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ADV [タイプルージュ]エリスと不思議の物語 (RJ306055)


Grim Reaper
May 23, 2012
Reputation score

Ellis takes shelter from the rain inside a secondhand bookshop, and her eye is caught by a particular book. To her surprise, the main character of the book has the same name as she does. The bookseller says she can have the book for free for some reason, so she takes it home. Whilst reading it, she gets sucked into the world of the book! A strange cat tells her that in order to return to her own world, she'll need to save the world, just like the heroine in the book...

This is a pure Roguelike game. There are two dungeons you need to delve to the bottom of to win - a beginner dungeon of 20 floors, and then an advanced dungeon of 30 floors, each with a boss encounter on the final floor. As a roguelike, each dungeon floor is randomly generated, and populated by a random assortment of enemies and items, which start off unidentified. The game auto saves each step you take, and if you die you lose all progress and get kicked back to the start. (With the exception of retaining the advanced dungeon being unlocked if you've completed the beginner one, and a running tally of your sexual stats in the book in your house). The game is in Unity, and works pretty well with the plugin tool that automatically translates Unity games as you play within the game.

Ellis has an HP meter representing her health, and an SP meter representing her sensitivity/arousedness. HP recovers at a steady tick and SP lowers as you walk, but your Hunger meter also decreases - when it hits 0, you'll start taking damage every step. You also can't spend too long on an individual floor before you're forced to move on or die, though it's fairly generous with that timer. Defeating enemies gains XP which leads to you levelling up. If your HP reaches 0 you'll die; and naturally, as a roguelike, permadeath is in place. If your SP reaches the maximum you'll climax and be subjected to various bad states - a lower max SP, possible confusion, damage, sluggishness, level drain, etc.

Items are many and varied. There are four things you can equip - underwear, outerwear, a weapon, and a set of arrows. Underwear often carries an advantageous boon, though unless you identify it you might not see exactly what it is. This could be gaining experience every step, gaining SP more slowly, immunity to confusion/theft/curses/etc, being able to automatically identify everything you pick up, and so on. Outerwear comes in a few set types with the same properties, and gives a certain defence boost. Reinforced clothes have higher defence, Santa costumes gain more health each tick, Maid clothes mean less hunger gain each tick, Uniforms improve accuracy and so on. The two clothing items are reflected in the always on screen picture of Ellis. Outerwear can also be enchanted to +1, +2, etc. giving a further defence boost. Generally outerwear will be identified just by wearing it, though it might be cursed, giving negatives boosts and being impossible to remove. Weapons, like outerwear, have the same properties for each type - Claymores hit hard but give you a tick of inactivity after use, Morning Stars might cause confusion, Masamune has high power, etc. Weapons can also be +1, +2 and so on. Arrows allow you to attack from a distance until you run out, and increase in power from wood to iron to silver. Both clothing items have a durability stat which gets lowered as you're attacked, until they can break leaving you naked.

Other items you can pick up are:
Bread, reduces hunger. Unless you keep it in a bag can get covered in semen by various monsters or traps, in which case it will also have various negative effects.
Potions. Each colour of potion is always the same thing, but you won't know what it does unless you identify it or drink it. Effects include HP recovery, SP loss, SP gain, poison, detoxification, invisibility, being able to see traps, damage immunity, power up, max HP up, resurrection, haste, water, etc. You can also chuck them at enemies to apply the effect to them.
Scrolls. Again, you won't know what each scroll is until identified or used. They apply effects to yourself or to every enemy in the current room, including confusion, sleep, identify, enchant weapon, enchant armour, teleport, lightning, clairvoyance, remove curse, double item, repair clothes, enlarge bag, shrink bag, remove traps, increase traps, etc.
Wands. Wands fire forwards and have an effect on the enemy you hit, including confusion, sleep, poison, slow, recovery, teleport, swap places, transform into substitute, blow back, etc.
Bags. Bags, again, start out unidentified. There are two types; one set you can put items into, and one set where you can pull something out. The first set includes just-a-bag (put items into it to store them, need to break the bag to get them out again), storage bags (can freely put items in and out, and even use them from the bag), strong bags (put items in, but can't break it, so they're stuck there), change bag (any item you put in magically transforms to a different random item), identify bag (identifies anything you put in), etc. The second includes bags of life (every time you pull something out you get full HP, zero SP, and cured of bad status), Pandora's bag (pull out enemies each time, but they final thing you pull out is a good item), bags of hope (pull out good items each time, but the final thing you pull out transforms the current room into a monster house), etc.

