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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Yeah fundamentally I think the problem is that your rewards for building a relationship with your female party members and other girls in the world are more or less "Look at other dudes/animals banging them" it really creates a sense of dis-immersion in the world, or at the very least a sense that building the relationships don't actually mean anything in the context of what they're presented as.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

How u enter temple of sacrifice? Heard u can farm mats for onyx weps there.
Any other place where u can farm that?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

After sitting on it I think my biggest problem with the game stems from the fact that you as the PC is basically just supposed to accept that all this rape and other deviant **** is going on around you whether you're playing as a "Good" or "Evil" PC (Neither which seems to influence anything) and yet you're barely allowed for any action for yourself when it's all said and done.

I guess as one poster said before this might just be the difference between an H-Game created by a female rather than a male, but still kinda leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Gender really hasn't got a damn thing to do with it, and you'd do well to avoid this train of thought. Loqo 1 was a written by the same person and was a completely different beast, where the hero got all the attention. frankly, I don't really ever self-insert into these kinds of protagonists so I really couldn't care much less who does the fucking. Remember as well that the overall content of this game is rather extreme, and the game is fairly casual about it, you can't just go from huge monster rape to casual vanilla sex, those just have two completely different audiences, in the end your main complaint seems to end up being that this game doesn't cater to you specifically, which is just selfish.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Gender really hasn't got a damn thing to do with it, and you'd do well to avoid this train of thought. Loqo 1 was a written by the same person and was a completely different beast, where the hero got all the attention. frankly, I don't really ever self-insert into these kinds of protagonists so I really couldn't care much less who does the fucking. Remember as well that the overall content of this game is rather extreme, and the game is fairly casual about it, you can't just go from huge monster rape to casual vanilla sex, those just have two completely different audiences, in the end your main complaint seems to end up being that this game doesn't cater to you specifically, which is just selfish.

Way to just completely twist my entire point out of context while trying to attack me for no reason at the same time, lol
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Way to just completely twist my entire point out of context while trying to attack me for no reason at the same time, lol

I neither took what you said out of context nor did I attack you personally, I merely dismissed a certain mindset which you just happened to seem partial to, if none of my points apply to you or your mindset you will have lost nothing for just ignoring it.

Meanwhile, anyone know where to go for Dutchess velvetta's revenge?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Gender really hasn't got a damn thing to do with it, and you'd do well to avoid this train of thought. Loqo 1 was a written by the same person and was a completely different beast, where the hero got all the attention. frankly, I don't really ever self-insert into these kinds of protagonists so I really couldn't care much less who does the fucking. Remember as well that the overall content of this game is rather extreme, and the game is fairly casual about it, you can't just go from huge monster rape to casual vanilla sex, those just have two completely different audiences, in the end your main complaint seems to end up being that this game doesn't cater to you specifically, which is just selfish.

Nobody wants to imply that we want the game to cater to a certain audience that we're a part of. We're just saying we were disappointed after getting ourselves into the game.
I just think Gabe went too far with catering to herself and her own fetishes instead of any target audience, be it what it may be. And I do believe the fact that she's female has something to do with it. The women in the game are naturally the primary target of sexual content, while the other side of this content is dismissed as completely irrelevant. What I mean is: the game circulates around "pleasing" the women dismissing the source of that pleasure as not important, as long as they're getting fucked, it's brutal, it's exciting and it's fappable.(Although it would be unfair not to mention that there's scenes and art of the MC getting busy as well - it's just too little and he's also a self-righteous moralfag [if you do the good choices at least] who k-k-keeps fucking stuttering and blushing whenever someone says something sexual)
This treatment works flyingly in hentai games where the MC is female, because, guess what, it IS a matter of self-inserting, and that's the whole point: Gabe doesn't get that because she's not a dude.
Also, self-insertion in RPG titles is done on a subconscious level by anyone who gets engaged within the plot and story of the game. So as long as your imagination is on high levels, you WILL self-insert the male MC as a guy. But that's a whole 'nother pseudo-psychological long-ass topic.

While we're on the matter of self-inserting though, how could you forget the fact that the in-game character Gabrielle is one giant female self-insert of the developer? And she gets impaled by humongous horse cocks in like dozens of images up to the point of resembling a bloated mass of skin leaking jizz in some of them.
Only proves my former point how much she's catered to herself when commisioning art. Unless she wants to play the "That's what people want to see though!" card. I would honestly put in doubt how many people enjoy watching those tree-sized dongs ripping the women apart and mashing their organs. Like I said before: this shit does not fly in my book and I flat out think it's borderline guro.

