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Demon Girl Master
Jun 8, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


You are seeing things too black and white, I thought you were smarter than that.

If some deity handed you a hammer without instructions, it is because it has observed your actions and it already trusts you to do the right thing with it.

At the same time, that is also a test to see what you are going to do with your new power. If it corrupts you, you lose the favor.

Regarding the "Child", let me remind you of this:
You have been impregnated by a black tentacle egg girl, i will remove it for you...but it will cost you

Ella agreed to the cost which turned out to be:
When you give birth to the tentacle, it will feed from your chest, dont try to overpower it, as it will be stronger than you are at birth, after it has fed, it will leave you alone, that is of course, unless you want it to stay, you will be mind linked with it for a short period of time after the birth, so it will know your feelings...

She didn't agree to (nor did she have/has to) accept a spawn as her own child, but she did agree to carry it to term, feed it, and do no harm to it. If she breaks the deal she loses her honor and may lose divine favor because bearing this "child" is her cross, her sacrifice in saving humanity.

Furthermore, it was obvious from the underlined part that it will be different from the others -- if I am reading it right, it will not fuck Ella as other tentacle spawn do (unless she wants it?), and it will be mind-linked which never happened before in the trilogy.

Just blindly killing it will certainly enrage Blue tentacles and from the fear black tentacles and their princess have shown when they encountered Olivia you can conclude that Blue are the most powerfull ones. Ella is still in poor condition with no armor, no weapons, weakened from giving birth -- adding one more powerfull enemy to the top of the list of things that want her enslaved and punished is brash and stupid move to say the least.

My vote obviously stays C.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

After a quick count, B has around 12 votes and C has about 5 or 6. ill probably start writing this thing later today or tomorrow, if your vote changes between now and then. please change it on YOUR ORIGINAL VOTEPOST!

As always, Discussion regarding the consequences of your actions here is encouraged, especially considering it is a big end of chapter decision.


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Sorry, but that's not entirely accurate, if you sign a contract for which the conditions are filled in after the signing, it is invalid, you can only agree to something you have knowledge of. This concept is "knowing consent" (though my translation to english might be inaccurate here, the concept is very real) which is the same thing IRL that protects you from being legally bound to consequences when you click "i agree to the terms and conditions" without reading the entire page long list of terms and conditions, one of which being a hidden clause prompting you to surrender all your possessions to the other party.

Not to mention the coercion, "I agree to end your torment for a price" is coercion, and not a valid agreement in any sense of the concept.

I'll again reference the end of chapter one, where the tentacle child ultimately corrupted and defiled the character (after so much effort to escape, she just gave up and let herself be fucked in the end) Thinking this monster is anything other than what it is, assuming the cycle is broken just because it'd be convenient, is childishly naive.

You keep saying our divine favor is because of our "honor" but as I tried to point out in my analysis of what we know about divinity in this story, there is nothing to back up the assumption that divinity favors honor, but rather divinity desires balance, so it is infinitely more likely that we hold this things favor until balance is restore, or we give up, honor has nothing to do with it. (remember these are the gods that sent tentacle rape beasts to restrain humanity, I REALLY doubt they have a sense of honor)

Your claim that I see everything black and white has no backing though, I made my arguments and if you disagree with them you can respond to the arguments, your "conclusion" of me seeing things black and white is yours, and yours alone, it has nothing to do with me.

You're saying the divinity is dumb enough to give us a weapon based on its expectations, even though we can clearly go against them at any given time? What you claim would only be true if it condoned whatever we ended up doing, whatever choice we make from here on out will be the choice the divinity expected us to make, wouldn't it?

I can understand your point though about me seeing things black and white, but that is the result of simplification, I could go on about endless shades of gray but I talk too much as it is, so I limit myself to what's important, the big picture.

Depending on perspective, what you consider a saint could be the greatest sinner, what you consider a sinner could be the greatest saint, and I can hold an argument to either being true, as qualifying statements such as "right" or "wrong" are simply tools to force people to accept your way of thinking, they are in no way "true" but I need to stop now, I'm getting carried away.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

All this debate about right vs. wrong and monster vs. hero is very subjective.

