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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

6 vs 22 (Syn vs Sum) | 6 vs 18 (G vs Sli)
20 vs 20 (Sum vs Syn)
7 vs 12 (TI vs Syn)
15 vs 13 (TII vs Syn)
16 vs 18 (Sli vs Syn)
5 vs 8 (R vs Syn)

The battle breaks out as the man summons his minions. Tentacles, slime, and a rope demon. The entire focus of their attack is on Synthia, but she managed to avoid most of it, excepting one of the tentacles which entangle her after the man deflects her attacking, sending her sprawling.

Gerald manages to fail his attack.

Summoner 15/15 HP
Tentacles I 2/2
Tentacles II 1/1
Slime 1/1
Rope Demon 1/1
Synthia 4/6 FP 0/6 AP
Gerald 6/6 HP
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

So many minions... I have to get rid of them or they'll overwhelm us.

Synthia slashed at the rope demon, knowing just how helpless they could make her.

"Concentrate on anything that could tie us up, Gerald! Take out those tentacles!"

[attack rope demon]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

10 vs 18 (Sy vs R) | 8 vs 4 (G vs T2)
11 vs 11 | 18 vs 20 | 17 vs 5 | 1 vs 17

Synthia charges forward, trying to dodge and weave around the field, managing to hit the rope demon when it tries it's counter attack, and Gerald finishes one of the tentacle beasts, but the slime jumps on her back, and starts to give her a nice hug, pinning her arms to her sides. And holding tight

Summoner 15/15 HP
Tentacles 2/2
Slime 1/1
Synthia 3/6 FP 0/6 AP
Gerald 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia feels her cloak and red shirt begin to dissolve as the slime wraps her in its sticky embrace.

"Not now, goo ball, I've got bigger fish to fry!" Synthia yelled as she suddenly spun wildly and then splatted the slime on her back into the wall (or at least, attempted to.)

[attack the slime]

"Gerald take out that last tentacle, then we'll concentrate on baldy!"

If I'm still standing by that point... I'm already starting to tire.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

23 vs 16 | 15 vs 9
10 vs 3 | 6 vs 21

Synthia continues battle, smushing the slime, and managing to get an effective counter on the tentacles right after Gerald landed a blow.

However, it's not for long as the Summoner brings magical bindings around Synthia, pinning her arms again as a shock runs through her. And then, to make it worse, a new rope demon appears in a magic circle.

Summoner 15/15 HP
Rope Demon 2/2
Synthia 2/6 FP 0/6 AP
Gerald 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Grrr!" Synthia was frustrated, fatigued, and angry. "Okay, Gerald, concentrate on smacking that summoner. Don't give him time to cast another spell. I'll deal with his minions."

Struggling against the magical bindings, which she sets her will against in a bold challenge against the sorcerer.

If only I knew some magic as well... how many minions does he possess?

[break free and attack the rope demon]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

11 vs 18 | 10 vs 20
5 vs 9 | 20 vs 8

Synthia struggles against her binds, but fails, as Gerald diverts the attention of the Summoner. Synthia feels herself whipped and starting to get tied by the rope demon, as he harness tightens and she feels aroused.

Summoner 15/15 HP
Rope Demon 2/2
Synthia 1/6 FP 1/6 AP
Gerald 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Damn... the ropes... they feel so good.

She eyed the rope demon not with fear now, but with lust.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let them tie me up...

But no, not just yet. She had to try to escape and fight for as long as she could. As much as she had come to enjoy the feel of the cords binding her, she knew that she would not enjoy the ministrations of the bald summoner. And Gerald? What would happen to him?

She felt a sudden sickness in her stomach. She didn't care what happened to herself, but she couldn't let Gerald stand alone. Thrashing violently, she struggled to grip her sword and draw it across her body, in an effort to sever the rope demon.

[attack rope demon, desperation attack!]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

7 vs 9 | 8 vs 22
11 vs 14 | 18 vs 24

Synthia manages to break from her bonds, as the summoner was now focusing on Gerald, avoiding the deft attacks of the rope demon as Gerald fights it's master, the batlle reaches a standstill for the moment.

Summoner 15/15 HP
Rope Demon 2/2
Synthia 1/6 FP 1/6 AP
Gerald 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia sees that the summoner is distracted and quickly runs around to flank him and strike from behind.

[flanking attack on the Summoner]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

12 vs 16 | 24 vs 20
11 vs 18 | 15 vs 11

Synthia runs around, distracting the summoner, and just as she's about to bring her sword down on her, she's whipped and grabbed by the rope demon. It drags her back as she feels there's no more energy, dropping her sword. Gerald manages to land a hit on the summoner before crying out. "Nooo!"