In the end though she's allowed to do that, it's her game, it's free, my money's still in my pocket. As much as I want to say that the game was not for my tastes, I'd lie if I'd say that I didn't enjoy it and had not awaited its release anxiously.

Meanwhile, anyone know where to go for Dutchess velvetta's revenge?

Grand Aideen prison in the castle. Then go to your first house in Hills of Sanctus to finish the quest.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

0nymous, you really should get some more background information before jumping to conclusions, the gabe character is something that was added due to popular demand, it was originally intended as something of a single scene.

Also, to me, a dude, I find this style of game to be much preferable, I don't really look much at where the dicks come from or who they are, I care about one simple thing and that's seeing an appealing looking female form get sexed. This is where my core argument comes from, all your complaints come down to is that you don't like the content, that's like going to church and complaining about the mass because you're a muslim. Heck, for most of this game I absolutely despised the " Egyptian" baggage the party had to bring with them, Farah is about as sexually appealing as a turd on a stick and her daughters don't fare much better, the reactions of the protagonist to them just feel awkward and out of place, especially when making evil choices (you constantly berate them for effectively fucking anything with a dick-shaped-appendage, yet are still somehow REALLY attracted to them....)

But preferences aside, that doesn't excuse some wild guess as to the developer's gender having something to do with it, because there simply isn't any realistic data to support that outlandish claim, this game being so completely different from the first one (which also appears to be largely due to fan input) already throws your initial assessment out the window or at the very least makes it very implausible. If it seems like I'm making a big deal out of this, it's probably because these kinds of thoughts are self-serving and self-confirming, it's cognitively putting the carriage in front of the horse.

Long rant aside, thanks for the answer, now just to find out how to increase partymember standing, I can't for the life of me seem to increase it beyond the two gifts you get to give them.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Heck, for most of this game I absolutely despised the " Egyptian" baggage the party had to bring with them, Farah is about as sexually appealing as a turd on a stick and her daughters don't fare much better, the reactions of the protagonist to them just feel awkward and out of place, especially when making evil choices (you constantly berate them for effectively fucking anything with a dick-shaped-appendage, yet are still somehow REALLY attracted to them....)

Yeah, that's another thing I can get behind. Them being the only "love interests" for the MC. Which made the Daily Fap images all the more like rubbing salt in the wound. Albeit Gabe has responded quite accurately that adding more love interests would require 300$ for each scene/artwork. I can't really argue with that in any way, other than "Why couldn't at least one out of two of the Daily Fap images be about the character and the MC?"

As for the gender thing I firmly stand by my viewpoint based on dozens of other hentai titles, both western and japanese, in RPG Maker or not. Not one of them, being made by male devs, made me feel what I felt at the end of my LoQO II playthrough.

Long rant aside, thanks for the answer, now just to find out how to increase partymember standing, I can't for the life of me seem to increase it beyond the two gifts you get to give them.

You have three chances of giving them gifts per playthrough. Each of the characters has a tavern event and you can also give them gifts on your boat and in the Thebes palace. Other than plot-related choices you make (like responding to Layla the first time she talks to you), there's no other way of increasing their affection. So off to NG+ you go if you want to max them. Yes, the gift counter resets.
And a quick heads-up: according to my experience, Iliona is not recruitable at all in NG+ because her recruitement is based on the Valethorn quest which DOESN'T reset on playthrough reset. Same case with Latex, I believe. Not sure if this is a bug or not. Nevertheless, go ahead and grab Murdock and Layla to actually have party members, then you'll have to beat the game, recruit whoever you need and THEN you can give them the gifts.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

0nymous, you really should get some more background information before jumping to conclusions, the gabe character is something that was added due to popular demand, it was originally intended as something of a single scene.

Also, to me, a dude, I find this style of game to be much preferable, I don't really look much at where the dicks come from or who they are, I care about one simple thing and that's seeing an appealing looking female form get sexed. This is where my core argument comes from, all your complaints come down to is that you don't like the content, that's like going to church and complaining about the mass because you're a muslim. Heck, for most of this game I absolutely despised the " Egyptian" baggage the party had to bring with them, Farah is about as sexually appealing as a turd on a stick and her daughters don't fare much better, the reactions of the protagonist to them just feel awkward and out of place, especially when making evil choices (you constantly berate them for effectively fucking anything with a dick-shaped-appendage, yet are still somehow REALLY attracted to them....)

