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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

(13+3 vs 9+1)
It doesn't take Gerald long to catch Synthia, barely a few seconds as the rope coils around her, her arms pinned to her side as she's dragged back.

When his prize arrives, Gerald starts to bind her hands behind her, tying her in a strict chest harness tie, tying up her legs and the thigh knees and ankles, he turns it into a hogtie. Tying off a knotted crotch rope in a way that tightens when she struggles, he gives her a quick peck on the check as he gives her a quick slap on the butt. "Now let's see you escape."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Now let's see you escape."

Synthia gave Gerald a look that implied a face palm, and then, blowing away a stray strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes, she closed her eyes and began to test Gerald's knots, rubbing her hands back and forth trying to loosen the knots slightly, rather than simply tugging against them - which would likely just cause them to clump together tighter.

[attempt to escape]

He knows I can't escape. He just wants to watch me struggle.

Synthia stole a glance at Gerard as she wiggled her body, wanting to see if he was getting turned on by her useless efforts.

It's okay, you big ox, I like it when you watch me. Look at my body all you want.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia finds herself barely able to even move from the ropes, tightened expertly and knotted perfectly, even better than the rope demon had managed.

She found that even the slightest pull on the ropes binding her wrists managed to tug at her crotch rope. Looking at Gerald, she saw him just watching her, an innocent smile on his face as he ate breakfast.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Her mouth waters as she sees Gerald eat his breakfast.

"I... I don't suppose I could have some of that, while I... errm... practice escaping?" she said, licking her lips.

"May I please have some?" her voice became very polite and submissive.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald walks over to her, holding the food in front of her. "And what do I get if I give it to you?" He starts to pat her on the head, rubbing her soft hair.

(I feel somewhat bad about this one line post when I did that entire slime scene in the other thread.)
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia looks down and blushes.

"I'd be very grateful," she said meekly. "I suppose I'd have to give you whatever you wanted to take."

Her eyes stared hungrily at the bulge in Gerald's pants, and she started to move the ropes back and forth on purpose, so that the crotch rope tugged tighter and set off a firework of sensation that was becoming wonderfully familiar.

"Is there anything you'd like me to do for you? I can be very accommodating."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"How about...I'll let you have this food, after you feast on a different dish, hmm?" He sets the food aside, on a small plate.

Synthia felt the wonderful rush of the crotch rope grinding against her through her panties, almost wishing they were there so it could probably violate her...

But she had different things on her mind now, as Gerald lowered his pants. (It was apparently getting harder for him to keep it in his pants, since he met her) He moved towards her, his member already long and hard. "I'll let you feast on this for now."

He pulled her towards him, the soft feeling of the grass underneath tickling her entire body there. He took a step forward as he let her open her mouth wide to accept it.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

She moaned at the feeling of the ropes and nodded at the suggestion that she should suck him to earn her food.

"Mmm... yes, please," she murmered, and gave a small squeak of delight as he moved her into position.

She realized as Gerald's stiff member neared her that blowing him from a hog-tied position would probably put a lot of strain on her neck, but seeing the eagerness in his eyes, she didn't complain.

First she placed her lips on the tip of his rod and gave it a loving kiss, and then slipped her tongue over it with several quick licks. Reaching forward with her neck and rocking with her body, she moved her lips fully over his head and clamped tightly around it, while her tongue got busy circling it.

She moaned as her efforts to take the cock into her mouth also affected the ropes keeping her helplessly bound up. Her cheeks were rosy as she thought of how she must have looked from Gerald's point of view.

He moved closer, allowing her more access to the rest of his shaft, and she responded by slurping noisily up and down his cock, running her tongue down his length and taking as much into her mouth as she could. She made lewd, sexy noises, mostly for his benefit, and ramped up the speed at which she sucked him off, trying hard to keep her teeth away from his tender skin.

Finally, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and strained against the ropes trying to put him fully inside her. She felt the tip of his cock slide against the back of her throat and she made a messy gurgling sound. The deep throat must have felt good because he started to move more vigorously and gripped her by her hair. Synthia's pussy was puffy and wet from the rubbing at her crotch and she felt that she too would soon get off.