There are a variety of different enemies, which get stronger as you descend in the dungeon. Each enemy type has its own abilities. Generally, enemies will either attack you, or knock you down and try to rip your clothes and rape you. Getting raped increases your SP, but doesn't lower HP (unless you climax). Enemies are more likely to try and rape you if you're naked (and possibly aroused), so sometimes you might need to offer up your body so you don't get killed. Some enemy types include: Slimes, which have a clothes melting attack. Reapers, which move fast. Zombies, which only take 1 damage per physcial hit. Steers, which can hypnotise you into using items. Rabbits, which can strip your clothes off. Succubi, which increase HP by being near. Mages, which shoot wands with various effects. Mandrakes, which throw potions with various effects. Demons, which can hypnotise you into lying down and spreading your legs to be raped. Rats, which move fast and can poison, lowering your attack. Harpies, which can shoot arrows. Dragons, which can breathe fire. Skulls, which can curse. Goats, which can level up other enemies when you kill them. And others... Some have particular weaknesses you can find via experimentation; for instance, the undead type of enemies will take damage if you hit them with a Healing staff, as you'd expect from DnD and so on.

Each floor also has traps, which are unseen until you step on them (or use a Potion of Sensing). These can cause poison, clothes melt, lust, sleep, shackles, explosions, undressing, summon enemies, fall to the next floor, etc.

The game is pretty hard. To beat a dungeon would normally require good luck - finding good items, not running into too many traps, etc. Level up on earlier floors where you can, so you are stronger for later floors. There is however a way to cheese it - by copying the save file, then deleting the current one and renaming the copy if things go wrong. I managed to beat the game, but only by using save scumming like this; playing fairly would be a lot harder!

Arrow keys: Movement
Z: Melee Attack, select in menu
X: Go back in menu
S: Arrow Attack
A: Open menu
C: View Log of events
D: Map
Left Shift: Turn on the spot (i.e. hold shift down and use the arrows to change your facing without using up a tick)
Left Shift + X: Step forward a tick without taking an action
Left Control: Lock to diagonal movement

The reaadme also has few useful tips, so make sure to check it out.
Google translate of the readme tips:
■ Game tips
○ You can recover by stepping on it.
However, since you will be hungry by that amount, you may want to step on while wearing equipment that reduces hunger, such as "maid clothes".
○ The value of force is important. If you are attacked by the mouse system, it will be lowered with a certain probability, so let's defeat it before approaching.
○ Please note that the mandrake system also has an attack that can lower the attack.
○ Debuffs at the time of climax are "decrease in power", "decrease in maximum HP", "decrease in level", "decrease in physical strength", "confusion, granting slow legs"
One of them will be given. If you die, the game will be over, so being violated is one of the options.
○ The enemy will be satisfied and will return after committing 3 turns.
○ It is violated by up to 2 monsters at a time. It will be attacked from the third or more, so it is a pinch if you are surrounded by many monsters.
○ During the blow job, the mouth will be blocked and scrolling etc. will not be available.
○ If you stay on the same floor all the time, the game will be over.
○ If you take off your costume, you will be more likely to be raped. There are no more means of recovery, or an enemy that is too strong has been born! In that case
It may be a good idea to take off your clothes.
○ The jacket affects the probability of being mounted by the enemy, and the accessory affects the probability of being raped while mounted.
○ If you use the recovery item when the HP is maximum, the maximum HP will increase.
○ If you let a ghost-type monster drink a recovery item, you can damage it. (If you give it to other monsters, it will recover ...)
○ If you step on the semen trap, your bread will become muddy. If you put it in a bag, you can prevent it from becoming muddy.
○ The monsters that make throwing attacks

Mo Mo: Monster
Wall wall d wall wall d: Ellis
Wall wall wall wall

It may attack even in the above situation. Even though this normal attack does not reach, it is a situation where the opponent will attack you, so
Let's avoid this situation as much as possible.
○ When you attack toward an empty ground, if there is a trap there, the trap will be displayed. I will never die! It may be okay to do it in that state.
○ Monster House is full of items and traps as well as enemies! Let's walk carefully.
○ Money is important. But sometimes you may throw it at the enemy.
○ If the pleasure value is rising, it will be difficult to hit the attack. The increased pleasure value decreases as you walk, but it takes some time, so
By deliberately being violated or stepping on a trap and reaching the climax, the pleasure value immediately drops to a certain value, so it may be a good idea to use this.
○ If you defeat the goat system, the surrounding monsters will be leveled up. However, is there a way to intentionally level up and gain experience points?
○ It is difficult to hit each other one-on-one in the second half. Let's proceed according to the situation such as using the item or ignoring it.
○ If you stingy on an item or body, you will die.

