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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony ran his fingers through his hair after he tossed that pathetic bandit off. Maybe he should get angry like that more often? He'd never thrown anything that hard before.

"Hmph. He'll have a fresh start somewhere, now, where he won't be burdened by his banditry. Too much, if you ask me - he should have had to turn his image around by himself, not have it handed to him on a silver platter," Anthony said as he turned to the group, pretending to be non-chalant about at how far that man had flown.

He completely ignored that fucking goblin. Though it's whining at the fact that he'd berated and got rid of the peon before she'd managed to humiliate the fellow annoyed him somewhat, he simply refused to give it the satisfaction of knowing that. Plus, Milady had commanded him not to fight with it - and, given the anger that came with that particular command, he was eager to NOT repeat it.


Back in town, that fairy 'praised' them, supposedly - she had facilitated his introduction to Milady, so he was inclined to like her solely on that basis, though really, he cared little for her opinion otherwise. While the bumpkins reclaimed their lost goods, he probed her for the specifics of how exactly they were supposed to be paid for this task they had gifted them with.

"So... how are we to be paid for this service, exactly? Surely there was a bounty for clearing out the brigands, yes?"

Once that answer had been provided, his mind turned towards this 'shopping' their fairy commander spoke of. What could such a place as this lend them in their quest to kill a Lord of the Demons, if it were threatened by such a puny, pathetic band of bandits as the one they had just eradicated? Some sort of hobo came up to them near as soon as he thought this, and he was about to kick him away... when he saw what the man carried the ugly jacket he wore. Hmm... that pistol looked like it was made of cold iron... that would most assuredly be helpful, given the properties of that metal against such fiends, and because he had yet to replace the pair he'd lost somewhere after running off from home... but it was going to be expensive. He might want to consider commissioning a new pair of cold iron-plated shoes, as well, with guns built in like his current ones had, but that would be even more pricey...


What he most desired, though, was to dine with his beloved Milady. He wondered, did anywhe- actually, scratch that. What he most desired, was to dine with his beloved Milady, without that fucking goblin ruining everything.

"Milady?" he asked, to gain her attention. "If I may be so bold, might I know what manner of fare you find most palatable? And, if you would indulge an even bolder question... might I ask you to share a meal of it with me, to celebrate the first of our victories towards our ultimate goal?"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

To say that watching the bandit basically get tossed into the lower atmosphere wasn't funny would be a complete and utter lie. The hair mage throwing tossing the bandit aside lit an old scrap of paper, elicited a chuckle out of the normally sternfaced naga warrior. But she still had to remain calm. Their trip home was as dull as dishwater and the rather comfortable silence was shattered by the war fairy.

Letting her words roll off her, Alexia now had some free time. Some room to breath. Maybe a nice bath...a long nap. Oh the options were limitless. But then, as her companions browsed a merchants wares, the mage approached her with an offer. An offer for a meal. She had to admit, despite the accident ( all caused by a certain tiny person) the man was a decent enough sort. Respectable, polite and a hell of a mage. Not wanting to leave him guessing the naga spoke up. "Well, I guess I could eat about anything right now. I've never really been all that picky. And a meal does sound great about now. Would give us a chance to talk now that the smoke is clear. Mind you, I have nothing nice to wear if you wanted to go somewhere fancy. I was raised by a couple of mercenaries, so my manners leave alot to be desired. But if you're up for it, so am I."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony thought for a moment. Hmmm... lamb, beef, mutton... what could should he prepare for the lady? He should run off to see what the town had to offer him in those regards. A dress, though... he didn't think he could commission a dress and have it ready in time for them to leave.


"Peddler, do you have any kind of fine raiment suited for Milady's splendid frame?" he asked, turning to the merchant-man that had approached them.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"Got a good selection of things on sale, strangah!" the merchant announced, before a fine dress made for a lamia flew out of his coat and flattened against Anthony. "That'll be ten denarii, strangah!"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

A bit of surprise crossed her face as Anthony was going out of his way to treat her like a queen. Or at the very least dress her like one. She was admittedly a little embarrassed that someone was going to such lengths for her. But she was not going to think about that right now. They had stuff to sell from their prior encounter and she was looking to sell. She slithered up to the merchant and began removing the various items. "Gonna want to sell all this When she received her money from the group, she would hand off the divided loot to the party, given each of them significantly more spending money.

