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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Your tentacles carefully grab Amanda and Kara and place them against the meatwall, kara struggles a bit, but finds it more difficult to resist than usual, The tentacled embeded into the wall grab them once again, looping one around their neck, a couple underneath their arms and two more on their thighs to keep them open.

a single tentacle descents upon each of them from your center mass, lowering itself down to their vaginal region, each tentacle thrusts forward gently and penetrates them, they whine in shock from the violation as you begin to slowly fuck them, the rod between their legs moves slowly but with force, descending deep down inside of them, and pulling out nearly entirely, before plunging back down inside again.

You feel the power gathering from their bodies, the tentacle acting as a conduit as it flows outward from you, the meatwall immediately begins to tighten and look healthier, its bioluminescent glow beams brighter, and the walls around the edges slowly creeps outward and up towards the entrance of the cave, your other tentacles become stronger and more energetic.

You gain 400 xp! 1600/2000


Xozz tends to his last duties before getting ready to leave, he places the hungriest of the spawn onto the breasts of Kara and Amanda, Kara tries to shake their off, but their suction power on her nipples is too great, Olivia is left alone to retain her strength for what lies outside, before she leaves, she walks over to you and grabs one of your stray tentacles, milking it as she suck and licks it, as you ejaculate into her mouth she is sure to once again not drop a bit of it, gulping down as much of it as she can as you are ejaculating, after a good breakfast, Xozz and her are ready to move.


Olivia exits the cave and looks around the beach, the wind sweeps around the beach and blows her oil dampened hair into a straight line, Xozz exits the cave behind her, walking like only a construct walking along on massive claws would look, clumsily extending and falling upon his limbs, making quite of bit of mechanical noise.

"Scans indicate that the encampment is to our north, into the desert."

another strong gust of wind catches olivia offguard and she is pushed back, xozzes catches her by extending claw, which barely touches her upper back.

"Lets get moving" Olivia says as she quickly backs away from Xozz.

The odd couple begins to move through the desert, the wind making it difficult for olivia to move though as sand is picked up and pelted against her skin lightly, she raises an arm to shield her eyes from the sand.

"Course we have to pick a cave in the middle of a damn tornado" she turns around and yells to xozz.

"Such a location provides natural protection and shroud from potential predators."

"Predators? who would be foolish enough to attack us?"

"Other species of tentacles who are drawn to an easy meal could raid our lair and take all of our assets"

Thats right, you seem to remember doing something similar to the purple tentacles not long ago.

"Then of course, human rescue parties"

"Hah! dont make me laugh. any humans who try to take us on would only make sure stronger as were enslaved them as well" Olivia states.

"Humanity has overthrown us before, enough of them can overwhelm us, that is why we must be careful not to become detected, if our lair is discovered by them, they will send raiding parties to rescue the women and slaughter us all"

"So how do we defend ourselves?"

"Well" xozz creeps up in front of her, moving backwards while talking to block the incoming sand.

"We need to kidnap more humans, then we should concentrate on building defenses, As we kidnap the humans, more will start looking for them and tentacle raiding parties will smell them and be drawn into our lair."

"I see something ahead" Olivia points outward to a bit of movement along the sand up ahead.

Oliva and xozz go to investigate, creeping closer, trying to see what is happening under the cover of the sandstorm.

You see two orange tentacles dragging a woman along the sand, one tentacle per leg drags her away, the woman is trying to claw her way into the sand to stop herself from being taken, she is wearing workers pants and a buttoned shirt, and may be a worker from the nearby encampment, the orange tentacles look weak, needing two of them to carry one woman, their size would indicate that they arent very matured, and arent strong enough to rip the armor from the woman's body in order to fuck her.

"it appears as though we are not the only ones interested in that encampment"

"Those Tentacles dont appear to be that strong, i bet we could take them."

"I have triangulated the location of their lair based on their direction and speed in relation to the distance of the encampment, we are close."

"What should you we do?"

