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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis laughed at Azure's statement. "There are ways to making a man last, even if they have too much fun. Though the technique requires a touch of sadism, if I do say so myself." Francis cooed, referring of course to the act of orgasm denial.

Then, Capri gives a start. Not letting out a voice, but his eyes were wide with indication that whatever Azure accomplished, it was very much 'something', and very effective for better or worse. Though one part of him was of the opinion that it was good, given how Azure's lower body would acquire a strand of Capri's release along her flesh and scales. It wasn't a full release, but it was clear she shocked him enough into having a mini-orgasm as it were.

"And a touch of masochism, but it's clear that part is covered." Francis added, noting the effects of Azure's work on him while taking a sip of an alcoholic beverage she recently poured herself. Meanwhile, Capri looked like a man on a wild ride who was just trying to hold on lest he fall off. With so many things he never thought would even happen in his life going on, and the psychological impact of such on his mind, his face was crimson and the definition of Shocked.

Though shocked as he may be, his willpower wasn't totally crushed. It seemed he had just enough in him to muster up the will to move his head. In one motion, Azure's ear was captured by Capri's lips, soon to be nibbled upon in retaliation. It seemed to be his gesture of 'not going down without a fight.' Either that, or a sensitive area just happened to be near him, and he just went for it on instinct.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Choir. Preaching to." The words come out mumbled against Capri's skin, though from the attention she was giving him, it would hopefully become clear that Azure wasn't intending to be cruel. Trust, she found, was something that should be rewarded, not to mention she didn't want to overload him with too many sensations at once. The two of them had plenty of time to discover what sort of "bedroom activities" they could enjoy together.

Feeling him, she gives a little laugh, the sound soft and breathy, pleased at where she has him. She'll tip her head up, letting her lips ghost against his ear. "Enjoy yourself, lover. Enjoy the pleasures I can give you."

The nip at her ear causes a gasp and there's a little jump to her body. He can hear her let out a little groan, the sound slipping out as she bites on her lower lip. That only serves to make her want to distract him even more, there being that gentle work of her finger inside of him, a slow stretch allowing her to work in a second digit. He can also feel her lower scales rubbing against him, causing some rather pleasant friction.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I don't want to be the only one being pleasured." Capri replied rather calmly following Azure's whispers. The slipping of the second digit inside him caused him to groan a bit, but it seemed he was getting used to it, and it was far less of a surprise and relatedly, a shock. The rubbing of her lower scales would soon result in Capri grinding himself against her in an urge to feel more pleasure. He grinded himself so much that his movements became rather insistent. It seemed he had difficulty saying it, but his moans, groans, and body language said that he was getting to the point where he was missing the hand that was stroking him before. "Do I... Have to ask?" Capri inquired, trying not to sound too pathetic. He was clearly as horny as he was going to be.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Her fingers continue to work, helping him to ease open and the muscles to relax at her touch, which allows for more constant attention, not to mention the press of her lower body closer to his. He can hear little groans rolling in the back of her throat at the feel of him grinding against her. There's also that attention of her mouth at his throat, the very faintest drag of her fang tips against his skin.

"Ask, no." Her lips slowly drag up from his jaw to his ear, allowing her to catch it in a nip. "Beg, yes." That's followed by a slow drag of her tongue along the shell of his ear.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Though it was easy to move her fingers in and out of his rear entry at that point, it was far from loose. His body was tensed up from his own literally restrained desire. Capri was no longer curious, or feeling one way or another as he was before. Now it was clear in all his reactions what he wanted, even as Azure trailed her fangs along his neck. He pressed his face against her own cheek, kissing her own neck in return and pushing his head against her as she licked his ear, always hungry for more than she was giving. The sight of which even had Francis becoming slightly noticeable, half painting and half masturbating while watching the scene.

Capri let out a groan, at the point where he was ready to tell Azure everything she wanted to hear. "I beg you, Azure," Capri began. "I really... Need to cum!" he declared, his suffering apparently due to him being on the peak while being supported by her teasing. Indeed, he looked ready to blow, with pre-liquid often flowing forth, making her scales slick with the substance.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

And of course, she’d play that tension to both her advantage and his pleasure. The nuzzles that she could feel were often followed by flicks of her tongue, usually against his ear, and nibbles there and at the side of his throat. “And what will give you that release, sweetness? Hands?” At that, he’ll feel the press of her fingers a little deeper inside of him, tips just falling short of that spot, teasing with the idea of a firmer touch there. That also pulls her front closer to him. “Or is there something more you want, hmm?” There’s that brush of her underscales against his length again, her body shifting to allow more intimate contact between the two of them.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