★ Relief measures have been set up.
Please talk to the memorial monument in the upper left of the town.
The content of the relief measures is
"Almost every 10th floor stores that sell storage bags will appear"
It is the content.
It is difficult because it can be switched on / off! If you like, please turn it on.

Tags from dlsite: Cross-section View, Bukkake, Internal Cumshot, Coercion / Compulsion, Interspecies Sex
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Looks like a great find but game seems ultra slow and buggy on my end. My guess is I'll have to fiddle with the clock again, no luck so far...

EDIT: Well I know now that the first dungeon is in a hole inside the house with the two elderly people, and you can save at the monument at the top left of the town (I think). However the game is slow as molasses on my end, the map button turns the screen black, the character will sometimes keep flying off the screen when entering or leaving the building... Tried japanese and english locale / timeformat, nothing seemed to fix these issues. Kinda unplayable in that state
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Looks like a great find but game seems ultra slow and buggy on my end. My guess is I'll have to fiddle with the clock again, no luck so far...

EDIT: Well I know now that the first dungeon is in a hole inside the house with the two elderly people, and you can save at the monument at the top left of the town (I think). However the game is slow as molasses on my end, the map button turns the screen black, the character will sometimes keep flying off the screen when entering or leaving the building... Tried japanese and english locale / timeformat, nothing seemed to fix these issues. Kinda unplayable in that state

The monument is actually for turning on "Relief" mode - as the Readme says, it adds in a shop selling storage bags every ten floors.

Not sure why it would be so laggy; the game does auto-save every step, so it might depend on your computer. The map button is meant to do that - when you're actually in a dungeon the minimap overlays the screen, so turning the rest of the screen black allows just the map to show up.
This game has a few cool things but for 11$ is an absolute scam. In total there are only 3 Hentai pics and they are all shown in the dlsite preview. I think it's worth to play 10 min, not a single more. It's a shame because the art is kind of good and the gameplay would be interesting if there were more CGs to unlock.

Also the game is full of game-breaking bugs and unbeatable without cheating.

PSA: If you have a 140 Hz monitor; then change it to 60 Hz to play this game, otherwise it runs slow as heck. (use Windows Display settings)
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Having used backup saves to cheese the final floors, I agree with joetermin. 3 CG scenes (one on loss, and one from completing the 25-floor and 30-floor dungeons), plus variations on "blowjob/penetration while Ellis is on all fours/on her ass" depending on her clothes. The worst part is that there's no convenient post-game gallery or item-spawning cheat to choose what Ellis wears.

In short, this is one of those titles with a decent gameplay foundation (not hard to crib from the Mystery Dungeon formula) but a painfully lacking amount of H.
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Looks like a great find but game seems ultra slow and buggy on my end. My guess is I'll have to fiddle with the clock again, no luck so far...

EDIT: Well I know now that the first dungeon is in a hole inside the house with the two elderly people, and you can save at the monument at the top left of the town (I think). However the game is slow as molasses on my end, the map button turns the screen black, the character will sometimes keep flying off the screen when entering or leaving the building... Tried japanese and english locale / timeformat, nothing seemed to fix these issues. Kinda unplayable in that state

That´s weird for me are no bugs and is also not slow :unsure:
The H-content is pretty good, the problem is the gameplay, in that it's way too hard and annoying. The save system is also annoying AF and getting the H to happen is also annoying AF. H games should not be this hard, I'm here to primarily see the H, don't make me struggle for it.
The H-content is pretty good, the problem is the gameplay, in that it's way too hard and annoying. The save system is also annoying AF and getting the H to happen is also annoying AF. H games should not be this hard, I'm here to primarily see the H, don't make me struggle for it.

Thanks for your review. May I ask how much tentacle content you saw? Anything birth related?
The dev recently made another game with Mystery Dungeon-style gameplay:

Bad news is that his previous game (aka this one) has been delisted. Just a heads-up.
im currently trying out that new game, god its brutal. I keep getting my ass kicked on floor 3, and I assume im still on tutorial mode since I cannot do other things to start gaining money, im gonna game over at this rate having 0 bucks to my name.
If you wish to discuss the new game, create a new thread.
sudden news, seems this circle is gonna terminate their games and account at the end of their DLsite discount. I havn't been able to understand the reason why.
sudden news, seems this circle is gonna terminate their games and account at the end of their DLsite discount. I havn't been able to understand the reason why.
yeah can't even see the dlsite anymore
Is the game even good, XD can't see any preview image at all