Sold off all the loot save for 1 chameleon skin which Eeyie requested earlier. Total of sold goods was 350. Anthony and Eeyie get 88 Denarii each while Alexia keeps 87 for herself and giving Cassandra 87 as well. Enjoy spending thy loot folks.
Last edited:

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

After some randomness and tinkering around, the group got themselves a merchant, who didn't really look like one should trust him in anything. But Cassandra was not one to judge the book from the cover, and was all but willing to give him a chance. After Alexia had taken care of the loot and selling it, there was confirmation to the man being a merchant that one could take seriously. Receiving her money, the busty cleric counted it up and knew what she would likely need and be able to afford with the sum. Stepping up, she adressed the robed man first. "I'd like to buy a few potions... And a set of clothes, that are a bit out of the ordinary.." she said to get the merchant's attention before coming out with her small list of things to buy.

(Cassandra will buy 2 energy potions for 20, a corruption remover for 20, a morning after potion for 20 and a set of clothes made from giant spidersilk for 2+25, which accounts for her portion of the loot money and still leaves the original 50 den in her wallet. If RJ has some silly design in mind, you can apply it to the clothes, but otherwise they will look like Cass' current ones, only whiter.)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony inspected the dress. At first, it looked very plain... a fairly simple and unadorned dress, with accompanying gloves and a hat to match, all white. Anthony was insulted! Ten denarii for such plaiin thing?! But then, he noticed the feel of the garb on his skin... it felt like the finest cloth one could buy. Thin and light, capable of stretching; comfortable yet strong. It's cut was elegant, and the gloves felt like silk, asymmetrical as one sported adornment with golden thread. The hat sported golden adornments, too, in the form of skulls, each of which looked to have different expressions on them... they were a little morbid, but... well, Milady could decide for herself if she liked it.

He presented the dress to Alexia, bowing his head. "Does this please your sensibilities, Milady?"

If it indeed did, he would clap, turn, and pay the peddler his ten denarii.

Seeing the strange tonics Cassandra bought from the man, Anthony shrugged. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt for me to purchase one as well. Give me one to make the body whole again, peddler."

With that, he counted out another 18 from his money, and handed them to Cassandra. "For the aid you lent me earlier, my dear." Then, he skipped off to find the best place to eat in town.

She actually said yes! What joy!

I'll buy the dress for 10, a healan potion for 10, give Cass 18 doshes and derf.

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

As everyone did their business, the merchant dealt with his customers one at a time. All but Eeyie had finished, or so it seemed.

"Fine restaurant! Fine restaurant right here!" Anthony would hear a man's voice from afar, coming from a fellow in a leather vest and tie waving down potential customers. The man saw Anthony, and suddenly Anthony felt as if the man's eyes saw through him as if he were mere glass, before directing his hands to the wooden building behind him, with a board over it that read, "Delicious Things."

"Right this way! Eating here has been proven to improve human and lamia relationships!" the man suddenly announced. "Or your money back!"


Meanwhile, as Anthony was being called over by advertisement, the woman in the green dress, whom the group saved from the bandits prior, approached, and looked to Cassandra. "Excuse me? I know I've been of much trouble, but may I have a moment of your time?" she inquired. "I was out gathering medicine from plants for my brother when this all happened, but when I came back, I was so flustered that I forgot! I am under the impression that you are a healer, so... Could you possibly cure my brother of his illness?"


