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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure would find her wrist grabbed after a moment of hesitation from Capri. "Azure..." he said her name, before going quiet. He seemed to think for a moment about what to say next. Her apparent upset reaction and his apparent difficulties dealing with an inhuman woman showing in the awkwardness that ensued. The water continued to run for a few seconds unless Azure ignored him entirely and bolted out the door.

"I honestly need you, I'm sorry." He declared to her. "I have no strength in my legs because of what you did to my butt."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

The grip on her wrist would make her pause, turning to face him. Her expression is neutral to begin with and grows a little softer at his admission. "Think you can walk, with help, or would it be better if I carried you?"

She doesn't press him to talk about it further, willing to let it go for now and simply see him dried off and settled into bed. If he wants to try to walk on his own, she'll support him with an arm around his waist, encouraging his own around her shoulders, moving slowly. If it's better for her to carry him, she'll let him get comfortable in her hold rather than the scoop she did before, making sure he's all right with it before slithering toward the bed.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"As long as you don't carry me like a sack of potatoes." He says with a comedic chuckle. He mostly dries himself off, needing some help with his back, before slipping into some nightwear that Francis left them. They were blue, stretchy shirts and pants that looked to fit well while clinging to both of their skin. They were also seemingly made with a soft, smooth fabric that quickly felt like a second skin.

Once in bed, Capri would let out a sigh of relief, happy to relax and go to sleep. Though he gave a small start when Francis poked her head out of the bed. "Good evening." she said to them both. "Sleeping in the middle, Azure?" she inquired, her pink lips matching her equally pink and curly hair were curled in a small smile of invitation.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Would be easier to put you in bed that way," she teases back, but no. He is not carried like a sack of potatoes. She's happy to help with his back and he might catch a pleasantly surprised look at the way the clothes compliment him.

Francis popping out causes Azure to let out a little squeak of surprise. It made perfect sense for the merrow to sleep in her own bed, but it was still a start. The question gets a bit of a chuckle out of the lamia and, given how she knows Capri feels about Francis, will earn the other woman a little nod. "Aye, probably for the best or we'll never get any rest before tomorrow's journey."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Are you sure about that?" Francis inquired innocently, with a brief flash of facial expression that looked like someone who wove a web of deception, and successfully caught her prey. When Azure would come crawling into bed, Francis would snuggle up to the snake, her shoulder to the snake's shoulder if Azure decided to sleep with her top half above like the others. "Sorry, Azure dear. There's just so little room." She cooed, and she did have a point; however, she looked to be putting hardly any effort into giving Azure space. Instead, she looked all too ready to cuddle. Capri seemed to be invisible to her as she looked at Azure with a smile.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Oh, I'm sure we need rest before the journey," Azure replies with a bit of a chuckle. She knows perfectly well what Francis is getting at, but in the interest of not wholly traumatizing Capri, she's playing innocent. Or dumb, however one chose to look at it. That, and while she didn't mind the occasionally fling with another mamono, her preferences leaned toward men.

As Francis cuddles up, Azure will shift slightly, not trying to pull away from the other woman but not wanting to feel too constrained by her. If need be, she'll twist and shift a little to snuggle up with Capri, which would let Francis cuddle up to her back. Granted, it'd bring the two on the ends closer, but Azure was still a buffer.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis giggled, snuggling up close to Azure, feeling the sensation of a smooth mermaid tail up against her own serpent back while Francis' full breast made its points known against her more human back. Then, Azure felt the mermaid's whisper against the webbing that was her ear. "Sweet dreams, love~" Francis said with an intimate coo, before Azure felt her body shiver from where the mermaid's breath touched her skin and then through the rest of her body as a sudden magical sensation overtook her. Before Azure would even realize, protest, or otherwise, her eyelids fell. She fell fast asleep, with the last thing she could hear being a playful giggle.

There's no telling when it began, or why. All Azure would feel first was a sensation of softness against her back as if she were laying on a cloud. She laid in a realm that seemed a great deal like the ideal Heaven, without the extremist angels and self-righteous aura. The sky had a soft, cloudy, pink hue. It was as if it was a mark as to who created this realm. After a moment in this realm, Azure felt a presence lay beside her. She may be surprised to see Zidane close to her, smiling at her. He wore nothing, allowing his thin yet toned physique be fully visible while carrying himself as if such a thing didn't matter. Zidane brought a small cup of crystal clear water up to her lips. In a single gesture, Azure would feel the cool liquid slide down her throat and leave her thirst quenched.

