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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shook his head. "You don't need Host. You don't have to protect someone who might turn on you. He doesn't know you're indestructible... Also, no offence, but nothing's perfect. You certainly have a weakness, I just don't know what kind of weakness it is." The warrior scratched his chin. "And there's another issue... You get this planet. Then what? You said you can't stop killing. Can't you control that guy at all?" Grave sighed, then cracked his knuckles. "What are you going to do with the people of this planet?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"If you'd stop jumping to assumptions and let me finish, I'll tell you." Oni says, he sighs and puts his hand to his face. "For some reason this planet has felt different to all the rest since I've got here. Firstly there's him," He points to Burrito. "I've never seen him on any of the the other planets or dimensions I've been to. And I've seen everyone who's ever or will ever exist. Which can only mean that he's key to me attaining peace. Secondly, I have this," He shows Grave his palm, 7% can be clearly seen. "I'm not completely sure what it is but I'm assuming it's some kind of limiter placed upon me. I don't know how it got there, all I know is that it's there. And thirdly...well I'll not go into that, it would spoil the surprise for you." A smile spreads across Oni's face. "And what would I do with the people on this planet? I haven't really decided yet. Though I'd most likely rule out slaughtering them all unless I was extremely pissed."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave waved his hand. "You know what? This whole story is interesting, but it's a bit too screwed up... I guess we should bide our time and see what develops. However, let me tell you two things. First, I will not refrain from exacting my revenge upon Host. Second, you can have this planet for all I care, but people are a different story. They aren't objects, you see."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Human lives are worthless, why would you care about them? Isn't your own life more important than that of a million strangers?" Oni pauses, dematerialising his sword he then straightens out his coat. "I'll tell you what, you supply me with negative energy and I'll not harm any innocents. But, if there's a version of myself on this planet I'll be killing him regardless of what anyone says."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. He left the first and second question without an answer. "And how do you intend to collect this energy? I won't agree to a method that involves crippling me physically or mentally."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Oh dont worry, there's two methods that could be used; the first involves me reaching into your soul. I wont take your soul but I will siphon off some of that delicious negative energy you have stored inside you. The second is you just attack me with that breath attack from earlier. I'm not too sure if taking it directly from your soul will hurt you but seeing as the other versions of me screamed in pain whenever I did that it may hurt a bit. Either way is fine by me so long as I get the energy." The way Oni had said it sounded as if he was eager to get more negative energy and was excited about having a near unlimited supply. "of course the more I take the less angry you'll be eventually."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave mused about this for a while. "Fine. Reaching into my soul isn't really acceptable, but the second method should work. Also, I think I could use some better anger management." The warrior jumped of the pillar. The construction crumbled, turning back into a dark shroud that reduced the force of impact upon landing and disappeared, absorbed into Grave's body. "So... You want to see what Burrito and Siphon are doing? I swear, sometimes those two act as if they needed babysitters..."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That seems acceptable, and I dont think I've formally introduced myself. The name's SirOni, though these lot have just been calling me Oni. It seems like we may even get along."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Name's Grave. Yeah, we might. Now... I think they are over..." Grave closed his eye for a moment, focusing his senses, then pointed in the direction of the cyborg and ex-wraith. "Yep, they're over there. And a few wraith soldiers are there as well... Nothing serious."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Nothing serious? Damn, and here I was hoping this planet had more bite to it..."

"Wow, whats with you getting into the fighting spirit?"

"Oh shut up you, it's thanks to you we're in this mess."

"Don't go blaming me, the darkness in your heart was toooooo good to pass up."

"Whatever. Regardless, I'm still disappointed." No doubt Grave would be a little confused as to why Oni was now conversing to what seemed to be a voice that he could not hear.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave's eyebrows raised. 'Huh... That's some dialogue...' The warrior shrugged. "Well, I bet that you'll find something suitable for yourself later. Don't worry, there's a couple of things out there that has a nasty bite. Maybe we won't meet them today, but we will have to face them eventually."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The same, maniacal smile creeps across Oni's face. "Oh I hope we come to them soon." Oni took a leisurely pace, or what could be considered a leisurely pace for him. "Say, is there anyone else I should be on the lookout for? Anyone who'd not want a reality destroyer like myself here? Not that they'd pose a threat to me, I just want to know how many I need to kill if they come after me."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave followed, scratching his head. "Actually, I'm not sure. I'm new around here, so I don't know those people well... You'll have to find out by yourself, I'm afraid."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Heh, oh well, finding out if there's anyone who's got it out for me will be interesting. And who know's, they might even prove to be a challenge. Though that's doubtful. How much further until we reach them? My sword arm is getting itchy."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave chuckled. "If you want to use it sooner, move faster. Run, leap, fly, whatever. Go ahead if you want, I think I'll be able to keep up."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Oh really?" Oni smiled before his body took on a gaseous form. A second later Oni bolted in the direction that Grave had pointed out where Siphon and Burrito were, his form now a thick cloud of black smoke. As he enters the area that Siphon and Burrito are in he reverts to his normal, 'human' form.

((Right, I'll wait until Siphon and Burrito comes online so they can have a chance to post before we tear the enemies a new one all on our own))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((I agree.))

A few moments after Oni returned to normal, he could hear someone approaching. It was Grave - he used his dark power to boost his speed and jump range by focusing energy under his feet and moving on the path of darkness he created. The warrior jumped, ran across walls and performed various tricks to get over debris. Finally, Grave landed close to Oni, causing a small discharge of dark energy. "Damn, Alex Mercer made this look easy."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The group of Wraith had apparently met with a larger one, and were in the middle of sharing information when everyone started showing up. They scrambled for their weapons in a panic, but didn't get far.

Siphon simply chuckled, then started moving into their group. He no longer carried his weaponry, or the swords he used to carry. Instead he was killing the Wraith one by one with his bare hands, with seemingly no emotion whatsoever. Oni might be able to feed off of the simple "kill" setting in Siphon's mind, but as far as actual feeling went, the former hybrid seemed to be ... devoid of any feeling, or maybe it was just he couldn't sense it? Either way, something clearly was wrong with that picture.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Bartnum, having seen the hive ship approach, had decided to to change direction and head towards it. On his way, he noticed Siphon laying waste to the wraith. Altering his course, he cuts off the fire he was using to propel himself along, and crashes down a few metres away from the wraith.

"Miss me?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Glad Bartnum recognized him despite his new appearance :D ))

Siphon smiles just a hint and adds with a mock serious tone, "bout bloody time you showed back up. Welcome back. And for your welcome back gift, I give thee the gift of slaughtering evil Wraith."

He then tosses a panicked wraith for Bartnum to have fun with, an evil grin on his face. Now Oni would feel some of the darkness from Siphon, but it felt .... tainted somehow. Impure dark energy, if such a thing were possible.