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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

im happy people are taking such an interest in the story, and i appreciate the opinions concerning the story. You should by all means voice your concern if there is something that comes up that you dont agree with, but i just dont see how what im writing doesn't make sense sometimes.

I just thought that what i wrote was clear, and didn't need further explanation, i mean no offense.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


I hoped you would hold back with your response when I wrote "Editing" (i.e. while I was writing my response, you wrote another one ^^) at the beginning of my previous post until I finish in order to avoid confusion, nevertheless it's updated about the post after it.

Not going to argue further about the story because that obviously comes down to personal preference, but if you can say that I am boring everyone, then I should be able to say that everyone's all-time favorite choice of "Yes, we want it all in all holes, my friend!" is boring me -- it distracts from otherwise very good story telling and makes otherwise pretty well designed characters one-dimensional.


1. Read the previous parts of this CYOA before claiming whether some things are possible or not -- black tentacle egg has been successfully removed from the asshole before with just a hand of another girl.

2. Yes, people change when faced with choices they don't like, not only after traumatic experience -- , they could have kept their pride and starved to death.

I for one, did not choose it for the all-hole-gangbang, the reasons I wrote in my previous post.

Ad. 1
I honestly did not know that, so my point about handwavium is now officially obsolete. I assume it was written in one of the posts you mentioned (I'll be frank and I'll say I only skimmed them, didn't read the first Tentacle Lair series).

Ad. 2
In your example I think it's not a matter of pride! The choice the survivors made was about one of the biggest taboos in our society, eating the flesh of humans and dead ones at that.

Nevertheless I think you didn't understand my point. What I meant to say, that, of course, people can change, but making a decision does not *change* you per se. An insight into that decision, the situation, the event, changes your perspective, your values, your morals, your ethics. And these are the very things that dictate your reasoning and influence your decisions. When cornered into starvation, people chosen to eat human flesh. What changed this people, was the whole situations, the crash, the fight for the life, every decision they made, not the *choice* - which was part of the situation. Don't get me wrong, Ella could choose to "choose being impregnated" (I mean, it's possible), but this choice would reflect her previous experiences and thoughts (i.e, for our heroine and this case: "Damn, maybe I should just give up? They captured me so easy") not the future ("I should forget all my hate, experience with tentacles and dedication and choose submission because it might be less painful in the long run").

Damn, it's so hard to explain what I have in mind, when English isn't my primary language >:U

Beside that, what I'm trying to say, that for me, the motivations behind both of the characters are crystal clear and believable.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


'I've got to get out of here while i can' Ella thought to herself as she picked herself off of the bed, holding her stomach as she felt the pain inside of her shift.

The town was being watched from all angles by the black tentacles in all likelihood, but if she didnt get away now, she knew she would likely be doomed.

Ella moved over to a window and opened it quietly, sliding through as silently as she could, once again stepping down on the muddy earth below her.

After quickly surveying the forest, it looked clear, she moved as quickly as she could towards the edge of town, holding her stomach as she walked, feeling the pain of the egg inside of her as she moved.

Her brow was sweating and she was on the edge of exhaustion already, the only thing keeping her going was the corrupting juice still in her belly, which Ella was beginning to think was something she was fortunate to have been filled with.

Ella continued onward, walking past the edge of the town and into the dark forest, a place where she would normally avoid due to the any number of predators who could lurk there, she had little choice but to push forward now, lest be prey to those same predators in town shortly after.


Ella walked for what seemed like forever, her entire body ached, weakened by not only the pace at which she moved, but the egg inside of her which was constantly draining her of any power the semen produced.

Finally reaching a clearing, Ella dropped to her knees and held her stomach close, grimacing as the pain hit her hard, a tear barely left her eye as she started to lift herself, and then she heard a voice.

"Thats as far as you can go? im not impressed"

Ella turned her head around to see Sarah and several of her tentacle followers come from behind, appearing from the dark shadows of the forest.