If Azure was looking to torture Capri by stringing him along with questions, she would find success via his gritted teeth as her fingers dove inside. "Your pussy, your mouth! Your breasts, tail or hands! Or all of them!" Capri announced as if purely controlled by his inner instincts. As she allowed the intimate brush of scale against flesh, Azure would feel Capri moving his hips wildly despite being bound, as if he was using all of his strength that he could muster in her powerful tail to try and get lucky, or perhaps just reach that desperate climax by rubbing against her. Her underscales were quickly left with the residue of his excitement, leaving little doubt that he was ready to erupt.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Gods, do you have any idea how much I want you?" Rhetorical question, especially as his lips get seized in a fierce kiss, her body flush with his. The kiss and the grind of her 'hips' against his serve as something of a distraction to the slide of her tail into a better position, the tip of it trailing from between his legs to follow the crease of his backside, carefully replacing her fingers with it, which allows her to tease with a gentle thrusting motion. Of course, that's just until she can shift him in her hold, allowing her to ease herself around him, arms coming to hug him tight, just holding the two of them in that position for a heartbeat or two. Hot breath tickles at his ear again, the words "Move with me, lover" accompanying the movement of her drawing back and then taking him in again, her tail moving in a similar manner, a little curl at the end of the thrust to help reach that spot inside of him, adding the jolt of that pleasure on top of everything else that the two of them are doing. Another nip at his ear and there's a hiss of pleasure that accompanies encouraging murmurs while they move.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Choir! Preaching to!" Capri replied to her rhetorical question, before eagerly accepting the embrace of lips. Capri was squirming wildly, as if he was truly prey that was fighting for its' life. Though in his case he was fighting for release against Azure even though all his energy was wasted as there was no escaping a lamia's hold short of supernatural means or fantastic strength. His squirming only served to stimulate both her instincts and the muscles under her scales that held him, though perhaps it was a good thing that it pleased her and aroused her further. It would make her desire to do the deed that much stronger, and the deed itself happen a little quicker, much to his desire that moment.

Capri's response also made Francis giggle in the background.

Then, it happened. Capri's face was deep red, and only got more red once she enveloped him. His eyes rolled back. His hips thrust deep as her scales allowed him to. Those few moments together liked that generated the most effort out of him to try and move so far. He was moaning into her mouth so loudly that no doubt people walking outside could hear him despite being muffled. It was a good thing no one did, because no doubt someone would have come to the rescue of a man apparently being tortured judging by the sounds.

Then, her whisper, before their movements began. Capri lasted an amazing five thrusts before Azure felt him twitch powerfully and his body tense up in her tail. She'd already made him reach climax in no time at all, no doubt thanks to her sadistic treatment. That would perhaps normally mean that Francis was correct, except that she wasn't at that moment. Capri didn't stop moving. Despite a powerful climax making his mind seemingly numb to all else happening but the pleasure, all he needed was his instincts driving him to move with the lamia. Their act together was no secret as wet sounds quickly filled the room as a result of him apparently releasing quite a bit inside of her, with the apparent intent to release more. Meanwhile, his tongue would eagerly dance with her own, his moans ever loud, though quieting down after he got the initial burst of stress off of his mind. His muscles went lax, and what was left for Azure was for her to enjoy a very willing meal as it were.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure's response was answering his groans with some of her own, the sounds mingling and growing a bit higher as he thrust inside of her, then dropping to a deep, satisfied moan as she could feel his climax. The fact that he kept moving began to coax little sounds out of her, whimpermoans that sounded in his ears while the two of them kissed, tongues dueling with one another amid gasps of pleasure. As he grows lax and Azure gains more a measure of control, he can feel her arms and tail wrapping tighter around him, drawing their bodies closer together while she moves around him, the pace having slowed from the frantic thrusts from before into a more drawn-out ride. While the tension builds, her cries get more and more breathless, fingers pressing into the muscles of his upper back and dragging there as she pulls him closer, tail tightening even further, until he can feel her hips buck against him, carrying her through the spasm of her release. Her lips crush against his before she pulls back, burying her face into the crook of his neck, panting breaths hot against his skin, the feel of them erratic while her body rides the tremors of her release. When she's finally caught her breath, he feels the warm press of her palm against his cheek and the side of his face, holding him there as her lips press against the opposite one, her forehead resting against his temple while she catches her breath. "Oh, that was fun," he hears breathed out, her lips pulling back into a smile.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

