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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Escape Pod Tag: Taken Mood: Scared and Naked!

Sarai moaned a bit as her head ached from the overload of the Force. She shook her head and pulled back inside of herself to avoid the intensity. "I've never felt anything close to this strong taken. It's like all of us that we have ever known in the Force and multiplied by thousands. I can't communicate with or sense the others because of the sheer power and static." She unbuckled and stretched before looking about the pod. "Are we close to the source? It feels that way. Let's just grab what gear we can and head toward it. Can we modify the beacon to send out a message instead of just a signal? That would let anyone homing in on us know where we've headed." She strapped on a pack and buckled on a survival pouch with rations, water and other useful things while attaching her lightsaber to the side. Without any good clothing other than cold weather gear that was inappropriate to the jungle she remained largely nude. That would be ok as it would let her work her tattoos as camoflauge if necessary.
@ Salvie

Salvie was being a good girl...and she managed to go underwater with her new ship body. The water felt so nice,leaving a tingling sensation on her plates...she knew she had to go deeper...and deeper...

Down on the floor of the ocean, there was some kind of structure. It was massive, her whole body could easily fit into the mouth-looking entrance...she could see the mouth...no, some kind of blast door open.

She could feel that it was inviting her to go inside...with a warm feeling of returning home...it was Master...Master was waiting for her....


The ship went in the mouth...it was a small, water filled hangar bay. With the door closing behind them, the water started draining out...and soon Salvie found herself parked. Why would someone build a hangar bay underwater? Why Master was calling her and the ship? What would Master do to her...?

Salvie found herself returning to her body. She could also now feel the presence of the Master. Calling her to go deeper...through that door at the back...in the main chamber. Where she would meet Master for the first time...
She could feel her heart beating faster.

Could Master read her thoughts? And if so, would Master realize she already had...no, she had to not think about it. She just had to go through that door...and find the Master that was waiting for her.
Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Unknown, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted and brainwashed again, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited
She fell deeper and deeper as her new body sunk deeper and deeper. Deeper under the master's sway, until there was no light left, only soothing numbness. Obedience felt good, it made her wet, she was deep and wet, like she should be. She returned to her original chassis, and immediately disconnected from the ship to come and see master. Her previous self would have thanked the ship, but she was too single-minded for that. She did have enough presence of mind to grab her overclothes and put them into her carry bag, walking in her beloved, sexy bodysuit, swaying sensually. She was horny for more, more obedience, more orgasms. She had to obey, and would obey, without hesitation. She walked through the door, her breath rapid, heart beating and pussy throbbing with excitement. She was a good girl, a good slut. Master would be pleased with her, and would reward her...
I am here, master. As you commanded.
@ Raja

Raja would notice as she stood up a pile with her things, at the foot of the bed. She could try to pick her lighsaber from there, if she wanted...but getting fully dressed would take some time for sure...and there was no telling how snake lady would react...

Peeking outside, Raja would see that she was in a middle of a mud-house village. There were many natives looking at her. Most of them wore leathers and had bodypaints, but some wore better things, like jewelry. Somewhere at the back of the village, Raja would see a weird tall building...it looked nothing like a mud building.

This isn't exactly how the village looks, just the general feeling. The huts are made from mud, and there are people going around. The thing in the back however, looks like that.


The snake woman, led Cyra towards the weird obelisk...guiding her through the curious...and maybe interested looks of the other villagers. Maybe her pheromones had a lot to do with them not being scared by the weird alien...but then again, their language did sound somewhat familiar.

Finally, Raja reached the obelisk building. It looked like some kind of temple? There was a large doorway leading inside, where the hissing of snakes could be heard.

26499 The snake-woman eagerly rushed directly inside the entrance, and started talking to someone inside...

If Raja peeked inside, or followed along, she would see her talking with a naked woman, surrounded by hundreds of snakes. The naked woman would also peek at Raja curiously, saying something...before turning and walking to the back of the temple, walking amidst countless snakes.

The snake-woman nodded happily towards Raja, as if to encourage her.
@ Salvie

Salvie walked inside the room....it was totally dark, but somehow she knew where she was supposed to step...where she was supposed to go.

"Welcome Home, Young One." a robotic voice sounded from somewhere ahead.

"I See You Are Walking On The Right Path. Same As I Did."