"It must be painful.....good....i hope the pain drives you insane before you are through"

Ella got to her feet again, looking around quickly for a weapon or an escape route, nothing seemed realistic, given her state.

"I wont ever quit, monster. i wont rest until i am covered in the slime-blood of your master, and when it is dead, and you have reverted back into a normal human, ill show you....." Ella held her stomach again, dropping her head as the pain struck again, the egg shifting within her.

Sarah Laughed as she watched Ella struggle to finish "The master was right, it is more fun with you alive"

Ella got up on her knees, wiping the sweat from her brow and continued to walk in the opposite direction as sarah.

Sarah produced a whip from behind and with snap, lashed Ella along the back, leaving a bloody mark as Ella cried out and dropped to her knees again.

"Pathetic" Sarah said as she slowly walked up behind Ella.

Ella just waited there on her knees, her mind was racing and she was having visions of being raped by people, tentacles, demons anything with a phallus, her body was soaked in sweat and the last of the tentacle semen in her stomach is being consumed, what was worse, she was caught in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by monsters who would want nothing more than to rape and humiliate her.

"When you surrender......and you will surrender, ill make it a habit to visit you every day, ill make you my personal toy....ill make an examples out of you" Sarah put the whip around Ella neck and tightened it blocking the air from reaching her lungs.

Ella brought her hands up to the whip, trying to secure herself, after 10 seconds of being choked, sarah lifted the whip and put her foot on Ella's back, pushing ella forward into the dirt.

Sarah laughed again as she started to walk toward her again, as Ella tried desperately to catch her breath.

"Enough!" An unfamiliar voice boomed through the forest, shaking the trees as leafs fell to the ground around the two girls and the tentacles behind them.

Ella put one hand on the ground and lifted her head up from the dirt and saw another woman appear from the dark forest, her mind was fuzzy and the energizing effects of the semen wore off, her body was disabled by weakness and her body was already screaming for more tentacle semen. Her mouth was dry, her face and body was covered with mud and dirt and every bit of her ached, but when she saw the woman, her heart stopped and she felt nothing but dread.

Sarah felt the winds change around her, the wind blew lightly around as she felt uneasy as the twin eyes of the creature emerged from the forest, her heart started to beat in her chest as fear started to rise out of nowhere, her face went pale as she dropped the whip in the dirt behind her.

The glow of the eyes was unmistakable, a sign of incredible power, they glowed with a kind of fire which represented not only her physical power, but another power entirely. A blue foot stepped forward, muscular and toned, but unmistakably female, behind the fiery blue eyes came an attractive face and a head full of slimy hair which could easily be mistaken by small tentacles of their own.

The Mysterious woman's breasts her firm and tone, yet large and allurning they dripped with small droplets of blue slime which ran down her chest, the woman's body was perfect in every way, strong and sensual.

The woman radiated an aura, which flowed through the area, the wind and earth seemed to listen to her every command and she stepped forward, leafs on the ground cleared themselves away.

"Who......are you?" Sarah said to her, as she slowly backed up into the protection of her waiting tentacle allies.

The blue eyes blinked, the fire within them flickering as the powerful woman creature turned her head and looked Sarah in the eyes.

The creature walked into a stray ray of light which shined down in from of Ella and a devilish smile curled upon her face.

"Olivia, Matriarch of the Blue Tentacles"

A shock of terror ran down Sarah spine, 'The Olivia'? she though to herself. how could her luck be this poor.

"Wha....what do you want in our forest.....Matriarch?"

"This woman, i am claiming her"

"im sorry.....i"

Olivia shifted her right hand, holding it out and showing her palm to the ground in front of Sarah, she turned her palm upward and lifted her fingers up ever so slightly.

Sarah and all of the black tentacles behind her were lifted off of the ground, along with a few leafs at their feet.


Olivia put her left hand to her mouth and placed a finger to her lip, blowing on it slightly, Sarah's mouth was forced shut.

