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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

The night is always darkest before the dawn.

look at it this way, you've already lost almost everything, what more do you have to lose? i mean, other than your humanity.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

that is true. so i am going to keep my vote of A some time's the best thing to do is fall completely to rebuild and become stronger then ever before.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Intermission 11: Samantha

Samantha ran through the thicket of the forest, the creatures chased her relentlessly, and never seemed to grow tired, all of those hours jogging through the early hours of the day were finally paying off, her endurance was the only thing between her and being ravaged like the rest of her friends in town.

Barkholm was hit at night, the purple tentacled creatures slithered through the streets while the town slept, breaking down doors with their enormous strength and rushing to the bedside of women throughout the town.

The men were held down, they were unarmed and forced to watch as mothers, daughters and sisters were mercilessly raped before them by the horrible creatures.

Samantha was in her bed when she heard the door burst open beneath them, she quickly got out of bed and looked out the window, her roommate beth was still in bed when the creatures came up the stairs and assaulted her.

The creatures tore her night down apart effortlessly, a slicing blade cutting down the front of it as they swarmed onto her bed, one of the tentacles jammed a tentacle into her ass and she screamed aloud as it began to fuck her ruthlessly.

Samantha was corned by a couple more of them, grabbing the bottom of her gown as she jumped out of an open window and onto the shingles outside, the bottom half of her night gown was shredded.

She rolled down the side of the house and landed perfectly on her feet and ran away from the town, the cries of women flooded the air behind her as she did all she could....run.


She had been running forever, at least 10 minutes straight into the woods, the sounds of bushes being separated behind her told her she was still being chased, and she would find out soon by what.

Samantha took her eyes off the path for a split second and tripped over a root, she fell to the ground in front of her, she quickly turned to look back and tried to get up, but it was too late, the creature caught her.

A humanoid appeared behind Samantha, she noticed her long hair first, which radiated white against the moonlight, her skin was white as snow and she was wearing nothing but loincloth around her breasts and privates.

"You gave me quite the chase child" the mysterous woman's face came into more of the moonlight, revealing her face and silver tiara, with a large diamond gem imbedded into the middle.

"Wha...what are you?" Samantha said to her

"I am your Queen............why don't you get on your knees"

Samantha felt her body move without her permission, slowly moving into a kneeling position in front of the mysterious woman.

"What are you doing to me?!" Samantha yelled outloud

"Playing with my food."

The Mysterious woman dropped her loincloth to reveal a large, thick penis where her clitoris would be, beneath it, her vagina dripped with lubrication, the woman walked up to Samantha, her penis fully erect in second.

"taste it" the woman said to Samantha

"I will not!"

the mysterious woman rolled her eyes.

The woman's arms split and turned into tentacles before Samantha's eyes, wrapping around her neck and back and pulling her forward, her mouth placed onto the woman's cock and jammed downward.

Samantha could feel the woman's slimy veiny cock inside of her mouth, knocking against the back of her throat, two tentacles formed back into hands and the woman began softly brushing the womans hair as Samantha was forced to suck her cock.

"You village girls always give the best blowjobs you know" The mysterious woman continued to rub her hair.

Samantha sucked on the cock, to her it tasted fantastic, everything about it fascinated her, she was mesmerized by it and didn't notice until later that the mysterious woman wasent holding onto her anymore.

An explosion of semen burst into her mouth, the burst of flavor caused Samantha to greedily swallow and lick up the substance around her mouth.

Samantha took her lips off of the cock and up looked at the mysterious woman.

"What, you want more?"

Samantha nodded slowly in front of her, beginning to blush a bit from the shame.

"how can i resist those puppy dog eyes?"

The mysterious woman lifted samantha into the air with her arm and tentacles from the other arm and placed samantha ontop of her huge cock, the cock penetrated her cleanly and samantha looked up at the moon, closed her eyes and smiled as the woman lifted her up and down on her cock, its veins rubbing against her insides causing shocking sensations to run up her spine.

