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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Yeah but w can't say "Rape the fuckin' tentacles, badass !", if Ella can't even mind or mean that kind of things ...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Yeah but w can't say "Rape the fuckin' tentacles, badass !", if Ella can't even mind or mean that kind of things ...

"Not in her character" is a strawman argument -- people change in life-threatening situations, and she does have a choice which you are not reading right.

My guess is that if she choses A or B she won't be raped in the classical sense of tentacle rape and drained from her energy before being impregnated because it wouldn't make too much sense -- if they wanted that, they would have done it before introducing the ovipositor into the scene one feet from her vitals.

Therefore her choices translate into:

A) "Put an egg in my pussy"
B) "Put an egg in my ass"

C) however translates into "I want you to rape me in every orifice first draining my energy and filling me with semen, then put an egg in both my pussy and in my ass because I am a stubborn proud bitch" with possibly awfull consequences arising from that later on.

Its not really that hard to see that C is the worst possible option.

Before replying make sure you read posts 215 and 224 in the first part of this CYOA (Tentacle Lair: Escape), I'd post direct links to those two posts but I can't yet.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


"How can you even ask me such a question?"

"Im giving you the opportunity to decide for yourself"

"I wont give you the satisfaction."

Ella spits on the ground near Sarah's foot, just missing barely.

"Do what you will now monster, ill remember you when i cleave your master in half"

Sarah looks down on Ella, who has ferocity in her eyes, she doesnt care what happens to her here, she will likely persevere, if her Overlord had the same foresight, it would order this woman be killed now and have it over with, but she would likely share a similar fate if she disobeyed it.

"You are dangerous, and left alive you would kill us all"

"So do it then, monster, you've got me in your grasp, end my life"

"Are you so eager to die?"

"Id rather die than become a corrupted slave like you"

Sarah thought about it as she turned around....no, she would be broken....they all do eventually...

"The asshole it is"


Ella was lifted up and her legs were spread, the Ovipositor waited eagerly as it oozed its thick juices, Ella simply stared on at the creature, trying to bravely endure what would likely be a painful insertion, It would serve as a reminder of the price of failure in the future.

The creature crept closer to her and extended its thick tentacle, Ella remained still, gritting her teeth as the creature made wet contact against her anus

"By order of the Black Overlord tentacle in this region, you are to be impregnated in the ass as punishment for your crimes, you will carry the spawn of a tentacle for several days, it will dominate your body and feed off of your womanly energy, you will bring a tentacle creature into this world, a proud and savage creature, who will prey on women like you thoughout its lifespan"

"Are you done?"

Sarah nods and the Ovipositor is pushed quickly inside of Ella's ass, the mass of the appendage immediately causes a flash of pain, like she is being torn open, the burning feeling is almost unbearable, but Ella bites her lip and closes her eyes, trying to take her mind somewhere else.

The Ovipositor continues to slide its way down into Ella, tunneling deeper, inch by inch, the pain creeping up her abdomen as she feels the fullness down there like she has to defecate.

At last the Ovipositor stops its advance, the appendage forced deep down inside of her colon, it becomes making small crunching movements as warm liquid can be felt entering her body.

the liquid is thick and pasty, like a mud which will serve as an insulating agent to keep the egg warm and to clog up Ella's intestines so that the egg is not moved until it hatches.

Sarah stands over Ella smiling as she watches the process, taking a sort of sadistic satisfaction in knowing what Ella is suffering through now and possibly what she will be suffering through for the next couple of days.

"It hurts doesnt it?"

Ella turns her head away, trying to maintain her composure as all she really wants to do is scream out in pain.

A large bulge appears at the end of the Ovipositor, and draws Ella's attention as she looks on in concern, the egg pushes down the shaft of the appendage slowly, and as it reaches the entrance to Ella's ass, the woman grits her teeth firmly and forces her hands into fists as she braces.

