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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

With his allies - by which he meant 'that fucking goblin', mostly, who he considered an ally in the absolute loosest of senses - soundly contradicting him, Anthony sighed and resigned himself to having to deal with the fallout of this diplomatic failing later. He supposed they could run her through right here, anyway - it wasn't much skin off his nose. She'd attacked first, and was promising them an especially grisly fate, as well - what were they to do?

Anthony found himself reflecting on how dangerous it had been when Cassandra had been knocked unconscious. Without her, the team was severely limited in that no one else could mend an injury... while the scene before him played out, his train of thought shifted towards how their attacker had brought out a vial of what presumably was some manner of revitalization tonic, and he wished he had a few of his own. Perhaps he could find someone to sell them to him? Hmm... he imagined the person having funny accent, though he couldn't really say why. Ah, but it couldn't be helped, now - who would possibly come by in the middle of the woods where they were? Moreover, if some stranga just happened upon them in the woods, what were the chances he would be sellin' a selection of good things?
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie listened to her words after she had finished her satisfying spanks at the lady even as she said "So instead of a spankings for punishment, you want us to kill youz, drape yourz internal organz around in this clearing so when your pets come back they will findz your carcass after I get down playing with itz?" Eeyie asked this in an innocent tone, mistaking the boar mistress's threats for begging for this to happen to her!

She nodded as she said, giggling happily "Kay! Let mez start with breakingz youz necks or paralyzing youz!" As Eeyie reached to use her impressive abilities to snap the woman's neck. After all, better to have her dead and then destroy her dead body! Only for Cassandra to ask her to stop as the goblin girl whined aloud "But but! The spankings were neededz! I only smacked her hard enoughz to leave herz redz for a day or twoz!" Even as Eeyie huffed thinking it a bad idea to release the apparent homicidal boar mistress, especially with the fact that the woman probably only saw Boars as people.

Still Eeyie would hop and skip off of the lady allowing her to Cassandra's tender mercies but she would go into the shadows, going all stealthy. After all, best to be watching and waiting for the boars to come back and attack!

(Action: Goes back into hiding again.)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Her head finally clearing, she was too much in a daze to really pay attention to the firm spanking Eeyie gave the boar mistress. She could hear the womans rather scathing words and calling them bandits. Did she have any honest clue as to who they really were? Any what so ever? Alexia was inches away from yelling her head off at the pig headed woman before Cassandra spoke, explaining the situation. Heaven above, thank you for sending her this busty, silver tongued miracle worker. Despite Alexia's relief, it seemed Eeyie was not pleased, slinking back to do her sneaky business.

"My companion speaks true. All we came out here for was supplies for a very long trip. Artifact hunting to be exact. And we were given instructions to steal the supplies from the bandits in the area. So really, the real question would be this: how did you mistake us for bandits? We were quite clearly fighting other bandits and they were showing no sympathy for us in any regard. I never fight anything unless it hits me first or gives me good reason to hit first. We kindly avoided your boars at first, cause they weren't bothering us. But then you decided to bother us, putting your pets on my bad side. I don't want to make any more enemies then I already have, so how about we just forget we ever ran into each other and just go our separate ways? We won't bother you, and you won't bother us."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The woman rose angrily, kicking Eeyie as the goblin left off, giving the little creature a pain of her own to remember for a day or two. "You look like a band of misfits, you were in front of a location where the bandits were hiding with no sign of the supposedly 'real' bandits, and you have a little rapist goblin in your midst! If not bandits, you're a step above that." she stated. "Regardless, you have killed two of my children, and I only have one more potion to bring them back from the brink, the other spilled when that fucking goblin came. My babies are worth more individually than any one of your lives, so are you going to overlook it and not be responsible for murder? Especially when I was not to murder any of you, else that boyish girl over that would have been gored." she directed at Anthony.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

There still was no real getting to this woman. "Well we are mercenaries..." Cassandra said as she listened to all that was being said. The impending death of her boars seemed to be upsetting this woman, but injuries were the cleric's realm after all. "Let's see if I can't help these innocent creatures get back to health." she announced her intentions, letting the rest of them deal with the talking bits. The busty cleric was not too much of a talker, but surely she could manage to make these wild piggies lively again.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie ignored the woman, the woman's faulty kick coming no where near here since the goblin gal had left the woman on her stomach and had moved away long before the boar mistress had gotten up. Eeyie just ignored the proceedings, preferring to stick to the shadows, having a good feeling that the boar mistress was just going to order their deaths even if she hadn't given her some humiliating spankings. Through when Cassandra spoke of healing the boars, Eeyie internally groaned knowing that if what she thinks is about to happen, the boar mistress will accept and then sic her boars onto them again.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

