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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Not to influence the vote at all, but if this was 'The Sims', Enhancement runes would be your simoleon, which makes you one broke ass mother fucker right now, If you need a new tentacle desk for your new tentacle domicile, you need to start dispensing a whole lot more tentacle cock.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B The wall could use a little more energy, and it should let Olivia know how desperate the situation is.

3 Drain fuck Amanda. Since we need an expansion rune, might as well get one now. We're not at the point where we can sustain the lair and capture new people. We need more tentacles!

SRM While we're powering up, get the new ladies coming in. Hopefuly we'll be able to grow new tentacles and grab women with them in the same turn.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B2, with SRM time to start gathering woman fast. and expanding once we have more then enough energy to do so.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C. Let olivia clean up the other princess first, so we can drain more from her this first go. Have Xozz activate SRM, to bring more humans in. We still want Olivia able to handle any men, so don't use her for now, she can be punished more properly afterwards if need be.

When the humans arrive, focus on simply attaching as many of them to the wall as possible, using all tentacles for the short while that will take. Men, women, everything, but females first. Should make us rich in a hurry, even if the men are less than efficient.

Missed an option. 1, and drain fuck April if she's recovered enough to get a rune from it. Should have enough tentacles for that.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I'm gonna suggest something a bit different, assuming that our tentacle capacity is for actively diddling women rather than being needed to hold them:

Drain fuck both Kara and Amanda, as they're both rested enough for this to be useful. April should rest and catch her breath, because yes we are going to be drilling her good. Olivia can spend her punishment tending and serving (and servicing, if requested) the other women - this also lets her keep an eye on April and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Xozz should go with the SRM emitters... by the time any nearby humans arrive, we should be done with Kara and Amanda and have free tentacles to start fucking them with.

We really should start thinking about whether we're going to keep things cozy and personal, or if we're going to grow into some sort of industrial rape-farm.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Drain fucking requires 3 tentacles because you need one in each orifice, you have 5 right now, 2 of which are sustainability fucking Amanda and Kara, one you level up again you will gain another, but for now, you can DF 1 and SF 2, using up all of your tentacles.

Ill post an update tomorrow.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"Olivia, your punishment will be to clean the women, they have been covered in tentacle semen".

"What am i suppose to clean them with?"

"Water Olivia, our lair is right next to a beach"

Olivia gets up and starts moving, obviously angry at having to do such a mundane task, when she exits the lair, you are still quite angry, figuring it wouldb be the perfect to time take your anger out on kara, who has been a pain in the ass since you got her.

2 additional tentacles slither across the floors towards her, she sees them and starts to struggles.

"GET AWAY FROM ME WITH THOSE THINGS!" she yells out to you.

The tentacles already fucking her gently begins to speed up, its powerful thrusts jolting inside of her and ramming against the back of her vagina, she begins screaming aloud, but you quickly quiet her, as you ram a tentacle into her mouth and it slams against her throat.

"Know your place Kara, your mind and body are mine, there is no point in resisting"

Kara is defiant, wiggling around as much as she can to make the process difficult, your tentacle below her shoots upward and plows into her ass, Kara screams as much as she can at the intrusion, violently trying to pull free.

"Your Struggling will only make you weaker, your energy is mine kara"

Kara's energy begins to sink down into her loins, her face and arms feel much more tired and she stops struggling, her hips and pelvis still swinging around in attempt to dislodge the tentacles raping her.

Kara's Energy begins to be siphoned from her onto you, the brutal fucking you are putting on her and the intensity of the assault tire her our fast, The tentacle in her ass sinks deeper and deeper, absorbing the energy her body has sent through her.

You feel the power as it runs down your tentacles, it enters your center, and you feel empowered, magical runes begin to appear in the air around you, pieces of them collecting.

When Kara has been fully sapped of energy, you ejaculate inside of her, her mouth, vagina and anus are all floored with your semen, you pull out all at once and she drops back down to the floor, gushing semen from all of her orifices, she blinks and starts weakly spitting out the semen in her mouth as huge blobs of it run down her chin and neck, she can barely work up the energy to spit, she nods her head forward and closes her eyes, passing out.

