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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


'My slave, understand that we do what we do out of necessity, we do not take great pleasure in putting your kind into bondage. we try to make them as comfortable as possible and enjoy themselves and once they have served us for some time, we release them back into the wild.' you tell her.

'but i have never seen any woman leave this place before' she observes.

'perhaps they are enjoying themselves too much to leave.' you reply.

'i suppose'.

your slave thinks of your race a little less as monsters and more as predators who are simply seeking to survive.

**Your Slave has become more Feral** Feral: 3/15. Tame: 1/15

You feed your slave once again, she ferociously sucks on your tentacle cock as she always seems to, the semen rolls down her neck and she scoops it up as to not drop a bit as per usual.

'When are you going to fuck me again master?"

she asks you.

'when you have earned it my slave, be a good little girl and i shall reward you with my tentacles and the pleasure they bring'

**You Slave has become more Tame** Feral:3/15 Tame: 3/15


Hours pass as you both rest, but you are awoken by a tentacle who is poking at you, the two of you communicate and then the tentacle squirms away.

'Wake my my slave, our queen requires our service'

your slave rolls away from you and lazily opens her eyes, she follows you slowly wiping her eyes.


You enter a giant room with a high ceiling, blue tentacles decorate the walls all the way up, some pass around human victims who appear to be giving no resistance whatsoever as they are stuffed with tentacle cocks.

a human woman with bright blue hair and blue skin approaches you in her hands she carries a blue tentacle staff with living tentacles which slither slowly in the air the woman is naked like your slave, her eyes glow with bright power and the runes on her belly-like your slaves glow as well, but much brighter. you stop before her and lie your tentacles onto the floor.

"kneel!" the woman says you your slave, who looks around confused before dropping her knee to the ground.

"Rise" say shes.

your slave rises up and the woman approaches her.

"This is your princess then?" she gives your slave a good looking over

'yes, she is my chosen' you speak so both of the women can hear you.

'i see'

the strange woman reaches down and inserts two fingers into your slaves vagina and begins pleasuring her, your slave is overcome with pleasure and she drops to her knee again, the woman's fingers follow her as she reaches down.

'very well' the woman retracts her fingers and brings them to her mouth to lick them clean.

"What is your name, young one"? the woman asks your slave as she rises from her pleasure driven weakness.

"My name is Olivia"

"Olivia, a beautiful name." the queen replies.

"You are a Tentacle princess Olivia, you serve our hive and your master, an overlord"

"What is an overlord my queen?"

"An Overlord is a beast with limitless power who is capable of propagating a new hive, you will act as his agent, and if all things go well, his queen"

"His Queen?"

"yes, his Queen, a Queen is an overlord's right hand, capable of sharing power between them, but also able to gain power from men rather than simply women"

"Is that what you are?"

"indeed, i am a queen, my overlord is this place."

"what do you mean?"

"This entire Lair is the Overlord"

Olivia looks around the place and sees the walls breathing, the tentacles squirming, hard to believe this entire place is a large overgrown tentacle beast.

'What do you wish of us, my Queen?' you ask, becoming slightly impatient.

'We require you to raid a nearby purple tentacle lair, they have established a new lair here and are taking some of our nearby resources'

"By resources you mean......?" Olivia asks.

"They are taking young women from the forest who should breeding for us instead"

'what should we do, my queen?

'Enter the lair, kill anything which opposes you, take as many women as you can and free the rest, then come back here, i will then send out a group to destroy the lair.'

"couldent we simply destroy the lair?" Olivia asks.

"No, not without potentially harming the breeders, they are more important to us than the deaths of the purple tentacles in this region."

'it will be done, your highness' you once again bow all of your tentacles to the ground.

your slave bends a knee again and follows you out of the room.


The two of you exit the lair together and you immediately sense humans nearby, you hide behind a tree and observe to see heavily armored humans with torches and spears walking through the forest, there are at least 4 of them, at least one of them is a woman, you can smell her from here.

it would be unwise to engage 4 of them here, even though you could probably ambush them, but you should lead them away from the lair.

What do you do?

A. Hide until they pass, then try to avoid them while moving through the forest.

B. Have Olivia run out in front of them to lead them away from the lair, she should be able to get their attention and lose them.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A. We may need Olivia for our current mission. If we absolutely needed her to be chased, it would be into the Purple lair, rather than away from any lair in general.

Besides, you'll probably have her turn around, rape the men, fondle the lassie, and have her gain +12 Feral in one fell swoop ;)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A Nirakei was thinking exactly what I was thinking.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A. No need risking our neck or our slave's when the queen can obviously handle four numbskulls in leather armor
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


You'd better just avoid them for now, you cant be getting sidetracked by the current mission, besides, 4 humans shouldn't be too much of a problem for the lair, even if they found it.