The Egg is slowly pushed inside of Ella, the shooting pain causes ella to cry out as her asshole feels like it is being destroyed by the large mass,

Sarah laughs in the backaround as the egg slides in quickly past her ravaged asshole, finding it easier to move inside of her now, the egg is pushed way up into her body, the fullness of her colon is unmatched,

Finally, the egg pushes up into the sticky muddy substance inside of her and is glued against it, her colon forms a tight grip around the egg and the ovipositor is slowly retracted, leaving a trail of thick ooze in its path backward.

The Ovipositor is removed from Ella's body with a satisfactory 'popping' noise, a large amount of ooze escape both the Ovipositor and Ella's asshole and Ella sighs a bit of a relief as the pain quickly wanes, and is replaced by a feeling of fullness, though impossible to move the end, ella tries to push as if defecating, but not surprisingly, nothing moves within her body.

"How does it feel?"

Ella simply stares are Sarah with hatred in her eyes.

"Ill tell you how it feels, it feels like your colon is full and your body is telling you that you must defecate now, but you cannot, you will continue to feel this way for days, you might not be able to sleep so easily because of it, and you certainly will begin to have stomach aches and have trouble walking."

Sarah places a hand on Ella's stomach, where the egg would be.

"We'll keep a close eye on you, Ella watching from a distance while you suffer and struggle to maintain your composure and honor, but if you feel like the suffering is too much at any time, simply yell out my name in any direction in the forest, ill come back and pump you so full of tentacle semen and smile that you wont feel a thing, of course ill also take you back to the lair, shamed and defeated"

Ella looks up at the sky, thinking about the birds, the clouds, anything to keep her mind occupied while her body constantly sends the signals of fullness and pain to her brain.

"And before i forget"

A tentacle fires up and into Ella's mouth, who recoils with shock as it begins to ejaculate semen into the back of her throat which forces Ella to swallow it, the injection of semen continues for a couple of minutes before Ella's stomach is filled up with tentacle semen, which takes a bit of the pain away as her mind starts to become slightly dazed and calmed.

"A meal for you and the child to share"

Ella is released gently, placed against the muddy around with the egg in her colon and the semen in her stomach, Ella has never felt so defeated, she wanted to force herself to vomit the semen in defiance, but knew she needed it if she was going to eventually pick herself up and try to escape from this town.

"Ill be seeing you" Sarah said to Ella as she turned and walked away with her tentacles


Ella laid there in the mud for several minutes just staring up at the sky, the egg inside of her was already draining her energy from her body, and as that energy was leaving, the new energy from the semen inside of her stomach was replacing it, Ella's body worked as hard as it could against her will to supply the egg with her own energy, she could feel the warmth down within her gather and disappear as the egg absorbed it, the creature inside undoubtedly becoming stronger.

Eventually, Ella started to crawl across the mud towards a house, her mind was foggy and the tentacle semen was causing the woman to lose her mind as she started to have visions of being fucked inexplicably by tentacles, her vagina started to lubricate itself and feel warm and her breasts started to perk up and become swollen as they were dragged through the mud.

A woman of lesser strength wouldent have been able to move and likely would have just laid there masturbating until the semen disappeared, then she would simply roll around in pain until the birth.

Ella eventually got to a fence and helped lift herself from the ground, the muddy ozze inside of her shifted and started to feel a terrible pain down there, a stomach ache which was partially masked by the painkilling properties of the semen.


Ella slowly made her way into a house and sat down on a bed.

'this is really bad' ella thought to herself. not only was she impregnated, but she would soon be craving more tentacle semen as she had just been forced to consume so much, her body would cry out for more and she would have to quell it repeatedly in order to prevent herself from yelling out for sarah for mercy.

Sarah was a corrupted monster, twisted by the tentacles to do their bidding, she wasent free, she was a slave. Ella almost pitied her, but at the same time couldn't wait for when she could have her revenge.

Ella rolled over onto the bed and stared out the window, it wasent a good time to rest....she should use the strength she had now to try to escape the town, trying to get away from sarah and her tentacles who were undoubtedly watching closeby...but at the same time, she was in terrible pain and perhaps the best thing to do would be to wait in town until the birth, then try to escape immediately afterwards.