Then, she could feel a slow, sensual rubbing sensation along her tail. Marth was below, just as naked as Zidane, straddling her tail while leaning forward with his hands against her serpent flesh. He slowly moved his hands upwards, thumbs riding up and down along the muscle structure of hers before reaching her waist. By then he was fully laying along her tail, his body resting on her own. With an intimate smile, Marth lowered his head to her petals and gave her clitoris a single teasing lick before simply drawing back and massaging her sides and tail again.

Zwei, as if appearing out of the ethereal realm, also made his presence known. It was almost as if they were all already there, despite Azure not knowing about them. Zwei came closer to Azure, no surprise being that he lacked clothes as well and allowing his bulky physique to be seen. As he got nearer, he slithered one arm behind Azure's back, relatively easy considering how soft and plushy the ground beneath them was, before he put his mouth to her neck, kissing her and giving her sensitive flesh a caressing lick, while Zidane's head moved to her chest, suckling on her breast softly.

Then, Ragna leaned his head over her own, looking upside down to her. He had a blank expression on his face as his red and blue eyes stared into hers. "Alright, dream's over." He declared.

Azure woke up in bed. Francis was missing, but Capri was sleeping with his front facing her, and joining in a mutual snuggling session with her, unless Azure decided to wake him.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Given the position that they fall asleep in, Azure might mistake the cloud for Francis' chest at first, until the realization starts to dawn on her. With their earlier conflict, she's a little surprised to see Zidane, especially in all his glory, as it were. Still, she's got no reason to refuse the drink, distracted before she can thank him by Marth's hands working up her tail. Probably a good thing he's straddling it, since the play of his fingers along her more sensitive scales would cause twitching and possibly some pleasant squirming. The little flick makes her jump, letting out a soft gasp. Little shit. Though the thought is purely affectionate. Zwei is another pleasant surprise, her body settling against his, arm sliding around his back as they cuddle close, her fingers kneading there slightly, especially as he tends to her neck. Zidane manages to coax another gasp from her, the fingers of her other hand slipping through his hair and lightly brushing at the back of his neck, more of a caress than a knead. Despite the pleasant feelings, she's not entirely surprised that it's Ragna that jolts her out of the dream.

Waking, she'll lay there beside Capri, holding him as he snuggles against her, her fingers soothing up and down his back as she reflects back on the dream. There's a soft giggle from her as she recalls the half-demon. How typical. Again, the thought holds more affection behind it than anything else. The pleasant feelings linger and she lets out a rather content sigh, indulging in the warmth of the bed and her company for just a moment or two longer. She does become aware of Francis' absence, straining to hear if the merrow is still home and bustling about her house or if she's gone out for any reason.

Eventually, though, she'll start to nudge Capri awake. "Big day today, lover," she'll murmur. "Time to get it started."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Looking and listening, there was no sign of the merrow still around in her house. There was a sign of where she was though, as Azure would find herself aware of smooch marks against her cheek and neck. Capri would also make her aware of that as he woke up.

"... And a great night last night apparently, looking at you." he said with a yawn, stretching in the bed. "I suppose it's good that the two of you get along, in all consideration." he said.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Once aware of the marks, Azure will, if they're made with make-up, go in and wash them off. Best to look professional when you're meeting with your client again, after all.

"More that she left something to remember her by," she explains to Capri. "A little surprise for when I woke up." Translation: This is news to me, too. "But you're right. She's been more than generous. And helpful. Especially when she really didn't need to be. Ought to do something to repay her, maybe, after we get back from Waymeet."

She'll continue to get ready, urging Capri to do the same, especially if he's still lazing in bed. After that, it's a matter of getting breakfast and rounding up the others to meet with Claire, though the order of those two tasks is left up to interpretation.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I wouldn't know what to do to repay her." Capri shrugged. "I can't ever figure out what's going through her head. I look at her, and she always has that grin on her face. I'm not sure if she's making that grin because she knows something I don't, or if she's just... Happy all the time." he said, unsure of his conclusions.