Olivia and you make your way to the purple tentacle lair which is about 2 miles away, as you walk towards it, you cant help but notice the signs of more humans in the forest than usual, and not just the usual crowd, these humans are more militant, they are looking for something, or someone, most of them are clad in the same leather armor of the others you encountered earlier, among them are a few women, but mostly men. they appear to be rather clueless about the presence of tentacles in this forest, you think it would be best if it remained that way. at least for now.

you finally reach the entrance of the purple tentacle lair's cave, its location matching where the queen described, you prepare to enter, you can smell the fragrance of women inside already, the purple tentacles have done a good job collecting them here.

You walk through the entrance of the cave and a bit down more, ahead of you is a strange looking door, behind which lies the purple lair.

The door is shaped similar to a giant vagina, thick rolls of flesh on either side wiggle and ooze purple tentacle slime, the center appears open, but the sides ready to collapse in and crush anyone it doesn't want to pass through.

'what is this thing master?' Olivia asks you.

'it is a special barrier which some lairs install to ensure that only the right beings can enter'

'the right beings?'

'You've seen all of those humans outside, right?' you reply.

'Yes, they looked rather militant'. Olivia observes.

'This Barrier will prevent any men from entering this lair.'

'why only the men?'

'because if the humans want to rescue any of their kind in here, they will have to send only the women amongst them'.


'purple tentacles are known for their cunning, we must be careful here'

you walk through the barrier unscathed, it obviously cannot tell the difference between tentacle species, your slave follows shortly,, and as she passes through, the walls of the door close in on her, she screams in shock.

the door traps her body inside and small purple tentacles rise from inside of the barrier, caressing and feeling her, they rub her breasts and vagina in order to check that she is indeed female, shortly after this violation, they release her and she walks through the door, unscathed if not just a bit more slimy.

the floor of this lair, as most are is comprised of a meaty substance, meatwall as it is refered to, it lives and stretches, its warm texture is squishy and difficult to walk along, footing is bad for a human, but optimal for a tentacle beast to slither along, ensuring home field advantage when battling upon it against humans.

You more carefully with Olivia through the lair, occasionally you encounter a stray tentacle, which attempts to slither up to Olivia, but you stay close and your size and mass scare them away as they go running and diving back into the shadows.

eventually you encounter a large room, this is not the breeding room, but it is close, you see some females being molested here, some of them are having their clothing ripped off as you watch.

One of the women was part of the militia outside, the purple tentacle are grabbing her leather clothing and ripping it from her body, they grab her limbs as she struggles to fend them off but it is no use, they slither up and under her leather breastplate and rip it off of her from the back revealing a bra holding up her breasts, the tentacles make easy work of that, ripping it off much easier and going to work on her.

The tentacles attacking her slap and bite at her breasts and nipples, causing her to scream in pain as they continue to try to get her pants off, purple tentacles tend to gain more power when their victim's are in distress, unlike blue tentacles who are the opposite.

at last the tentacles get a good hold underneath her pants and lower them to her knees, revealing her pink panties underneath.

before they violate her, you can fight the purple tentacles off if you wish and claim this woman for yourself.

What do you do?

A. Grab the woman away from the purple tentacles, fight them off and fuck her, this will alert the lair to your presence.

B. Ignore her, there are likely to be plenty of women in here and they likely wont have as much fight left in them, concentrate on the mission, the further you go down, the more...docile the women will become.

Additional Option (if A is selected, say for instance A1)

1. Take the woman with you after you rape her.

2. Leave the woman after you rape her.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A1 We don't want the humans to obtain any intelligence from women that haven't been conditioned yet. We keep the possible snitch, but the freed breeders will want a hive as a home after we free them, and we should be able to lead them back to our Blue Hive.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

your mission is to bring back as many girls as you can, not kill the queen. also, it wouldn't make much sense for a woman who is in the process or being raped by tentacles to team up with something that looks similar.

attacking the purple tentacles will alarm them, and you should be able to fight them off for a while. the question is whether you want to alert them so quickly in order to rape a woman who looks like she has plenty of fight left in her.

Keep in mind you are close to leveling up again, which would certainly help.

the further you descend into the purple lair, the more weakened the women will be, they have been raped into submission and some of them are mindless slaves at this point, but it may be difficult to lead them back to the lair as dazed as they are.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I say C. Screw invading other tentacles for now, and take our stock back to our own lair and work on getting them to where they can head into civilization or where fresh women are and have them lead them to our lair. Unless there's been a APB put out for all of our women we capture.........
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

The Queen send you to the purple lair in order to.

1. Take women from the purple tentacles to weaken them and defeat them.

2. use the women to strengthen yourself.

3. Have the resources available to begin growing a new lair.

Now your job is to bring back as many of them as possible before the lair is raided and they either escape or are lost in the confusion and mayhem, it is up to you to determine which ones to take and how many.

also, you will never be able to 'train' women to go and fetch more, the only one who is able to do this is Olivia because she is your princess (or bound slave), and she isnt ready yet, she is far too uncontrollable at this point, think about it. why would women you capture want to help bring more back? why wouldn't they simply escape. few of them can actually be used as anything more than a resource for you, and that is what you are doing right now, collecting resources.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Bleh! I choose B. bother with fighting other tentacles after we get MUCH stronger. For now just settle with purples sloppy seconds. We just need them for sustenance right now anyways.......... :|
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Changed my vote to A1.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


we can always grab her on our way out
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


You decide to keep it cool, as you continue along the descent into the lair.