The Pieces of the runes collect and combine, in a flash, a Expansion Rune forms as it flies around you in the air, spinning.

"Xozz, Activate the Short range mind control emitters, we need to increase our flock"

"Affirmative Master"

Xozz beeps and clicks, bright lights shine inside of him and he lets out a wide electronic noise, its shockwave runs through the lair and up through its cave walls, extending to just beyond the orange tentacle lair, but not far enough to reach the town, all of the humans who were in the desert between your lair and there turn towards your lair and begin slowly walking towards it, and should be here soon.


Olivia comes back into the lair with a conch shell full of water, she takes a look at Kara who is passed out and covered in semen in the corner and walks over to her immediately.

"Dont touch a drop Olivia, it is part of your punishment!"

Olivia grumbles angerly and begins wiping the cum from her with her hand, huge gobs of it are scooped off of her and she splatters them on the floor.

She sticks her hand inside of Kara pussy and starts excavating the semen inside of her, licking her lips the entire time.

once she is finished, she sticks two fingers into her ass and starts trying to flush it out.

"this isnt working very well"

"you are going to have any fun until you are finished"

Olivia finishes up getting the semen out of Kara, at least the stuff that would continue to leak out of her and get all over he, she takes a handful of water and starts rubbing it onto her body, wiping off the thick cum from her chin and neck.

"you made kind of a mess here, huh?"

"Drain Fucking is always a messy affair"

"Next time, i want to clean this up with my tongue"

"Next time you might be passed out in her place"

"i wouldn't object"

"it wouldn't matter if you did"

she drops her hand and looks over at you.

"Cmon, i am your princess, i don't have a say in any of this?"

"Olivia, you are my princess, but you are also still a human, who i intend to feed off of and use as i would any woman."

she throws her conch shell onto the ground, trying to break it, the meatwall breaks it fall and saves it.

"This is bullshit, We're suppose to be a team, i share power with you and you dont even treat me like im important, am i simply another bitch for you to stick your cocks inside of?"

"I think it is time for a reality check Olivia, look at that other princess in the corner, orange's princess"

"yeah? what about her?"

"When you found her, she was being fucked into exhaustion by her master."

"So you want to do the same to me huh, be your little fuck puppet, to do with as you will."

"That is exactly what i intend, you're lucky i am so tolerant of your insolence"

"Fine, Master, ill try to be a good little girl" she picks up her conch shell and walks quickly out of the lair, obviously furious of her lack of power

Xozz walks up to you and speaks his mind.

"It is good to keep her in her place master, she must understand that she is a servant, as are we all" Xozz says to you.

April opens her eyes and speaks, having been listening this entire time.

"my old master wouldn't have any kind of patience for a girl like her." April says

Amanda just thinks to herself, she knows that Olivia will always be treated better than her, to the master, Amanda is just a slave, Olivia is special and will always receive special treatment, regardless of what either of them say.


The first of the humans begin to show up inside of the lair.

It is a young woman with long blondge hair and large breasts who is wearing a two piece swimsuit, she must have been at the beach.

you grab her by the chest and place her against the wall where is is pinned down.

Another young woman shows up who is a wearing a two piece swimsuit, she looks older probably mid 30s, probably the woman's mother, but she is still attractive and you should be able to use her, she has short blonde hair and breasts which are about the same size as her daughters, you pick her up and put her next to her daughter against the wall.


Olivia comes back with another conch of water and begins washing Amanda, first dampening her stomach

"Olivia" amanda says to her.

"What is it girl?"

"Can we talk? just like before, im lonely"

"you want to talk, then talk"

Olivia wipes Amanda's stomach free of semen residue as they talk

"I just wanted to let you know that we can still be friends, you being who you are doesnt have to change us" Amanda says to her

"Whatever Amanda, just hold still"

Olivia begins to apply water to her thighs, which are covered in semen.

"Do you got any gossip?" Amanda smiles towards her

"Yeah, Kara is bitch and Xozz cant learn how to shut up"

Amanda giggles and a small smile forms on her face.