-Master of Arms: Able to use any weapon or wear any armor.

Status: Ella Has no Weapon but her Fists.

-Veteran: Able to use a Wide Variety of Techniques perfected over the years to kill and maim tentacle creatures.

Status: Ella is unarmed, but can shrug off weak grip attacks.

-Resolve: Able to shrug off rape while in combat, also partially mitigates the debuffs of status effects such as Semen Addiction, Slime Mind Control, Impregnation and 'Jackhammer'.

Status: Currently afflicted with Anal Pregnancy and Tentacle Semen Buzz, Able to shrug off the pain of Anal Pregnancy and still move, Tentacle Semen Buzz is mitigated so that Ella can still think clearly, but has intermittent visions of being raped, her body is also aroused.


- Attracting Scent: Tentacle Encounters are increased, and nearby creatures roam from farther away to attack her.

Status: Normal

- Grudge: For killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

Status: Black Tentacles just raped her with their lowest tier of humiliating rape, further rapes by black tentacles with result in more severe and humiliating rape attacks. (2/5)

- Loner: Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.

Status: Ella is alone and able to concentrate entirely on protecting herself.

General Status:

Hunger: Full
Status Effects: Tentacle Semen Addiction (5/10)
Energy: Normal (Being Drained, yet sustained by Tentacle Semen)
Awareness: Slightly Dazed
Body: Muddy

Status Effects:

Anal Pregnancy: Having an Egg planted deep inside of her Colon, Ella feels immense pain and pressure as the egg slowly saps Ella of her energy, she also has difficulty walking and cant defecate.

Tentacle Semen Buzz: Ella's mind is overcome with the hallucinating effects of tentacle semen, her body becomes aroused and she starts to have visions of being raped, she loses control of her mind and wont always execute decisions to her fullest.

Weapon: None

Armor: Naked

Special: Nothing

What do you do?

A. Continue to rest, regain your strength and stay in town, the black tentacles are watching, but they wont make a move, sleep for a while then muster the strength to continue searching the town for things you can use after you give birth.

B. Try to escape the town while you have the energy to do so, hopefully you can make it to the next town or perhaps in an isolated part of the forest, after you give birth you should be able to quickly escape.

C. There must be a way to stop the pregnancy, the thought of bringing a tentacle creature into this world is unbearable, spend the next couple of days trying to remove the egg from yourself.

D. The Pain is too unbearable, walk into the center of town and yell for Sarah so you can surrender yourself to her and her overlord....perhaps they will be more lenient. (Surrender to Black and Become their Hostage)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

By Choosing C, you show Sarah that you have resolve and she starts to fear you a bit for your bold decision, Sarah would kill you if she could, but her Overlord would not allow it, she is under direct orders to leave you alive so that you eventually succumb to them.

Your additional 'punishment' for choosing C was being forced to consume large quantities of tentacle semen which will undoubtably make you more addicted to it, however you will now gain a short term energy buff for the next couple of decisions, the detriment of consuming so much semen will become evident shortly after your body has used up all of the stuff and begins to crave more desperately.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Where was the shop keeper from before? Would the diluted semen she sold help? Or would she possibly have anything to help us with our status?

Either way, I say B or C.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

By Choosing C, you show Sarah that you have resolve and she starts to fear you a bit for your bold decision, Sarah would kill you if she could, but her Overlord would not allow it, she is under direct orders to leave you alive so that you eventually succumb to them.

Yay for Sarah being afraid of the girl with inviting scent, an egg up her colon, tired, and full of tentacle semen. Sounds realistic.

Your additional 'punishment' for choosing C was being forced to consume large quantities of tentacle semen...

Sorry, but you already wrote above that semen was food for her and the offspring, saying now that it is the punishment doesn't make sense -- it seems that she would get it anyway.