The mysterious woman placed the woman down on the ground lightly and released loincloth around her breasts, revealing large lactating breasts.

she crossed her legs and lifted the woman up, then released her, Samantha kepted lifted herself up and down the woman's penis hungerly, moaning louded and louded, the mysterious woman ejaculated inside of her and she screamed out in incredible pleasure. she curled into a ball and layed on the ground.

"i bet you are hungry after that huh?"

"you are incredible" Samantha told her

"come here cutie"

the mysterious woman grabbed Samantha and put her arms underneath her knees and head and held her like a baby to her breast, Samantha put her lips against the woman's breast and the most creamy and delicious milk flowed into her mouth, she started to suck and couldn't stop.

"Arent you the most gorgeous little thing" the mysterious woman stroaked her back as samantha greedily sucked on the womans breasts

finally when samantha was finished, her crawled off of the woman and curled up into a ball, putting her thumb into her mouth and sucking it.

the Mysterious woman's penis shrunk down dramatically until she only has a clitoris again, her tentacles merged into a arm again and she reattached her loincloth to her body, she gave small kiss on the cheek the Samantha and walked into the shadows of the forest again.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I was taking notes on lair management to see if I could create so ething like a SimBrothel crossed with Overlord. I wanted to play that game, but realized I'd have to make it myself.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

that would be pretty fun.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Before I make my choice, I'd like to get this off my chest:
Oh, fuck off!
Serifyn said:
The night is always darkest before the dawn.
And what a dim dawn it is going to be.

Sorry. But if Olivia's suspicions are true, this means that we have sealed our fate a number of choices ago. Worse, the advanced clunk bucket or the magical Overlord could not detect any taint within the Princess that could possibly make her a tracking beacon.

This leaves Xozz, who is lost technology, and thus completely outside of the understanding of the modern tentacle races. Being subserviant to one specific colour, "abandoned," and reactivated by a different colour can merely mean he serves the latter colour until he can empower the former. Again, means we have sealed our fate a large number of choices ago.

But I digress. You'll reveal what gave us away sooner or later, lest it becomes a plot hole.

I'm going with A. What we choose is irrelevant; a tragedy will only be overturned when everything is lost. In all likelihood, you'll have us lose everything and set it up that we bring back this mythical demon. You've referenced the lore, it's likely you'll try making the story smart by means of a Chehkov's Gun.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Chapter 3: The Matriarch

Olivia wipes the last tears from her face and looks laura in the eyes.

"Im willing to do whatever it takes to get revenge, do the ritual on me"

Laura gives Olivia a slight nod, and walks over to lazuli's body, Olivia follows her.

"Back thousands of years ago, the tentacles were doing all kinds of experiments in order to gain more power from the women that they fuck, those experiments eventually led to the link between humans and overlords, known as the binding, it is what allows overlords and princesses to be connected and share power, but before they discovered how, they had a few....mishaps."

Laura scoops up some of the still warm slime from under lazuli's corpse, and begins to rub it onto Olivia body, onto her shoulders, on her breasts, under her breasts, on her ass, everywhere.

"Tentacle slime is a powerful conductor between the human mind and the Hive mind of a tentacle, it allows humans to join in on conversation with them, but they had no idea how powerful the connection was and how the stronger will could overtake the other permanently, in both mind and body."

Laura tooks another big scoop and moves over to Olivia's already slime covered body, she dips two fingers into the slime and sticks them inside of Olivia's vagina, and rubs them all around, Olivia being human again it causes her to recoil in pleasure, unable to resist the sensation.

"turn around and spread your legs"

Olivia turns around and moves her two legs apart, opening her ass, Laura takes another big scoop of the slime and enters her ass with her two fingers, once again rubbing it around inside of her generously.

"You will fuck our last remaining blue tentacle, it will try to drain your power and if it succeeds, you will lose so much power that you will either die or become comatose, but your willpower is stronger, you will take its energy instead, you will see the energy in your mind and you will take it, entirely."