Olivia begins wiping around Amanda's pussy with a bit of water, the tentacle inside of her still slowly fucking her as olivia works her way around it.

"I just wanted to let you know Olivia, that i agree with you"

"about what"

"About not having any say"

"Try not to think about that kind of thing Amanda, you are a simple slave, just try to enjoy yourself as much as you can"

Olivia finishes up, dumping the rest of the water on her other thigh and wiping away the rest of the caked cum.

"Please keep talking to me Olivia"

"You have to make new friends Amanda, plenty of women here are just like you........... im differant now, i cant do.....girl talk anymore.

Olivia takes her shell and walks outside of the lair again, Amanda behind her looks disappointed, then starts looking around the room at the other girls, maybe she can make friends here..


Another human shows up, a young man in merchant clothing, he carried some of his supplies here on his body, he must be a traveling merchant who was traveling across the desert.

you grab him and pin him against the meatwall, the grabs onto him, Olivia will want to have some fun with him later, and then you can sort though his gear.


Olivia comes back with another shell full of water and walks over to April, starting to clean her.

"What is your story?" April asks Olivia

"My story?"

"Yeah, how did you become princess?"

"Its a long story, i guess the master just liked how my pussy felt better than most"

"He saw something in you, i see it too"

"What do you mean?"

Olivia continued to wash her, but she was listening

"You have a kind of fire and determination"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, don't worry about what you masters says, he likes you this way."

"Thanks, i guess"

She finishes up quickly and walks over to her master.


"Im done" Olivia says to you.

"Good, well done" you say.

".....thanks" Olivia says

"Olivia, ive made a decision regarding your role in this lair."

What do you do?
(End of Chapter 1 Decision (Important))

A. Tell Olivia that you've decided that she is your equal, you will allow her to act of her own free will, and wont take advantage of her, if you decide to fuck her, she can choose to decline if she doesnt want to, she will work with you in a partnership when managing the lair.

B. Tell Olivia that you've Decided that she is not your equal but will remain as your Princess, she is a woman just like the rest of them and will act accordingly, you will take advantage of her anytime you want because she is your property, if you decide to fuck her, she wont have any choice, Xozz will become the new second in command, and she and all the rest of the women must obey him as they would you when not in your presence.

C. Tell Olivia that you are going to dispel the enchantment placed on her that makes her your princess, she will lose all of her power and revert into a regular woman where you will continue to keep her in captivity and she will become just like all of the others. you may at a later time choose to make a different woman to be your princess, but you will stop sharing power for now.

D. Tell Olivia that you are going to dispel the enchantment placed on her that makes her your princess, she will lose all of her power and revert into a regular woman. you will release her from your custody, she is free to live a normal life like a regular woman and you wont capture her again, you may at a later time choose to make a different woman to be your princess, but you will stop sharing power for now.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A isn't an option. Olivia has proven that when acting autonomously she's dangerous to everyone around her, and reckless. The power of a tentacle lord has gone straight to her head.

B Doesn't work either. Xozz is an expensive resource sink, eating women we could otherwise have with us now. He should go into passive mode until we figure out how redesign him. Which means he isn't going to be second in command. Second, being a total dick to every is what pissed off the humans so much that the tentacle lords of yore got killed. Lets at least try to be a step up from them.

C is a more consevative option, allowing us to keep Olivia around, but select a new princess. Maybe someone more virtuous, with a brain?

D? Absolutely not! Once in the hive, always in the hive. Blue Tentacoo Forever!

I'm gonna have to go with A. As much as I want to dispel Olivia's blessing and give Amanda a shot, Olivia has at least been loyal, sort of. She's just a murderous lunatic...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I'm choosing B but With the condition that XooZ doesn't take any woman for himself before bringing her to us so that we may decide (remember Xooz is a machine he will follow our commands to the letter)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B it is a simple choice. if she wants to earn her spot as second in command back. she will have to show she can earn it back. which will be hard to out do a machine that listen's to everything.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

This is a very big decision, so ill give it a while before i post an update, you are essentially locking in who will be your second in command for the rest of the CYOA, it will permanently effect Olivia.

