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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"She was apparently infected with some of the stuff that turns human women into mamono themselves. The transformation apparently goes through them as the corruption as it were is allowed to spread. Fighting whatever tries to take over seems to halt the spread of it, but victims become increasingly sexually frustrated, until it draws to a point of insanity. I was wondering why she wasn't much up for talking at first... In fact, it seemed like she hated me outright, wanting me as far away from her as possible... But then..." Capri's eyes closed, as the rest of the story told itself. The woman was infected by the succubus curse and lost her mind.

"So long as bad mamono and these kind of things exist, it seems that they're going to be focused on as an excuse for human kind to war against all mamono." Capri said. "The nature of most mamono doesn't help either... nor do the appearances. I mean..." Capri looked at Azure, her spots of scales on even her human half. "Well, you don't look harmless in the least, and people will be threatened by that. I certainly was." he chuckled. "Looking over my shoulder to see you rushing at me faster than my fastest made my heart skip a beat."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Maybe she knew." Azure's hand skims lightly back and forth along his shoulders and down the line of his back, comfort and relaxation in the touch more than anything else. "And she was trying to keep you away from her." She lets out a soft sigh. "I can't profess knowledge of a change like that, just bits and pieces I've heard of. I am sorry that you had to bear witness to that.” Her mouth lowers and she presses another kiss to his shoulder. “Pity I couldn’t make it skip for other reasons. Still, I like to think that there are those who are willing to at least try and come to an understanding. I’m not naive enough to think everyone would be like that, but I’m also not pessimistic enough to think that everyone won’t.” She scrunches her nose a little. “If that makes any sense. It did in my head.”
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Yes... There are even those in the Order from where I hail that wonder about peace between the races." Capri said, though while he was talking, he also seemed to enjoy the light massage, as he laid on his front rather happily as Azure's hand went along his back. His feet were stirring as well. Happy indeed. "Though, much like myself back then, they have no idea that mamono are anything different than what they used to be, asides from appearances. They're obviously stronger, if history tells us anything. Like myself, some find the more human takes on the monsters of old to be... An interesting mutation. Given that dragons in their natural form have been seen, it can also be assumed that some mamono can actually revert to their previous forms... Not that seeing a legendary dragon fly over your village helps remove the fear of monsters."

There was apparently one thing Capri didn't know. Azure would have been taught the history of her people, even since before the age of transformation. Lamia are one of the very few races that were actually almost completely unchanged following the world changing events. No book recorded on this little patch of the world ever detailed a male lamia. That was due to the fact that none existed. Indeed, Lamia were stealing men from their villages before it became popular. There was even a book that Azure was shown once, written before the demon lord Persephone took the throne of Hell, which told the story of the "Waist Up Merchant." It was about a lamia who posed as a human merchant woman, driving her caravan even into big cities, only allowing her upper half to be seen at all times, and acting confidently despite her life being in huge danger. One day, while trading, a customer came up short. A handsome man with a clever tongue. He tried to romance the lamia. Her grin and acceptance of his advances made the man believe he could sleep with her and get off without paying. When he came into the wagon, she immediately silenced him before he could scream.

Although, one change did occur. Lamia dropped the habit of murdering the men they capture. Often enough the lamia would capture a man, treat him to some of the most frightening sex he's ever had, and then eat him. Following the succubus curse, a brilliant lamia realized they could keep the men alive to tend to the kids while they go out to hunt, sleep, and party. There was much rejoicing.

"I wonder..." Capri hummed. "I wonder what's going to happen." he said, seemingly as an idle thought.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She lets him shift, adjusting her position as well, and letting her easy rubs turn into a true massage, enjoying watching the pleasure he seems to be getting out of it.

"I've yet to see a dragon in their true form and I think I'm a little grateful for that. Like you said, seeing one probably wouldn't be all that comforting. Or helpful toward the cause of peace between us. All we can do, really, is try and find our own peace, I would suppose. Make a positive example."

