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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

The game froze and then faded to black and then there was a moment of weightlessness before she found her consciousness back in the EGG as the machine's door hissed open.

Paul, the world design guru, sat at the desk, checking his watch. When the door opened, he smiled. "Ah good, only a minute or two past the 3 hour mark. Well that's the end of the work day for me. We're going to be closing up shop for today and it's all the adviser's responsibility to make sure that anyone going home for the day actually does go home. We have a few official testers that stay overnight, but we of course can't ask you walk-ins to do that. You have your own lives after all. So, was your second session as fun as the first? Will you be coming back?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Hi Paul. Said Susan, then when Paul ended to talk she continue."It was interesting, i was sure than i will finish it, but every moment add more adventures, of course i will come back again." She said smiling. then she calm herself as she remember a pair of questions than want to say to him.

Mr Paul i have some questions before go out. First I had a dream at the start about a weird creature and after a time i fight a boss similar to it. Before said the other i have a sugestion, could this game be used by persons in coma? or i thing it would be a good idea used it on quadrapegic people.

She wait the answers of Paul to ask the last of the day "The other question is just for fun, Which name woulb be great for a noble silver wolf female?" She then said good bye to Paul and returned to home, at the same normal rutine of always until the time to return again to test the game, she really want to return with Tess Balgia and Aurumel. She then go to the door to start another test day.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"While it would be nice to use this technology to help people in coma's there is a certain amount of normalized brain activity necessary from the player in order to make the EGG virtual world stabilize and make sense. It's the same reason we make testers such as yourself sign a form that says you're not using any mind altering drugs when you're playing - it could have unknown and potentially disasterous consequences.

"However, we have already been in contact with a quadriplegic patient who has worked with us from early on in the project. I agree, there is much potential in this technology beyond the mere entertainment, and it is already seeing some use."

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders to her last question. "I confess, I'm not a novelist. I don't really know of any good suggestions off the top of my head. You could do some research in old or obscure languages and combine the words for silver and wolf I suppose."


Susan left the Chamber Corporation building in the late afternoon, and resolved to come back at the earliest opportunity, which just so happened was several days later. She re-entered the building fresh and with a smile on her face, eager to return to the EGG. Paul greeted her and showed her to the room, then excused himself as he had to go to a meeting, but suggested that she was free to take care of herself, now that she was familiar with the system.

She found herself looking at the familiar start up screen. She noticed an added choice that wasn't there before hand:

-New Game
-Load Game
-Quick Fight
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan was a little disapointed because Paul avoid the first question, maybe was something normal, she decided to put an end to the topic.


In other day the young girl went to test the game again, thre was Paul and he guide her until he had to go a conference, so she continued alone.

When she turn on the machine a new option was in the screen "Quick battle? well i will check it, its my work" she press the option and wait.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan clicked the new choice out of curiosity and was greeted with another screen of choices:

Load Persona:
-Susan (FP 7/7, AP 0/10, Lvl 3 Sword Expertise, Lvl 1 Keen Strike, Lvl 2 Armor Bonus)
-Create Heroine

Select Opponent Type:
-Human Male/Female
-Demihuman Male/Female
-Slime Family
-Tentacle Family
-Other (Create Unique Opponent)

Select Opponent Level (1-10):

Select Setting:
-Master bedroom
-Living Lair
-Other (Create Unique Setting)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

So, this option if for avoid the RP and go direct to the monsters, could it have the game over too? Susan said to herself.

The young girl then, decide to do something than was waiting to do in the future.

Load Persona:
-Susan (FP 7/7, AP 0/10, Lvl 3 Sword Expertise, Lvl 1 Keen Strike, Lvl 2 Armor Bonus)

Select Opponent Type:
-Black leader dire wolf

Select Opponent Level (1-10):Lv: 1

Select Setting:
-Living Lair

"Heh, yes revenge " said giggling
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan finds herself going through the same familiar loading feeling as everything goes dark, and then she wakes up, clothed in her golden armor, but now equipped with regular clothes and boots underneath. She has her trusty sword with her as well.