"what will happen to me?" Olivia says, as slime drips from her orifices below her

"Your body will absorb the tentacle creature entirely, and fuse your souls together, your body will become a hybrid of human and tentacle, but you will be both and neither, capable of absorbing men's power and women's power, you will become the ultimate being, capable of gaining and sharing power with yourself, effectively doubling it"

Olivia stands there, looking at the blue tentacle across the room from her.

"i am ready."

"Be strong Olivia"


Olivia walks up to the Adult blue tentacle and grabs its tentacles, the creature is unable to resist being stimulated in such a way by a woman and grabs her with all four of her tentacles.

"Olivia, fool it into thinking you are easy prey, force it to fuck you in all three holes, then see its lifeforce in your mind and take it."

olivia walks towards the creature, one of its tentacles uncoiling from her and inserting itself into her pussy.

Olivia feels a flash as she sees the world from the tentacles perspective, she can sense the warmth and energy radiating from her own body, her mouth begins to salivate as if in anticipation for a good meal, the tentacle begins to fuck her slowly.

Olivia cries out as the strength in her body begins to shift, another tentacle uncoils itself and fires up into her asshole, Olivia sees another flash, another mental image from the creatures mind, it sees her as a delicate toy, for which it can protect and please for centuries, more tears stream down Olivia's face as she prepares to ambush this poor creature.

Twin tentacles fuck Olivia inside, first at a slow pace, then moving quicker, Olivia struggles to hold onto her energy, losing much of it to the creature, Olivia pulls some of that energy back up her body away from the source below, her mind races and she becomes dizzy.

The tentacle finally removes one more of its tentacles and shoots into her mouth, knocking against the back of her throat, another flash image enters her mind, herself as a child, playing with her human friends, smiling and being a happy child, the tentacle reflects on its own childhood, images of fucking other women enter her mind, the moment the creature was birthed, how it crawled around inside of Amanda's vagina and exited, being birthed into a new scary world, crawling up Amanda's body in anticipation of its first meal.

Olivia sees a bright blue light in her mind, the creatures power and makes an aggressive move to reach out to it with her mind, as her power wanes, the creature pulls her back, plunging the tentacles deeper inside of her, pulling her further away from the source of its power, with one last mental push, Olivia exerts all of her remaining energy and reaches out for the source of power with her mind, she images herself holding the power in her hand, capturing it and not letting it escape.

Olivia feels power returning to her slowly, the tentacles inside of her replenishing her power with every thrust, Olivia can feel the creature's fear and it tries to pull out of her, but she wont let it go, she imagines herself holding the creature down as she forces it to rape her, its instincts taking over, is is unable to stop, the creature's power is drained more and more, its thrusts less enthusiastic with each attempt, Olivia mentally visualizes the power source in her hand become as small as a cherry, she puts it inside of her mouth and swallows.

the tentacle creature ejaculates inside of Olivia, filling her mouth, pussy and ass with the creatures fluid, she quickly swallows all of its semen as she feels her familiar princess powers returning, and growing enormously.

Olivia's body absorbs the semen in her ass and vagina, sucking it up like a Vaccum and using it to energize herself, the tentacles fall lifelessly to the ground, Olivia closes her eyes and everyone around the room watches as her skin changes into a slimey, slippery blue texture, her hair changes to dark blue, thin and slick, like tentacles themselves, her breasts become large and orb shaped, her hips widen and her ass tightens, her vagina drips with semi-blue lubrication and her breasts begin to lactate blue slime.

Olivia opens her eyes, and the bright blue glow has replaced her irises, Olivia looks around the room with her enhanced vision and sees her human companions, she looks at them like they are a delicious meal, able to detect leon through his suit, able to see laura's power spread throughout her body.

Olivia raises her right arm to the air and visualizes it as a tentacle, it splits seamlessly into three tentacles before her eyes, all writhing and wiggling with life.