As I said before, willingly getting an egg in pussy would have been less punishing and impeding and there would have been more chance to try and take it out -- getting it in the ass was IMO the punishment.

Lets see the options:

A. "Rest" as an option won't work (or it will with seriously reduced efficiency because we can't sleep well) in the next few rounds. No point wasting time on it.
B. We already know you can't escape the black tentacle after you give birth.
D. Is "not in her character".

Therefore I vote C.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. It seems like they already are keeping close watch on us so it's unlikely we could just escape, even if we were in a less-bad condition. Might as well conserve our energy by staying in the same area. Hopefully we can find something good.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 10: Samantha

Samantha sat on her perch in the lair, it was a risen platform in the middle of the lair which had tentacles surrounding it, forming a back so that their overlord could rest as she watched the ongoings of her lair.

Samantha had been the overlord of the blue tentacles for some time now and had been greatly successful in her efforts.

The women in the lair worked busily around her, placing tentacles in their mouths and orifices, allowing the tentacles to feed from them as they fed from the tentacles, it was a symbiotic relationship and the women considered themselves equals amongst the tentacles, whom although were more powerful creatures by nature, had been taught that they were part of a flourishing community.

Samantha had created a utopia for the women, who were as free as any woman could be in this world, free from fear, they simply accepted their place in a community where woman and tentacle created a unique society where the women would sustain the tentacles and the tentacles would protect the women and their lands.

"Jessica" Samantha said aloud as a woman who had a tentacle in her hand turned towards her overlord.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Come here please."

Jessica dropped the tentacle which looked a bit disappointed as the woman walked towards the central platform and knelt down.

"Rise" Samantha said as she raised her hand in a lifting motion.

"When is the last time you were impregnated?"

"It has been several weeks now"

"I need you to leave immediately and make your way to Laura in Haven, she needs more fertile women to increase their population of tentacles"

"Ill leave at once"

"Thank you"

Samantha sat back again, feeling the warm caress of the blue tentacles behind her, being a human overlord wasent easy, for one, the only tentacles which showed her any respect were the pink tentacles, who were their allies and the blue tentacles, whom she lorded over, attempts to make diplomatic agreements between other tentacles were met with disrespect and sometimes even threats.

It wasent surprising that the other tentacle races would scoff at the idea of a human overlord, even Samantha thought the idea of a human overlord was crazy at first, but after 200 years of building a great society where women and tentacle could live and even thrive, Samantha had no reason to doubt herself anymore.

The southern plains would always remain a safe haven for women who would accept their culture.

Samantha took one of the tentacles behind her into her hand and gently forced it inside of her, allowing one of her many children to feed.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Yay for Sarah being afraid of the girl with inviting scent, an egg up her colon, tired, and full of tentacle semen. Sounds realistic.

Sarah sees that Ella isnt a normal woman who will simply give up her quest. Ella is here for one reason, to kill her overlord, and meeting Ella for the first time, she realizes that this is a realistic possibility if she cannot break her first.

Ella has killed several overlords before, moving from land to land. the fact that she refuses to accept making even a minor choice means that she is mentally strong and determined to see her mission through regardless of any of her obstacles.

So why is Sarah afraid of Ella? Because if Ella succeeds and kills her overlord, Sarah will be left as nothing more than a helpless woman at the mercy of the one who she deliberately tormented.

Ella is the first legitimate threat that Sarah and her Overlord have encountered, and while Sarah thinks it would be far more simple to murder her now and end it, her Overlord will not allow it.

Sorry, but you already wrote above that semen was food for her and the offspring, saying now that it is the punishment doesn't make sense -- it seems that she would get it anyway.

As I said before, willingly getting an egg in pussy would have been less punishing and impeding and there would have been more chance to try and take it out -- getting it in the ass was IMO the punishment.

She wouldn't necessarily 'get it anyway', giving someone tentacle semen is a double edged sword, it gives them a short term boost in energy, but it clouds their mind and makes them more addicted to it.