But preferences aside, that doesn't excuse some wild guess as to the developer's gender having something to do with it, because there simply isn't any realistic data to support that outlandish claim, this game being so completely different from the first one (which also appears to be largely due to fan input) already throws your initial assessment out the window or at the very least makes it very implausible. If it seems like I'm making a big deal out of this, it's probably because these kinds of thoughts are self-serving and self-confirming, it's cognitively putting the carriage in front of the horse.

Long rant aside, thanks for the answer, now just to find out how to increase partymember standing, I can't for the life of me seem to increase it beyond the two gifts you get to give them.

Probably need to cycle NG+ to max them out or buy gifts and give them to them in the castle/on the boat for extra affection.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I just couldn't stand the disconnect between what was happening and how the characters interpreted it. Osira is the villain the entire time, but when choosing between her and the threat of impending doom, obviously the stuck up bitch is the sensible choice to make...... fuck that. Then there's the constant "Opalla is suuuuch a goooood queen so amaaaaazing" Uhm, I don't know, she is consistently betrayed and abandoned by the people closest to her, everyone that does seem to give a shit is just looking to get laid and her people go from one major (internal) crisis to another BUT IT'S NOT HER FAULT OTHER PEOPLES ARE JUST BAD.... yea, fuck that logic. "Oh Opalla you've grown so much on this journey!" FUCK THAT, she hasn't done a single thing except cry and whine and depend on "Kai" the entire damn game, who has for no real reason been throwing himself at danger for her sake.

I was actually glad that the scenes with the partymembers didn't involve "Kai" at all, none of them seemed at all interested in him and I'm glad the story remained consistent on that part, instead opting to give some backstory to them, the nature of which we can agree to disagree on.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2


Ok, I can take people dissing a game for only so long, four, maybe five consecutive posts, but here we are, about a dozen PAGES of slamming something that everyone pretty much begged for.

It takes so much resources and time to make a game, and to keep a level of professionalism with the game. In this particular game, Gabe took a lot of requests to make the content, so complaining about what is here makes no sense.

The complaints of a nearly unbeatable side boss who simply disappears after you fight him wasn't a complaint from the first game, where Altum first appears, kicks your party's ass, and disappears, so why complain about Eclipse showing up and disappearing?

To the multiple complaints about "Horse dong", lets remember that Opala, Osira, and Farah are from Egypt, and that on many ocasions they have talked about their "blessings" from the gods. Most of the Egyptian gods are portrayed as animals, and Farah even has a horse son. Horses are kind of important, back story wise.

The first game had very few scenes where Jake had any sexual relations with the three either. Most of the scenes were about their 'hidden' lives, IE, Opala and the ceremony of the gods, where she drank the cum of multiple men to appease the gods.

This game was, by far, much larger than the first. The first was much easier to have a good/evil choice of story, since the story was a lot more open. For a game of this magnitude, it would almost have to be two separate games. The main 'good' story is so large that finding loop holes to allow for an 'evil' main plot becomes harder. IE, if you are evil, and join Osira, then you find yourself without any friends, since Osira gets 'fucked' by her 'allies'. If you are allied with her, then your in for a single handed fight against some majorly tough bosses, as well as your old allies(Though my guess is that Milana would probably follow you, despite her not liking men, and crushing on Opala, and that you might be able to form a better bond with Lilith in an 'evil' setting), and that most of your character plot is that you hate Altum, and don't realize you are of the Neverus tribe, so you would likely not be thrown into the Neverus pit, making many plot lines that progress the story not happen.

Lets also not forget that her computer compleately died on her, and she did her best to repair it and restore all her work, but had to do a lot of it from scratch again. She busted her ass to bring this to life for her 'fans' aka YOU GUYS! So, lets give her a little slack, since she did own up her mistakes, and has said the gold version will have a lot more content that she wanted to include in the original, but didn't have time to include as she was being rushed by her 'fans'

I hope she doesn't come here and read all your comments, cause all this negativity is likely to keep her from making any more.

Now that my angry rant is over, I would like to give a possible explanation for why Eclipse is important to some story line. In LoQo, when you meet the Sphinx, she refuses any sexual advance by talking about her boyfriend, a six foot tall stallion with burly muscles. Is it possible that Eclipse is the boyfriend. She was quite sure that Jake couldn't beat him, which makes sense if he couldn't beat Altum (And from the sounds of it, Eclipse has more hp than Altum)
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Does anybody know what the Ceremonial blade is for? Is it to do with them ahdro shards you get from killing Ultimas?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Does anybody know what the Ceremonial blade is for? Is it to do with them ahdro shards you get from killing Ultimas?