After a minute or so following his climax, Azure would find Capri start to recover from his climax. His body began to squirm and move once more, while the lamia herself was his sole focus. With Azure in almost total control, Capri did what he could to squirm and embrace her to show his feelings. His face flush, and his expression slightly sleepy looking, as if the climax took a lot out of him while letting his subconscious take over. So even his inner instincts desired Azure. Then suddenly came Azure's release, one that Capri seemed to realize was happening. Typical of most lamia, the tail would curl up, and her body would tighten as well. Capri had a stoic face as he endured her climax, before taking a deep breath once it passed, acquiring some much needed oxygen and wincing in slight pain as a result of the intense squeeze. Even so, once the fact of her orgasm passed, Capri slouched back with a content face. His expression was clear enough that it spoke volumes: "I made it." it said. He looked the same as a warrior might look after a fierce battle in which they nearly lost their life, happy to have survived the experience to bask in the glory.

"I'll... Need time... Before we do something like that... again..." Capri wheezed, looking as if Azure had almost completely sucked him dry of all his life force.

"Some men are said to have died while mating with a lamia." Francis reveals. "Congratulations on not being dead after your second time, Capri!" She giggled, before flipping the painting around to show a disturbingly realistic painting of her perspective. Capri's back was to the viewer, his body and arms bound in Azure's tail, and his hips against Azure's own. Meanwhile, Azure's arms were around his shoulders, and their lips were locked together in a passionate kiss. Azure's eyes bright, and Capri's milky with blinding lust as his white seed could be seen dripping down along Azure's body from the point they were connected. And indeed, Azure had quite a mess to clean up on herself. She emptied him completely it seemed.

"Huzzah..." Capri weakly joined in the celebration of his continued survival.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

His satisfied look, coupled with her own content feelings draws a purr out of the lamia, her hold on him still firm, given how boneless he is at the moment, but certainly not as intense as before. It's more of a cuddle than the intense grip of their lovemaking.

"No worries, lover," she murmurs to him. "I've a feeling we'll be pretty distracted in the coming days."

She'll carefully help him onto the bed, leaning in to give him a kiss on his temple, very aware that they need to clean themselves up.

"That's...shockingly impressive, Francis," she compliments, looking a tad embarrassed. "Do I really look like that?" Capri she's seen, being rather fixed on her partner, after all. Her own expressions, though, are something of a mystery to her.

Once they've settled, she will ask if Francis has something she can use to clean up, intending to get herself washed up and then to bring something over to the bed to tend to Capri.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis only giggled when Azure looked flustered about seeing herself in an intense state of sexual thrill, before answering her question about getting cleaned up with an affirmative. "There's a rune shower in the room in the back." She declared, pointing to the very back of her house. If asked what a rune shower was, Francis would simply declare that it was a shower that used magical design to automatically pull water from a container and allow for a private wash. There were also towels that Azure could use to wipe Capri down if she didn't feel like carrying him into the shower, as he looked like he didn't want to use his body at all after what he went through.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis can at least take the fluster as a compliment, given how impressed Azure seems to be with the painting. The rune shower seems nice and she's got no problems carrying Capri into the shower with her, though she knows he doesn't always like it when he seems to be getting babied.

Once in the other room, she'll take a minute to study how it works and then settle on a (hopefully) warm stream of water, settling under it with Capri resting on her coils. The wash is almost something of a massage, to coax a bit more life back into his boneless limbs, easing him back from the intense feelings of their previous activities. Once the two of them are rinsed clean, she'll take a little more time to tend to him, working some lather into his hair, letting her fingers scritch lightly along his scalp and temples. Certainly a different sort of attention from their previous activities but no less loving.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Picked up by Azure, Capri adopted an expression she did indeed expect. He looked embarrassed and rightfully so. He was carried nude throughout Francis' house, a scenario that he once again didn't expect to have happen to him in his life time. As well, it'd be especially blush worthy if Azure was so inclined as to carry him like a princess. Likely it would paint a picture of Capri as the damsel and Azure as the knight in shining armor, which wasn't that far from reality.

Brought to the shower, Capri whined a little at what was going to happen. As the (thankfully) warm stream of water came out upon Azure placing her hand upon the handprint engraved into a glowing blue rock, Capri looked up to Azure sheepishly. "I've not been cleaned since I was a baby. You almost look pleased unless I'm reading you wrong." he said, looking like he was curious as to why Azure was of a mind to steal him away to the shower and clean him with her own hands. He also seemed to have something to ask that he seemed very hesitant to. Though under the circumstance, he found the resolve. "... Are you a pervert?" he inquired. Though he'd require no answer if Azure washed 'that' part of his body, accepting that as the response.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

If Capri can prove his legs aren't jelly after their activities, then she won't carry him, but as it stands, he's probably having a bit of a time making them work properly. If he also whines about the way he's being carried, she will offer to throw him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, if he'd prefer.

