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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The man simply gives a smile. "How big and how wide?" He replies.

The rest of the group starts to murmur among themselves about how best to go about the plans.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia smiles. "As big and as wide as you can make it, Max. The important thing is to delay the army, but if a west wind is blowing, we might even be able to engulf the monsters in it and send them into a momentary retreat.

"Every hour we can delay them will be precious. Now, I will volunteer to lead the outrider team. We'll need fast horses and bows. I'll only take volunteers. This harrying action will be dangerous and when it's complete we'll be having to ride north to get clear of the fire as well before returning to the town."

Synthia glanced at her compatriots, seeing which of them might be most eager to join her.

"Whoever stays, they're responsible for organizing the town's defenses. We'll need walls build around the larger and more defensible town buildings and we'll also want access to the lake water. I know preparations are already underway but you've got to make the most of your time. Our outriders and firestarters will give you as much as we can."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max starts to mutter to himself as he ponders his abilities, the only part Synthia can catch of it is '...a few miles, maybe?'

Alyssa finds herself having quite a few volunteers, a lot of them her students, but a few others as well. An even mix of genders, maybe her students roped their boyfriends into it or something.

Any which way, Synthia manages to catch Max setting off on his journey as her party prepares to leave. Of course, by this it means she saw him casting a spell and then flying away towards the east, a wee bit faster than she imagined any horses could go.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia selected her students Annie and Marie to aid her with outrider party. Allen was left to see to the all-important defenses.

It wasn't long before Synthia and her band of volunteer outriders were galloping through the woodlands, headed east towards the horde of monsters.

I only hope that Max, for all his speed, remembers that we have to get ahead of him before he casts his spell.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia rides out with her party, although she doesn't see Max again on the journey, she arrives at the small building which seems very out of place along the trail. In fact, it looks like a prefect little commander center slash fort made from wood.

It becomes obvious when Max comes out from inside, a grin on his face. "I figured a small building to serve as a commander center would work well, commander." He says, the smile not quite leaving his face.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia returns the smile, but her face carries an awkward expression.

"How? I wasn't aware mages could construct buildings in such a short time... I'm surprised the countryside isn't swarming with more buildings if such is the case."

She rode her white horse closer to Max.

"Still, we're going to be doing more riding than commanding, Max," she continued in a whisper. "We're going to be riding on to confront the monsters while you prepare your fire spell, no?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Well, it's not permanent, you see, not quite that powerful, and even this requires quite a powerful mage!" He says.

He nods at her suggestion. "It might be worth it to prepare you ahead of time, maybe a bit of resistance to the hear that the wall will be generating, yes?" He suggests.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia sat up straight and looked round at her riders, then back at Max.

"Yes, if you can manage it Max, then we'll gladly take that precaution. If all goes to plan, we won't be riding too close to the inferno, but if by some chance we get caught up in it, it would be nice to have some protection. What would we need to do to help you with the spell?"

Synthia marvelled at the power this mage had. Her own initial foray into the world of magic had yet to show her anything close to Max' skill.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Max says a few words, Synthia watches as the magic flows around and surrounds the riders, fading to only a slightly orange glow. "That should be good" he said.

"I only need a few minutes of rest and preparation" he says, sitting down on a nearby chair.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"How long will the protection hold?" Synthia glances at her red cloak as the orange glow fades around and into it.

"We need to go soon, or else we'll miss our window of opportunity. Do you require anything else?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Long Enough" he says, simply. "And no, you'd best be on your way, good luck.

The rest of her hunting party nods that they're ready to go.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia tips her red hat to Max in a gesture of salute and thanks.

"We'll try to goad and distract them long enough before they know that the blaze is on them. May your fire consume them all before the night is through."

She wheeled her mount around to face her hunting party and drew her sword, holding it aloft in her hand, its gleaming tip pointed skyward.

"Riders with me! We go east! We have monsters to slay and homes to protect! Eyahhh!"

And with her cry, she pointed the sword to the east, and squeezed her mount with her knees, as Gerald had taught her to do in the blurred virtual dreamspace of the past years, spurring the beast forward. Her company followed behind her.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The others followed Synthia, glad for someone taking charge of the defense. Synthia, looking back, saw Max preparing for his spell.

A whiles ride, there was a tree line, a very light forest covering the land here, Synthia could see far in the distance the line of approaching darkness, the sky above it turning dark.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Okay, I'd say that's the force we're up against," Synthia said, then turned to look at her followers, many of which were students and friends. "We're going to goad them into the woods and make sure to keep them occupied. I don't want anyone getting stuck in to a hand to hand fight with them. You can use your bows if you get a clean shot, but remember, we're going to let Max' fire do the killing, we're just the bait, got it?"