Yes baby... fuck my mouth and come all over me. Syn thought lewdly, giving in to her animalistic thoughts.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald decides to be a little more rough with Synthia than usual, not that she quite minds, as the man is gentle by nature, and even trying to be rough, somehow finds a way.

It was hard for him to keep it in now, especially after the deep throat. He grabbed her head and moved her along his shaft, letting her work her magic on it.

Synthia felt his thing fit to burst. But it didn't seem like he was going to finish up outside. He pushed her head down the shaft again as she felt his member explode, his seed filling her. "Make sure to swallow it all, alright?" He taunts. At this time, the ropes tightened a bit as she jerked in reflex, pulling her crotch rope just tight enough so it started to ride up into her womanhood, even with the panties on. The sudden almost violation pushed her over the edge.

After she has her first feast, he moves the plate closer to her, so she can lean her head down and nibble. Walking around behind her, he starts to play with her ass.

"Hmm, I'm not quite ready yet, but how bout you also pay with your body down here?" Gerald coyly asked, his voice hinting he might just take it anyways, though he knew there was no way Synthia would say no.
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia answered Gerald's command to swallow with a nodding moan and hastened to obey, gulping down the initial spurts and then eagerly cleaning up with her tongue. When he pulled away she licked her lips and held her mouth open wide so he could see she'd been thorough.

God, Syn, you're becoming such a bdsm slut... but it feels great, just being handled like a toy. I think I'd even be okay with tentacles again, if Gerald were watching... Mm... where's he going now? My ass? Ohhh...

"I su-suppose I cannot stop you," she wiggled and shifted under his touch. "So that must mean you can do what you like to my ass."

Looking down at the plate in front of her, she lowered her mouth and nibbled and licked at the food, trying unsuccessfully to keep strands of her hair from falling onto the plate. Unable to adjust them herself, she simply ate around them and waited patiently for Gerald to continue playing with her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald leaned down and gave her a small lick on the rump before he untied her legs at the knees. Forcing her legs apart, he grabbed his scabbard and pulled it under he knees, typing it off so her legs were forcefully spread wide.

He leans down, letting his hands play with her breasts, moving her hair out of the way for her. Though he pulls it behind her in a pony tail. Taking some rope and tying it to the ponytailed tied hair, he pulled he head back a little and tied it off, so she would have to work for her food.

He reached down and pulled her panties just enough aside so that he ass was accessible. She felt him rub his cock against her panties, getting it hard again, still somewhat covered with its own cum.

When it got hard, he prodded for a while, teasing her, before he finally entered. He was gentle, as always, slow as he pushed it in all the way, then withdrew, getting slightly faster each time.

Eventually he pushed it in hard one final time, his seed exploding inside her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia giggled at the inventive use of his scabbard as a leg spreader. Amazing AI in this thing -- what haven't they thought of? Then her thankful look as he pulled her hair out of the way for her turned into a playful pout when she found that he had turned her own hair into another restriction. She was forced now to stretch and use her outstretched tongue to nuzzle food close enough to her side of the plate so that she could get at it with her teeth.

She winced as he entered her, but let out a contented and somewhat sultry sigh as he got deeper and her own muscles (previously stretched by the tentacle assault) managed to relax a bit and let him move.

Initialy the ass fucking was painful, but by the time Gerald let loose again inside her, the pain had faded and she had started to enjoy the sensation of a large cock pushing inside her backside, and the feeling of hands spreading her ass cheeks wide. She cooed as she felt the warmth of his seed fill her bowels and clenched her butt tight to give his cock better sensation. When he withdrew, she felt the cum dribbling out of her now wide open butthole.

"Ah... anh... you know, if you tell anyone I like this, I'll have to kill you~," she said in a sweet voice, looking back at him from her bound and kneeling position. Then she laughed and waited to see if Gerald had any more plans for her or if he was ready to tie her harness properly and let her get dressed for treasure-seeking.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Why would I tell anyone? I want to keep you all to myself." He teased her, kissing her. "Now, ready to go?"