Capri, being a scholar, would likely eat the information up, but at the same time, he also sought to share his knowledge with the world. The personal history of her race might not exactly be the best thing to let get out, so she keeps quiet on that matter, at least for now. She might share here and there, if he has questions or if things come up, but full disclosure wasn't something she was angling for right now.

"Take my people, for example," she states, figuring this bit might even help their cause. "In days of old," a chuckle, "lamia would devour their prey once they were done with it. Then some folks got it into their head how silly that was and the practice fell out of favor. Granted, I'm sure there's still some of my sisters," and here the term is used as a collective, not speaking of family lines, "that might still engage in the practice, but they're few and far between any more. All we can really try and do is keep moving forward, I suppose." He'll feel a kiss against his shoulder and then another at the nape of his neck, the press of her lips slowly working their way down the length of his spine.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Devour their prey, you say?" Capri chuckled. "Experience tells me that nothing has changed." He said teasingly to the lamia. Then, her kisses caused him to moan a bit in response. "I... Eheh," He chuckled a bit. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but it becomes difficult to lay on my front when you do that; however, I feel that your provoking kisses are intentional." He said, disobeying one common rule for humans in regards to mamono. Never show your back to a mamono unless you believe that you can run faster than it.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

He feels a laugh tickle against his skin as he makes the remark about nothing changing, though it's a light sound, something true. "Mmm," he'll feel that against his back too, her direction changing so she can work back up to the nape of his neck. "You could roll onto your side." He feels her boost up a little, leaning over him for a brief instant before he feels her breath tickle against his ear. "If you're feeling brave, that is."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Her dare made Capri react, though not immediately with an answer to her dare. Instead he looked back, though it seemed he wasn't looking at Azure. Before revealing what he was looking at, he rolled over as she so dared him to. Capri junior was ready to do battle with the lamia. Though Capri himself seemed to be looking at Francis, who was peeking from around a corner, watching with glee. "You're just as bad as she is." he said at Francis, who giggled as if she found that amusing.

"I'm much worse, my boy~" she chuckled, coming from a woman who enjoyed helping people find love only to have the thrill of watching them have sex with one another.

"I'm surprised how well you two are getting along. Again, I may be speaking form ignorance, but normally... Allowing yourself to be watched while getting intimate is not readily accepted as normal." Capri stated. "I know, I know... We've already gone over all this... But this relationship is... Interesting, to say the least..." he stated, looking to Azure as his snake was now pointing at the snake.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure considered the voyeurism as a way to pay Francis back for their lodging. It cost her nothing and she wasn't bothered by the other mamono's presence. Still, despite his words, she wasn't about to put Capri in a situation where he felt uncomfortable. Her fingers slip down his side and follow the line of his hip, stopping just short of her likely goal. "So, lover, am I going to be enough of a distraction for you?" She changes the angle of her hand, moving it so she can trace fingers down his thigh and then up the back of it, skimming over his backside and then letting her nails drag up his back.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Not letting up her assault, it seemed the answer Azure was fishing for was going to be realized. So close, so teasing, so tempting, Capri looked ready to find words to beg her to make the teasing stop and get on with it before Francis chimed in. "Pardon me~ I'd like to suggest a position~" she cooed. "The painting will look beautiful, I promise you. It'll go right next to the other." she promised, and if Azure were willing, Francis would explain herself. Capri didn't seem to care one way or another, as any look he gave Francis was a confused one, as if he wasn't sure whether Francis wanted to take a piece out of him or not with her hungry gaze. Though even as she stared at both Azure and Capri with seemingly equal amounts of lust, it seemed her interest was in painting... Though Azure would know from experience that the fish woman was interested in having some fun as well. Capri's expression was an ignorant one, as he wasn't aware that Francis had flirted with Azure.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure barely keeps in a laugh as Francis asserts herself, silently thanking whatever powers might be watching that Capri doesn't seem to think much of the intrusion yet. She's willing to take the merrow's suggestion, tweaking it a little with what she knows of her own capabilities and what Capri's comfortable with. She doesn't outright invite Francis to join them, especially if she's going to be working on a painting, rather than just watching, though she's not out and out refusing the other mamono either. It's just a matter of making it work in a way that Capri's going to be comfortable with, should Francis decide to assert herself.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis went on to explain due to Azure being willing, and Capri being a silent observer. A standing position, as much as a snake could stand, and with Capri wrapped and bound fully within her tail, lifted from the ground so that he was looking down upon her. Such was Francis' suggestion. Capri's face reddened quite a bit at the mental picture formed to completion. He didn't to question much whether Azure could do it either. One glance at her and he was pretty confident her tail could handle it. "Well... Add that to the already large list of things I didn't expect to have happen in a relationship." Capri commented, a bit amazed, though amazement was a common expression from him, and likely will be until he got used to life away from his fellow humans. "A bit odd... The common theme where I come from is the man picking up his wife... I never thought I'd be the one getting picked up." he said with a slight chuckle of embarrassment.