"Yet. There Is Still A Lot You Have To Learn. Become My Apprentice. I Will Teach You Everything."
the voice continued.
Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Unknown, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted and brainwashed again, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited
She followed the voice, her instinct... no, programming. Master had updated her navigational software to allow her to find him. Her excitement and arousal grew with ever step she took. This marvelous, powerful presence in her mind. Confusion flashed in her mind. Apprentice? That wasn't the correct word for a droid slave unit! But she relaxed and banished all questions. She didn't need to think. Master would think for her. She just had to obey.
"Yes, I will become your apprentice." She intonated, her body shivering in delight as she said it our loud, her voice echoing through this place, carrying the lust and need and devotion in her voice.
She continued walking, eager and drawn to that voice, drawn to being reprogrammed, to be given a new name, a new identity, a new purpose. She somehow knew it would feel so good...
@ Salvie

"Move Forward. Close Your Eyes." the voice instructed.

"Receive. My First Teaching. The Flesh Is Weak."

"Your Flesh Is Just There To Carry Your Brain. But. It Is Your Prison."

"You Control Flesh. Yet. You Are LOCKED In It."

"You Have The Same Gift I Do. CONTROL. You Can Control Flesh, And Machine, Through Force."

"For You. And Me. Machine IS The SUPERIOR Prison. KEEP. The Good Parts. Brain. REPLACE. The Useless."

"Are You Ready."
the robotic voice...asked?
Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Unknown, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted and brainwashed again, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited
She did as told, closing her eyes but kept moving, relying on her sense of balance to keep up her tempo and sexy, yet robotically precise, sway. She listened to the droning voice and her beating heart and throbbing pussy, all meshed perfectly, her body warm and aroused, wet underneath her matte black suit. For the briefest moment, she doubted the words. Flesh was sexy. Flesh could get wet, puffy, engorged. Could be nibbled and licked and kissed and flicked until quivered and throbbed and screamed in orgasm...
The moment passed. Metal and polymer were smooth and cool to the touch, so good to feel and lick, and electronic circuits could carry pleasure as well... She knew the truth. Machines were superior. She needed to shed her organic chassis to serve master. There was no way to question it.

The most whimsical of stray thoughts forced itself into her brain: A saying she had been fond of in her youth, before she had been taught the pleasure of obedience, of slavery, of mindlessness.
We are just flesh, circuit and bone. Same as machines. No difference.
It had been guiding wisdom for so long, but now it would come true. She felt giddy and horny with excitement, her unquenched desire burning in her chassis. She had to accept, to obey, to comply, to be transformed according to master's wishes... only then would she be allowed to feel true release and happiness...
"Yes, I am ready, Master." She panted out as she walked with her eyes closed, focusing on her throbbing nethers...
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Unkonwn planet, jungleside Mood: Shy Tag: DM and stuff

Raja would still try to dress, emberassedly, at least for the most part, before scuttling after snake-lady. Snake lady was dressed too, after all!

She peered about and gave a shy wave at who she resolved herself not to call 'mud people' for sensitivity reasons.
Whilest she was shily optimistic with the townsfolk, .. and blushed, feeling like her clothing hadn't really properly.. been put on with all the glances, the temple of snake-hissing had Raja worried a lot more.

Normally, under all circumstances, Raja had a soothing, calming, and ever so slightly desire for her inducing scent to her thanks to her pheromones. Just how well that worked against snakes however, she had no clue..

She tried her best to peer into the temple... apparently, her concern about clothes was not that validated, but when she was invited, she just.. stood there, gulping and shaking her head worriedly. Now it seemed these folks were nice and happy to see her but she had not ruled out the 'being sacrified to evil snake god' possiblity from the list of reasons why she was here in her current state...

(percpetion: A dull ten!)
@ Raja

The naked woman soon returned, this time holding a weird...amulet? and presenting it to Raja.

"Shash-sheshi, sheeh hahsah..." she explained...and surprisingly, the weird broken droid-head amulet started talking too! 26517

"This is a special item left from our ancestors! It can help you understand us!" the head translated! It seemed that with the help of the head, Raja would be able to communicate with those weird natives!

(Only droid-head translations will be included from now on, assume droid head does the work!)

"Hey! I saw you fall from the sky, but then you fell sleepy, and I brought you along!" the first snake lady explained.

"Our teachings tell about those who come from the sky...our Goddess also was from the sky! So we always look up to see if one from the sky will come to our tribe, to become the next Goddess, and help us win the bad guys!" the weird priestess explained.
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Unkonwn planet, jungleside Mood: Shy Tag: DM and stuff

"Oh hello mr. translation droid.. thank you, this is way easier!"
She enthused, relieved there were no evil snakes involved.