Summoner 14/15 HP
Rope Demon 2/2
Synthia 0/6 FP 1/6 AP
Gerald 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia feels the ropes begin to tie her into a helpless position and a glazed look comes over her eyes.

Poor Gerald... I hope he wins...

Synthia closes her eyes and gives in to the will of the cords. She no longer struggles, having little strength left. She moans lewdly as the strands push and grind against her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia is surprised when the ropes do more than push and grind, some of the coils turning into a rope dildo, which starts to fuck her the second she's tied. She's also gagged before it starts.
11 vs 19
7 vs 20
11 vs 16
20 vs 7

Gerald and the summoner fighter, the boss using a metal staff, as he manages to best Geralds defense and land a solid hit. At the same time summoning a new slime, which prompty ignores the battle, going over to fuck Synthia. It wraps itself around her upper body, breasts and head, eating away the clothes but leaving the ropes. She feels even around the rope gag as a tendril of it enters her to throat fuck her mouth. She realizes she can breath in the slime, and although already tired, feels somewhat awake, like she isn't about to pass out from the rough fuckings.
11 vs 19
19 vs 17

18 vs 15
16 vs 20

9 vs 19
10 vs 19

20 vs 5 crit
4 vs 22 counter

10 vs 21
4 vs 23 counter

5 vs 22 counter
19 vs 8

18 vs 8
21 vs 9
A battle rages on, the summoner getting a hit on Gerald, but Gerald holding off as the Summoner manages one or two hits, taking two for every hit he lands. The summoner brings up another tentacle beast, which promptly goes over to fuck Synthia in the ass. The battle has been going a long time, but Synthia still doesn't feel anywhere near tired enough to pass out. She's climaxed quite a bit already, and will continue too. Gerald tries to force his resolve, knowing Synthia needs his aid.
(Gerald Gains special ability: Chance to regain HP each round Synthia is out of combat)
19 vs 13
20 vs 8

12 vs 8
7 vs 12
16 vs 5
12 vs 11
8 vs 10
15 vs 19

14 vs 19
19 vs 13

17 vs 14
17 vs 19
(Crit Regen)
The battle is long and hard, Gerald focing himself back up after every hit, knowing he has to save Synthia. Though now yet another slime is summoned, of course, Synthia being the rape bait she is, distracts it. The slime sort of fuses with the rope demon already fucking her, making it's member wider and longer. All this time being fucked in three holes, unable to pass out, climaxing the entire time. The slime sending small pleasure shocks and sucking on her nipples.
5 vs 6
9 vs 23

The summoner yet again summons a new beast, another rope demon which ties Synthia harder, starting to move her to new positions.
6 vs 7
20 vs 19

And again, more tentacles, as a second beast starts to rub over her, a second tendril entering her ass.
10 vs 8
12 vs 6

More hits are landed, as the summoner makes another slime, which joins which the first, covering Synthias body more as the size of the tendril in her throat increases. She's lost count of her orgasms, and is still awake.
7 vs 24 counter
18 vs 5
(crit regen)
4 vs 11
22 vs 22
22 vs 6 crit
16 vs 13
19 vs 23
8 vs 21
(Crit regen, but max is half)
11 vs 23
16 vs 13
(Crit regen, but max is half)
10 vs 14
19 vs 10

18 vs 11
20 vs 23

16 vs 22
4 vs 16

11 vs 16
6 vs 10

12 vs 15
12 vs 7
(crit regen)
15 vs 23
17 vs 22

22 vs 22
14 vs 18

12 vs 12
14 vs 11

5 vs 12
12 vs 8

21 vs 22
10 vs 18

10 vs 23
19 vs 5
18 vs 24
16 vs 21

19 vs 16 (VICTORY!)

It was a long battle, Gerald falling down many times, sometimes almost unable to get up. But he continues, because he can't allow Synthia, carrying his child, to be simply used by this demon forever. Long and fierce, he eventually gains the final blow. He collapses shortly after, unable to stand. It's an entire evening before he's able to get up and clear the monsters off Synthia...who is awake for the entire night of fucking, because of the slime. In the marrow, he cleans them off, holding Synthia close as she instantly blacks out from exhaustion.
She wakes up a long time later, held gently in Geralds soft arms, he'd removed his armor. She could see he was bandaged all over, but holding her close and tight, like a package he'd never want to lose. She was draped in basically a towel.
Summoner 0/15 HP
Gerald 1/6 HP
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Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The night dragged on and on, even after she saw the summoner fall and Gerald collapse, the endless fucking continued. Everytime she wanted to black out, the slime would shock her nipples and clit, and she would be forced to endure the fucking. She had lost track of the times she had climaxed. Her muscles lost all rigidity and she became little more than a fuck doll for the monsters. She felt them cum in her again and again, and she could do little more than moan.