"I really dont like black tentacles, you know."

Olivia brought one of the tentacle creatures to her side quickly and with her left hand, made a fist.

The tentacle creature was crushed entirely, pulverized mid-air as semen was squeezed out of the creature and separated from the meaty mass of the tentacle creature as it was discarded onto the ground nearby, the levitated pool of semen dropped to the ground.

"Run, back to your overlord girl, before i see what kind of liquid i can squeeze from you"

Sarah and her tentacles were dropped lightly to their legs and immediately turned around, and ran as fast as they could from Olivia, who was far too powerful for them.

Ella held her stomach as she groaned in pain, listening in on what had happened behind her, but not able to find the strength to turn around and see for herself.

Olivia walked around and knelt down before Ella, as the two looked each other in the eyes.

"Are you alright" Olivia asked as she ran a hand through her slimy hair casually.

Ella nodded before placing a hand on the ground and getting to her legs again.

"Thank you for saving me" Ella said to Olivia as she got to her feet.

"Dont thank me yet" Olivia said.

Olivia placed her palm upside down again and turned it over, lifting her fingers as Ella was levitated from the ground, her legs were spread open as Olivia stepped forward, her clitoris was growing quickly, turning into a long and slimy phallus.

"You have been impregnated by a black tentacle egg girl, i will remove it for you...but it will cost you"

After a short silence, Ella responded, not wanting to be in the debt of a tentacle creature. "What will it cost me?"

"I wont tell you"

What do you do?

A. Accept her offer, anything is better than being impregnated and being so debilitated.......right?

B. Refuse her offer, Olivia is a tentacle creature, she cannot be trusted and you don't want her help.

C. Ask Olivia to take you with her.....anywhere is better than here.

D. Agree, but only if she gives you some tentacle semen to keep you going just a while longer.


1. Lick the drain tentacle semen off of the ground.

2. Dont ^^, keep moving on your own strength.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Gotta get rid of that addiction
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B Yeah, yeah, we all know Olivia, BUT:

a) Ella doesn't know her.
b) In her eyes, she's just another tentacle, it doesn't matter she just saved her
c) We spit in the face of one bitch, just to be captured by another tentacle? No way! Let's push through it~!
d) Shady debts are shadyyyy

In case of A, it seems that we'd face a fucking (not too bad), but what if she has something else in mind? Anyway, if it came to choosing A, let's at least ask her if she can do something about that semen addiction (and by doing something I don't mean drugging us with her own).

As well as:

2. Don't be a junkie! Never give up!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A, in the hope that the price isn't simply more slavery. That black tentacle will arse-rape us (probably literally) when it hatches. Plus, we'll get force-fed its semen. Plusplus, the egg'll make us weak for long enough for something else to be likely to pounce us. If it's possible ask her not to ejaculate inside, though. Y'never know, she might say yes.

Oh, and 2. that'd be some serious addiction, right there.

B Yeah, yeah, we all know Olivia, BUT:

a) Ella doesn't know her.
b) In her eyes, she's just another tentacle, it doesn't matter she just saved her
c) We spit in the face of one bitch, just to be captured by another tentacle? No way! Let's push through it~!
d) Shady debts are shadyyyy

Very true, but I think it'd be worse to reject the 'help'. (Watch this come around to bite me in the arse if A does get chosen...)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I follow Dracador ...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A2 as well, mostly because we REALLY don't want to still have a black tentacle egg up our ass. I feel like that would:

1. Trump us being too proud to accept help
2. It would be a slap in the face to black by accepting the help from the tentacle woman who just saved us, and by destroying the egg.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

ive spent the last 7 1/2 hours reading on this story, started with the first, tentacle lair escape, and finally i am ready to join and help in ze story!

n i gotta say i go with A1
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

To be honest C needs to be phrased differently, because to me, C and A really come off as the exact same thing. :p

Well, in any case, I say A 2, as well. Take Olivias offer and try to fight off our semen addiction.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B2. She's just gonna kill the black egg and knock us up with a blue one and drain us of even more energy/feed us semen or milk addicting us even further.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

ive spent the last 7 1/2 hours reading on this story, started with the first, tentacle lair escape, and finally i am ready to join and help in ze story!

n i gotta say i go with A1

welcome :)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


"Do you accept the terms?"