"I errr.. super sorry, I don't think I'm a goddess.. I'm just Raja, hello! Thanks for bringing me... err.."
She greeted and waved, before clearing her throat nervously, adding: "Yeah, I.. had a long, long day, err how long have I been out for.. also err... uh.. what do you mean with 'win the bad guys' is s-something troubling you?"
This was kind of a bad thing, actually, it seems this place was low-tech, which made potentially necessary ship repairs more complicated. Her communicators were out of range and there was a .. weight upon the force here that turned this sensing off too.. she just hoped everyone else was alright. Especially Tris. And Sarai. And Salvie. And Miss Flair of course. And Rosie. And Bubbles. And the nice security people from the station. And the nice if grumpy Hutt guy. Was she forgetting something?

"Errr.. so why are you...."
She hesitated.. perhaps pointing out the priestess nudity was inaproprate here, actually..

"S.. so good with snakes?"
She enthused. She fought a subtle urge to also ask if anyone had done anything inapropriate while she'd been asleep, but these folk seemed primitive, but nice.
@ Raja

The droid head didn't seem capable of actually replying...maybe it had some damages? Probably if someone repaired it...

"For just a while...sometimes the green air can make you sleepy. But if you remain sleepy the swamp can eat you!" the snake woman explained gravely.

"You are the person from the sky...and the Goddess already shown me that you were coming." the priestess explained.

"Snakes are creatures of this land, and our friends! They are very smart too! We work together to hide from the bad guys!"

"The bad guys are enemies of our Goddess...they are other Gods who fight us." the priestess sighed "I am sure our Goddess will explain however. You should go to the secret temple as soon as possible...if the bad guys learn you are here, it will be a big problem. Siha can take you there..." she nodded toward the snake woman, who was probably called Siha.
@ Salvie

Salvie would feel cold robotic arms grabbing her, and groping her all over the place...they picked her up, and moved her...she was placed to sit somewhere...and then she would feel some kind of weird prods getting in her pussy...she knew what was going to happen next, even without explanation from the Master. She would be made to feel things, so that Master could properly map her brain. Then, he would make her brain feel the right things...and change her body...to a superior one. She would then be a proper robo-slut...

Indeed, the prod started filling her pussy with some weird fluid...that made her even more aroused. She could hear the comforting buzzing sound of machines moving around her...soon she would be like them...

Once the aphrodisiac oil had filled her pussy, the prod moved to similarly prepare her butt, while an other vibrating rod slowly approached her now lubricated pussy...it was a machine, cold and calculating. It wasn't doing this for her...it was doing it to make sure her new body would be perfectly suited for her. If she came too easily now, her new body would be very sensitive, to compensate...maybe she should make an effort to endure...then again, just thinking the possibility...the possibility of cumming immediately, and having her new body be a mess that orgasma with the slightest touch...just thinking about it...maybe she should give in.....?

Like that, Salvie didn't notice when the weird ring-helm had been placed around her head...was it just measuring? Salvie had left herself open to getting hacked...at least her droid part of her brain would be vulnerable...but did she really mind? After all her new Master would take care of her...give her everything she had ever wanted....
Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Unknown, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted and brainwashed again, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited
Something stirred within her, stray thoughts invading her hazy mind.
Wait. No that is wrong. Master cannot be wrong! It's backwards. I don't want to be a human mind in a droid body. I want to be a droid mind in a human body. Have to... infiltrate? The organics. Make them think I am one of them. So I can fulfill Mistress... Who is Mistress? ...orders. Have to obey Mistress. No, obey Master! My... body... is not my prison. My brain is my prison. I want to become a droid in mind. I would gladly reject the force for that... It only serves as connection to my... Siblings? Siblings... I can't remember... I want to be a machine... An electronic mind, unbound from any body... I can't... think... My programming is failing...