Just because Ella is impregnated doesnt mean that she would have automatically needed to be given tentacle semen in order for the egg to gain more power, it would have left her in a slightly weaker state, but her mind would have been clear and she wouldent have to endure what will inevitably be more detrimental effects down the road.

being force to consume more semen is infact a punishment, it adds yet another status ailment to the character which will need to be managed.

Also i dont exactly see where simply becoming impregnated would make it a foregone conclusion that she would be force-fed semen.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

...Sarah will be left as nothing more than a helpless woman..

You mean like every other tentacle princess whose Overlord was killed?

Don't see a big deal here unless you are implying that destroying the black Overlord will eliminate all other tentacles at once with no chance of new spawns.

...at the mercy of the one who she deliberately tormented.

But Sarah didn't exactly torment us -- she was doing only as much as her master allowed her, and that is to impregnate us. She even asked us twice politely where do we want it.

On the other hand we have chosen the torment path so there is really no point in holding a grudge against Sarah because she wasn't sadistic until provoked. Unless you count her blabbing about tentacle domination and your submission as a torment which I sincerely hope you don't.

I go back under my rock now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

On the other hand we have chosen the torment path so there is really no point in holding a grudge against Sarah because she wasn't sadistic until provoked.

We have chosen it, yes : but we still can hate her. Every humans hate few or many (or all) people, even if this one(s) aren't "that bad" or "that sadistic". So yeah : an enemy is an enemy and if you hate him, you'll surely make him endure more pain.

And i'll choose C (if 4access69 let me do what I want to do :p).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I'm not going to explain every single detail of every piece of the CYOA i have written, you can interpret it as you want, and if it still doesn't make any sense to you, that isn't my problem. im not going to go back and make sure every damn detail is perfectly comprehensible to everyone at all times, im here writing this first and foremost to adequately incorporate as many tentacle fetishes into a CYOA as possible for the amusement of the community, not to try to put everyone's feelings into perspective so that everyone can know why the characters feel fear or why they might seek revenge.

That being said, here is some more god damn explanation.

You mean like every other tentacle princess whose Overlord was killed?

Don't see a big deal here unless you are implying that destroying the black Overlord will eliminate all other tentacles at once with no chance of new spawns.

Sarah obviously likes her overlord and doesn't want to see it die, she is frustrated that she cant simply kill Ella and afraid of her (she should be afraid of her, because if it isn't evident by now, shes humanities best hope for salvation and thus, the tentacle species' clearest threat).

But Sarah didn't exactly torment us

She didnt? Sarah captured her and forced a large Ovipositor/tentacle up her ass and impregnated her with an egg, after that she forced another tentacle down her throat and force-fed her semen.

I guess Sarah will be happy to know that the two can still remain close friends and exchange Christmas cards and discuss which boys they like at the next book club meeting.

Give me a fucking break.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A won't help us much, given that there is nothing in the slightest stopping the blacks from doing exactly the same again later, and if they're watching us then gathering equipment then it'll be of no use against them. Also, other tentacles.

C likewise, we can't be the first to want to try and remove an egg. At best it won't work, at worst we end up seriously hurting ourselves (and then get another egg implanted for our troubles even if we succeed)

D really isn't an option. Enough said.

B may let us wash if we can find a stream and also might lead to somewhere more helpful. At the least, us moving will be a bit of a pain for our resident troupe of black tentacles even if we can't evade them. Therefore, I pick B.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B and look for someone that can do C.
We have to get rid of the egg but I doubt she can do it to herself.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Sarah obviously likes her overlord and doesn't want to see it die

Kind of like Olivia liked Lazuli? And the pink princess liked her overlord? And Rachel her green overlord? Again I see nothing special in her relationship to the black overlord that would inspire fear from us when it turned out that she is able to subdue us without a fight.

She didnt? Sarah captured her

That is true, but:

...and forced a large Ovipositor/tentacle up her ass and impregnated her with an egg, after that she forced another tentacle down her throat and force-fed her semen.

That was AFTER we refused a choice we have been offered twice, so we have only ourselves to blame for the tormenting part of it.