Ella nods slightly, hesitating a bit because she knows she will be accepting help from a tentacle creature.

Olivia smiles, as she looks down on Ella's parts, placing one of her fingers on the rim of Ella's anus, she begins to swirl it around, which causes the muscles to start loosening, dark magic fills the air as Ella begins to feel aroused by Olivia's touch, her colon begins to feel warm and the sludgy ooze within her starts to move, causing a disgusting draining feeling.

Olivia sticks two fingers into Ella's ass and starts to wiggles them around, this causes the sludge inside of ella to melt ever quicker until small bits of it begin to glob out of ella's body around Olivia's fingers, finally, Olivia pushes her hand forward into Ella, the feeling is slightly painful, but her body was prepared by Olivia beforehand, Olivia's arm disappears into Ellas body and then Ella feels the movement of the egg inside as Olivia grabs onto it firmly and pulls it out of her.

The egg is pulled from Ella's body, and behind it comes a deluge of sticky liquid ooze which globs onto the ground below her, Ella instantly begins to feel relief from the extraction.

Olivia holds the egg in her hand before Ella, it has ridged edges and is a scary thing to behold, let alone have inside of you.

"Do you want to keep it as a souvenir?"

Ella shook her head emphatically.

"I didnt think so" Olivia threw the egg hard against a nearby tree and it smashed into a gooey mess, small unformed bits of black tentacle layed dead and helpless on the ground.

As Ella took a sigh of relief, Olivia clapped her hands together, rubbing them in a excited way "Now, its my turn"

Ella's face went cold as Olivia lifted her massive and slimy tentacle cock up onto Ella's body, its mass was as big as her wrists and her heart sunk as she watched it bulge ontop of her.

"What are you doing?" Ella asked, with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Im impregnating you" Olivia said as she flashed Ella a devious smile.

"what? no!" Her mouth was forced shut by Olivia, as she lost control of most of the muscles in her face.

Olivia giggled to herself shaking her head "oh, silly humans"

Olivia placed her hand on Ella's groin and moved her thumb around on Ella's labia, which caused her pussy to start becoming more lubricated and warm.

"Dont worry, this wont hurt you nearly as much as the other egg probably hurt....im a professional, and you might even enjoy it"

Ella shook her head in protest, but she couldn't speak a word her face had gone pale with fear as Olivia slowly motioned her tentacle cock down off of Ella's body, preparing to thrust forward and fuck her.

"You'll carry this around for about 4 days, it will drain your of your energy similar to how the black egg did, but it wont be painful, you will feel filled, and satisfied, like a mother who is in a late stage pregnancy, your body will change to accommodate a child, your breasts will swell and you will begin to lactate."

Olivia positioned her cock in front of Ella and pushed forward, the superior lubrication of her smile combined with her Ella's own bodily juices made the penetration easy, and Ella felt the veiny member grind up against her insides as her body sent messages of pleasure in waves.

Olivia thrust in and out with smooth strokes, she was a veteran and knew exactly which buttons to push in order for any woman to feel immense pleasure.

Ella's mind began to boil up with pleasure and already she felt ashamed to feel pleasure from a tentacle creature, her body couldn't resist it, with every thrust forward, her brain was wracked with unmatched pleasure, each thrust piled on the existing one, and soon, Ella forget about everything else and simply accepted the pleasure.

Olivia reached up and started fondling Ella's breasts, squeezing them and and lifting them off of her body.

"Good" Olivia commented as she continued to thrust, building the pleasure inside of Ella while building up the tension inside of herself.