While Eeyie pretended she was not hit, a bootmark on her ass from where she was kicked, Anthony and Alexis still had their input to give, if any.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

While Eeyie pretended she was not hit, a bootmark on her ass from where she was kicked, Anthony and Alexis still had their input to give, if any.

(Explain how. Eeyie had Boar Mistress on her stomach and then shoved her onto the ground before leaving her. Unless the boar mistress got up lightning fast to kick her, Eeyie did not get kicked on the ass. Because if she did so, Eeyie would have had her in a submission grapple.)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony was about to shout the woman down, but when she brought up that fucking goblin, he realized she might have a point.

Then she called him a girl.

"Who are you calling a girl, swineherder?!" He shouted, indignant. "I am one-hundred percent man, of the purest and finest Badarian stock you will ever find!"

"With the exception of that vile orange goblin - who was hiding under a bush the whole time, so you certainly couldn't have used her to judge our bandit status - we look nothing like this raggedy human waste-" he marched over and stomped on the still-barely-alive bandit's face, "-that actually preys on passers-by! And anyone with even the basest familiarity with civilization could tell I am a nobleman - nobleman - at a glance! Lich's sake, only one of us even has a proper weapon!" He gestured at his beloved's huge halberd.

"You rushed us, before you even bothered to look who you were attacking - and I heard you yell out 'don't kill that' one, which implies you were going to kill the rest! By not properly gauging the situation first and simply charging at it, it's your fault your 'babies' are dead, by commanding them to attack something you did not know they could handle or not! More so if you didn't have enough medicine to heal them if they needed it! And furthermore, as has been stated, we circled around you and your stupid pigs earlier! You chose to fight us, and now you're crying like a petulant babe that we fought back!"

Anthony flipped his long hair. "Hmph. And let's not assign blame so broadly, shall we? That disgusting goblin was hiding, Cass was indisposed, and M-The Captain had yet to make her fatal stroke. They had nothing to do with these two. I killed your swine." He couldn't help but look smug when he said it, taunting her.

Wait, didn't he want to be allies with this woman?


Something something did we get XP or does that happen later something.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

(Everyone gets 8 exp.)

The black haired woman folded her arms at Anthony after Eeyie left to go hide, silent with a neutral expression until he finished. "Despite your reasoning, you looked like bandits to me, as bandits are often a group of misfits. After all, who would expect a lamia, human with magical hair, and an oddly placed cleric of sorts all together? Bandits are always an odd combination, and you are certainly an odd combination." she said.

"But, disregarding that, if you are willing to take the blame for it, then I'm willing to let you. I want a piece of jewelry from that bandit's collection that my master desires. You can have the rest."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia rolled her eyes at the woman's theories. She really was believing all of it. That they were bandits and that they were clearly the bad guys. "Despite what you may think, we're actually on an important mission. I lost an artifact on a rather important mission and these folks are helping me to retrieve it. All I can tell you was that it was stolen by a Nightmare Lord. Nasty son of a bitch. Either way, we were looking to snag some goods from the bandits, ended up fighting them as a result. Besides, I think you may have your facts crossed. Most bandits are odd combinations of humans. Not odd combinations of different races. We're more of a band of misfit adventurers."

Alexia explained her odd situation with a hint of apprehension. She never liked talking about that bastard Nightmare Lord and what he did to her. "Just name the piece of jewelry you want and I'll see what I can do to find it. How hard can it be to find one specific piece?"
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"What a coincidence." the woman replied. "My master happens to be a nightmare lord." she said simply. "All he requires is one piece of jewelry, doesn't matter about specifics. I just need to bring him something."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony blunk.

Nightmare Lords didn't sound like a thing that were very common. This woman was probably a minion of that fiend they were hunting down.

The noble quickly made her way over to Alexia, where he tapped her for her attention... or at least was going to, before realizing her arms were quite high, given her stance, and her torso was covered in a steely breastplate... leaving merely her... her tail.