From what I can see, the Ceremonial stuff is for the hermit blacksmith. You should be able to craft some great stuff.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I don't understand why everyone is getting so angry about what for all intents and purposes is relatively constructive criticism, I haven't seen ANYONE here say that they didn't enjoy the game, just that some people have agreed to disagree on some of the directions that were taken. I'm not so blinded by my enjoyment of the game that I'll ignore things I -personally- found to be flawed in it even though I think that the majority of the game is well-constructed. But at the same time to just say "You shouldn't say anything bad about the game because hard work went into it" is just glossing over things that could potentially be fixed or added. I'm not trying to shit on Gabe or the game, I'm just giving an honest critique and putting my thoughts out there.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Having trouble figuring out the pregnancy thing

I drink both potions and go to bed with the girls and nothing happens?

Any ideas please?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Having trouble figuring out the pregnancy thing

I drink both potions and go to bed with the girls and nothing happens?

Any ideas please?

Drinking more potions (that increases the chance to impregnate them) will increase the odds. Drinking enough potions will eventually give you 100% chance to impregnate them.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I don't understand why everyone is getting so angry about what for all intents and purposes is relatively constructive criticism, I haven't seen ANYONE here say that they didn't enjoy the game, just that some people have agreed to disagree on some of the directions that were taken. I'm not so blinded by my enjoyment of the game that I'll ignore things I -personally- found to be flawed in it even though I think that the majority of the game is well-constructed. But at the same time to just say "You shouldn't say anything bad about the game because hard work went into it" is just glossing over things that could potentially be fixed or added. I'm not trying to shit on Gabe or the game, I'm just giving an honest critique and putting my thoughts out there.

Sorry that I missed this before, but I thought I would touch on something from this.
I will not be going back to find out who said it, but I remember what they said. "Literally, the only thing keeping me from liking this game is the lack of" And from there, I forget what was said, but it was about the lack of the shift running.

I am not saying that you, personally, Prototype909, are not enjoying the game, but your statement "I haven't seen ANYONE here say that they didn't enjoy the game", while probably from a lack of seeing said post, is still incorrect, as many have said similar things, along the lines of not being able to get past some of the non story asthetics of the game so they can enjoy the game.

"You shouldn't say anything bad about the game because hard work went into it" Is not what I was saying at all. What I was trying to say was that reading post after post about "THERES NO RUN BUTTON" was annoying me, and I didn't see anyone defending Gabe until a few posts before mine. I was simply attempting to give some reason for why things where how they were, and saying that "WHY THE HELL IS IT SO INCOMPLETE" coming from people who pushed for an earlier release date, and complained about how long it was taking.

Over all, what got to me was the complete lack of appreciation.

God dammit. I still need to find his stupid keg.

Warp to Stonehenge, walk out the north exit, walk west on the world map, there is the lighthouse, when you enter, the keg is a barrel just south of you. Grab it, run back to your boat(Or warp to hermit island) and give him his keg, he agrees to forge you stuff, and then you realize that he can't do anything without large quantaties of Onyx Metal(different from Onyx for some reason) Stardust, and I believe meteorite and other hard to find materials. (I have lots of ceramonial stuff, but not any of the material needed to make good weapons/armor)
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Holy shit, are you freaking serious? Wow...

That's just kinda screwed up.

You know, initially my only real problem was gold grinding, and I've now discovered wuy that was the only problem: for the heck of it, I chose to start a whole new game.

Once I reached the tunnels under Thebes I found that the frogs, yes, FROGS, were dealing hundreds of damage to my party per attack. All of them were at level 23. So I go do some power leveling at Shiva Pass and try to calculate things a bit. From what figured, it'd take several plus fights to gain one level, and it'd only get worse from there.

So I use SGEdit for vials of grand experience and get everyone to level 33. Level 33, and with full meteorite gear. To fight frogs.

It got worse once I got to Lord Kross's mansion and had only gained a few more levels beyond that. Here I am, spamming grand barrier and rage just to stay alive because those rainbow pimp gear wearing castle guards are dealing several hundred damage per attack to even my tanks, around a thousand to my magic users. Spent the entire fight relying on venom cut and spamming piercing lightning and hellfire, and it still took a coupke dozen turns to win against three guards and two dogs. Said fuck it and did the vial thing again up to level fifty. Currently in the mansion now.