Olivia's entire group looks on with fascination, Xozz's beeping noises indicate that he is creating a log of this event, Leon just stands there in complete awe and laura has a huge smile on her face with her arms crossed in front of you.

"How do you feel Olivia?"

"i feel.....the power is incredible....." Olivia raises her left hand and split it into 2 tentacles which she uses to wrap around her own breasts and squeeze a bit of slime out from them.

"you must be hungry."

"The hunger is undeniable, i feel like a starved dog"

"you need to get used to that, any meal you take wont sate you much, as your power grows, so will your desire for flesh"

"Laura, i must feed.." Olivia says to her as she gets off of her knees and stands

"i understand, take me my overlord."

That is all Olivia needed to hear, her tentacle arms fire outward and she grabs Laura's arms and legs and pulls her back, Olivia can feel the rush, the anticipation for a meal rising, Olivia's clitoris grows large with her excitement, becoming as large as a penis, Olivia quickly and greedily lifted laura high up into the air and plummets her down onto the cock.

Laura yells out in shock as the tentacles around her body wrap around ever tighter.

Olivia feels the energy inside of Laura and pulls it down through her body, the energy is absorbed through her cock below and she tastes laura's power for the first time, it is incredible potent and satisfying, Olivia lifts and drops laura onto her cock for several minutes before Laura begins to weaken.

"s..s stop"

Olivia takes her faster, not heeding her words.


Olivia's mind goes blank, thinking of nothing more than devouring her energy.


Olivia comes back to reality and throws laura away from her, who lands several feet away, Olivia feels a rush of pleasure boil to her newly acquired cock and ejaculates from it, the gooey substance plastering laura in the chest from several feet away.

Laura struggles to get to her knees, wiping herself of the gooey semen.

"you need to learn how to control it, you could have knocked me out for days."

"Laura, that was incredible, i need more" Olivia feels the power coursing through her muscles feeling slightly stronger and faster, her mind clocks up and she thinks faster as well.

"we must rest for a few days, you can fuck that girl we found after she has rested up a bit, then we will need to move out and decide what to do next."


Leon couldn't believe his eyes, Professor Marrow had always theorized that human, tentacle fusion was possible, but couldn't actually believe it.

Olivia was a powerful being indeed and best of all she was human, or at least part human, Leon decided that he better not keep it a secret any longer, Olivia would want this power, he was sure of it. but how could he convince her to come?


Samantha looked on as the woman before her transformed, she was afraid, but she was turned on as well, she remembered the time that the moonlit woman took her only days ago, she felt the most pleasure she had ever, she secretly hoped that this woman would also show her the same pleasure she felt then, her vagina became warm at the thought and though she felt like she should have felt embarrassment and shame, she felt nothing but anticipation.


Xozz stood by calculating the data, unlocking new databanks which were previously sealed, he recalled the process which he had just witnessed and unlocked some of the history behind it, he was eager to share with anyone who would listen


Olivia sat down in a corner thought about lazuli, how he would have been proud for her, he always was there for her, even when she messed up, he had faith, the tears came again but in the form of blue slime, she would use this dark gift to avenge him, and make him proud.

As the only living blue tentacle in known existence she resolved to rebuild the blue empire and kill or enslave of her enemies.

She decided then and there to give the race a specific name, one which all of the world would come to know and fear.

"Lazuli". Olivia walked up to the corpse of her dearest love and planted a final kiss on its side.

"you'll always be with me" she flashed a smile and walked out of the desecrated lair with the rest of her party for the last time.


Olivia took a deep breath, she tasted the air to detect nearby women, but this place was desolate, it had been harvested entirely by black.

"Where should we go first, any ideas?" she asked her could

Leon steps forward and intends to say something.

"uhm..if i may madam..er..princess...............Overlord"


"Matriarch, i have a proposition you might be interested in"

"Leon, what are you talking about?"

"Matriarch we....um....humans, have a special compound filled with woman that you may be interested in"

"Leon, can i ask you a favor?"