All Humans are not inherently good, and all Tentacles are not inherently evil. The Demons which created the Tentacles are inherently evil, but since interacting with humanity (particularly Laura and Olivia), it can be argued that the blue tentacles (and pink tentacles) have become the 'good' tentacles who protect humanity from the more horrifying tentacles in the world.

As it stands now, Ella wishes for the destruction of all of the tentacles in the world, but is she right? will it be justice to kill the tentacles which protect humanity from danger and have kept them alive through the destruction of the world?

Olivia (and presumably Laura) have the ability to convert male humans into females, therefore killing the males would not have been necessary and would have actually been detrimental to their efforts to gather more resources for themselves.

In enacting B, you are essentially saying that you dont care whether a tentacle is good or evil. you dont care if they have become protectors, you simply wish to genocide their entire species because of what they are and have the potential to do to your people.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

In enacting B, you are essentially saying that you dont care whether a tentacle is good or evil. you dont care if they have become protectors, you simply wish to genocide their entire species because of what they are and have the potential to do to your people.
Yeah but ... At first, you let us only the A and the B. So, as many of us are thinking that A is too much submissive, we all voted B.

So, the question now is : did you want us choosing A :rolleyes: ?

(And can we keep the baby tentacle as a pet ? It could be so funny ^^" If yes, I could try to change to C :D)


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Well, that sounds pretty human to me, we commit genocide on dangerous species all the time. Wolves are the easiest example that comes to mind, viruses and bacteria are also common victims to human genocide, nothing new or exceptional about it. We have entire industries aimed at breeding and harvesting entire species of animals and plants, nothing new there either.

Of course right and wrong is relative, this is exactly I argue mainly from the human (Elle's) perspective, she hates tentacles (right?) and tentacles don't exactly take only willing victims, they take whoever they can (and as such, why should we be selective about our measures) Most of my decisions are based on Elle's history and the attribute that she hates tentacles, she could've just run away and focus on defense a long time ago, but instead chose to hunt and kill tentacle overlords, thats how much she hates them, compromise is not an option (my opinion)

I'd choose to fight because the rape of body and mind is detestable to Elle (my opinion) and considering all tentacles rape, and wont (or cant) stop, killing them is the only option.

From the tentacles perspective, they too are simply trying to live their life, they are by no means "evil" but their interests conflict with humanity and thus a fight occurs, they haven't thrown any punches in their measures, so we wont ever win if we don't do the same.

It comes down to this; who's interest are you looking out for? Do you want Elle to win, then the tentacles must lose, if you want the tentacles to win, Elle must lose, there is no right or wrong, good or evil, just two sides and a disagreement that can only end with one side losing their existence. Again, I believe surrendering to the tentacles equals surrendering everything we set out to accomplish, everything we stand for and as such, surrendering our ego, what makes us what we are.

By choosing B, I choose not to believe in such naive machinations as right or wrong, good or evil, I understand that everything is a living being wanting desperately to live its life, no matter how different from me that is, I also realize that to live my own life I need to stop things from trying to prevent me from doing so, which in this case entails eradicating the tentacles (they didn't exactly give us the option of just being left alone)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I vote C because it makes the most sense as she's just had a child and that kind of thing changes every woman I've ever known. I even know a girl that was raped and ended up getting pregnant from it. She kept the baby even though she didn't want it, and not because she's against abortion. Her reason was that it wasn't the baby's fault that it was born it was the father who caused that by raping her and it wasn't right to take it out on the child, and that it just changes you and the way you think about things.

I honestly haven't been keeping up with this enough to remember if it was her first tentacle baby or not, but I've been busy. That choice however seems like the best course of action, because as it has been pointed out, not all of the tentacles are evil, merely some and as our heroine isn't evil herself she's more likely to do C in my opinion. If possible I say go find Laura and them and join forces. The enemy of my enemy is my friend is all that matters in battle or war. She can go back to murdering the rest of the tentacles after all the really bad ones and the demons are gone if she likes, though I hope she wouldn't of course because then all the ladies of the world wouldn't have fun anymore. Also she's smart enough to know though that if she fights she'll likely lose, because from last I read she has no weapon. I'd say it is the most logical course of action because it's pretty much the only one she has that doesn't directly cause her to become a slave to one side or another at the moment.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 17: Rachel

Having just barely escaped from the church, Rachel raced through the forest at superhuman speed carrying her fragmented tentacle staff, trying to get away from what was the only power she had ever seen tear through her soldiers like that.