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony stopped, stared, blinked, and then stared some more to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Seems legit," He said dubiously, and went over to check it out.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Receiving all her shopped items from the merchant, Cassandra packed all of them into her pack, putting the potions into a separate compartment to keep them accessable easily. From there, she went into being surprised at the offer of money from Anthony, who seemed intent on paying her pack from the earlier healing that she had done. Initially, she thought about trying to deny the payment, as she was just doing her merc job which happened to include taking care of her other party member's health when needed. But she accepted it in the end, not wanting to hurt the nobleman's feelings. "You shouldn't have... But I will accept these if you insist." she told the man before he skipped away, slipping the coins into her money pouch afterwards.

Thinking about what to do if two of them went to do other things, Cassandra found an easy answer to her dilemma as she was approached by the very same girl who they had brought back earlier. It appeared that she was in need of further aid, having a sickly sibling that she herself was not able to help due to earlier events having distracted her away from the pursuit of herbal medicines. "Of course, I'll try if I can do that. I am not the best person you can find, but I can do the basics." the cleric told the girl, not seeing any reason at the moment to skip on being helpfull instead of indulging in something selfish. "What ails him?"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Inspection the dress, she was honestly surprised at the quality of the material. While she wasn't much for fancy attire, she had to admit that this outfit had some elegance to it. "Color me impressed Anthony. Color me impressed." But before she could say anything else to the man, he was gone, skipping away like a schoolboy. Shrugging, the naga would seek a proper place to change, so as to be ready for Anthony upon his return.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie blinked at all the interactions happening around before she shook her head, wondering why she had been given some shinies before she just smiled up at Pinkie before saying "Thankezz!" Through the goblin wondered what she should do with all these shinies in her pouch. She looked towards the merchant and then at the chameleon skin she had just gotten and nodded before asking the merchant "Youz have a bigger bags I could haves?" Other then that that was all that Eeyie wanted.

(A bigger bag - think a pack that can swallow her whole and still have room is what she is aimming to buy. She plans to try getting Alicia to wear the bag with her in the back so she can be thrown by Alicia as 'surprise sex!' Through she is gonna tell Alicia it's a surprise attack.)


Eeyie looked at where the noble girl had ran off to and where Pinkie was going to change. Choices oh so many choices. Eeyie instead felt her belly growl for food and the goblinoid girl tapped her chin before asking Cassandra "Busty! Should I prank leadey pinkie or noble fem boy? Otherwisez Imas grabs me somethings to eats!"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

While she was ready to go and see what was going on in this peasant girl's family, Cassandra was stopped by Eeyie and a random silly question, a thing that the goblin seemed to have in spades. "Eh, I'd not go after them myself, but I suppose you can do what you want. If it is really what you want, then I imagine you would try to find a way to prank those two somehow..." she told the silly area of the group, not outright coming out with what she thought but suggesting that she go and eat instead. While the cleric was still unsure about the goblin, she did not want to hurt their feelings somehow.

"Alright, let us carry on. That companion of mine has some odd ideas now and again." Cassandra told the girl she was supposed to be helping after dealing with the random Eeyie question.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie listened to the busty's words before nodding as she said "So I shouldz figure out a way to prank both of them at the same times? Oooh! Maybe I should grab some of that stuff that dude is swindling noble hair into and splash it onto the dress he gave to pinkie!" With that thought in mind, Eeyie grinned at Cassandra happily before skipping off to follow behind Anthony. Not bothering with sneaking just yet.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

As Anthony went to check out the restaurant, he'd find it to be a real one. As well, there were various meats that would be appetizing to a lamia to be sure, at least according to the man who made the advertisement directly to Anthony himself. It was half-full of people who seemed more enjoyed with their conversations than their food, most eating it as an afterthought, and there was a woman in a fancy red dress over a piano playing a casual tune over the musical device to create a somewhat relaxed atmosphere in the wooden restaurant.


Meanwhile, with Cassandra, the woman was waving her hand with acceptance and understanding. "It's fine, it's fine! I am not bothered by your companions." she said. "But as for what ails my brother... I'm not quite sure myself. He has a terrible cough and has trouble keeping his food down. He's become pale and has an awful tremble condition. But with a helping of magic, I'm sure he'll turn out alright!" She said while leading Cassandra along until the reached the edge of town.