The woman has her panties torn off easily by the purple tentacles as the mercilously plunge their tentacle cocks into her, her screams of shock and pleasure echo through the lair, becoming quieter the deeper you go.

This Lair looks alot like yours, the meatwalls on the floor, the tentacles imbeded into the walls, the inherant warmth of this place is due to the living tissue around you, the walls move make slight movements, probably in response to Olivia who is walking right behind you.

You take care to make sure she isnt ambushed here, to your kind she is off limits, a princess who can only be fucked by blue nobility, to these creatures, she is a woman just like any other and they would take great pride in corrupting a blue princess.

The deeper you descend, the more you notice it is becoming difficult for Olivia to walk, the meaty surface she walks on caves slightly to her footing, makings it increasingly difficult to move, a natural reaction to females moving in the lair, if she was to be running away from them here, she would almost surely trip, you move fine on this surface, the surface is actually easier to move on than real ground.

You come to another room, and right away you detect four females in it. one of whom is being fucked by a couple of purple tentacles, one of them is in her mouth, the other is pounding away at her ass, you hear her muffled cries of pain as she struggles to be released and tears roll down her cheek, she appears to have a bit of life left in her.

the other women in this room include;

a woman who is pregnant with tentacle spawn and completely unattended except for her tentacle binds, her thighs are caked with purple tentacle slime and semen, she stares at you with a kind of sadness in her eyes, but says nothing.

Another woman stares blankly at the far wall in front of her, her mouth half open and clearly in a daze, she has dried tentacle semen and slime all over her, on her thighs, on her breasts, even in her hair, her legs as left open in a welcoming position, her mind has become numb from the time she has been here which might be years, even if she were able to somehow escape now, it would take months for her to recover from this state.

The last woman is a downtrodden looking woman, tentacle semen lightly coats her face and her thighs but she is otherwise fairly new, in fact, you recognize her. she is the woman who escaped you down by the stream that one day, she must have been captured by the purple tentacles shortly after you failed to capture her.

the woman looks at you with sadness in her eyes, she is beginning to lose hope, she says to your slave "help me" as she blinks lazily and drops her head in exhaustion.

From this room you think you can take two of the women here, and then descend once more to see what remains, you are becoming restless from the lack of sex, and should really fuck one of them before you leave this room.

What will you do?

Chose 2.

A. Fight off the purple tentacles who are fucking the woman and take her with you, this will alert the hive.

B. Take the Pregnant woman with you.

C. Take the Traumatized woman with you.

D. Take the woman from the stream with you (Amanda)

Choose one.

1. Fuck the first woman (A)

2. Fuck the Pregnant woman

3. Fuck the Traumatized woman

4. Fuck the woman from the stream (Amanda)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

The pregnant woman is currently occupied. Like a parking spot.

C&D The purple hive won't notice them missing right away. We can carry the vegetable, and our pet can motivate the woman from the stream.

2 Fuck the pregnant woman. She should our gentle ministrations a nice change to the rough Purple sex.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

you would alert the purple tentacles by fucking A, but hey, they know you are here already to some extent.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Why can't we take all four? Do we need more minions?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Takens C&D. But change one to 2. Egg the pregnant woman, we could at least keep more purple spawn from being produced. If that fails, hold off on the fucking for now. We would still have gotten what we actually came for....

EDIT:Hrm....... If we fuck the pregnant woman and take her instead of the traumatized woman, we could just eliminate any purple spawn she produces if she goes into labor later. The thing is in the state that they are both in they would be both just be hinderance and slow us down rather then be of any benefit. Leave the sickly young cattle or handicapped cattle for the purples. It would mean a fight, but if we are lucky we can beat them off and level up, where taking slaves who cant carry their own wright would be more worth the trouble. So I say Fight off the purpples and the take the woman they were raping and take Amanda (girl by the stream). Then simply either fuck the traumatized one or the pregnant one.

In short: A&D. Followed by 2 or 3.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

you cant actually impregnate women. yet. you sap their power from fucking them which you use to gain experience.

As of right now you can carry 1 of them yourself and have your slave escort one, as you level up and gain power, you become stronger and will be able to carry more, grab them easier and do more things to them. you are only level 2 right now.

You are overdue for fucking someone, your primal urges are making it unbearable, like a starving man looking at a steak dinner.

You gain the following bonuses from sex.

Perk: One Night Stand

Increases the power you gain from fucking a woman for the first time, subsequent rape of the same woman or women in captivity will result in significantly reduced power gain.

Perk: On a Missionary.

You Gain increased power from Vaginal sex.

Perk: Fuck her Gently.

You Gain increased power when your victim is experiencing more pleasure than pain.

Each one of these women are all new so there is that, you can have vaginal sex with all of them. all of these women are in distress, so it would be difficult to pleasure them.

keep in mind that fucking them will exhaust them, so fucking a woman and taking her with you might have an impact on how they travel with you.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Changed part of my vote.