"You are the Princess, you make the call."

What do you do?

A. Attack the Orange tentacles and Rescue the woman, then continue towards the Encampment.

B. Attack the Orange tentacles and Rescue the woman, then go to the orange tentacle lair and raid it.

C. Ignore the Woman and the Tentacles and Continue onward towards the Encampment.

Additional Choice (If the Woman is rescued)

1. Take the woman with you to the next destination.

2. Have Xozz escort the woman back to the lair.

3. Have Olivia escort the woman back to the lair.

4. Have Xozz and Olivia escort the woman back to the lair and abandon the quest.

5. Have Xozz sacrifice the woman and gain more power.

6. Release the woman.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A4 No need to sacrifice her. She looks strong we could use her. Also attacking the oranges right now might not be wise. First establish a lair. Then raid.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Bringing the woman back our most definitely secure the one woman, but sending two of your companions out and only coming back with one would be a bit of a disappointment or it might be the best decision remaining out of all of the choices, lets consider what we know.

- As Xozz mentioned, you are on the clock, eventually other species of tentacles will come to raid your lair and the close proximity of the orange tentacles suggest it could be them, as more women are kidnapped, the greater your power growth will be, but the more human's will begin searching for them, the more females in a lair, the easier it is to detect by tentacle raiding parties of other species.

- Raiding the Orange lair right now with a woman might be risky, and because the orange tentacles already know about the encampment, they may have already pillaged most of the women from it, or she this woman may be the first they have kidnapped.

- The Encampment was detected from far away by Xozz, in his weakened state, running at about 15% capacity from June's limited power source, this is significant, however he is unable to detect whether the encampment contains females or just males.

- I encourage you all to read over and discuss why a certain action should be taken based on the information Xozz has given you and what you observe.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Great story A/1 i suggest heading to the encampment with her. this would allow for scouting and finding a way to bring females out of there encampment. and in doing so to allow us to predict what kind of fighting force they are with out getting any thing we could use later killed in the process.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Tentacle Anatomy 1: Introduction to The Tentacle ; by Richard Morrow; Researcher at the Royal Academy of Secret Sciences; Filed to the Council

This is a reply to the council at the request of Councilman James Tolliver, who has asked for knowledge regarding the recent 'Tentacle attacks' in nearby villages

Tentacle "Rape" Beasts are a species of creatures who prey upon primarily human females, they tend to abduct and hold their victims in captivity while they rape them over and over again, in some cases impregnating them and forcing them to give birth to new generations of their kind.

Tentacle beasts tend to avoid human males when they can, however they have been known to engage in combat and kill men who they deem a threat, or who must be dealt with before they can take the women.

Tentacles come in all shapes and sizes, but their basic anatomy remains the same, a Tentacle is the main appendage used by Tentacle beasts, it is used to grab, strip, hold and most importantly, fuck its victims.

Tentacles are appendage made up almost entirely of muscle, in fact, an entire Tentacle beast contains 90% muscle, there are no known bones or cartilage in the structure of the tentacle or the beast itself.

Tentacles themselves are generally phallic in shape and have the flexibility to move freely and coil around their victims, the mouth of the tentacle is also similar to the respective orifice on a male human, however it is also capable of sucking up fluid in addition to its primary role of ejaculation, it is widely believed that young tentacles feed primarily off of a woman's milk the way that a human child would.

It is unknown how tentacles 'absorb' their power from fucking a woman, some believe that the warmth generated by the inside of her that the tentacle is able to amplify and convert into energy, however this would not make any sense biologically as the tentacles would not be required to fuck women to find the warmth, as they could find it anywhere from Sunshine to hot springs.

Tentacles prefer to fuck their victims in their lower main orifices, although research suggests that they can gain some power from a victims mouth if these other orifices are not available, some species or tentacle has a strong preference for vaginal sex, others have a strong preference for anal sex, any species of tentacle can gain significant power from either Orifice.

