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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

A small pop up window appears as she thinks about the programmers and observation, "Sessions are not recorded. : )"

(18 vs 16)
Her combined attack seemed to be working for the moment as the slime wirthed in pain, but failed to leave her, only trying to climb higher, dissolved her armor, there was little left on her legs, and her skirt was started to disappear.

(13+2 vs 2)
Climbing up higher, the slime almost seems to expand as it pulls its way up to her stomach. Synthia feels the warm feeling even more than before, but is able to shake off the effects as she tries to keep her mind clear.

Slime HP 1/4
Synthia FP 2/5 AP 1/3
(AP gives a -1 to rolls to escape for each point. Also the slime gives a -1 to attempts to escape, but not attack, and it has a +2 to attack while holding you.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Stab. Stab. Stab. Die. Stab. Stab.

Synthia can see the slime weakening and feels that a few more blows should give her the victory. She's comforted by the pop up message however, whispers "Good to know" under her breath as she prepared to finish off the slime.

[Press the attack]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(19 vs 3(crit))
She was getting quite tired of this slime and its clingyness, pressing the attack one final time, she stabs her sword into it once more. The slime suddenly feels a lot more fluid as it sort of flows away onto the floor, clearly dead. Synthia feels somewhat re-energized by the things defeat.

She still feels a little tired, but at the very least the odd feeling has gone away. She could rest, but who knows what else is lurking in this dark corridor.

FP 3/5
AP 0/4
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

As the slime melted away, Synthia felt a slight bit of regret. She was starting to like that tingly sensation, but she felt compelled to keep up with the game and play it to the best of her ability.

She then looked over her clothes, trying to gauge their condition. Both the tentacles and then the slime had attacked them, and she wanted to make sure she was still covered in all the right areas.

Finally she thought about her fatigue level. She supposed she was all right to continue - or at least explore her immediate surroundings a bit more. Was there an exit to this room other than the way she came? Maybe there was something of interest here that she might have overlooked while fighting the slime.

She held up her torch and peered around her, looking for anything of interest.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Although the clothes still covered the most important areas, that seemed to be about all they covered anymore. Taking a look around, she saw another exit at what she assumed to be the end of the hallway.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Deciding that she was not yet hungry again and believing she was okay to continue on, Synthia made her way cautiously to the end of the hallway, keeping her eyes moving side to side, and occasionally up to the ceiling, just in case more tentacles were hanging there in the darkness.

Reaching the door, she opened it, hoping she would see some sign of the treasure or maybe a new set of clothes.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia moved quickly through the hallway, hoping that there might be something good soon.

She entered a new room, and taking a quick look around, noticed it was decidedly not empty. In a far corner, there seemed to be a little cot set up, a man in a simple outfit, a tied shirt, some pants and a simple pair of shoes seemed to be resting, maybe not sleeping, but relaxing at the least. There was a small firepit burning away, drawing her attention to the ceiling for the moment where these seemed to be a shaft, probably to the surface.

Taking a better inspection before getting closer, it was likely the man was also some sort of adventurer, she could see a pile of armor at the head of the cot, and a sword lying in it's sheath underneath.

The man hadn't yet noticed her, what would she do?
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Hmm, fellow adventurer sleeping in a dungeon?

Synthia decided that she would still be cautious, but that the man might also be a friendly NPC, so she shouldn't just continue her slash-everything tactic. Still, she was just one girl in a big scary dungeon, so she needed to be sure of the man's intentions.

She approached as silently as she could to the man's bedside and then with the flat of her blade, tapped him awake with her sword. When he woke, she would have her sword pointed at him, and would have him at advantage.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," she said as she prodded him.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia manages to quietly get up next to the guy, his eyes were closed, but she could tell he wasn't actually sleeping. Prodding him, he opened his eyes, and looked up at the girl.

Spotting the sword, which he followed up to the girl, he seemed fairly calm for someone who could so easily be run through. His arms folded under his head, with short, somewhat messy brown hair and a trimmed brown goatee. He took stock of this stranger who had him at sword point, Synthia noting that his eyes took maybe a bit to long at some of the places they shouldn't have.

