exit must be this way..." Tess said excitedly. Then sudden she stopped in her tracks as two large blobs of slime blocked their path, oozing their way towards them.

Slime A 4/4
Slime B 4/4
Susan 6/6
Tess 4/4
Balgia 5/5
Re: Susan (plmnko)

the peacefull walk toward the exit was interrupted by two large slimes. As Suran start to remember her first fight when she lost again a little one "I hate these things, lets focus all our attack in one until defeat it." She said as she launch her attack to the left one, then she try to avoid their attack using some quick backsteps.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan strikes the first slime and causes it to twist in anger, then it springs back at her and wraps its slimy tendrils about her arms and legs, dissolving the old tattered robes where it touches them.

Tess and Balgia both make attempts to strike the same slime, but the other monster intercepts them and rolls over Tess, who shrieks as she is engulfed.

Slime A 3/4
Slime B 4/4
Susan 5/6, Engulfed (-1 to attack/defense)
Tess 3/4, Engulfed (-1 to attack/defense)
Balgia 5/5
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Frustated after saw this thing dissolve her clothes, Susan try once again to attack him. "Why all of you just dont try to hit me without dissolve my clothes, thats why nobody want to have consensual sex with you"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan and Tess both manage to beat away their attackers, freeing themselves from the slimes before their clothes have completely dissolved away. However the second slime is only held back for a second before it leaps on top of Tess again, this time tearing at her clothes as well as dissolving them. She is now naked save for a few shreds hanging on by the rope belt at her waist.

Balgia manages to fend off the first slime so that it cannot leap back onto Susan in the same manner as its companion, but the sporen cannot manage to land a hit on the thing.

Slime A 2/4
Slime B 3/4 (engulfing Tess
Susan 5/6
Tess 2/4 (engulfed)
Balgia 5/5
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Using her skills Susan manage to escape of the slime grip as she strike it once more time "Great just a little more and this one will be defeated". But unfortunately she lost her balance when she look the predicament of Tess, the slime note it and try to attack her, but thanks to Balgia help the silver hair warrior have the time to control herself once again " Lets defeat him and then we save our friend, please resist Tess" She said as in the same moment launch another combined attack with her Sporian ally.