Some of the previous posters are right, though I don't like admitting it...the balancing is just horrible. You need to practically power level and grind to progress NORMALLY in the story.

In the first game the only enemies I recall desperately needing to power level/grind for were the legendaries and lord darhart. They were also the only enemies I needed to spend a dozen or so turns on to defeat.

And this horse thing feels silly now. I recall in the first game the only serious thing involving horses was the thing with Farah and that furry haven chick mentioning how her boyfriend is some nine foot tall ripped stallion when Jake hits on her. In this game the player practically has a horse wang shoved in their face through the monitor.

I don't even see the point in Eclipse. So far I've seen the scene with Neena suggesting they hire him and the scene where he gloats about how badass and evil he is. Seriously, at least Altum pulled off the black knight routine to a t. He's pretty badass in that sense. Eclipse is just "Behold how awesome I am".

I like some of the artwork and I fucking love the story. But otherwise there are a lot of things that I think the first game did better. I really don't wanna come off as a hater, but this stuff just feels ridiculous.

Edit: Okay putting this here because HF hates my phone.

Someone on her HF page complained about how the first game had definitive endings and branching paths and endings, while the second game has temporary bad endings and one single ending of forced alignment.

The response from Gabe was that a path with Osira was impossible for plot reasons and that if the bad endings were permanent, some or all of the royal family would disappear forever and if there was an evil ending half the party might leave forever because you turn evil.

The flaws I see in this are that you could still potentially side with Bastorahl and maybe even betray him, making the royal family and possibly more your women in the process. Also, the evil point is moot, the MC can go evil in the first game without that, why not the second?

I really feel like Gabe didn't use the resources and time available and spent on anything more than a good singular story and a crapload of porn.

Also, according to people defending her on her HF page each scene in the game costed like five hundred bucks to make.

And according to Gabe she swore she wouldn't do voice only scenes in this game because people actually hated them in the first. Who were these people, deaf fans?

How did you use the Edit for the vials? I can't find it on the item list and if it's on the switch list, what number is it? I want to know how you do it exactly. Please.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

I don't understand why everyone is getting so angry about what for all intents and purposes is relatively constructive criticism, I haven't seen ANYONE here say that they didn't enjoy the game, just that some people have agreed to disagree on some of the directions that were taken. I'm not so blinded by my enjoyment of the game that I'll ignore things I -personally- found to be flawed in it even though I think that the majority of the game is well-constructed. But at the same time to just say "You shouldn't say anything bad about the game because hard work went into it" is just glossing over things that could potentially be fixed or added. I'm not trying to shit on Gabe or the game, I'm just giving an honest critique and putting my thoughts out there.

This right here.

As I said already, HF's comment system doesn't seem to like my phone. However, I've still been checking HF and her blogspot on a semiregular basis.

Just checked her HF page a bit ago and I'm seeing one or two guys complaining about people abusing the privilege of criticism and looking a gift horse in the mouth. Note that word there. Privilege. I try to stay nuetral most of the time when stating some form of complaint or problem, but shit like that seriously gets under my skin.

All that aside, Gabe said something earlier on her blogspot about the reason for the high difficulty spikes being due to...I don't remember. Some kind of content gate or something? I'llceck in a minute.

So, I'm currently at the last fight with Altum. I have one minor problem I keep running into in this fight. Power of Darkness.

With my level fifty party decked out i meteorite tier stuff, I first tried using a combination of Grand Fury and Grand Immunity. Every member of my party took his physical blows like a champ, but once he unleashed Power of Darkness everyone took around 6k damage and that was it for my whole team.

So I tried another idea. I went into battle using just Grand Immunity and Grand Protect. Since Altum seems immune to magic and status effects(can anyone else confirm this?) Murdock was useless and Zhu Yen was better left off as a pure defensive healer. Power of Darkness still wrecked 1-3(usually everyone but Kai since I focused all my seeds of life on him like I did with Jake in the first game)of ny guys and I spent most of the time scrambling to keep everyone alive and immuned/protected and the rest doing pittances of damage compared to if I used Grand Fury.

I now have only two other ideas. Either deck them out with greater rings of darkness and see if that helps, or move up to onyx equipment(moon stuff is only slightly better than meteorite whereas onyx is holy shit level stat increases).

I know you get moonstone from Neverus Champions. Where do I get stardust and onyx metal? Any ideas?


There's a file for Opala II on the LoQO wikispace I think if that's what you mean, to be used in conjunction with SGEdit.

If you mean you have trouble finding it in the list, just look for Vial of grand experience.
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