The noble's hands quivered a bit, but instead of grabbing himself a fistful of fine-ass tail - fine ass-tail? - he clenched his hands into fists, and put them behind his back, so his desire wouldn't show, and cleared his throat for her attention instead. He whispered to her quietly, so the lady clad in black would not hear; "Aiding this wench may seem... less than legitimate, Mil- my Captain, but if we were to allow this woman to take a piece of jewelry to her lord, we could perhaps tail her to find this master of hers. He may be the one you seek... though whether or not we would be able to do anything about him is another matter entirely. ...Alternatively, she was defeated, and is now making demands for us to accept her surrender with no ill-intent. It is most insulting, and it would be fully within the code of gentlemanly conduct to answer such a blatant disrespect with steel."

Anthony hadn't thought to ask Cassandra to heal the beasts, personally, and found it quite clever of their healer to do so.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie just watched the proceedings, not offering her input. All this stuff with morality and thinking deeply made an ache! Now if they needed her to sexually harrass or prank someone, she could get behind that! (Doesn't hear anthony's whispers but hears Alexia and the boar dicktress.)

(Also this is my post to speed things along so you dun have to wait.)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Going off to the side for a bit as that was were the boars were, Cassandra paid her full attention to what was being said, but was not going to say anything about herself at least for now. Instead, she was simply going to see that these boars were better. Upon reaching the one that looked to be in a more dangerous state, she knelt down next to it and applied some spiritual health on it, eventually moving to the other one as well. Regardless, she would keep her sights at the ongoing conversation as well, not wanting to miss something important being said.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Wait...What?! She served a Nightmare Lord? How in gods name was that even possible? Why would you willingly serve one of those rapist bastards?! At the very least, it might potentially explain why she was able to command boars so easily. Heck, she was disillusioned to the point that she saw the smelly things as children. Alexia was on the verge of just cleaving the woman's head right here and now, gripping her halberd as she pondered that idea. But Anthony did have a brilliant suggestion. Having the final say in all of this, Alexia took a deep breath.

"If we get this...jewel or whatever for you, you have to tell us something about your lord. No lies, no nothing. I want nothing but the truth. You're in no position to make any further demands from us. If you can't promise us a least that much, then I see little reason to openly support a Nightmare Lord."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The boars got up, and looked about with confusion, before walking over to their mistress, one of the beasts sniffing at Cassandra's crotch for a moment before trotting over to it's master.

Meanwhile, the mistress shrugged at Alexis' request. "Sure. I'm only getting paid to bring him jewels, not to keep secrets. I don't know why he wants the jewels, but it doesn't seem to matter if it's magical or not. He does end up with a lot of magical jewels though, since the more important jewels he prefers. To be honest, it just seems like a mad hobby when he's not doing what a nightmare normally does, if you catch my meaning. I can even take you to him as I go to drop off the jewel to him. I don't really care, and he said he likes it when new girls come to... Visit him, like that diva over there." she pointed to Anthony. "He loves refined women who dress in unisex clothes." she announces, clearly not having listened to him before.

"Let's go and get this over with. I want my jewel." the mistress urged them.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

A vein bulged in Anthony's forehead, and he fought down the urge to slay her that was boiling up once again. It was like she had a knight's plate armor around that cranium of hers, turning away any thought that dared to assail it and penetrate her mind!

"And what did you say this gentleman's name was, again...? Mayhap you could describe his... lordship's, countenance, so we may recognize him accordingly?" He hesitated a moment, to use a nobleman's title for some base creature - even one of a similar status amongst those monstrous demons. "And come to think of it - what was your name, o mistress of swine?"

Maybe Lady Alexia could identify him by her description, if they were the one they were hunting.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

While she was thankful that the mostly innocent animals had been spared their demise by her skill, the random sniff caused Cassandra to flail and ponder how exactly they had been trained if they did things like that. Following along their example, the cleric went back to her companions, staying in the back and letting the more physical folk handle the front line. She was still not sure if there would be more violence, and did not want to be in the firing line immediately after just having gotten back to her feet from the previous knockout.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie continued to ignore the proceedings, instead she sneakily moved about, checking to make sure there weren't any more ambushing attacks happening.

(Huh, really don't want Eeyie procing more Rage from boar mistress especially with all these boars.)