Behind her, Sarah tried her best to keep up, but the energy of a queen was far greater than hers.

Finally when it was safe, Rachel stopped and leaned a against a tree, holding her heavily damaged tentacle staff in hand, the primary source of her power.

"God dammit" she said, slamming her hand against the back of the tree causing a few leafs to fall to the ground from above.

Sarah closed in, reaching down at her knees and heaving from exhaustion.

"I dont....believe it......what was that power" Sarah said through her grasping for air.

"It is as we feared, she is the champion" Rachel said as she looked around to make sure nobody was following them.

"We should go back to the overlord, warn them that she is coming"

"Yes, i should get back to my overlord" Rachel said as she pushed herself away from the tree.

"You're overlord?"

"Some overlord's are more important than others, my dear"

Rachel reached out and put her hand around Sarah's neck, lifting her from the ground and driving her back into a tree behind her, pinning her against it.

"aghhhh....what are you doing!"

"You've failed me Sarah, you failed to bring the Hopebringer to heel."

"But you were there! agh! you couldn't stop her either" Sarah said as she tried to remove herself from Rachel's overpowering grasp.

"Ill return to my overlord immediately and report your failure, but you are worthless to us now, Black has failed us, all of you are useless charlatans"

"I can still......help...you"

"You're right, you can" Rachel lifted her tentacle staff and plunged one of the tentacles on the top of it into her vagina, the staff was immediately revived, feeding from her energy.

"agh!" Sarah struggled more as her power was being drained from her body, dropping her black whip to the ground.

Rachel looked at her eyes and smiled with a devious look on her face.

Minutes later, the tentacle staff was revived, but only at a fraction of its previous power, the end of the staff slowly regrew, but it would take time and more importantly, human energy to re-energize.

Rachel removed her hand from Sarah's neck, who slumped down to the ground dead, choked to death by the Green Tentacle Queen, her ebony skin immediately turned from black to white as she laid there lifeless, cured at last of the corruption which had recently tainted her body and soul.....only for her skin to change slowly into a orange hue, bringing back in her death a power buried within her many years ago, she slumped over and fell to the ground lifelessly, her eyes open and full of terror.

"And then there were four" Rachel said as she turned around and continued to walk into the forest towards her Overlord's lair far to the East, trying to think of how she would prepare for what would inevitably be the decisive battle to determine the future of the world.
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Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Discussion thread is up for this CYOA, link (should be) in my signature. Let's make it slightly less cluttered here :D


Demon Girl Master
Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Sorry, but that's not entirely accurate, if you sign a contract for which the conditions are filled in after the signing, it is invalid, you can only agree to something you have knowledge of.
Ella has agreed to pay the price not knowing it because she believed that the trade off was positive for her -- no black tentacle egg and pain < everything else (with exception of death and slavery).

...but rather divinity desires balance
Except that killing all tentacles would not restore balance, it would just shift the pendulum to the other extreme.

You're saying the divinity is dumb enough to give us a weapon based on its expectations, even though we can clearly go against them at any given time?
Yes, as a matter of fact divine powers throughout history are known to test heroes in one way or another. Reading some mythology before discussing this wouldn't hurt you know.

whatever choice we make from here on out will be the choice the divinity expected us to make, wouldn't it?
No it wouldn't. We have a free will. If the deity only wanted us to be able to defend ourselves from the tentacles in the church and we overreact and kill other humans, even though they have surrendered we are certainly making the wrong choice from the deity's point of view.

...we commit genocide on dangerous species all the time. Wolves are the easiest example that comes to mind
Wolves are not extinct but kept in check.