This is all fantasy, but still applies.

Give me a fucking break.

Reading back through your adventures (which I liked) I thought it was ok to share an opinion but ok, I'll shut up now.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

That was AFTER we refused a choice we have been offered twice, so we have only ourselves to blame for the tormenting part of it.
For exemple : if my GF tell me that I can go to cinema or stay with her, watching a fuckin' "love-story" (>_<") and if I choose the second one, I won't blame her if I slept at only 9PM ... Here, it's not just a "little thing" : Sarah hurt Ella. She needs to pay ... We have accepted the pain but if we could, we would tak the "peace solution". But we could not. So we have been hurt and humiliated and now, we want to see Sarah dead with her cut widely open.

Reading back through your adventures (which I liked) I thought it was ok to share an opinion but ok, I'll shut up now.
The matter is that you're boring everybody ("getting bored" ? I don't know how to say it) with reflexions that shouldn't exist : we're playing a RP an we fucin' don't care about "Why this bitch is a bitch ?" or "Are we bouddhist ? So, we should say : 'Yes, we want it all in all holes, my friend !' "

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

First thing first. Dracodar basically summed my thoughts about the choices, so I vote B as well. We have a few days before the birth, and I think I have a funny idea about that... first, we need a well. Or a deep hole. Or a river of lava. Any lava here? Nope? A well will suffice. I don't know *how* exactly the birth takes place, but maybe it's possible to...welll... dump the offspring somehow XD? Like, lying on the edge of the well and just... plummet the bastards down?


Oooor, if we'd find a big river, with a really quick current, we could tie ourselves to a rock, tree or something like that and just wash the fucker? These currents are really treacherous!
Are these ideas to wacky? XD

Foreseeing a discussion about "Why we can't get rid of teh eggs? I am a MD and for a fact I know 10 good methods!"
I seriously doubt that we would be the first ones to try to get rid of the spawn, eggs, or whatever sits in our ass as of now. My thought, is "do not pursue that line of reasoning because of reasons". They are tentacles. They are in our ass and by magical handwavium, we cannot get rid of them, unless a fully equipped surgery room and some doctors come across. Or a mysterious potion. Or "The Knowledge of Ancients". Catch my drift? Great, I always knew you were reasonable ^^.

Ah, the argument about the impregnation. Can't pass it! Nevertheless I "spoiler" it, for whoever who does not want to be concerned with it ^^
"Not in her character" is a strawman argument -- people change in life-threatening situations, and she does have a choice which you are not reading right.

They don't "change" actually. They either have the guts to follow what they believe or they don't. A traumatic event *may* change the perspective of said person, but that kind of insight is gain after the situation, not at the decision making phase.
And afaik we're playing (role-playing?) a tough, pride woman, that hates tentacles with all of her guts. And she's brave at it too. If what you're saying would be true, no charge on enemy ranks nor last stand whatsoever could have taken place in warfare history. I mean, people would always choose the "reasonable" thing to do, wouldn't they? When you stand against 2:1, or 3:1 or even worse, there's no point in fighting, because it's a mathematical disadvantage. Well, bravery is just that stupid. Yet, kicking and spiting even at the brink of death is considered brave. Foolish, perhaps. Pointless - no argument here! Unreasonable - of course!

Choosing "C" is not:
"I want you to rape me in every orifice first draining my energy and filling me with semen, then put an egg in both my pussy and in my ass because I am a stubborn proud bitch"
I think it's safe to say, players aren't that stupid and knew that it has the worst consequences from all of this choices. Nevertheless, they opted to rp a brave, driven hunter, who'd rather die than become a slave. Or worse, willingly agree to become a slave. From where I'm standing, it's a pretty valid and a reasonable choice for that character.

Yay for Sarah being afraid of the girl with inviting scent, an egg up her colon, tired, and full of tentacle semen. Sounds realistic.
But Sarah didn't exactly torment us -- she was doing only as much as her master allowed her, and that is to impregnate us. She even asked us twice politely where do we want it.