The Team of researchers i am heading has come to the conclusion that the energy transference must be magical in nature, stronger tentacles are known to be able to utilize different kinds of magic, they are the only creature we have ever encountered who are able to utilize such a phenomenon with this much consistency.

Due to their tremendous magical abilities, tentacles are of great interest to the Academy, we must continue to research them until we are able to unlock how they are able to use such powers, do to their predatory nature however, some smaller villages has been attacked by them, and although we at the Academy know about their existence, their continued survival is important to our research, therefore their existence should remain a secret and their actions covered up whenever possible.

- Richard Morrow, Lead Royal Academic Scientist, 'Tentacle' Division.

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B5 As nice as it would be to have another lady to feed off of, we should concentrate on limiting the resource our rivals can have while maximizing our own. Orange doesn't know where we live yet, wich means we'll be free to raid them. He'll with Xozz, we can lead humans to orange's lair so that we can raid from them, and pin all the abductions on them, since they'll be the only ones actually doing any abducting from the village at all!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Other races of Tentacles are your rivals and your enemies, but it would be best for all of you if the general population of humanity didn't know about either of your existence.

If nearby towns and villages knew that tentacles existed for sure, they would increase their defenses and protect their citizens better, as well as increase patrols and start learning to send their rescue parties into caves similar to the ones they found other tentacles in.

As much as you should personally try to destroy and hinter other tentacle races, you should never draw their attention to your existence as a species, of course your actions will increase of decrease humanities suspicion of you, and if you want a full blown war, that may be possible, later on.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I think A5 is our best bet for this situation. When we were released for our first hunt, we were strong enough to handle subduing and taking one woman, whereas these two are likely still alive because the woman they're dragging isn't clubbing the shit out of them. This seems like a good indication that they either don't have enough women to sustain a small settlement, or too many tentacles to sustain outright.

If they're too weak to bother with, it's best we keep them going as a potential scapegoat for the future.

5 isn't really the choice I'd have preferred to use, but we need this outdated clunk bucket at his best for our continued survival. Perhaps we might even become intelligent enough to replace his power source with something less definitive. Maybe in a thousand years.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

If too many womens get taken from the encampment, it will either go on high alert, or run away. We should gork orange and make them work twice as hard. With our telepathic servant-bot, we have a huge advantage in terms of intelligence gathering.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I think A5 is our best bet for this situation. When we were released for our first hunt, we were strong enough to handle subduing and taking one woman, whereas these two are likely still alive because the woman they're dragging isn't clubbing the shit out of them. This seems like a good indication that they either don't have enough women to sustain a small settlement, or too many tentacles to sustain outright.

This is a keen observation, that is all i will say.

If they're too weak to bother with, it's best we keep them going as a potential scapegoat for the future.

5 isn't really the choice I'd have preferred to use, but we need this outdated clunk bucket at his best for our continued survival. Perhaps we might even become intelligent enough to replace his power source with something less definitive. Maybe in a thousand years.

Xozz is really what allows you to stand apart from the other tentacles in your area, nobody else has the advantage of an advanced robot from the golden age of tentacle domination. you chose to activate him by sacrificing one of the women, setting a kind of tone with the rest of the women, Olivia especially, you had mentioned earlier to Olivia after the Kingwood incident that to you, women are a necessity who you take great care in trying not to harm, but the you choose to sacrifice a weak link in June in order to attain this power.

The more Olivia witnesses you choosing actions which sacrifice women or use them as expendable currency, the more ruthless she becomes, soon she will become so powerful and have a mind of her own, her actions will no longer be controllable and they may at some times, make decisions which directly conflict with the desires of you, the voter, this is not close to happening yet, you still have plenty of time to decide her fate, which will in effect, be the culmination of all previous votes, The intended effect being that Olivia is the final product of decisions which have consequences, good and bad.