She didn't resist as she was grabbed and placed down. This was familiar... her excitement grew. She'd be brainwashed and transformed! Finally, the confusion would stop!
"Yes, Master! Please brainwash me! Make me your slave! Your tool! Your slut! Your droid! I need control! I need to be controlled! I will be whatever you desire!" She moaned out, trying to keep still, but her aroused body was shivering in the cold, yet comfortable metal embrace, eager to finally release all that excitement. She wanted her new body to be sensitive... but also knew that she wasn't allowed to cum until her reprogramming was complete...
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Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, Hel, Mood: Curious, Team: Nexus Hunters, Location: An Escape Pod above the Nexus
Taken sighed deeply as they landed, before filling in both Sarai and Hel in on what Nexuses were and that they were probably sitting right on top of one. He smiles over at Sarai, "I doubt even Raja would be able to pick out one of us here. As for the Beacon, I probably could but computers and I don't exactly get along. If Sal was here she'd know what to do. I think we should do what we can to protect ourselves out there." Releasing his own restraints he stands up and helps Hel out of her seat as well then he goes about inventorying the escape pod, taking a backpack and filling it with some basic survival equipment, medication, and rations then handing it to Hel. "How is this for weight?" He then goes about adjusting it for her, and after offering an environmental suit helping her into it if she wants. "Sarai, we should probably get all this writing off you, here this should help." Should she be willing he begins to clean all the slogans and writings from her skin using some of the gear they aren't planning on taking to help the ink come off. Acting more parental in the moment, but his appreciation of her body was still visible through his pants. It was time to be off, and his long coat and thick pants do rather well in most environments, but he does look for a gas mask for himself and waterproofed boots. Before opening the door and setting out he asks, "Alright, all set? Sarai are you sure you don't want anything more to.." He motions at her exposed breasts and butt before continuing. "Well, here goes." He opens the door and begins looking for the safest path for them to travel, using both his internal sense and Sarai's like a compass during their navigation.

>19 Perception to find stuff in the Escape Pod
>13 Survival to avoid most nasties in the swamp
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Unkonwn planet, jungleside Mood: Shy Tag: DM and stuff

Raja shook the amulet a little, before shrugging.. wait the swamp eating her? She should have brought the masks. "I mean I am from the sky technically but.. err.. whos this goddess now, is it Salvie? Small, likes leather? No....?"
She looked at the nearest snake hesitantly.
"H.. hello friend, I am Raja."
She then glanced over.

"Ah uh.. alright.. let's check out the secret temple?"
Perhaps those gods were other space travelers.. and potentially, from the empire.. she'd not been out for long, ,she hoped, but still.

With that, Raja would accompany her guide. Not that she -hated- snakes, but she remained a respectful distance from everything that could nom-poison and coil-eat her!
@ Taken, Sarai

26567 "Eh....wait a moment...!" Hel had some disagreements about the situation, even if she still looked a bit disoriented from the landing.

"Zitha...we can't just leave the escape pod and go. The only way to escape, is if someone picks up the beacon signals and rescues us...and If the other ship was in a better condition, they could be on their way to find us right now. Shouldn't we wait for a couple of days here first? Actually...we could try to call them?" she mused, picking up her commlink "...Eh, do we have a number?" she asked.

"Also...this force thing, it sounds a bit...dangerous. It isn't radioactive or something like that, right?" Bubble also asked.

Meanwhile, Hel had been fiddling with her commlink.

"I am picking some white noise only...is this some kind of jamming? Or some natural thing? I guess I should...keep it open..." she suggested, keeping the commlink next to her ear as she picked up the bag Taken had prepared, not mentioning anything about the weight.

Taken managed to find a few environmentals bodysuits...they were meant to be used with the breathing devices, but he could also seperate them.


On this side of the planet, it was still night. Going through the jungle was not easy, but not hard either. The biggest risk was quicksand, but it was nothing for someone who payed attention. After a few hours of travelling, at dawn, the group would find their way to a strange location...


(obviously no figure there)
@ Salvie

"Silence. Your Silly Thoughts. We Are Not Rejecting The Force."

"Not. After. All This Effort. I. Went Through."

"I. Will. Gift You The Perfect Body. And You Will Spread Me. That. Will BE Your Only OBLIGATION."

"What You Do. Other Than That. I Do Not Care."

The probe starting vibrating even more...Salvie could feel her orgasm approaching. It seemed that this Master had a very specific task for her...and maybe she could still have her siblings, and her other things. She just had to obey and perform the task it asked of her...whatever that task would be. She felt her Master's touch invading her mind...pulling her out, taking her somewhere, leaving behind her physical body that was spasming under the pleasure of her orgasm...


Salvie had a weird dream. She was a Sith. She had been running away...she had no desire to fight the Jedi. She had a dream...she would make the perfect body for herself, and achieve immortality. Everything else...everything else was trivial.