"Take off your helmet"

leon laughs nervously, and looks around, her crosses his arms and shakes his head, then her shrugs it off.

"oh dear."

leon puts his hands on his helmet and says a key word to unlock the mechanism.

"fuzzy fiddlesticks"

Samantha bursts out laughing behind him.

a bit of steam is released as the lock disengages and leon takes his helmet off slowly, revealing a young man with glasses and short black hair, he reaches into her mouth and takes the respirator out of his mouth.

you can see leon in front of you gulp as you approach him, squeezing your beast and getting a bit of blue slime on the tips of your fingers.

leon steps toward and sticks his tongue out as you place the slime onto it, he steps back and coughs, then licks his lips.


you lunge forward and grab his head, you look deep into her eyes, you see the compound he speaks of filled with women in cages, being fed and kept healthy in preparation for a tentacle being, you see the safety measures taken, locked doors everything, glass cages, a large habitat area with cave-like walls, the compound is especially secure preventing anything from getting in....or out.

"what is the purpose of this place Leon, dont lie to me, i'll know if you do." Olivia says to him.

"it is a research facility, we intended to use it to study an overlord creature like you, to learn how to use magic."

"Magic, humans want to learn how to use magic?"

"Yes, our lead professor theorizes that he could learn how to use magic through study of your species"

"what a fool."

"Matriarch, im just trying to.......help."

"ill take it under consideration Leon."

"Thank you, Olivia" leon backs away from her back into the crowd

"And Leon"

he steps forward again "yes matriarch?"

"Take that silly suit off and stay close incase i need a snack."

"Olivia, all i....um......dont have any clothes on underneath this suit...." leon says to her, a bit shy as always.

Olivia looks around at everyone else in the group who are also wearing nothing at all.

"You'll fit right in."

Leon steps back into the group, slowly taking the armor off of his body.

"Anyone else have any ideas?"

"Yes" Laura steps forward


"The green tentacles are in the deep forest, and i have a good idea who their queen is."

"how do you know this?" Olivia asks her

"Lets just say we go way back." Laura says in reply

"Isnt Green a reclusive race, why would they help us?" Olivia asks

"Green is a strong and proud race, they don't care for purple too particularly much, their princess Rachel and Sylvia were feuding hundreds of years ago, i doubt they like having purple take over the entire forest, soon they will be forced to strike back and they wont want to do it alone."

"Do you know where to find them?" Olivia asks

Laura nods "In the deepest darkest parts of the wood, where no sun shines through and no human would dare venture"

"Alright, ill take it into consideration"

Laura steps back into the group.

"Anyone else?"

The pink tentacle slithers forward and communicates with Xozz, after a bit of back and forth, xozz tells you what the tentacle said to him.

"The Pink overlord wishes to assure you that your past agreement still holds, and that if you wish for their assistance, you are welcome to join him back at their mountain lair in order to fuck all of their women and have Evelyn join you for assistance"

"Tell him thank you, i am glad to see that our alliance holds"

"is that it?" Olivia looks around

"Alright lets move out" Olivia says

"Wait!" a new voice from behind you raises from the crowd.

Olivia turns around to see the woman they captured on the beach behind her.


"hi, im Samantha, and i have some information you might be interested in"

"What is it Samantha?"

"I was fucked by a woman who was just like you, she had tentacles and her clitoris turned into a penis, just like your did"

Laura steps out from the crowd again.

"Samantha, what did this woman look like?"

"She had beautiful white hair which shimmered in the moonlight and she had skin as white as bone, she caressed me and made me feel such pleasure, maybe she can help you."

"Sounds like a white tentacle creature"

"Another Matriarch?"

"If what Samantha says is true, then it seems likely"

"im not lying!" Samantha yells outloud.

"A woman like that would be a useful ally, white tentacles have a way with humans, as you can tell by Samantha here, who appears to be obsessed with her"

"not to mention she could help me understand what it means to be a human overlord." Olivia says in response.

