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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald hobbled along after her, not quite content to let her go off on her own. The clerk decided to just wait outside.

Synthia poked her head through the door. It was actually pretty creepy inside. Gerald right behind her, she decided to go through a bit. The place was a lot more run down than one would expect from a mansion, even one that had been abandoned for years.

Eventually poking her head into a new room, Synthia was quite surprised to see a tentacle beast growing out of the floor.

"Well, that's not something you see every day, is it? Well, maybe you you sometimes..." Gerald pipes up.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia rolled her eyes. "So these things seem to grow just about anywhere, don't they. This one looks lively. Wouldn't want any young kids from the town wandering in here and meeting it."

Synthia drew her sword from its sheath and leveled it at the tentacle beast.

"Where do these things come from anyway? Are they intelligent at all?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Not really" Gerald said, taking his sword out and stabbing the beast, as it was small it went down without much effort.

"Though if you still want this house, I think it might be more effort than it's worth, I'm sure there's some other nice places."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia sighed and re-sheathed her sword. "Okay, well then would you be fine with the manor house?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Probably" He mentions, taking a look around the place a bit more. "Why, do you really like this place or something?" He gives a small shrug as he takes her into a hug and rubs her stomach.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"It just seems like more of an adventure than the manor house, but I suppose I am happy with either one. Let's get the manor house then, and we'll have a place of our own to stay when we're not journeying."

His hands on her stomach shocked her. Did he know? She supposed there was no reason the game couldn't have alerted him. She looked at her stomach, it wasn't large or showing signs of pregnancy yet. But from what she'd gathered, time flowed differently in the game world. Who knew how fast her pregnancy would go?

She wasn't sure she wanted to be a mother, in game or out of game, at least not to an offspring that she actually cared about. If some tentacle spawn impregnated her, she wouldn't mind bearing it and casting it aside once it crawled out of her - as horrible as it would be, it wouldn't be her responsibility after that.

A human child though, with the father sticking around -- that was a whole other proposition. Was she ready for that? She didn't know.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Oh, adventure is what you're after is it? I'm not enough of an adventure in the bedroom?" He taunts her. "But I'm sure we can go somewhere else to find adventure as well."

Gerald returns outside with Synthia, talking to the clerk. Eventually a while later he's purchased the Manor house, and he and Synthia are traveling towards the Manor, a short walk outside of the city.

They arrive, finding the place to be somewhere between acceptable and good condition. Inside they find there's a bit of furniture, enough to make it seem like the house isn't empty. The grounds are fairly large, while the house itself seems a more reasonable size than expected.

Gerald takes a look around. "I wonder if there's a dungeon..."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Yeah, I guess you're all right, for now," Synthia said with a laugh. "But you get tired every now and then, and when that happens I'll need something else to distract me."

She resolved not to regret the purchase of the manor house, after all, it wasn't as though this were a real life decision. It was just a virtual property in a game that she would be logging out of later today. She'd be going back to her apartment on campus with its one bedroom and half a bath. Anything beyond that was a fun escape in this game.

And she wasn't disappointed when they finally arrived at the manor.

"You think there might be one?" Synthia asked, and wandered about the house looking for any basement entrance.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I dunno, even if we can't find one, I some I can have one built." Gerald laughs as he looks around.

Of course, sadly for the couple, there is no hidden basement, at least not that they could find. But they do find a normal basement, and it probably wouldn't be hard to convert it to something they'd both enjoy.

"Well, it's getting late, but I bet there are still quite a few stores still open, maybe we should go furniture shopping?" Gerald laughs. "Though we could also call it an early night or maybe take a look around the grounds." Gerald gives a small shrug.

"And maybe tomorrow we can satisfy your wanderlust and go find some new ruins to explore."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Let's take a look around the grounds," Synthia said. "I'd like to get a better feel for our new home, and I was wondering if you might not tell me a little bit more about this country? Why are there so many ruins and rundown places? And why are they overrun by these monsters and demons?"

Let's see how much the game devs have planned, Synthia thought to herself.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Well, I guess I could do that, I'm no expert, but..." Gerald starts to talk about the world and how it's there as they walk around the grounds.

The grounds are nice, well decorated and laid out, there's even a lake on the property! It might be worth hiring a groundskeeper, as some areas started to get overgrown.