Once they're settled in the shower, she will start to help him wash, though he is free to take over at any point. She seems more interested in helping him to relax than working him up, though. "Don't like the attention?" she asks cocking her head to the side slightly. "And I suppose my answer depends on what you consider being a pervert."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

At her offer to be carried like potatoes, Capri quickly seemed a lot more comfortable in her arms. "... You're a very blunt woman..." Capri said, seeming humbled by how he apparently never dealt with her type before.

Once in the shower, it somewhat became clear that Capri liked her attention, but wanted to pretend he didn't purely because of some standard he should uphold. So, her washing would be left unbothered while Capri still would wiggle a bit in seeming complaint if she washed anything other than his arms, head and back. "If I had to define it... It would be whether you consider this a chore or... I'm ashamed to even suggest this... A pleasure." he stated, revealing the nature of his question to be if Azure actually liked scrubbing him, a grown man, clean. Though there seemed more to what he was saying than he let on, as evidenced by the constant working of his mouth with no words to follow, as if he was silencing himself from speaking his inner thoughts.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

That gets a soft laugh out of her, though she does make sure that he's comfortable while she's carrying him. "Sometimes dancing around an issue just doesn't help," is her reply to that.

If he is only pretending not to like her tending to him, she'll keep going, working in the washing in a way that feels natural and not like she's just trying to get a free feel out of this. She's also not treating him like a child while she's doing this, but like her partner, there being attention with a slight bit of a massage worked into his back, limbs, and neck.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I weren't getting any pleasure out of this." The phrase is accompanied by the slide of soaped hands along his shoulders and down to his biceps. "But I'm guessing you more mean am I getting aroused doing this?" He can feel her chin rest on his shoulder, her arms coming around him in a loose embrace from behind. "I get to run my hands all over your body, as much as you'll let me, anyway." He feels a kiss pressed against his skin close to her lips. "It's," she'll pause to consider the word, "pleasant. Yes, I enjoy getting to feel your body beneath my touch, but I'm doing this to help you relax, not out of some need to get you, or me, worked up again. Would I like to do something like this in the future, maybe with a little more activity involved? Yes. Not right now. Right now, this is me getting you clean and just enjoying some quiet time with you in my arms." He'll feel another kiss against his shoulder, then a light one at the side of his neck, and finally one at his cheek.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

With all the kisses coming his way, Azure would find Capri squirming almost as an instinctual reaction. "Your actions and your words conflict, I'd say..." Capri said with what sounded to be attempted composure with an ounce of failure. Her last few kisses about did him in, as Azure would briefly spot the source of agony that made Capri squirm in the form of what could be referred to as a pillar of lust by someone with a taste for fancy words and a taste for deviant vulgarity. Rather than be excited to have such a reaction, Capri seemed stressed over it. He treated it like a sore muscle that had seen too much abuse while trying to hide it from sight, failing to completely do so.

"H-honestly, Azure! Your breasts are against my back and you ought to know well enough what happens when intimate attention is paid to someone's neck!" he declared. Though he'd be sending mixed messages himself at that moment. Body language told Azure a tale of happiness while his words offered a bit of protest. Upset about having his neck kissed, he claimed. Yet, he did nothing to hide his neck or shield it. She'd even see his head tilt away at her kiss, nothing short of an invitation. Azure would not be too mistaken if she dared to call him a masochist from the way he responded to teasing. Such was his reaction that despite his pains on his lower half, he was actually 'ready' again. "Angels in Heaven, I'm actually considering your deviant idea of the other men, if only to have someone around to help calm you down. Surely that snake-like passion of yours has a limit." he declared.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Contrary to what you may think, I can show you affection and not want to take it any further than that," she chides gently, though as he admonishes her, she pulls away from him, holding herself at about arm's length. "Though it would seem that you might be the one whose limits are in question." It's hard to tell if she's upset or just confused. "Given I wasn't trying to do anything to you, maybe I ought to let you finish up on your own." She'll carefully uncoil, given the amount of space, and slither out, finding herself a towel to dry herself off with. Francis likely doesn't mind water in the house, but she's trying to be a polite guest.