"True, there are many things even i dont understand about human overlords, this woman would no doubt be full of information, assuming we could find her"

"Samantha, why would you help me?" Olivia asks the young woman

"To be honest, i was hoping you would be able to fuck me later" Samantha says, looking down at your crotch

"now that's something you don't hear from humans every day" Laura says

"Samantha, you behave and be loyal to me and i may be able to help you out"

"Okay!" Samantha yells out excitedly

Olivia flashes Laura a smile as she smiles back.

Your party walks along the beach towards their inevitable destination.

What do you do?

A. Travel to the Compound with Leon's guidance and attempt to be accepted as their overlord.

B. Travel to the Deep Forest with Laura's Guidance and attempt to create an alliance between your people against purple.

C. Travel back to the Pink lair and fuck all of their women to gain power and accept Evelyn into your group.

D. Travel to the Forest and look for signs of the White Matriarch.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

ok so we got the option that we have waited for. but it turns out there is another out there of what Olivia has become. a lot of these seem to have there own pro's and con's. but i have to say C seem's to be the best choice right now.

D would be my second choice because of just needing to know what we are able to do and what would be our weakness's. beside's the endless hunger.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Pink is nowhere near the forest, and I doubt the Compound is anywhere near any major tentacle lairs, so I'm willing to wager that A and C are at no risk of being locked out by the other two choices.

Whereas B and D might be mutually exclusive. Going to any designation might lock Black/Purple into a direct warpath with the Green lair and Matriarch. And that's not even taking into consideration that we'll be putting ourselves at risk.

Both A and D have a benefit for us. Specifically, the White Matriarch can teach us how to use our powers, or we can teach ourselves by trial and error within the Compound.

So, I'm going to stick to my guns, and say A.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Ask Xozz what he knows of the white tentacle race.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Intermission 12: The White Tentacles

"Xozz, before i make my decision, can you give me more information about the white tentacles?'"


Xozz stands there for a moment, powering up his conduits and gathering the data stored long ago.

"The White tentacle race were a nomadic race of tentacles who chose not to settle down for long or take many female captives, white tentacles rarely creature lairs and instead, choose to find a hiding place for a couple of nights and settle down with a captive or two."

"go on."

"White tentacles gain significantly more power from their victims if they are experiencing immense pleasure, they prefer vaginal sex and their princesses and queens treat their women like their children, breast feeding them and caring for them."

"So they dont keep captives for long and they treat them well?"

"Affirmative, the few women they keep captive for longer period of time they will keep them in a constant state of euphoria, the women will generally follow them around willingly in order to continue experiencing this pleasure, drinking the milk-like slime of a white tentacle will enhance the size of the woman's breasts and cause her to lactate as well, when this happens, a symbiotic relationship can form between the tentacle and the woman as they both can draw pleasure and power from each other."

"Is that what happened to Samantha here?"

"This woman appears to have been fed the breast-milk of a white tentacle princess or queen, doing so has permanently increased her libido, and put her in a semi-state of nymphomania for at least a couple of months, if she fed on white milk again it is likely that she would become a nymphomaniac for the rest of her life"

"That certainly would make the humans easier to control" Olivia says in response.

"Affirmative, as mentioned before, white tentacle captives will follow their captored loyally, and cannot physically refuse their advances, either for pleasure or reproduction"

"Why was Samantha left behind?"

"White tentacles are known to strike randomly to enhance their own power as all tentacles do, actually more often than not, the women will be left behind, desiring nothing more for sex afterwards for several months."

"Under what circumstances are the women taken captive by them?"

"Generally when the brood needs to reproduce or if the woman is a candidate to become a princess or queen"

"would they be open to entering in an alliance against purple or black?"

"Perhaps, although they are a non-violent race of nomads, black wishes only to oppress them and purple will subjugate all of their potential captures and make them feel pain rather than pleasure, something which white tentacles find detestable, i believe they will be sympathetic to our cause, but how useful they would be as allies is unknown."