We have entire industries aimed at breeding and harvesting entire species of animals and plants, nothing new there either.
But in doing so we are keeping balance, not exterminating.

It comes down to this; who's interest are you looking out for? Do you want Elle to win, then the tentacles must lose, if you want the tentacles to win, Elle must lose
That is the "black and white" view I commented on for which you said I have no proof.

Again, I believe surrendering to the tentacles equals surrendering everything we set out to accomplish, everything we stand for and as such, surrendering our ego, what makes us what we are.
Nobody wants to surrender -- I don't see anyone voting for A.

If I may suggest to moderators to move all the discussion posts to the other thread (I know vBulletin supports that since I was a mod myself in the past).


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Movement of posts is up to the author.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I understood, but really my message was not for you, but the author. If the author says 'yes' the posts are moved. If the author says 'no' the posts stay where they are.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Further discussion other than voting (and a couple minor comments regarding the situation or your vote) should take place Here in order to reduce clutter.

Other than that, if you had previous posts which had significant amount of text in them, i would appreciate it if you went back and edited them and put them into 'Spoiler' brackets, anything less than 2 paragraphs is fine as it is.

Thank You.
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Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Yeesh that was a lot of spoiler tags... I get way too carried away ;/

Anyway, one question about the last intermission (though I'm not sure if we're supposed to know this): When "the overlord" is mentioned, do they mean the nearest overlord that Elle was after or did they both follow the same overlord?
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

12-6, B wins it over C. Voting Over.

update: 'soon'


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Chapter 2: The Champion

Though she had killed several tentacles in her life, this time was different, the creature which suckled at her breast was innocent (or at least as innocent as a tentacle creature could be), Ella feared what it would turn into however, and the fact that she could spawn a creature which would help terrorize the world was something she couldn't bare.

Zoey stood aside, a worried look on her face as she knew that this was likely her last chance to change Ella's path.

Ella slowly got up and looked for her hammer, the creature which was suckling on her breast immediately sensed something was wrong and retreated from her, evading Ella's quick reach to grab it.

Ella reached down and picked her hammer up from the ground.

"Im sorry Zoey, perhaps you shouldent watch" as she moved towards the creature with malice in her eyes.

Zoey simply shook her head in disgust, breathing a deep sigh.

The creature stood in a corner, trying to plan its next more, knowing that its own mother was coming to kill it.

"its time to die, monster!" Ella screamed as she lunged forward and smashed her hammer into the ground, the tentacle creating just barely evading the heavy blow, running quickly behind Zoey and crawling up her leg and around her body, placing itself in Zoey's waiting arms.

Zoey cradled the creature and brought it to her breast where it began to feed on her instantly as she pushed it up closer to herself.

"Zoey, bring that monster here"

"Come here" Zoey said as she turned toward you.

Ella walked toward Zoey, hammer in hand, prepared to grab the creature and choke the life out of it.

Zoey sat back on her heels, as Ella approached, Zoey quickly reached out and touched Ella lightly on her forehead when she was close enough, Ella froze in place, her body refusing to move as every nerve in her body was instantly disabled and a cold flash shot down her spine.

"Im sorry to have to do this Ella, i really am"

Ella tried to speak, but her mouth would not move, she was completely disabled from whatever magic Zoey was using on her.

"This is a trick i learned from the tentacles many years ago, it temporarily locks your mind and will soon put you to sleep"

The fury in Ella's eyes was building, had she been tricked again?

"You are a confused woman Ella, and if i was more like you, i would end this right now......but im not murderer......im just trying to protect my children."

Zoey reached down and grabbed the Warhammer from Ella's grasp, her fingers released it as she stood there like a statue.

"I'll raise Ethan you for you, then we'll come find you together, maybe you'll have changed by then"

In Zoey's grasp, the hammer started to change, losing its glow and transforming quickly, in a few moments, her hammer had reverted back to its original form, a near-worthless candlestick holder.

"Interesting" Zoey said as she dropped it back down on the ground.

Zoey moved her other hand to Ethan and started to pat the creature's back light as it continued to feed from her happily.