"She'll also lay eggs." Francis added towards Capri, while indicating towards Azure. Capri looked dumbfounded. Words not leaving his lips as he stared at Francis, astounded. Francis only gave a grin at his stare, happy to make his head spin.

Though after all was said, Capri stood up from the bed, looking a little bashful as he took Francis' suggestion and prepared to be scooped up. He put his hands on Azure's shoulders, taking a few moments to undo the last of his clothes. The presence of Francis' eyes watching was something he was fully aware of even though his eyes were focused on Azure, as if wondering what it'd be like to be manhandled. "Heh... Never thought one of the stories in my life would be that I had sex while being held in the air." He chuckled a little, drawing a little aroused giggle from Francis as well.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"You didn't need to bring that up now," Azure chides a bit as Francis mentions her laying eggs. Granted, it would have come up, given the amount of time she and Capri were sharing together, but still, did she have to mention it now? Her attention goes back to Capri. "No worries about that. Not right now. Later in the season."

She'll help him off the bed, letting him undress and slowly starting to wrap her tail around him. Leaning in before she boosts him off the floor, she lays a kiss against his forehead, then his lips. "If you get uncomfortable, we'll do something else," she reassures him. "Though it's a shame there's so much of me. The notion of you picking me up is a little appealing." She flashes him a grin, making sure that he is comfortable before she lifts him up and draws closer to him, her hands starting to skim over his body, adding the assurance of her touch to the support he feels.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

While Capri seemed to get ready for it, he clearly wasn't when he achieved take off. Lifted into the air, Capri began to make all kinds of surprised gasps and motions that he looked like a squirming baby in the air for a moment as he got used to it. "W-wow, this is... Wow." He said in shock, as she could feel his quickened pulse with her tail, clearly getting worked up about being airborne. "N-no, I'm fine... I... I'm having fun, actually," he said with a slight chuckle. He almost looked ready to experience being tossed into the air and caught like a doll, a feat Azure was most certainly capable of. As she began touching him as well, his excitement down below became evident soon following.

Then, Francis began offering more directions. Following her words, Capri put one hand on Azure's tail, and the other on her back. A most passionate scene of a loving lamia overtaking her surprised love and embracing each other in the forbidden union of monster and human. With one hand on her tail, and the other on her back, he gently rubbed both after an awkward moment of silence. "The, uh... Ball's in your park, love..." he informed her, before shaking his head, seeming to realize the awful pun he just made.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure is certainly willing to take her time with this, wanting Capri to enjoy the experience, not spend most of it flailing around. That he does grow comfortable with it, though, seems to make her happy. "Fun, huh? Seems I just might have to remember this in the future," she purrs. Tossing him around, though, was no on the agenda, even playfully, given the last thing he needed was an accidental concussion from hitting the ceiling.

