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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I hope its all we need, its almost all I have!" Caitlin says with a chuckle, helping Vance load everything onto the lift, which barely fit, then waited as he sqeezed himself on, and pushed the button for the bay.

"Looks like it all fits, can your ship bring it all in one go? I have a pull-behind cargo container if it won't, we can put the rest in there and I can tow it."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Don't worry, my ship may not look it, but it can carry quite a load." Vance says, sighing as the lift moves downward "I'm mainly doing this to speed things up. I need help from the good doctor on a certain matter" he says, holding up his right hand and examining it "Hopefully, she can come up with a temporary fix."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin looks over at the upraised hand, finally noticing the reddish tint to the skin for the first time.

"Oh, that is unusual, some kind of rash? How'd you manage that?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Not a rash. Increased blood flow." Vance says, sighing as he lowers his hand and turns to face Caitlin "I hope you can help me fix this as well." he says, smiling "Now, let's get to moving this stuff to my ship, shall we?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin nods, then starts passing him equipment from the lift to his ship, drifting them across the intervening space.

"Ah, I see. Well, if its because of a problem with your genes, i could probably do something about it. Other than that, the doctor's a better bet, i kinda didn't pay too much attention in med school, it was just a requisite course for me. Tell me more about it, I'll see if an idea pops up."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Would Genetic Augmentation fall under your specialty?" Vance says, catching the drifting equipment and packing it into his ship "I want to see if I can undo what my father did"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin gives a little smile as she passes the last of it over.

"It would indeed, lets bring all this over and set up, and I can see what I can do. I think that's all of it, meet me back on the Line?" Assuming Vance agrees, she will then float herself up to her ship and fly cover for him on the way back, just in case.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"A splendid idea." Vance says, smiling as he floats over to his ship and gets in, starting the ship up and flying out of 'Bob' and back towards the Station, provided nothing happened along the way
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin lands her fighter beside Vance's ship, crawling out and plunking herself down on the wheelchair, which scooted itself out from the corner of the bay. She waits for him to open the doors to his cargo bay, then looks around it for something she can successfully carry in graviity, finally settling on the container of consumables, tipping it over and balancing it on the armrests.

"Looks like this might take a couple trips, I wish I could be more helpful with this half. Ready to go?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Yes" Vance says as the cargo bay opens, he himself carrying a large piece of cargo on his right shoulder "I gotta say, my father did do one thing right, and that was giving me this strength." he says, walking down a ramp that extends down from the cargo bay of his ship "Though, moving it all to the medical bay is going to be tough. We need some extra strength" he says, walking across the bay and setting the piece of cargo down, then wiping some sweat from his brow "Do you think I should call our dear friend Draven for some help?" he asks, looking over at Caitlin and smiling
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Caitlin looks puzzled at the question.

"Why, can he shapeshift into you? that would be too confusing for me I think..."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven had covered most of the tunnels before coming across the bot in question, seemingly just sitting in one spot. Carefully, he removed it, and looked it over for a moment. He could see nothing wrong with it at all, save for the fact it just wasn't moving. Maybe it had broken down? Regardless, he carried it back with him, back to Senkek, muttering something to himself.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Nah, I would ask him to shape-shift into a Bentari to give me some extra help moving this stuff" Vance says as he walks back across the bay and grabs another hefty piece of cargo from his cargo bay "I think it would help" he calls across the bay, bringing the piece across and setting it down "It will definitely help"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven makes his way to the cargo bay, moving in a fairly straight line, but angled so he can't really see off to one side. He makes his way towards Thall's ship slowly, as if he's trying to eat up some time. He's in full mist form, and possibly visible to anyone who might be in the hangar, but seemingly oblivious to spotting anyone there himself. This is most likely due to the fact, he's focusing on the Telarin ship, and not much else at the moment.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Vance, who had just turned for his own ship, notices Draven and smiles "Oi, Draven!" he calls across the bay, and waves his left arm over his head "Could you give us a hand?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven turns to see Vance across the room along side Catlin, if his mind recalled her name correctly. He alters his heading, and moves toward them, speaking once he was close enough not to have to shout. "Sure, what's up Vance? Moving stuff?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Yes. Moving equipment. of the medical kind" Vance says, sighing as he cracks his neck with a sharp twist to the left "It was easy moving it here from her ship, but that was Zero Gravity. Here this stuff weighs enough to make ME tired" he says, wiping more sweay from his brow and finishing his walk to his ship, then grabbing another piece of equipment and moving it, setting it down halfway and panting "Okay, I just found out what's wrong with my diet" he says, sighing as he sits down on the piece of equipment and panting "I need more glucose in my diet" he says, his whole body now a slight tint of red, and his breathing slightly faster than normal "Dammit, we really need to get this stuff set up and ready as quickly as possible."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

He nods, knowing what Vance means. Moving heavy stuff in zero gee was one thing, moving it in full gravity was much more tricky. He says nothing for a moment, shifting his form into that of the Bentari once more, shaking his head inwardly at this. It was fast becoming his most used form as of late, which was quite humorous. Finally, he moves over and just says, "alright, what's going first, and where?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Just get it moved to the side of the bay where Caitlin is. we'll organize it when we get it all to the medical bay" Vance says, sighing as his breathing slows to normal and his skin slowly loses its slight red tint "Let's get to it!" he says, standing and picking up the piece of equipment he was sitting on, then continuing to bring it over towards Caitlin "I think there's two pieces left, then we can take it all up to medical"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that then."

There is a thunderous sound, much like a cannon going off as he cracks his knuckles all at once, then bends slightly to pick up the larger of the two pieces of equipment, settling it into his massive arms. When he stands, he moves over by where Catlin is, for the moment seeming to have no trouble moving things, though they might catch him mutter something about "should have brought anti-grav units myself."