Xozz would have handled the previous mission entirely differently, he wouldn't have been able to make the decision to assimilate the girl and he most likely would have stuck with the mission rather than divert to the orange tentacle lair.

Xozz would be unable to make judgement calls, instead he would calculate the data and predict scenarios.

Xozz isnt a combatant, although he is a big hulking construct, his ability to capture or attack targets is not that great, if he was out in the field for every mission he might become a bit of a liability, Olivia is at least a combatant who would be able to make decisions for herself.

We've seen Olivia in action, she is bold, fearless, and ruthless, as a new princess who is still getting used to her power, she is still learning what her capabilities are, if Olivia remains the Second in command, she will have the confidence to do her job her way.

Choosing to disenchant Olivia would allow you to choose a new Princess, but who would be better than her currently?

Amanda desperately wants to escape in order to get back to her boyfriend, she thinks you are a monster, and whispers in Olivia's ear about how evil and corrupt she has become because of you, having the tables turned on Olivia would be an interesting scenario.

Kara absolutely hates you, she despises tentacles, especially purple tentacles since they kidnapped her sister, you recently raped her and drain fucked her, she probably wont forgive you for that, but with her rage and the dark power you infused her with, she would be incredibly powerful.

April is the former Orange Princess, she understands her place, being fucked over and over again by her previous master, she is happy with your more lenient approach, however, she has already been corrupted by orange and felts its power, in order to make her your Princess you would need to break her current enchantment and apply your own, who knows how she would react to that.

Becoming a Tentacle Princess changes a person, it changed Olivia completely who was a timid servant girl before you unleashed her power, how she has become wrathful towards humanity, embracing her power and being completely loyal to you for 'evolving her'

Although it would be difficult for a woman to resist serving you, they would have a different approach and it wouldn't necessarily be for the better.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

we'll Serifyn has a point but olivia want to be partners with a tentacle lord but she clearly isn't . So i'll think about it some more we cant have a servant who doesn't obey our every command so i'll either change my decision to "C" or stay with my current one "B" I'll give my answer later.
(And by the way I want to know more about the women we captured maybe one of the could be a more suitable princess)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Tentacle Anatomy 3: Tentacle Hierarchy and Social Order ; by Richard Morrow; Researcher at the Royal Academy of Secret Sciences; Filed to the Council

As the council prepares for a vote on whether or not to conceal the existance of Tentacle Beasts, ive prepared more notes about their behavior and social structure.

Not only do Tentacle Beasts show a high degree of intelligence, but they have developed a social order which has expanded to their captives as well.

Every Tentacle Society is headed by a 'Tentacle Overlord' these are powerful Tentacle beasts which are the center of their brood, they make all of the decisions regarding their brood, including where to raid and how to manage their lair.

From there, every tentacle has the same rank of 'tentacle spawn' they may have different roles, but they have the same social status as any other tentacle regardless of how strong.

The Real surprising thing about tentacles is their social structure for females in their captivity.

Like the Tentacle Overlord, there is one woman who is recognized as the leader of women in the group, she is linked to the Overlord by way of magic, and they share power they gain.

Before an Overlord begins his lair, Tentacle Overlord's Female Assistants are known simply as Slaves, or Bound-Slaves, this is because they are bound to the tentacle lord, but dont gain much power since the Overlord himself is not at his strongest form, Bound-Slaves are powerful creatures who are physically stronger and quicker than any other human could possibly be, as they are infused with dark magic which empowers and corrupts them.

When a Overlord Plants itself into a lair, The Bound-Slave grows in power significantly, Tentacles refer to these servants are 'Princesses', which is a term believed to be created by the humans themselves, and not the tentacles.

Finally, when an Overlord is especially power after having sex with several hundred women, the Princess Evolves into a 'Queen', queens are extremely powerful creatures who share a mind-meld with the Overlord, their physical power is unmatched by any creature we've ever encountered for its size and weight, they are quick as lightning and stronger than 25 human men, they are also able to use special magical abilites, it is our believe that they will be our link to understanding how humans may one day be able to use magic.