Ella's mind was lost in a sea of pleasure, she stuck her tongue outside of her mouth and her eyes rolled back into her head as the purity of ecstasy was the most powerful feeling she had ever known in her life.

Olivia's cock trembled with force as a deluge of cum shot through it and entered Ella, plastering the insides of her vagina and the inside of her uterus.

'Almost done' Olivia said as she grabbed onto Ella's abdomen and slide her hands down her sides with her slimy hands, eventually grasping onto the woman's thighs.

Ella started to see only stars as the clouds of pleasure dispelled the clouds of desire from the tentacle semen addiction, apparently having pleasurable sex with tentacles breaks the addiction.

Olivia grit her teeth as the egg passed through her phallus and inside Ella, the force and mass went unnoticed by Ella as the egg was squirted into her and stuck against her Uterus, Olivia then exploded in another ejacutation of semen, was filled the rest of Ella's Uterus and sprayed out into her vagina and out of her body, dripping down the inside of her legs around Olivia's cock.

Olivia pulled out of Ella, her cock still dripping with cum. Ella's belly was a bit distended to accommodate the new egg inside of her, Ella was lowered onto the ground gently by Olivia, who continued her instruction.

"When you give birth to the tentacle, it will feed from your chest, dont try to overpower it, as it will be stronger than you are at birth, after it has fed, it will leave you alone, that is of course, unless you want it to stay, you will be mind linked with it for a short period of time after the birth, so it will know your feelings, don't worry about hurting it's feelings or anything though" Olivia giggled a bit.

Olivia knelt down and scooped a bit of cum from the side of Ella's thigh, and commanded Ella to open her mouth, Olivia placed the cum inside and forced her to swallow it, breaking the spell afterwards.

Ella didnt have much to say, she didnt want to anger this powerful creature, and although she had been violated, her body felt incredible and her mind was clear once again.

"Find a place to rest in the forest, you'll need your strength"

Ella nodded slightly, still silent as she looked at Olivia's body again, a perfect specimen before her, before shaking her head quickly to free herself from whatever spell she had been put under.

"If you ever want to live a life free of fear, amongst people and tentacles who look only to protect you, continue to the south and talk to Samantha or Laura, we likely wont meet again, unless you cause trouble"

Ella got to her feet, her body felt drained but it wasent in pain, she felt fulfilled and satisfied as Olivia said she was, it was an entirely different kind of pregnancy.

Olivia turned around and continued walking to the south, as she said "Farewell, Hopebringer" a smile crept along her face as she entered the shadows of the dark forest again and disappeared.


Olivia's Tentacle semen was powerful, it was far more potent than the normal tentacle, but it allowed her to maintain a clear mind, which was now clear after having sex.

Ella had never known sex to cure semen addiction, but then again, she had never felt such pure ecstasy in her life.

Olivia was a tremendous monster, she may be the most powerful tentacle creature in the world, and although Ella had felt incredible pleasure from her, she had still tricked her into trading one tentacle egg for another.

A Matriarch was a powerful creature, who if Ella hoped to defeat, she would need to become stronger and faster than she was now, Ella had known tentacle creatures to use sorcery and mind control on her before, but to see Olivia manipulate the very air and ground around them was something she was intimated by, how would you fight a creature which could lift you from your feet and crush instantly?

Although Olivia was a woman and she had rescued her from Sarah and the black tentacles, she was still the enemy and Ella throught that as long as she walked the path she was on, Olivia and her would eventually meet as enemies.


Ella stopped on the edge of a stream and leaned up against a tree, the tentacle semen inside of her wasent making her feel anything but energetic and although she could feel the energy in her body being slowly sapped from her, her mind had an ambivalent feeling feeling of both excitement and disgust.

Ella put her hand on her stomach, feeling the mass of the egg inside of her, her mind was confused, at a crossroads, while this creature inside of her was sapping her of her strength, her body was eagerly awaiting the birth, and her mind was beginning to feel like she wanted to care for the....child?