"I hope you can forgive me Ella...." Zoey said as she placed her hand on Ella's forehead again, and shut her mind down completely, forcing her asleep in an instant.


Ella awoke hours later to the sound of the birds and the waterfall, her arms started moving again as she quickly leaped up and looked around the ruins, picking up what had become a candlestick holder once again.

"God dammit!" Ella screamed in anger

She should have known better, trusting a human like Zoey, who like most women have a greater allegiance to the tentacles, still, there was no way Ella could have known that Zoey had the ability to freeze her like that.....it was obviously only possible because of the mind link they had due to the slime they had both consumed.

Ella sighed and went over to the altar to put her robe back on, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw something on the wall which wasent there before.

Etched crudely in coal, was a large map of the continent, with small X's marking the spots of each overlord remaining in the land, with the notable exception of the nearby overlord and the other black and green overlords.....everything appeared to be here.... Orange, Pink, Purple, Blue, White, and even Red.

Ella squinted her eyes and made out the small labels for each overlord, learning its hidden lair location and its owner, writing B for Blue and PU for purple ect.

She took close note of each of the locations and memorized them, until she came across a lone marking somewhere in the Dreadlands to the north.....where it was marked simply as 'Alumae'.

Zoey had held up her end of the deal, at least partially. The Black and Green tentacles could be found once the other overlords were dealt with, there was no rush, as to her, every tentacle was the same anyway.

Ella put her finger on the map and tapped it "Orange, in the desert to the south".

Assuming Zoey had not gone to all this work to fool her again, it was a good place to start.

Ella put on her robe quickly and looked at the candlestick holder which Zoey had left for her, shaking her head as its power had appeared to have faded.

Leaving the ruins behind, Ella headed south towards the desert with reinforced resolve to continue her mission.


It had been a day of uneventful travel, the forest started to clear into less density, giving way to the sunlight above and allowing to alleviate much of the darkness that the dark forest was famous for, the forest immediately grew into the desert and the sand's reflection of the sunlight blinded Ella slightly as she looked in from afar.

Ella had finally reached the edge of the desert and as she entered she immediately noticed an encampment nearby and moved towards it to scavenge for supplies.

Entering the encampment, Ella noticed the signs of death all around her, the skeletons of the long dead had littered this place and many of the tents had been damaged or torn down due to the time and the wind in this dry place.

Most of the goods here were damaged and covered in sand, but upon entering one tent, Ella smiled as she saw an array of weapons which were placed upon a table, and on the ground beneath them was a set of leather pantaloons. and a cotton tunic which was large enough to fit her.

On the table was the following weapons.

- A Kris blade which was sharp and pointy, the metal on the dagger was thin, but sharp enough to slice, the weapon would be quick and follow Ella to make deft movements such as flips and sweeps while stabbing and slicing.

- A Bronze Battle Axe, the large and cumbersome weapon was dull and worn, but still sharp enough to cut through tentacles, the weapon was heavy, but not enough enough to burden Ella. It would be used to use power attacks which would be able to slice through several tentacles at a time or completely sever a creature in half.

- A spiked mace, the mace was hardy and well conditioned after all of these years, it had several spikes on a metal ball at the end of the stick, although not normally a great weapon for fighting tentacles, the weapon was in fine condition, and could be used to land a killing blow on a tentacle creature if it struck their center, next to the weapon was a shield would could use used to deflect tentacle attacks, i was the only weapon which made sense to use the shield with.

- A crooked staff, which may have been used to as an aid in travel or by non-combatants, as a weapon it was fairly useless, being that no end of the weapon was sharp or pointy, however, it was light and would allow traveling up the dunes of the desert easier, plus it had enough sturdiness to it that Ella would be able to vault herself through the air with it and make deft athletic movements, perhaps the weapon had other uses as well..

Ella put her fingers to her lips and chin and thought about her options.

What do you do?

A. Take the Kris, a dagger which can be used for Stabbing or Slicing, its light weight allows Ella to use Quick and Agile attacks.

B. Take the Bronze Battle axe, a large weapon which requires two hands to wield, its weight and size allow Ella to use Powerful attacks which can hit many tentacles at a time or even kill a creature instantly.