Eventually returning his eyes to her face, where they probably should have stayed, he spoke. "Well, hello there. Mind moving the sword?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Hello yourself. Mind telling me who you are first? A girl can't be too careful in a place like this."

She kept the sword point leveled at his chest. Her eyes darted between his face and his hand movements, and a quick look at his package just for good measure, since he was already clearly appraising her own goods.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

It seems either the man was not quite as interested as his eyes said, or he was very good about keeping it in his pants. He kept fairly still, and even when he spoke it was a calm voice.

"Alright, fair enough, seems you've had a few run ins with some of the denizens. Anyways, my name is Gerald, pleasure to meet you, assuming you don't run me through, that is."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia kept her sword where it was for the moment.

"Nice to meet you too, Gerald. My friends call me Synthia, or Syn for short," she glanced at his armor piled at the side of the cot. "I won't run you through so long as you don't give me a reason. What's your business here?"

She wondered if Gerald had spare food in his pack. And if it would be safe to make camp with him.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Pleasure to meet you then, I'm an adventurer, like you." His eyes wander along her mostly exposed body again. "Looks like you could use a change of clothes."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Oh, do you carry around a spare set of women's clothes for situations like this? Because if you do, then yes, I would love some new clothes," she said sweetly.

Hesitating a moment longer, she withdrew her blade, but did not sheathe it.

"I still don't know if I can trust you, but I've no desire to simply stab someone without cause. Maybe we can work together - I could use a fellow adventurer who knows what he's doing."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Well, maybe, not quite. But at least a decent spare set of clothes." He sits up on the cot, placing his hands on his knees.

"I also might be able to give you a few extra rations, if you want to have a bit of fun with me." He has a glint in his eye, but he doesn't look like he's about to throw himself at her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Hmm, whoring myself out for food rations," she gave him a disparaging look. "You're a real charmer aren't you? Better be careful you don't make me reconsider running you through."

She looked around his camp to see where the spare clothes were that he had mentioned. Moving about the camp searching on her own. She made to bend over and look under his cot, and made sure to stick out her ass so Gerald could get a good view.

I wouldn't mind a good romp, but no man's going to get near me without working a little harder for it.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

He gives a shrug. "Well it was worth a shot I guess. Maybe you'll change your mind." He takes a pack out from under the cot and unties it, placing it near the fire. "Here you go, help yourself." He says generously.

He takes a set of clothes and hands it over to her. "Fraid there's no separate place to change, however."

Some food acquired. Change of clothes acquired. Total changes of clothes (2). You can use a change of clothes to change into any outfit, using the clothes changer. Default outfits are the outfit you sat in the EGG with and the outfit you started with, you can also come up with new ones.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

I wonder if outfits can be changed automatically from the inventory screen?

She pressed the buttons that presumably only she could see, and with a sudden image coming into her mind, changed one spare set of clothes into a nice looking adventurer's outfit.

I'm a Red Mage! Heehee!

But the interface just turned the set of clothes in her hand into the appropriate clothing, she would still need to find some place to put it on.

"I don't suppose you'd be enough of a gentleman to avert your eyes?" she asked as she moved to the far wall and propped her sword next to her and began to disrobe, as swiftly and efficiently as she could, discarding the bits of armor and half dissolved clothing before putting on her new breeches, shirt, robes, boots and finally her spiffy hat that completed the look.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I dunno, what will you offer me to have my close my eyes? I mean, I guess you could head out into the hallway and risk running into something if you really want too."

Though he says this, he tries a little bit not to stare directly at her the entire time, but she manages to catch him glimpsing quite a few time.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Oh forget it," she said and ripped off her clothes, letting him stare at her virtual body, which she realized was a bit more endowed than she was in real life, sitting back in the EGG. She wiggled into her new outfit, which managed to fit her decently enough.

"I think I'll have a bit of a break here before continuing on. You're welcome to follow me, or stay. But I've done a decent job of handling the monsters so far - you might get farther if you stuck with me," she said confidently.