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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

Wait, three approaching demons where? All I heard was head-eating worm.

I say we fight! Even though we're shitty and useless and stuff. That succubus is out ticket to deliiiicious energy.

Sting them in the eyes! Alternatively the guy above me has a good idea - climb into the big worm's mouth and start magic-punching it's throat.

If we evolve, as soon as we sting something our Energy will go below half and then we'll suck. Bad times.
Re: Tentacle Souls

The way I was picturing it, the Rock Worm's mouth has a tight seal around her head. The outside of the seal is covered in a rock-hard carapace, like the rest of it's body.
Is what it looks like, btw. Picture it clamped over someone's head. There ain't much of a way in.

The Succubus turned up from nowhere, what makes you think Demon's can't? ;)
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. Increase magic Sting (and nothing more for now, as we're almost at the midst).
Re: Tentacle Souls

What does infest do? could we use it to take control of the rock worm and have it attack the demons?

2. I don't think attacking the inside of the rock worm would go well, it may just decide to chomp down.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Well the last time we were in this situation we were an almost godlike powerful sorcerous... so fightings not going to be the best option.

The sucubus said 'We'.
That means there's more sucubi out there and this one did kinda rape us...

I'm going to say 3, lets absorb some ambient energies. (the demons may even use us as a toy)
We can always find another sucubus
Re: Tentacle Souls

3 scale armor
1. Ridges
2. Armor

She is a succubus full blooded unlike a human she can most likely take the 3 demon gangbang so just wait it out..
Re: Tentacle Souls

I was just saying, I have no idea how huge or tough or terrifying they look, and shit.
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. I doubt we'll be able to do much, but it's something.
Re: Tentacle Souls

We're not exactly overlords of magic, so dunno about fighting 3 demons.

The patient hunter gets the pray.
Re: Tentacle Souls

3 as we wont be able to take 3 of them I imagine.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 3 wins; wait and see what happens!


The three Demons stalk towards the trapped Succubus. All of them are human shaped, but with a blackened red skin, prominent horns, and alarmingly bulging muscles. Each individual seems to have assorted bits of other creatures thrown into its physical make-up; one has gleaming reptilian scales on its shoulders, one has furry legs ending in hooves, and the final one has snake's fangs sticking out of its mouth.

Oh, and all of them are naked. And sporting terrifyingly large erect cocks; fleshy, swollen, some sharpened and others with hard scales.

The Succubus' shouts are muffled from within the Rock Worm, but she seems panicked. She squirms and rocks, trying to break free, but to no effect.

Seizing the moment, you slide up her leg, around her waist, and circle her body protectively under her boobs.

"Aww, look, the Succubus has a little friend!" giggles one of the Demons. "Not to worry though, we can drain it, and move on to our delicious looking friend here..."

"I get first go on her a-"


After that, events happened very quickly. The explosion came from behind the Demons, and landed right amongst them, blasting them in three different directions.
The shockwave hits the Rockworm, and it's body is flung backwards; its mouth lets go of the Succubus right at the peak of its arc, and she's flung into the air, spinning away a considerable distance - and you with her. She lands on the ground with a smack and a faint poof of dust.

A furious, reptilian roar fills the air, followed by an enormous buffeting of wings. You peek out from under her top.

An Azure Wyvern hovers in the sky; that's the bad news. On the brightside, this dragon-esque creature, easily the length of a bus from nose to tail-tip, is more concerned with the Demons than with you. It flies above them, turning and wheeling through the air, its glimmering blue-green scales by far the brightest thing in the vicinity.
It screeches again, and turns in the air, dive-bombing the still shell-shocked group. Its body is fairly small in comparison to its mighty wings, but it's still powerful - its talons slice into the shoulder of one demon, drawing a spray of purple blood, and its tail buffets another as it turns, protruding bone-like spikes catching him brutally in the side of the head.

Only one Demon makes it back to his feet - the one with the snake-like fangs. He grimaces, raises his palm at the Azure Wyvern, and fires a bolt of lightning, yellow and crackling. It strikes the Azure Wyvern on the leg, inducing a screech of pain. Wasting no further time, the beast shudders and shoots a fireball straight at the remaining Demon. It hits him straight on, killing him instantly. One leg separates from the body and flies morosely into the air.

Satisfied, the Azure Wyvern lands on the plain, and begins greedily tearing into the flesh of the nearest Demons. Bones snap and crunch as it takes staggeringly big bites out of its body.

This is your chance. The Rock Worm has (wisely) retreated back below ground, and the Succubus stirs gently.
"Wake up!" you whisper urgently. "We've got to get out of here!"

"...What?" she comes to groggily, her eyes unfocused and limbs loose.

"Crawl towards the Red Archcrystal!" you insist. The Azure Wyvern won't take long with those corpses!

"Red Archcrystal? There hasn't been one of those here for..." She looks up. "Holy shit, you're right."

With renewed vigor (but still much grumbling and complaining) the Succubus drags herself along the ground. The Azure Wyvern is onto its second victim by now, feeding hungrily; it doesn't notice one lowly Succubus dragging herself through the dirt past it.

The tensest moment comes when the Succubus has to pass no further than 3 meters away from the monster, and its head snap up; she freezes, and it ignores her, hopping onto the final corpse (there's nothing left of the others but unpleasant blood stains). Eventually, the Sucubbus makes it all the way to the Archcrystal; touching it, the pair of you are drawn back into the Dimensional Nexus.


"Well, look who's back," mutters the disembodied voice.

The Succubus seems a bit stronger now, though still battered and bruised, with some nasty red welts around her neck. She shambles over to the side of the colloseum, and sits back against the wall.

"Thank you for you help," she murmers softly. "Just give me time... to recover..." Her eyelids flutter shut, but you can tell she's still breathing.



Option 1) Go back through the Red Archcrystal.

Option 2) Try out the White Archcrystal.

Option 3) Try out the Blue Archcrystal.

Option 4) Wait patiently for the Succubus to recover, then test her knowledge, find out what she knows (she's probably still too drained for anything more exciting after her near-death experience).

Health: 21/25
Energy: 41/60
Morality: 24/100 (almost noble)

- Swim I
- Infest I
- Stealth I
- Slime Ooze I
- Growth II (25 energy required. Stretch your arm out. From shoulder to end of longest finger, that's how big we'd get. The head would also split into 2, giving us a sort of stretched Y shape.)

- Magic Sting II (the shot is rather more powerful. More akin to a punch from your average joe than the pitiful little sting level I was).

- Scale Armor (what it says on the tin. More protective against spells and phsyical attacks than Slime Ooze, but much less multi-purpose).
Re: Tentacle Souls

I say Option 4 as we may get a companion with the succubus, and also take infest 1 from the evolutions.
Re: Tentacle Soul

Op4 rather scale armor infest will weaken the host ooze is also a nice one instead

Upgrade choices
Scale armor(1st)
Slime ooze(2nd)
One or the other scale having prirority over ooze
Re: Tentacle Soul

Op4 rather scale armor infest will weaken the host ooze is also a nice one instead

Upgrade choices
Scale armor(1st)
Slime ooze(2nd)
One or the other scale having prirority over ooze

I concour with Bloodshifter. Option 4.
Re: Tentacle Souls

4. Take growth II, bigger is better
Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 4

Why are we going for Scale Armor, I thought we were a magic tenta...
Hmm... How does one build a mighty magical tentacle creature?
Re: Tentacle Souls

going scale because of the defensive benefits for lava land when we get more energy then splurge for magic sting II