Bound-slaves, Princesses and Queens all tend to the needs of the Lair or the Overlord, she is generally the most trusted adviser to the tentacle, she coordinates efforts outside of the lair when he cannot be present and when one of his spawn is unable to mind meld with the overlord himself.

These women generally consider themselves above the normal enslaved female, thinking of them as a resource rather than a person, although there are exceptions, many Princesses and Queens are heartless and even more cruel than their tentacle lords, their humanity and conscious twisted by the Tentacle's Dark corrupting magic.

Princesses and Queens show that Tentacles and Humans can live and work in harmony, we believe that we may one day be able to make peace with tentacles and possibly form a sort of symbiotic relationship.

P.S. Councilman Tolliver, please contact me personally for the notes you requested on Tentacle Breeding Habits.

- Richard Morrow, Lead Royal Academic Scientist, 'Tentacle' Division.

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

We've made her too god damned feral........ I personally think if we had lead her to be tamer, she would not be reckless and cock sure of herself. We made the bed though, may as well lay in it........... A.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

The path to making her obedient has practically been laden with feral choices and consequences. A is the only choice that will broker any hint of compassion between the two parties remaining strong, but it'll practically finish her role as a feral Princess.
Serifyn said:
you are essentially locking in who will be your second in command for the rest of the CYOA
That's too definitive. There is every chance that she can become such a woman as to reclaim her position, if she would only stop to think.

The only way C/D will ever work out would be as a hat trick, where she willingly chooses the Overlord regardless of no longer being corrupted.

It's such a damn shame we couldn't force some of April's memories into Olivia. Nothing will tame her outside of realising that every action she takes will have consequences, especially in relation to herself.

I'll make my choice after I invent a three side coin.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I pick A, though I would rather have her continue to be a 'second' than an 'equal'.

Xozz would indeed follow our orders to the letter, but that actually tends to cause more problems than it solves, in my experience. Olivia acts with our best interest in mind, and even when we disciplined her, she just grumbled and did it. She can adapt to changing circumstances and priorities better than xozz ever could, and her only mistake so far has been one of ignorance, not malice or stupidity.

If she's willing to listen to xozz with the same brevity we do, as he is really the most perfect advisor we can hope for, then she'll learn and the whole lair should flourish.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I'll be picking A as well (cheers for the site, Taken!).

And I just noticed this specific part in the newest anatomy lesson:
queens are extremely powerful creatures who share a mind-meld with the Overlord
Even if she does become largely uncontrollable due to becoming feral, we might be able to eliminate this problem by aligning our thoughts. So rather than becoming reliant on us, she very well could become a literal extension of our will.

Let's hope she doesn't sleep with every other Overlord, their Princesses and their dogs before then, though :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"We've been through a lot, you and i, and while i may sometimes disagree with your decisions and methods, you've always been loyal while having our best interests in mind, ive decided to officially make you equal to me in our lair, i want you to start taking this very seriously, someday, we'll be incredibly powerful together and ill want you there to act as my champion, for now, we must focus on growing more powerful until the day comes when you go out and impose our will against our enemies." you say to Olivia

"I dont know what to say master....thank you" Olivia says to you.

"Don't call me master anymore, that is my final command."

"What should i call you?"

"Names are meaningless to a tentacle society, but ill let you come up with something if you wish"

"What about Lazuli, like the Gem"

"Whatever you want Olivia."

"Lazuli it is" Olivia walks over to you with a big smile, and her arms out wide, she catches you off guard and she wraps her arms around you and gives you a big hug capturing many of your tentacles around her, closing her eyes and rubbing her face against you.

"Thank you for trusting me with this" Olivia says as she backs away from you with a smile.and tends to her other duties.

Olivia has become Completely Feral!

Olivia's Strength and Quickness have Doubled!

Olivia has learned the ability: Drain Fuck; Male!

Olivia is able to Drain Fuck a man, exhausting him entirely and sending the energy to her Overlord, this process tires her our as well and she becomes 'tired' status immediately, but earns a energy regeneration buff which increases her energy more quickly until it is full.

You have lost all control of Olivia! She now makes decisions for herself!


If you had a heart, it would have been heartwarming to receive such affection from Olivia, you've made her happy and you hope that you haven't made some kind of terrible mistake.