She tries to look as many of her students in the eye as she can, to try to drive the point home.

"You're all my friends and I don't want any of you getting hurt just because you wanted to teach these fiends a personal lesson. Distract them, keep them chasing you into the woods, and when the fire is upon them, ride hard to the north. Once you've beaten the blaze, we'll rendez-vous at the command center that Max built. Okay?"

She sheathed her sword and brought out the short composite bow that had been made for horse riding. She had not fired a bow very often, but she knew that her magic might help to guide some of the arrows if it came down to it.

"Everyone ready? Good, let's go!"

She spurred her horse toward the host.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia and the party road east. They managed to find a scouting party of monster, or well, it looked like a scouting party, anyways. It was comprised of six things, two slimes, two tendril monsters, and two rope demons.

Tentacle1 7/7 HP
Tentacle2 6/6 HP
Slime1 5/5 HP
Slime2 1/1 HP
Rope1 3/3 HP
Rope2 6/6 HP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Keep your distance, and use your bows," Synthia yelled as she notched an arrow and took aim at one of the tentacle monsters. "When they move towards you, don't fight, just run to a safe distance and let someone else attack. If we do this right, they won't be able to hit us."

At least I'm hoping they're not faster than these horses...
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Retconjuration: The enemies are in fact a large force, and will be represented by by a single number, Synthia's force will be represented by a similarly single number. Numbers are totally arbitrary to respresent size of force. Damage will be based on how much better one side rolls than the other, most losses will represent some of Synthia's students getting knocked off and raped! The only bonuses applied to rolls are Synthia's magic modifier and the tactics/description modifier
4 vs 9
Synthia's tactics are a solid plan, sadly let up by the massive number of enemies that surge forward with unexpected quickness, and as some try to flee, they become entangled by tentacles that were hiding up in the trees! Synthia watches as a few of her students become covered, their clothes dissolving away! She notices almost half of them were virgins as the tentacles enter their victims, simply knocking the males in the party away.

Enemy 28/28
Synthia 27/32
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Blast! The devils had an ambush planned?

Already she saw some of her younger students, barely young women in their own right, be taken savagely by the monsters, and her heart went out to them.

"Maria!" she shouted at her prize student who was still mounted and unscathed. "Take the rest of our women riders away from where our captured girls are being assaulted. The men will charge with me while the majority of monsters follow after their preferred prey. We're not leaving our friends in the clutches of these fiends!"

Drawing her sword and setting about it a nimbus of magical flame with a basic incantation she waited for her student and the women to provide the distraction, then charged with the men in a quick strike, aimed at sundering the raping monsters while they were busy with their quarry and not focusing on their defense.

When and if the charge was successful, Synthia would look to haul up the closest violated virgin up onto the back of her saddle, and expected the menfolk to do the same. There would be no time for immediate consoling, but perhaps the anger the girls felt from the violation would spur them on to fight the demons even harder... no doubt the men's blood was boiling at the sight of their girlfriends and daughters being taken so lewdly before them.

Sword lit with cleansing flame in her hand, she rode down the beasts with righteousness in her battle cry.

[employ cunning plan of female distraction followed by enraged men crashing in to rescue their women from distracted raping monsters.]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

25 vs 12
Synthia watches in terror as the tentacles rape her students, starting to drag them away, but she was right with her tactics, as the men furiously tear appart the tentacles slimes and other beasts. She herself recusing a few of the women who are freed, the men freeing the others as her lures safely get away.

The enemy has been greatly reduced, though some of her fighters were unlikely to get back into the fray after such treatment, though some of them are crying, especially the no-longer virgins, they seem to be alright, some of the others breaking off to help comfort them.

Enemy 15/28
Synthia 27/32
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Now is not the time for tears!" Synthia shouts so that her students can hear, even the virgins who have been deflowered. "Dry them with retribution! Show these things that they no longer hold power over you. Show them that it is you who determine their existence! You yet live! Now live to fight!"

She needed to pluck the girl's courage up again. She knew it would be difficult and that to the youngest girls, the world was likely a numb place. Comfort could be given after the danger had past, but not before. The men too needed to be roused from comforting their loved ones. No one was truly rescued so long as the beasts were still massing near them. Hopefully her cries would snap everyone back into the same fighting spirit that had just rescued the girls.

She needed to harness their emotion and drive to fight if they were to keep at this.

"Men follow me. We will strike where ever the women riders are beset. Girls riding with us, use your bows while the men direct the horses."