As Olivia is making this decision herself (with your aid) it will not effect her Feral or Tame rating, but the only reason she is allowed to make the decision to sacrifice at all is because of your actions either.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A/5 i agree with Nirakei. this will be easy to power up Xozz at this time. that way any abilities that he may have but is just short of being usable may come into play once he has gained the power to do so. and hope that once this is done. that he may figure out a way to recharge him self. with out absorbing a woman that could be used later.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Eh........... :/

I'm saying B6, or C. Probably B5 would be our best bet. Take care of orange or give them a huge frigging setback as soon as we can. C seems more prudent. But would likely come back to haunt us if the oranges get too big......

I'll go with B either way, but really I'm torn between suboption 3 and 6........ Three would help as it would give us more women to expand our lair, but 6 while wasteful, seems like it would draw less attention from other tentacles or humans.......

TL/DR; I choose B6.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


The orange ones are weak, for whatever reason. these two will be no problem, consuming the woman gives xozz an energy boost, and going into their lair will tell us exactly how badly orange is right now. if they're suffering, we can take what we please and finish them, if they're overcrowded and can thus mount a good defense, we can just back out and leave before they catch wind very well, like our wanderings around purple.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A5 looks like the best option, we will know more about what is around us and we will be able to hunt more girls without have one in our hands who could spoil our chance of a surprise move. Also Olivia will not get more feral with this choice.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

need a single tiebreaker vote on A or B, 5 is locked in.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Xozz and Olivia run down from the dune to encounter the orange tentacles, they dont notice their presence until it is too late, olivia gets to them first and grabs one of them in the middle, she bites into it and cuts it in half with her power.

Xozz stomps through the sand with force, the terrified tentacle begins to run away but Xozz is able to chase it down and with a quick scissoring cut into the ground, the tentacle is severed in half, more claws descend upon it, mincing the remaining pieces into diced lifeless bits.

The woman attempts to get up and run, but Olivia is in front of her, she pushes her back down to the sand and puts her foot on the woman's chest, still holding the severed pieces of the killed tentacle in her hand.

As Xozz slowly makes his way back to Olivia and the woman, Olivia places her hands around one of the pieces of tentacles and squeezes its juicy semen out onto her tongue, then discards it carelessly over her shoulder, its travells several yards behind her before landing in a heap, she looks the woman in the eyes as she raises the other half into the air and uses her other hand to squeeze the liquid into her mouth, throwing the obliterated tentacle behind her, licking her lips.

"W...What do you want with me?" The woman asks

Olivia puts a couple fingers to her mouth, and looks upward pensively, taking a moment to savor the ability to decide the fate of another woman for the first time.

"Xozz" Olivia says, looking back at the relic as it is only steps behind.

"Yes? My Princess?"

"What did you say your power levels were currently at?" Olivia asks the question in english, to further torment the poor girl under her heel.

"Current Assimilated Battery Unit provides for power levels running stable at 15%"

"That is a tad bit low don't you think?" Olivia shoots the girl a little smirk.

"This unit only requires 5% power levels in order to run most basic requests" Xozz responds with his typical techno jargon-laden response.

"I want you to......Assimilate..this one."

Xozz thinks to himself for a bit, calculating the scenarios, the usual beeps and clicks follow.

"Im not sure the master would approve of this decision"

"The master isn't here now, IS HE?" Olivia snaps back at him.

Several mode beeps and clicks follow..

"Please derobe the female while i prepare the assimilation process"

"Gladly" Olivia reaches down and grabs the woman by the shirt, lifting her up effortlessly.

Xozz begins to Beep and click more as it work quickly to drain june of her remaining power inside of it.

"You know girl, i used to be just like you" looking the woman in the eyes as she speaks.

"please let me go" the woman pleads, tears building up in her eyes

"I was weak like you, helpless, a servant girl who lived her life just waiting to die"

Olivia rips the womans shirt open with her powerful hands, destroying the center of her bra with another quick rip, revealing her young, beautiful breasts.