"Our cottage is a little ways out of town, if that's alright. I'm awfully sorry for the inconvenience, but a home right in town was simply too much for us to afford."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"They are still new people to me, but I still like to be as respectful as possible, even if I am not sure what kind of people they are yet. I just hope she wouldn't completely wreck the time that those two are wanting to have with her antics." Cassandra told about what she thought, sighing a bit as she saw Eeyie skip off to advance whatever shenanigans she was planning on pulling off at the two other members of the party. Along the way, she switched to listening and hearing what was going on with the person she was supposed to be helping. "Hmm, alright. I will see what I can do." she said, not entirely sure what this was yet.

After a bit of walking, the two of them got to the edge of town. It was beginning to look a bit dangerous, but for the sake of her patient, Cassandra wouldn't be turned back. "It's alright. I am a village girl myself, so it is nothing that you need to worry about." the cleric confessed, readily going along with this other girl.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The woman led Cassandra out of town. They walked together for over half an hour before the woman would speak if Cassandra herself remained silent. "I do apologize, it's a good distance yet. If we had the money, we would build a road." she said simply, but it wasn't too much longer before they came upon a lonely little cottage in the middle of a group of trees. There was a garden of various edible vegetables, likely to aid with food as an attempt to save on money. "Here we are." the woman announced, before walking up to her door, and unlocking it, before opening it slowly, and walking inside. "Julius? I'm home, and I have a guest." she announced inside the sun lit home, before turning and allowing Cassandra inside.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Even though Cassandra had said that she did not mind walking, the girl she was with still remained apologetic about the lack of a road to their house. "It's alright." she said, being one that was accustomed to walking on unworked roads. There had been little in the way of those back at her own little village, after all. Eventually they arrived to the destination, which was a neat-looking farm house with a garden, not all that bad a place to live with everything considered. After getting an invitation to enter, the busty cleric did just that. The situation would open to her soon enough, she thought.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie was giggling as she skipped off. She looked between the two targets even as her ears twitched hearing that faint words of Cassandra. Through they were terribly muffled besides knowing the fact that the two were talking. The orange gaboo looked at the shop entrance of which Anthony had gone in, seeing that red harlot playing some tinny on a piano! Now this orange goblin believed herself to be a fine music listener - and this wasn't good music! Where was all the sounds of amazing moaning chorus's or the howls of approaching doom and rape?

A pout on her face as she watched from outside the shop at the way Anthony just talked! Not doing anything interesting besides talking. The orange goblin not seeing any way to sneak in easily enough without breaking and entering - she didn't want to get chased out of town! - So the goblin moved onto easier targets, like Pinkie. Only to look around, not knowing where that naga had gone. The orange goblin stamped the ground, making a puff of dust waft even as the short goblin girl probably made quite a few males happy at the way her heavy breasts bounced and strained against her light clothing.

With nothing better to do, Eeyie went after Cassandra, wondering what if there was anything she could to prank the busty walking jugs. Maybe something small and light hearted and fun. . . Yeah stealing her top would be a simple idea and give everyone (including herself) a fantastic show. Just had to make sure it wasn't her that ended up blamed!

So with those thoughts in mind, Eeyie snuck off, making sure to hide from anyone she saw and follow Cassy and that woman they'd rescued earlier.

(Action: Fool everyone and chase after Cassandra! And hopefully steal her top and ogle her wonderful bouncy meat sacks!)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Still quite leery of the establishment, Anthony wandered over and ask for a menu, perusing their prices and the dishes offered, as well as eyed the plates of the other diners, checking the sizes of what they offered. He took a few, slow sniffs as he got near, checking the aromas wafting from the kitchen, and whether or not they were good or bad - analyzing the air for the smell of burning food. He checked the ambience - the cleanliness of the dining room and tables, music, how noisy it was...

"I plan on celebrating with a special someone. What is your finest dish, that you would recommend?"

One he was satisfied, Anthony went back to look for Alexia.