C. Take the Spiked Mace and Shield, through crushing weapons like maces are largely ineffective against tentacles, a killshot can be administered if the wielder can get close enough, using the nearby shield would allow Ella to get closed to the tentacles and use a defensive stance to block tentacles from the front.

D. Take the Crooked Staff, a lightweight twohanded weapon which is ineffective against tentacles, but makes travelling through the desert easier, its sturdiness would allow Ella to Vault over enemies and potentially escape from difficult situations easier... perhaps the weapon has unseen power to it as well.

E. Keep the Candlestick holder from the church, it is a pathetic weapon which has little value as either a weapon or a tool, however, it had previously transformed into a powerful holy weapon, perhaps transforming it again would be easier.

In addition to the first choice, there is another.

1. Take off your robes and put on the leather Pantaloons, this armor would protect your crotch region well, but does not have a matching chest piece, therefore your breasts would be exposed. Still, even if you were caught, it might take some time before the creature could tear through them and reach your vulnerable orifices, it might give you enough time to escape from their grasp before you are raped.

2. Take off your Robes and put on the Cotton tunic, this armor would protect both your crotch and your chest as well, but would be relatively easy to destroy if you are caught, because the tunic is tight, it is difficult to grab, meaning a creature would likely have to grab you first before they would start ripping the clothing apart.

3. Leave the robes on and use them, The robes are lightweight and cover your entire body, creating a light layer of protection for you, however they are flowing and easily destroyed, if they were grabbed it would be detrimental......you sense something about the cloth however, you dont know what it is, but you feel more powerful for some reason.

When choosing your option, please put both votes into your single votepost (IE, A1 or C2)


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

4Access69, brought up a great point earlier about 'Ethan' and Ella being mind linked to one another, as soon as Ella decided in her mind that she was going to kill the creature, it knew immediately and jumped away from her.

I chose to save the creature because it allows both B and C to occur simultaneously in a way, In B, Ella reiterates her hatred for all things tentacle and continues her crusade against them, but partially with C allows Zoey to raise Ethan instead, and walk a path similar to what Ella might have had C won, knowing that Ella was going to kill her ment that Ethan would have reacted regardless, and rather than simply allow itself to be smashed, it went into survival mode and retreated to the other person it had a temporary mindlink with in Zoey, who shared consciousness with Ella and thus the Creature for a short period during the ritual.

Alot of people will say that Zoey betrayed Ella again and she should have seen it coming and MURDERED HER, however Ella could not have known that Zoey had the power to Mind Lock her with a touch, This is an ability Zoey likely learned after years of being mindlinked with tentacles, the ability to flip the right switches in the mind disabled her body and allowed Zoey to escape with ethan, through she Betrayed Ella again, she held up her end of the bargain, at least partially, probably figuring she can keep Ella busy before she starts to come for Black and Green.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

In addition to the Morrow notes and Intermissions, im going to start including 'Random encounters', which will be descriptions of women being attacked by tentacles around the world.

This is first and foremost a Tentacle Rape CYOA, and because the main character is all heroic and shit, the opportunities for humiliating and messy rape scenes are few and far between, hopefully 'Random encounters' will help to remedy that.


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A2; Though a Kris is mostly a stabbing weapon, daggers can't be swung with enough momentum to be very "effective" slicing weapons, the curves on the blade make a slicing motion even less efficient as the wavy pattern can cause additional resistance. The light weight of the weapon allows us to move around easily (fatigue having been an issue before)

I pick the cotton shirt because if we're held down enough for it to be removed the leather pants wont be any better, cotton is easier to mend than leather should it come to that, and as I don't really know the condition of the leather (It could have stagnated over the years, hampering movement) Since we're apparently planning to go to the desert I was tempted to go with the robe, is there a possibility to still take that along to protect against the sun?
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Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A, 3. Heavier weapons mostly don't seem to serve that well (given that it only takes one slip and Ella will lose the use of her arms) and I think that an effctive weapon would be a good thing to continue hunting with. Robe with mysterious powers? :D