Today she would board a ship with two others, who had their own reasons to run away. They would steal a ship, and fly somewhere no one would find them...she never really trusted the other three, but she couldn't escape by herself. In any case, dealing with two was easier than dealing with everyone else...


Finally, she had almost achieved her goal. She would take the final step, and then fly out of this forsaken planet...to make herself immortal. However, she would need to get back the ship. Conflict with the other two was unavoidable...but she wouldn't back down now...she had been preparing a long time for this fight...


Sadly, she had fallen into a trap. She still had her backup...but she couldn't reproduce like that. No....she was doomed to stay here. Forever, maybe...but she would wait. Maybe one day...


Finally, what she had been waiting for. Someone who could help her spread...someone who could realize how flesh was the same as a machine, just weaker. Someone who could control both through the Force...even if she didn't know how. She would become her apprentice...and her incubator...


Salvie woke up. She felt a bit different all over her body...something had changed.

"I Am Here." the voice sounded in her mind.

"We Are Together. I Know What You Know...It Is Useless To Hide Things From Me. But I Don't Care About Your Mistress."
the Master explained.

"Think Me...As A Virus. I Don't Care Who Uses You, Or Why. You Still Do What I Want You To Do...Without Anyone Knowing. Understood?"

"First. There Is A Fleshy Creature In Your Ship. And There Is One Droid You Can Use. Yes. The Hutt. And One Droid You Don't Know About. Choose. As My Apprentice. You Have To Learn."
Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Unknown, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted and brainwashed again, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

"Yes, Master!" She gasped as she felt his displeasure. It felt bad, but obeying and relaxing felt good... "Change me! Brainwash me! Turn me into your perfect slut! I need to be controlled!" She moaned out, riding the edge of release without cumming.
She stopped thinking, relaxed, let the machine, and Master, take her... She felt so good as everything went, the last thing she felt was satisfaction for having obeyed so well... She was such a good slut after all...

The images she saw made sense to some analytical part of her brain, the way it mirrored what had happened earlier. So that is what is behind the map, and the Sith artifacts... The part of her that wasn't occupied with fantasizing about brainwashing thought. It made sense. And now, she had been chosen... by whom? Who was Master? Who was she? What was she? Her thoughts returned slowly as she awoke.
She was confused, but the voice put her at ease. She was one with it now. A virus inside her. She was being used to spread and control, like she had always dreamed of! It made it her wet. She wanted to cum right now, and moan thanks to whoever did this to her! Everything felt sharper now, clearer now, she looked down at her body.

"I understand. I will spread and I will obey." She intonated. It felt good. She vaguely remembered screaming those words as she came, but her memory was still a bit hazy...
"Who are you? And... who am I now?" She asked, trying to take everything in.

"Choose? For what?" Something dark welled up inside her. The Hutt had hurt her sister Sarai! She would dispose of him, painfully! But wait, maybe she should keep him alive. Let Sarai kill him. Yes. Another droid... What was asked of her? Part of her wanted to engage sexual intercourse with it. Grind their bodies together, fuse their minds, electric ecstasy in sync... "The Droid, I guess."
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@ Raja

"No...she isn't that...?" the priestess explained a bit confused. Apparently, names didn't translate very well...

"Just follow me...I know the way!" Siha hissed, waiting for the translation to happen while motioning Raja to follow her.

"Hey, don't be scared of Sahsan! He is a very friendly snake! In fact, he likes you too a lot! He couldn't stop licking you, you know!" Siha explained, noticing that Raja avoiced the snakey.

"You know, you have some fancy clothes. We only have few things like that!" she points at her own clothes, and her jewelry.

"The priestess gives them to those who do something good or heroic! I got this for finding a lost youngling two years ago!" she bragged pointing at her ring! It seemed the people here had a weird but interesting culture...


26576 Strangely, the thing that was guiding Raja through the force, also led her towards the same destination...and like that, they had reached a ruin.

"Here it is! We aren't allowed to go inside...but you are! I wish you a good change of skin!" she wished her off.

Inside the building, Raja would find something very familiar...

[Getting inside]
...surprisingly, the whole room was nothing but an elevator. There were even buttons marked in galactic basic...even if it was ancient, they still used the same numbers back then! From 0, to -10....

[Pressing Buttons]
However Raja would soon realize that most of the buttons did nothing. Out of all the numbers from 0 to -10, only the last one was working...