Ella didnt doubt that her mind was all over the place, her hatred of tentacles conflicted with her body's desire to be a mother and care for a child, this was no doubt part of the enchantment Olivia had put on her.


It was getting late and Ella was getting tired, she had to decide where she would go and what she would do between now and when the blue tentacle creature would be born.


-Master of Arms: Able to use any weapon or wear any armor.

Status: Ella Has no Weapon but her Fists.

-Veteran: Able to use a Wide Variety of Techniques perfected over the years to kill and maim tentacle creatures.

Status: Ella is unarmed, but can shrug off weak grip attacks.

-Resolve: Able to shrug off rape while in combat, also partially mitigates the debuffs of status effects such as Semen Addiction, Slime Mind Control, Impregnation and 'Jackhammer'.

Status: Currently afflicted with Normal Pregnancy, but you are able to move normally even though you are pregnant.


- Attracting Scent: Tentacle Encounters are increased, and nearby creatures roam from farther away to attack her.

Status: Normal

- Grudge: For killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

Status: Black Tentacles just raped her with their lowest tier of humiliating rape, further rapes by black tentacles with result in more severe and humiliating rape attacks. (2/5)

Status: Blue Tentacles have raped you for the first time and are beginning to cause you to feel greater pleasure with each subsequent attack (1/5)

- Loner: Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.

Status: Ella is alone and able to concentrate entirely on protecting herself.

General Status:

Hunger: Normal
Status Effects: Pregnant
Energy: Normal (Drained, but sustained by tentacle semen)
Awareness: Ambivalent
Body: Muddy, dirty and slightly cum-covered (on your thighs)

Status Effects:

Normal Tentacle Pregnancy: Energy is slowly being drained, breasts have started lactating and you begin to feel a bit more.........motherly.

Weapon: None

Armor: Naked

Special: Nothing

What do you do?

A. Stay hidden in the Forest for a couple of days before the birth, reflect on your mission and whether you want to continue as a crusader against the tentacles.

B. Walk back towards the path and find your way to the next town, sleep there and in the morning, start looking for weapons and clothing.

C. Wander the jungle looking for makeshift weapons and clothing, immediately start plotting how you will attack the nearby black tentacle lair.

D. Take Olivia's advice and begin walking to the south, until you reach the plains, try to find 'Samantha' or 'Laura'...maybe they can help you somehow. (Leave the Black tentacle lair alone for now)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Well, that helped somewhat.

B. Time for some revenge. Maybe wait until not egged before actually attacking anything though, y'know?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I say B followed by D. We need to actually really rest for a change, and even if we do decide to try to go after black we will need some help.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

*looong, judging look*


B considering C. Let's kill some fucking tentacles already ~_~ Because up to this point, our "crusader" and "scourge of everything that is slimy" is raped and tossed around like your average Joe.

I say B followed by D. We need to actually really rest for a change, and even if we do decide to try to go after black we will need some help.

Is it just me, or this CYOA is become less and less "you against the tentacles with a sprinkle of survival" and more and more like "let's be friends with the nice ones and live happily ever after". They are tentacles! Blue, red, green, black, purple, rainbow or magenta, it doesn't matter if you're the bottom feeder - they may have different methods to subdue humans (pain, pleasure, mind rape, drugs, you name it, some are nicer other aren't) but the bottom line is - we are cattle, they are the masters. ~_~
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I agree : Dorl's right. We need big guns, machineguns, bombs, and atomic bombs (I really would like to ride a bomb, as in Dr.Strangelove ...).

P.-S. : Yeah, I know, there ain't any guns ou bullets or even bomb in his world ^^" ! I would even appeciate a big two-handed sword or hammer : it's pretty fun, too.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. No alliance with tentacles, not even blue. Just be careful, 'cause the blacks are going to want revenge.