Her mind went blank for a while, retreating into itself while the fucking continued through the night. Dimly she was aware of the morning, and Gerald ripping out the tentacles that had loosened and lubed her ass with gallons of cum. Then the rope dildo was wetly pulled from her pussy with a squelch and the slime was cut away from her, its juices pooling out of her mouth. Everything went blank.

Awaking in Gerald's arms, Synthia reached up and hugged him tightly, not wishing to let him go. She sobbed silently into him, shuddering, but wondrously happy to have him there, holding her. She did not have the wherewithal to say anything yet.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald simply holds her tight, doing his best to simply be the support she needed. Eventually he simply said. "I'm sorry, again." As he nestled his head on hers.

"When you're ready, our prize awaits." he said softly, trying his best not to ruin the moment.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The absurdity of his statement makes her laugh, and she squeezes him tighter. Sniffling, she starts to wipe the tears away. "I'll be okay..." she mutters as she strives to get a grip. She turns towards the doorway to the treasury, but she refuses to let go of Gerald, clinging to the warrior as they move towards their goal.

"Don't be sorry," she adds "I really do bring this on myself. I'm the luckiest girl to have you around, that's all. When this memory starts to fade, remind me I owe you a night of anything you want. Anything."

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Synthia walks with him to see what the treasure is, clinging her towel close to her chest.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The couple opens the door. Beyond is a room of interesting design.

Long in the front, with a circular area at the back. A raised platform and walkway of sort make the most of the area, to the sides not far below is water, the walls all covered with a slight shimmering waterfall.

The treasure is large, a lot of money, and various items. On a podium in the center, Synthia finds a book, titled "The Secrets of Magic: A Beginners Guide". Gerald finds a sword and a shield set, the shield emblazoned with a crest that he can change with a thought. Aside from these and the piles of gold, the couple find yet another interesting item, a small simple chest, no larger than maybe a footlocker, yet on the inside it is much larger, around say the size of a pirates treasure chest.

Gerald ponders for a moment how they can carry it all out, but Synthia discovered in the book a neat little spell which helps to carry such things.

"You know, with this much money, I could buy a house, or even a tavern, probably. Always did want a stable place to live..." he leans down as he whispers in her ear. "...And a pretty girl to live with me, of course." he mentions before giving her a kiss.

(Synthia now has Magic 1, and Sword Expertise 3. Magic 1 allows magic spells and gives a +1 to combat rolls, this stacks with sword expertise.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia smiles wide at Gerald's kiss.

"You can buy whatever you want with it, Gerald," she said. "It's yours as far as I'm concerned. And if you buy that tavern, I'll be your best customer - or maybe something even more."

Then she picked up the book, and her eyes opened wide. "Magic! It's a simple spell book." She flipped through the table of contents. "Hey, magic disc... There's a spell in here that could carry the bulk of this treasure for us."

She held up her hand and read from the designated page:

"Nommus het se' draziw elum!"

A flash of light grew in her palm, pale blue, and it grew outward into a circle that levitated a foot off of the ground. Moving her hand she found she could direct the disc to wherever she wanted it.

"It worked! I cast a spell! It felt so weird, but it was great!" her eyes brightened. "We'll be able to make it out of here in no time... but, where will we go? Do you want to go back to your town, the one to the west?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"We can, but it's a small town, there's not much there, especially not anything to spend the treasure on." Gerald says.

"I here there's a somewhat larger town to the north of here though. Might be a good place to check out. Well, fairly half the treasure is yours." He adds.

"But I'm not quite sure what to do with it now, I already have the real treasure."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Awww, you're such a charmer," Synthia said to Gerald, then quickly stole another kiss. "Let's go north then, and find something fun to spend all this money on. Then we'll decide what to do from there."

Interesting, it seems there's more to this game world than just a level by level system. That's good, I wouldn't have wanted to start over on my own.

Collecting the treasure onto the spell disc, the pair were soon able to set out from the dungeon.

"I'll be glad to be done with this place," Synthia said, looking over her shoulder as she held the rags close to her naked and stained body, for she had used up all her clothing sets. "The good memories I'm taking with me, so I can safely leave the bad ones here to stay."