You begin to tend to the new arrivals.

"Xozz, is this the last of them?" you ask him

"It would appear so master, any more would have been here by now"

"Why so few?" you ask

"It would appear that our location is more isolated than i previously calculated, of course this has its advantages, one of the clear disadvantages will be that we shall be forced to bring in most of our own slaves"

"Understood, ill mobilize Olivia as soon as she is ready"

"Master there is one more thing"

"What is it?"

"Ive detected pockets of roaming humans on the edge of my radar, i believe they are searching for their missing humans."

"Will they find us?"

"It is unlikely, however i would encourage Olivia to be careful outside of the lair, being naked and vulnerable they could try to rescue her or lead her back here."

"Understood, ill warn her before she leaves."


You bring your tentacles up to the older of the two new women, she is about 35 years old from your estimation but is in great shape, her average breasts and short blonde hair make her look younger than she is .you place your tentacles above her bathing suit, you tears downward and her breasts flop out of the suit, you rip further to reveal her vagina, which is still in great condition for her age, you stick a tentacle into her mouth in order to communciate with her.

"Greetings slave, i am your new master, your body and mind are now mine, do not try to resist, it is futile."

"Please just let my daughter go, you can do anything you want with me"

"What is your name?"

"My name is Linda, please, be reasonable"

"I am sorry, i cannot grant you your wish, however, i will allow you two to stay close to each other and i will try to make you two feel as much pleasure as possible"

"Please" Linda starts to cry, as you move on to her daughter, an 18 or 19 year old girl who has long beautiful blonde hair, and large breasts, you take her two-piece bathing suit off piece by piece and stick a tentacle into her mouth.

"Greetings Slave, i am your new master your body and mind are mine now, so don't try to resist"

"Get away from me! you are disgusting!"

the woman struggles to get the tentacle out of her mouth.

"Do not resist girl, or i will make your mother suffer."

"no......you wouldn't"

"What is your name?"


"Be a good little girl Kim, and ill treat you and your mother as well as i can, if you resist, i will take it our on her, do you understand?"



You retrieve your tentacles from their mouth's and pull them back, the mother and daughter begin crying and trying to console each other.


Olivia walks up to the merchant, Surveying his gear.

She points to something attached to his side.

"Is that what i think it is"

"Yes, it is a Dildo"

"Why are you carrying a Dildo around in the middle of the desert?"

"Because i am a purveyor of sexual instruments, many of which have been outlawed by the council in order to encourage population growth, my name is greg by the way"

"yeah whatever, slave"

Olivia reaches into his bag, and pulls out various sexual instruments one at a time.

She pulls out a set of Steel balls all linked into a chain.

"What is this thing?"

"Those are steel anal beads, you.....put them in your ass."

"cute." Olivia says to him, placing in in front of her.

Olivia pulls out a long tubelike thing, perfect size for inserting a mans penis into.

"What about this?"

"thats called a condom, its made of lambskin, people use it to prevent pregnancy"

"I guess we wont need that than, will we?" She throws it over her shoulder.

Finally, Olivia pulls out a large, lifelike Vagina, she presses her fingers against it, it feels really rubbery and not particularly soft.

"What the fuck is this thing?"

"its a life-like vagina, made to scale."

Olivia bursts out laughing.

"This is yours isn't it?" she asks him

His face turns red in embarrassment as he looks down at the ground.

"Well you wont need this anymore." Olivia says.

Olivia uses her powerful claws to rip all of his clothing off in one fell swoop, ripping down the center and tearing the remains off, throwing them into a corner to his side.

Olivia grabs his face and starts kissing him, with her other hand she grabs his penis and starts stroking it.

Olivia whispers in his ear "You are my sexual instrument now boy"

Olivia kneels down and begins begins to suck his already erect cock, wrapping her tongue around it and slithering it over him.

"ohhhhhh" he moans in pleasure.

Olivia gets off of the ground and wraps her hands around his back, she jumps onto him and grabs his back with her legs, securing herself tightly, then gently lowers herself onto his cock.