"Can we even realistically find them?"

"it is unknown, they generally leave no trace, and prefer to fuck women who they have not met before, i believe laura could attract them eventually if we wandered through the area of the forest where Samantha mentioned for long enough."

"Thank you Xozz"

"Glad to be of service."
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Hrm...... Let's put the white tentacles on the backburner for now.
I'm kind of torn between A and C now. I think white would ve an easy alliance to make. And maybe if we joined pink or white first, then the other might be more likely to help us. Actually, make that D. try to see out white. If we can join them, then we might have an easier time convincing Evelyn and pink to help us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

There goes most of the development we had. Oh well...

I can't really see going near other tentacles being a good idea right now (except maybe the white ones, and they sound difficult to find), weak as we are. That really only leaves one option: A. But preferably we shouldn't show our full potential of power so that it's easier to escape when it suits us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Wait, can we still set up a lair?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

We should have the capability, but there's no real way to say that a Matriarch won't be rendered immobile like an Overlord. On the other hand, a Matriarch can probably give birth to Overlord-class tentacles, which would make us a powerful resource.

Until we find a good, protective locale with an abundant source of females, however, any lair we create will share a similar fate with Lazzy's. That's my view, anyways.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

D We need to know what we can and can't do in this new state
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Pink just wants their new meal to come to them, we don't have enough time to find white and stay safe, and green has changed attitudes since their first showing and explanation (If i remember correctly), so i don't like that idea either.

Out of the four, The academy has the least idea what we're capable of when we increase in power, we should be able to break free when we're ready.

Have Leon keep the armour handy, and put it back on before we get there. Regardless of whether we have or not, the rest of the place thinking we've messed with him in some way will only make it harder on us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Eh....... Honestly I have to agree now. Though I still say an alliance with pink or white may still be advangteous. But I change my vote to A.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"Leon, i want you to lead us to the compound, i need access to all of those women if we have a chance at beating purple and black."

"Very well"

Leon takes a transmitter out of his pocket and enters some coordinates.

"It should be here shortly"


"The Transport"

"where exactly is this compound?"

"It is on a small island 20 miles out to sea"

"20 miles?" laura says, shocked at that distance.

"yes, we took every precaution after our first overlord escaped, i should warn you matriarch that the likelihood of you escaping is slim to none, not only is the compound located on an island, it is located 300 feet deep inside of the earth, surrounded by 25 feet of steel on all sides, and although you will be likely provided with an endless supply of women, unless you have a trick up your sleeve, you will be their slave"

"i don't intend to become anyone's slave Leon"

"To be honest Olivia, i dont know if i should have even said anything, i know you need a source of power, but i cant guarantee they will even accept you"

"Why wouldn't they?"

"in many ways you are exactly what they wanted, a powerful tentacle creature, and whats more, you are part human as well, which should help them achieve their goals simply by observing you, but the tentacle creature they intended to eventually bring in wasn't suppose to come willingly"

"Ill convince them."

"Leon, how did they build this place, i means its 20 miles out to sea, it is deep in the earth, there is alot of metal which would have had to be brought in in order to construct it"

"The Council approved its construction only months ago, and have put all of their resources behind its construction, Lead Researcher Morrow and the Council believe that their research into your race could change the course of humanity, based on what ive seen the past couple of days, i dont know if i can disagree."

The transport arrives 5 minutes later, it zooms in from out to sea and lands cleanly against the beach, its backside doors open up to reveal an empty cargo hold, the vehicle appears to be completely automated.

"Olivia, i like you as a person, your cause is just, and i can empathize with you, thats why i just want to make sure this is exactly what you want before we go, if you somehow find yourself overwhelmed by restraint you may never see daylight again."

What do you do?

A. This is what you want, get on the transport and be taken to the compound, ready to surrender yourself to human custody.

B. No, this is a bad idea, there must be another way.
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