As he asked this, she saw a small pop-up. "Notice: You've been playing for a while, we suggest you take a break for now. Save and quit?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia nods to Gerald and then sighs at the pop up window. Maybe it was best if she stopped for a small while and made sure she got something to eat for real before she came back.

She pressed the "okay" button with a thought and waited to see how the log out process would work.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Logging out of the game didn't take very long. The world faded to black, as she felt weightless for a moment, before finding herself slowly opening her eyes in the EGG. She looked around, and it was just as she left it. The machine opened up into the room, and she saw a somewhat short, elderly man sitting at a table, a friendly smile on his face.

"Ah, so you've finished your first session." he waves towards an empty seat. "If you don't mind?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Oh," she said as she saw the small man, and she offered a smile back to him as she went to sit where he indicated. "Sure, no problem."

She smoothed her skirt and stepped daintily from the EGG, collecting her empty note pad and pencil. "I have to say, it was a very interesting experience. Quite beyond what I expected."

When the man's eyes were off her, Syn felt below her skirt, wondering if the arousal she felt in the game had translated itself into real life.

Am I going to need a spare pair of panties nearby every time I play this game?
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

She checked discreetly as she sat, finding that it had not.

The man gave a nod as she sat, a small pad in front of him. "Now, I hope you enjoyed you time, did you not? You were in there for about three hours, our recommended maximum."

He continues speaking. "I'm sure you have some questions about it, and I'd like to answer what I can." he finishes, then quickly adds. "Oh, I forgot, I'm Max, Head AI programmer."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Yes, Max, I did have a few questions," suddenly Synthia was remembering her original reason for coming here, and quickly scribbled down Max's name and job title, and prepared to jot down quotes in shorthand to refer to later.

[Synthia will take notes on everything Max says]

"The first one is purely mechanical, just because it gave me a bit of a fright in the early stages. I was unsure if there was a way to quit in an emergency, or if a virtual situation became too frightening. If there is, the in game help was not explicit enough in pointing it out, and if there isn't, I'd like to know why that function hasn't been introduced - as it's very impractical not to have one."

When Max had fully explained that, Synthia's next question was asked out of her innate curiosity. "As the head AI programmer, how are the in-game personalities fleshed out so well in advance? A character I interacted with seemed to have a very deep and complex personality and was cleverly reactive to actions that I took - actions that were not everyday occurrences and that I would think it impossible to plan for. How does this game manage that?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max nods with her first question. "The game does have an emergency quit function, however, it's only allowed to be used in true emergencies. I'm guessing this question comes as a result of an event you found you rather disliked, correct? Well, if you had quit at that point, do you think you would have gone back? And since you had to continue, do you not think the game has a better quality for that?" He gives a small cough as he continues. "Though there are technical limitations, as well, right now we have to used checkpoint based saves, we're prefer anytime saves, but that's not quite possible yet. And while it is possible to quit at most times, barring combat or events" He says the last word, Synthia knowing what it refers to, without any change in voice tone. ", but save data will revert to the last checkpoint."

"As for AI, I can't quite divulge entire secrets, but we've done lots of study, simply asking people directly, and trying to understand the human body, which we already needed to for the immersion, but I was hired to turn this into dynamic AI." He gives a short nod of pride. "But I'm glad you found the AI to be impressive. I will tell you, though, that there are two major components to an AI, the personality, which many times is based on real people. And then there's a small secret, I ask you not to write this, ok? The secret to making the AI truly special is actually the player. I can' quite explain, but I think you might get the idea."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia stopped her shorthand scribbling in deference to Max's request. She had done her best to act normal when he referred to her wanting to quit during an event that she "disliked," though a part of her thought his reasoning was a bit off.

"What if a player realizes too late that they've set a setting too high and an event is turning out to be far too uncomfortable? Surely player enjoyment is tantamount to the success of the project? And how does the game 'know' what constitutes a real emergency in the mind of the player?"

To Max's explanation of the game's AI, Synthia raised a brow. "So how many 'real personalities' have you quantified as the basis for the NPCs in this game? And I assume that when you allude to importance of the player, you mean that the AI will sense what the player wants? and will then adapt?"