She is standing in a heated room, apparently made of flesh, with the walls pumping and reverberating as if it was the organ of some enormous beast. It juts out at odd angles and is slimy and giving to the touch.

Standing across from her in this room with no obvious exits is the familiar shape of the large Warg Alpha.

Alpha Wolf 8/8
Susan 7/7, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Nice, this room its a little creppy but at least i can fight that damn monster again she thinks as go forward running toward the creature trying to slash him in a leg
Re: Susan (plmnko)

((condensing several rounds of combat into one post))

Susan fares much better in a one on one battle with the Alpha wolf, slicing one of his front legs and then dodging out of the way of the wolf's jaws before they can snap closed on her.

Following that exchange, Susan swipes back behind her as she flies behind the wolf, swiping its side again managing to sway away from retaliation.

The wolf growls angrily and leaps at her with reckless abandon, opening itself up to a tremendous attack, her sword slashing down its neck and chest, though the wolf manages to land atop of Susan and lock its jaws around her armor.

Alpha Wolf 4/8
Susan 6/7, AP 0/10 (grappled by Alpha, -1 to attack)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The swordswoman really was amazed by how easy the wolf was well is level one, maybe is more strongh in the real game Susan continued her attacks making wounds around the body of the creature. She come every time more close, a little bored until the creature grapped her hand nice, its more fun in that way The swordswoman start to stab him traing to free her hand and continue the easy combat.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan's attempts to attack the wolf now that it had its jaws locked on her were foiled as it shook her roughly from side to side, then dragged her across the floor to the wall. The straps of her armor were coming undone. If she couldn't dislodge the wolf soon, she'd loose her extra protection.

Alpha Wolf 4/8
Susan 5/7, AP 0/10 (grappled by Alpha, -2 to attack)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

I cant let you rape me again, it would be very boring

She roll around trying to free herself of the grapple of the creature.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Resolving not to be raped again by the alpha wolf, Susan struggles viciously with its tightening grip. It takes some time, but eventually, the silver haired warrior is able to free herself from the wolf's bit, then when on her feet once again, she begins a flurry of blows, hitting the creature with four solid strikes, one after the other, without the warg being able to find its footing against her.

The final strike cleaves deeply into the wolf's neck and it lets out a death whine as it falls down to the living earth.

A broken game immersion interrupts as soon as the wolf is dead:

PLAYER Victory!

-Replay Fight
-New Fight
-Exit to Main Menu
Re: Susan (plmnko)

After a fury rain of strikes Susan look her foe dying in front her YES, yes i did it hahaha. Now i can forget that damn wolf until i really defeat him the next time

Then the screen turned off

Awww no good ending... well maybe i should try something diferent before play again my game. hm...maybe i could use to enjoy some more. Susan let than her arousament control her and write, i doubt than i will have a game over.

Susan press new game then she put in options.

New heroine
Kateryn fp3 sword expentise + 4 nearly naked little ragged clothes
(same as susan but blonde and green eyes)

Tentacle Queen

Lv 5

living birth tentacle lair
Description: cave filled with tentacles, with ample breasts women captured giving birth without rest stuck in the walls.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan's new Kateryn persona formed in a blackness as she waited weightless for the new arena to form. When it did, Susan was now changed, wearing skimpy rags that barely covered her ample bosom and womanly figure, offering her no protection. She held a slightly curved blade in her hands and stood looking about her at the level that had formed from her raw description.

The walls were stone but covered in thick fleshy pods that pulsed and wriggled with tentacles, and in each pod was a human, or fae-looking girl, with her legs and arms completely submerged in the green wall of tentacle flesh. Each girl was being ravished by three or more tentacles, filling every available hole with gout after gout of thick cloudy cum, each load being more than the girl's could handle, and thus excess rivulets of seed were streaking down their bodies and pooling on the ground beneath them. Adding to the horror, each captive girl had their belly completely distended, filled no doubt with the fertilzed eggs of more tentacles.