Olivia Plants her lips about his, sticking her tongue deep into his mouth, his tongue tries to escape hers as she relentlessly pursuits him, pinning him down.

Olivia pounds against his cock, moving quicker than lightning, her soggy depths caressing his cock 5 times per second has her inhuman speed quickly gains him of his energy.

Olivia gets off of him, then acrobatically jumps back on, wrapping her legs around his head, and forcing his mouth right up against her pussy, she begins sucking his cock again as he cant resist sticking his tongue down into her pussy.

Olivia a finger into his ass and presses down against his prostate, she massages his balls as she gobbles down his cock, Finally he ejaculates into her mouth, and she shallows huge amounts of his cum, pressing against his prostate further for maximum yield.

Olivia plants a small kiss onto his dick and crawls off of him, wiping her lips clean.

"I bet your rubber vagina cant do that" she says to him as she giggles to herself and moves on, he passes out in exhaustion.

Across the room, the power transferred to you from Olivia gathers into magical runes, which combine and in a flash, create another Expansion Rune which spins around in the air, Olivia rests comfortably in the corner, licking her fingers.


You have Reached level 6!

You have Gained a Tentacle!

You have gained the perk: Double your Pleasure, Double your fun!

Humans who you are fucking are now send a mirror of the pleasure you feel, they are able to feel both themselves being fucked and you fucking them.


Xozz begins recharging, unable to preform any abilities right now.


You currently have (5) Women under your control and (6) Tentacles available.

Meatwall integrity at 70%, you have 2 Expansion runes.

Energetic Human
Status: Rested (Regular Yield) / Resting

Normal Human
Status: Rested (Regular Yield) / Sustainability Fucked

Orange Princess
Status: Rested (Regular Yield) / Resting

Normal Human
Status: Rested (Regular yield)

Energetic Human
Status: Fully rested


What do you do?

A. Drain Fuck (need 3 Tentacles)

B. Sustainability Fuck (Need 1 tenta..........



"What is it Xozz, im trying to decide what our options should be going forward in regards to these girls"

"Master, why dont you allow me to handle it while you concentrate on Directing Olivia and improving the Lair with expansion runes."

"whew, i thought you'd never ask Xozz, this is getting pretty confusing"



You have (2) Expansion Runes.


Drain Fucking KARA has unlocked the genetic blueprint for 'Vaginal WALL'

Creates a large vagina-like doorway at the entrance of the lair, this doorway will search any entering human to ensure that they are female before allowing them to enter the lair, males will be instantly rejected, the Vaginal WALL Is extremely difficult to destroy, but it requires at least 90% Lair integrity to maintain, otherwise it weakens and starts to disintegrate, Requires 4 Expansion Runes.

Drain Fucking Greg has unlocked the genetic blueprint for 'Impregnation Pool'

Creates a large pool of tentacle semen with an ovipositor at the bottom, the women held inside of the pool is fucked continuously until the Ovipositor inserts itself into her and fills her with eggs, pregnancy period is decreased significantly and spawn require no feeding once they are born, the process continues automatically until the woman is removed or replaced. Costs 5 Expansion Runes.

What do you do?

A. Use 1 Expansion rune to Create 'Tentacle Sentries.'

Xozz Has remembered the Genetic Blueprints for: Tentacle Sentries!

4 Tentacle Sentries are placed inside of the lair, they are strong defenders who will be able to protect your lair from attacks, if a woman is trying to escape, they will be able to subdue her and bring her back, if a non-enslaved woman enters the lair, they attempt to subdue her and enslave her, Tentacle Sentries also defend again Other races of tentacles who are raiding.

B. Use 2 Expansion Runes to Create a 'Voracious Pod'

Xozz has remembered the Genetic Blueprints for: Voracious Pod!

Voracious Pod is a gigantic structure which traps a woman inside, protecting her from raids and from any kind of rescue or escape, the woman inside will yield double output in terms of sustainability fuck and drain fuck, women who are drain fucked inside of a voracious pod are immediately able to resume being sustainability fucked, women inside of a voracious pod also regenerate energy while they are being fucked.

C. Save your Current Expansion runes.
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