The pun makes her chuckle softly as well, the sound deep and a little throaty. "So it would seem." Given she really doesn't need her hands to hold him, she'll let one of them drift downward, letting her fingers start to play lightly between his legs. "Whatever shall I do about that?" There's a tease in her tone, though it comes out rather light at the same time.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Getting a handful or just teasing, Capri's whole body reacted as a result, twitching and making little noises depending on Azure's choice of action. Light or slow teasing, and Azure would find him moving his hips as if wanting more than she was giving. Encouraging, fast motions and Azure would find Capri was someplace close to a most blissful realm. He seemed hesitant about making any noise however, restrained to moans and gasps as Azure began, his manhood at full attention before her, and sensitive to the touch, especially the underside and hood, bringing the greatest reactions from him when touched.

"Have you ever stuck your fingers in his butt?" Francis suddenly inquired, painting her picture with a wide grin.

Capri, already worked up, glanced at Francis nervously. "... What?" Capri inquired, the question shocking him.

"It'll feel good." Francis promised, though left it at that. Up to Azure whether she wanted to let Capri find out for himself if such would be a fun experience.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure doesn't tease so much as explore, watching and listening to see what gets the most reaction out of him, working to draw out his excitement rather than letting it end in a hurried rush. She'll bring up a hand, brushing his hair back, fingers dusting against his temple. "You don't need to hold back, lover," she murmurs. "I like hearing that you're enjoying yourself."

At the merrow's question, there's a slightly exasperated "Francis," from the lamia, mostly because a question like that might have the potential to distract Capri, and not in the fun way. Though he's not a complete prude, sexual escapades seem pretty new to him and too much, all at once, might sour him on some things.

"I leave that one up to you, lover. We don't have to do everything now, but if you want to try, I will for you."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Capri adopted a difficult expression. "While I'm shamefully without experience, I don't think it's fair." he began. "I've never done anything like that before; however, I don't think you should hold back for my sake." Capri announced, not wanting to be a bother towards any enjoyment that they could have by letting his inexperience show, and so kept a fairly open mind.

Francis merely had a wide, perverse grin on her face, taking a rather certain enjoyment from seeing Capri in the situation he was in.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

She brings up a hand, dusting her fingers along his hairline. "Then we'll give it a try? I promise you that if you don't like it, I'll stop." So long as he's agreeable, she keeps paying attention to him, laying kisses against his shoulder and the side of his neck, nibbling lightly on his jaw. Her one hand continues to work along his length, though it's slightly pressed between the two of them as she draws him closer, enabling her to wrap her other arm around him. The fingertips of her other hand drag down his spine until he feels the flat of her palm against his backside. Moving back and forth, he can feel her gripping at it now and again, but it's more of a massage than something possessive, obviously meant to help him relax and grow comfortable with her touch, especially there. After a little while of that, coupled with the distraction of her other hand, he feels the brush of her fingertips following along the crease there, not pushing past just yet, but, again, letting him get used to the sensation.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

With how much Azure was doting on him, Francis was no doubt depicting how spoiled Capri was right now. Every touch brought a reaction, and relaxed him further with each passing moment of the treatment. Her hand, moving back and forth along his length, brought forth more of the same liquid that caused miracles to happen. Azure, despite having been given plenty of education about the matter from her mother, also received some lecturing from Francis on the side. "He's enjoying it a great deal. I'd say he's a little 'too' happy." she said, much to the shame of Capri, who suddenly had a look on his face that held great shame at the way Azure and Francis were seeing him all tied up and being stroked. As her hand reached his area of recent note, Azure would find the organ in her hands grow even more excited than before. It came as a surprise to Capri it seemed, but the reaction was mostly positive.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

“Nothing wrong with that, though that might make it difficult for this to last.” After a few more strokes, Azure’s hand will drift from Capri’s front to join the other at his backside. Fingers slick from his own enjoyment find the ring of muscle there and gently start to tease past it. As an added distraction, he’ll find Azure’s lips and tongue playing along the column of his throat and along his shoulder, little teases and flicks to break up the sensation of her finger working inside of him.