From a tremendously large pod in the far side of the chamber stepped a giantess, vaguely human in shape, but with baleful yellow eyes and her skin was made up of the same substance that was in the pods. Tentacles slithered out from her back, her shoulders, her torso, and her arms. No less than 40 seemed to be spreading out towards Kateryn...

Susan knew that she had probably set the difficulty a bit too high for someone at her own level...

Tentacle Queen 20/20
Kateryn 7/7, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan look the word than she had created, the look of the face of the girls, how rought they used them and then she look herself nearly naked maybe she would have lest shame without clothes
"I cant believe, is even worst than i expected. poor girls, this really was a mistake." Susan think as she look her body without any protection, then the monster appear. "I doubt than i could beat you , but i will try it anyway"

Katerin rush to ward the creature expecting to at least hit it a pair of times before lost.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Kateryn's rush towards the Tentacle Queen took the massive creature off its guard. It was not used to nearly naked girls running towards it. The swordswoman slashed into its green skin, ducked through the creature's legs and slashed again, hamstringing the overgrown tentacle monster and bringing her to her knees. Roaring with pain the creature whirled about to seize Kateryn with her own giant hands, but that was the worst mistake of all, because the brazen warrior had stood her ground and not halted in her assault, driving her sword upwards and impaling the queen deep within her pelvis, drawing dark green ichor from the wound as she slid back her embedded blade.

It was then that the first blow fell upon her, wrapping her within the slimy tentacles, her rags almost instantly dissolving to the touch of the eroding slime.

Tentacle Queen 16/20
Kateryn 6/7 AP 1/10 (greatly entagled, -4 to attack/defense, -2 to escape)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The slashes of Susan even surprise herself, only a level more of her skil was enought to hit that creepy monster three times. "I cant believe it i will be soo strongh" she through. Unfornately her look end and she firmly was grapped Damn this thing is very strong i must escape of these tentacles Katerin started to struggle trying to free avay before the creature show her something more.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Kateryn discovered that the true horror of this monster was its grappling ability. Once it grabbed hold, there was little chance of it letting go. Struggle as she might, the warrior could not get free before all four of her limbs were secured and spread apart by the slimy appendages. Not wasting any more time, the tentacles waving in front of Kateryn's eyes split their skins at the tip, revealing the familiar shape of a male cock that slid upwards to take their place at the top. The phallus of each tentacle-cock was roughly a foot long, and beset with many ridges and bumps and phalanges of different varieties, all looking as though they were specifically designed to violate a victim's insides in a particularly excessive fashion.

Even as Katelyn struggled, she promptly had a tentacle-cock shoved roughly into her spread pussy, pushing her instantly to a heightened level of arousal, despite the extreme discomfort. Once fully inside her it felt as though the phalanges were brushing her insides and attaching to her inner walls with tiny pockets of suction. It also immediately lubricated her with its own aphrodisiac secretions as it prepared to inseminate her.

The other tentacle-cocks were not idle. One smeared its dripping surface against her face, pressuring itself against her resisting lips, while another positioned itself patiently at her rear, sliding in between the crevice of her ass, spreading her cheeks and lubing her back entrance for its eventual double insertion.
Tentacle Queen 16/20
Kateryn 4/7 AP 4/10(-2 to all rolls) (greatly entagled, -4 to attack/defense, -2 to escape)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Katerin try to struggle with all her might but the grapple abilities of her foe were beyond any than Susan had experiment "Damn this thing is thoug at least i had the time to escape...what is she doing?" She thought as her arms and legs were secured and spread. The creature then show her what expect as her tentacles skin changed until they looks like dicks all diferent in sizes and shapes "Damn maybe i just give up and enjoy it...No im not like that i will fight until the end, even when it was a battle lost from the start." The swordswoman try to escape again until she feels one of them going inside her miking her stop to struggle for a moment as she feels than it was doing something weird inside her, she bite her lip trying to resist the increasing pleasure.

The lewd moans of the npcs and the cum smell in all the place start to make her desire than the creature used her more rought, she nearly open her mouth to allow the entrance of the tentacle and involuntary nearly move her hips trying to fill her rear hole with the apendage, but instead she move her face to other side as she try to free herself maybe a last time.