Gerald's story talks about how a long time ago there used to be a large human empire, and although humans aren't the only race, are the most common, elves and dwarves exist in the wilderness. Ruins are scattered all over, some from a previous era, some from holdings of some lost lord or something. But the world is dangerous, so explorations into the wilderness usually don't stay for long. Either a town builds up in an area, providing civilization for safety, or eventually projects are left abandoned, for the wilderness to reclaim. Most adventurer's actually tend to be female, not that many monsters mind. It's just sort of the way it happened. Some hear tales of the monsters and wonder if it's really true, are there actually tentacle beasts that can fill them all over?

But Gerald mentions that more recently adventuring is becoming less of a thing as people try to settle in towns, preferring simpler lives.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"And is that what you would prefer, Gerald? A simple life, in a manor house at the edge of the wilderness?" She smiled. "I suppose I couldn't begrudge anyone that."

She thought a moment. "It's strange though that so many women should become adventurers. These monsters seem to enjoy us especially, and are probably more effective against us than against, well, you guys. I mean they didn't show in any interest in toying with you in the same way... Is there some place that these monsters are coming from? Some master source?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald gives a small shrug. "All I know is the old bard's tales. A long time ago a powerful wizard created them, so he could capture and entertain his own private harem, or something along those lines. Well, the story goes that he himself transformed into the first best, and raiding a town one day, he retreated with all the women in tow, using them to breed the first monsters."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Ugh," Synthia made a sour face. "And this was quite some time ago wasn't it? Hmph, well he must have turned into one ugly beast."

Finding a clear patch of grass on the property that overlooked the lake, Synthia dropped to her knees and then lay on her side, looking out over the water.

"It's beautiful here. I can't believe this manor house has been here without an owner. It's just so idyllic. Who would need to adventure with a place like this to call their own?" she smiled up at Gerald where he stood above her.

I feel like this is a good end. The boss has been defeated, the treasure won, and the hero has returned triumphantly with the damsel in his arms. What else is there?
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald chuckles. "Well, you know, adventure is fun, after all, and treasure is nice. But I forgot to answer before, I guess I might prefer a simple life now, especially if I get to spend it with you."

"Game Complete!(?) Preparing to save and exit. View Epilogue? Y/N?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Hmmm, yeah, all right... I guess this is a nice end.

Synthia tugged on Gerald to bring him down to kneel beside her, and put her hand on his cheek.

"Yeah... I think that might be wonderful," she said smiling at him, then brought his hand to her stomach. "For all three of us."

Mentally, Synthia clicked on the save and exit, but not before choosing Yes to viewing the Epilogue.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Gerald smiled as Synthia moved his hand to her stomach. "I'm glad you think so" he said, moving down to kiss her as the sun was setting. They made out there, on the shore of the lake until it was dark, when Gerald carried her back inside.

Synthia felt the days pass quickly as the couple got settled into their life, buying furniture, updating the manor, building their secret dungeon.

Each night Gerald dragged her down to the dungeon where they had their fun. Each night until she showed signs of the baby. Gerald got himself a job as a fighting instructor to help with expenses, as the treasure wouldn't last forever. But he still made time for his loving wife.

It was like this each day passed until Synthia had the baby. A wonderful boy who took after his mother. A few years passed until the boy was old enough to be a child. Each day was a wonderful time full of loving family and new friends made in the town.

Good+ End

As the world darkened and the EGG started to come back into view, a small screen giving some more detailed info.

"Scenario complete. Game world may be loaded up in the future."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

How nice. Synthia thought as she stepped away from the EGG. Might be fun to come back to that world and have an adventure a few game years later. But I think I'll have a different adventure next time I come back. Just to experience different aspects of the game. After all, if I'm writing a review, I'd better explore the game's bad ends as well as its good.

Synthia looked around to see if the AI developer, Max, was around.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia made her way to Max's office, who looked like he was just packing up, as he tells her. "Oh, Ms. Love-Cross, I was just packing up for the day, anything I can do for you before I go?" He gives his small smile as he sits down at his desk.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia holds up her hand. "You don't have to sit down, it's been a long day for you I'm sure. I was just stopping by to tell you that I had a good experience and had completed the level. I'm thinking of starting a different scenario the next time I come in. Would that mean that my in-game self would start out as a brand new character with beginning stats, or can veteran players transfer over abilities?

"Also, are players supposed to quit the game after each level is complete or is there a persistent plot that we're supposed to pursue after the initial dungeon?"