"Every day id wake up, bored of the same old life, being useless"

Olivia spins the girl around, grabbing her shirt and bra, putting her foot against her back and pressing down, sliding her out of her garments, her breasts pressed against the warm sands.

"My master found me, rescued me, changed me into what i am now"

"You are a monster!"

Olivia lifts the woman up by the rim of her pants and places her on her feet, Olivia creeps behind her and whispers softly in her ear.

"No girl, i am evolved."

With one fell swoop, Olivia grabs the edges of the womans jeans and pulls them down, her panties brought down as well, revealing the womans young pussy as it shines in the sun.

"Boots?!" Olivia yells back to xozz who is distracted as it finishes draining june of all her energy.

Olivia pushes the woman down onto the sand once again, and gets down, forcing her pants and panties through her boots.

"just let me go, i wont tell anyone anything" the woman pleads.

Olivia rips the laces out of the boots with her bare hands, and slips the boots off one by one, taking the socks off with them.

"You got that right" as the final boot hits the sand.

The woman gets up and tries to run but olivia grabs her hair and drags her down to the sand again.

"Your new Battery is ready!"

Xozz begins to glow red and powers up, a bright flash shines through portions of its sides, indicating the end of june, The Phallus raises up and pokes through the top of the platform on xozz has it kneels down on its claw into the sand, awaiting Olivia's placement of the new 'battery'.

Olivia walks the girl over to the platform by her hair, handling it roughly as she places the woman over it, the woman struggles to prevent being penetrated by the phallus below her, putting her hand on the woman's back, her forces her down onto it, the woman is forcefully penetrated by Xozz and she screams out in pain.

The Claws close in on her, pressing against her back and pushing her forward, her breasts pressed tightly against the platform.

"~Power Source Detected - Initiating sustainability sequence~"

The woman's last attempts to claw away are futile has she is impaled below, holding her in place, she is lowered into the device as the platform opens up beneath her, the same phallic devices which moment ago had been fucking june were now being forcefully inserted into her as the platform started to close again.

"~Assimilation Process Initiated, Power source acquired~"

"do a scan, what are power levels projected to be"

"With the power reserves from the previous girl, and the acquisition of the new one, projected power reserves expect to be holding steady at 40%."

"A 25% increase, not bad girl, not bad"

"What is our destination Princess?" Xozz says as it picks itself up from the sand with new resolve, it seems quicker and strong than before.

still need one tiebreaker vote


Xozz has Gained the ability: Assume Control

Xozz gains the ability to temporarily take over the mind of a captured woman, allowing them to leave the lair, scout nearby encampments and return, doing so disables Xozz until he releases her from his control, using this ability when Xozz is fully charged allows him to control a nearby woman who appears on his radar, who is not enslaved.

Xozz Has remembered the Genetic Blueprints for: Tentacle Sentries!

4 Tentacle Sentries are placed inside of the lair, they are strong defenders who will be able to protect your lair from attacks, if a woman is trying to escape, they will be able to subdue her and bring her back, if a non-enslaved woman enters the lair, they attempt to subdue her and enslave her, Tentacle Sentries also defend again Other races of tentacles who are raiding.

Tentacle Sentries costs 1 Expansion rune.

Xozz has remembered the Genetic Blueprints for: Voracious Pod!

Voracious Pod is a gigantic structure which traps a woman inside, protecting her from raids and from any kind of rescue or escape, the woman inside will yield double output in terms of sustainability fuck and drain fuck, women who are drain fucked inside of a voracious pod are immediately able to resume being sustainability fucked, women inside of a voracious pod also regenerate energy while they are being fucked.

Voracious Pod Costs 2 Expansion Runes

Xozz's Radar Distance has been increased!

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Looks like it's time for the sequel to base raiding. Let's hope it's the former of my observations, and they'll have enough women and a worthwhile Pricness to take back.

On that note, how much more energy would a Princess give us when compared to a normal woman?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Go with B and hope for the best possible scenario