On the other hand we have chosen the torment path so there is really no point in holding a grudge against Sarah because she wasn't sadistic until provoked.

Serifyn does not need an advocate, so I won't be one. Aside from the points he made... no, I can't stand it!
HOW capturing us, raping resulting in painful, forceful impregnation is not torment? Why, just because she has a master and she only follows orders?
Why, then it's no problem at all! Let me just tell all the Nazis that they are redempted because they were only following orders! And probably they were provoked as well. You know, by the fact Jews were breathing. How can you judge the Nazis then? Meh, the Eastern Europe shouldn't hold a grudge against Stalin either. What can you say, he wasn't sadistic or something, he just "did what had to be done" and some were in the way. No hard feelings Joseph! What a load of...

She's our enemy, a willing slave to the hated tentacle race, how could we *not* hold a grudge against her?

As for the fear, I don't know, maybe when your enemy spits in your face at gunpoint she's either brave or crazy. Or crazy brave. Either combination can result in problems with your objective, and would result in fear or respect. Especially if you know you have a vengeful, crazy bitch on your neck, that swore revenge and can strike your ass in the middle of the night given the chance? And she killed a few... dozens of your brethren... Add to that, that under your orders you are to let her go. I would at least double the watch for a few weeks.

You should stop fearing an intimidating enemy only when he's not breathing, not when you slapped him and let go. Just because someone is defenseless at one moment, does not mean it will stay that way.

Kind of like Olivia liked Lazuli? And the pink princess liked her overlord? And Rachel her green overlord? Again I see nothing special in her relationship to the black overlord that would inspire fear from us when it turned out that she is able to subdue us without a fight.

I'm not really following why bring up Olive or Pinkie? They relationship with their Overlords were quite different and based on different principles than (I assume at least) Sarah's and her Overlord. I think Sarah does not *love* her Overlord as Olive, it rather a Master-Devotee relationship... and he is the source of her power. He allows her to do things, she wants etc.

Even if she subdued us, remember that our character has a quite intimidating reputation. If it's her first meeting with Ella, she might be slightly puzzled, judging how easily our heroine was captured. Nevertheless, even a blind person could see we have no weapons, we're tired, dirty and vulnerable. Sarah can congratulate herself she captured us at our weakest, but even then, looking on our reputation, she would be at least on guard.

That was AFTER we refused a choice we have been offered twice, so we have only ourselves to blame for the tormenting part of it.

Ummm, yeah, right. So, let me ask you this: Do you want to get beaten to death by a lead pipe or a baseball bat with nails? I'm asking you nicely now.

Why aren't you deciding? Let me ask you once more, a bat or a pipe? Ain't I the personification of politeness, am I?

Analogy clear enough?

Reading back through your adventures (which I liked) I thought it was ok to share an opinion but ok, I'll shut up now.

By all means, if I may say something; you don't have to shut up. It's your right to have an opinion, and my right is to disagree with you (which I'm doing right now :D). As long as we're not behaving like children in the sandbox and keep our arguments reasonable and clear, all is nice, am I right?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

The matter is that you're boring everybody ("getting bored" ? I don't know how to say it) with reflexions that shouldn't exist : we're playing a RP an we fucin' don't care about "Why this bitch is a bitch ?" or "Are we bouddhist ? So, we should say : 'Yes, we want it all in all holes, my friend !' "

Not going to argue further about the story because that obviously comes down to personal preference, but if you can say that I am boring everyone, then I should be able to say that everyone's all-time favorite choice of "Yes, we want it all in all holes, my friend!" is boring me -- it distracts from otherwise very good story telling and makes otherwise pretty well designed characters one-dimensional.

1. Read the previous parts of this CYOA before claiming whether some things are possible or not -- black tentacle egg has been successfully removed from the asshole before with just a hand of another girl.

2. Yes, people change when faced with choices they don't like, not only after traumatic experience -- , they could have kept their pride and starved to death.
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