And then, it was a matter of rounding the others together after breakfast. Thankfully, the group was together in their shabby hangout place lacking furniture, and cluttered as ever in each corner except Zwei's. All he had was water and a single bed. Zwei was sitting cross legged on the bed, seemingly resting. Ragna and Zidane were fighting, with Ragna holding Zidane in a headlock and grinding his knuckles against Zidane's head. Marth was in a panic, apparently having overslept as he was hastily packing a massive bag of books and other assorted goods for a mage's past time. Zwei stepped in and instructed Marth not to take all his hobby gear along, while Marth cried out in protest. He was allowed to bring three books.

When Azure arrived to this scene, the four of them stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Zidane turned his head away immediately, not meeting her eyes. Ragna seemed to grin wide at this reaction, torturing him a moment further before looking at Azure while Zidane flailed at Ragna to stop. "We're good to go." he declared with gusto.

Right behind Azure, she heard Francis' voice. "Ah~ she woke up early." the merrow giggled. When Azure turned to look, the merrow was walking side by side with Claire herself. After Capri made the comment on Francis' smile, Azure would have a good comparison in that moment. Both Francis' and Claire's smiles were extremely similar, as if their brainwaves were aligned and were thinking alike.

Claire gave Azure a small polite bow. "Thank you for helping me."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Possibly the former." Azure gives him a bit of a grin of her own.

When they arrive at the shack that the boys share, she finds it amusing the way that they share their space, not really saying anything unless Ragna extends his teasing torture of Zidane. She doesn't say anything about his turning away from her, choosing instead to let the situation go and allowing him to deal with it in his own time.

"Zwei's right, Marth. We won't be gone forever and you'd have to carry everything that you're bringing yourself, so unless you'd like to haul all those books all the way to Waymeet, listen to Zwei."

"Busy day," Azure replies, hearing Frances' voice. She does take a moment to study the expression that the other two women wear, resolving to herself to perhaps ask Capri if she, herself, ever gets a look like that.

"It's a pleasure, Claire," Azure replies with a similar bow. She glances over at Francis. "Doesn't do well to keep the client waiting."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Ragna looks down at Zidane after he looked at Azure. The two seemed to whisper in private with each other. Ragna seeming amused while Zidane looked frustrated. After a moment, Zidane actually looked at Azure, facing her directly. He looked ready to say something, before his gaze averted her again. Hands on his hips, his face red, he approached Azure with stiff legs and posture. "I forgive you." he said quickly, before turning and heading back to his corner of the room. Ragna was snorting with amusement.

"You were the one at fault though..." Capri murmured as Zidane walked away.

Then, speaking to Claire, the crystal woman giggled. "Oh, don't worry about me, miss Azure. My patience could outlast your lifespan~" she said encouragingly. "But it is not me you should worry for, but the people of this temple. We must do all we can to protect them."

"I've been meaning to ask about that." Marth began. "Is a war really coming?" he inquired.

That's when Claire's smile vanished, as well as Francis'. In response, the crystal woman merely reached her hand out, and placed it atop his head. "Do not worry yourself about any such gruesome thing, young one." Claire said to Marth, her touch making him look humbled. "There shall be no war. There shall only be peace when we are done. We strive to avoid that dreaded conflict. With your aid, we must just be able to do it." she promised.

Francis nodded. "Speaking of, Azure, best you make plans to find a place for you and the boys to stay outside of the temple. There is reason growing to not stay here." Francis noted, which would explain the few groups of mamono she saw leaving the temple as if moving an entire house's worth of goods.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure studies Zidane as he approaches. After he speaks his piece, he hears a quiet "Thank you" from the lamia, gentle acceptance of his words. At Capri's, she simply lays a hand on his arm and shakes her head slightly.

"I'd heard the rumors. I was hoping they would stay just that, but with any luck, and Claire's diplomacy, we might have a chance." At the other woman's words, she gives a nod. "That's the plan, at any rate."

Francis' interjection, though, makes her frown. "You think coming back would be a bad idea? I mean, I'm just visiting here, so to speak. You all, though..." She glances around to the men present, and Francis. "How do you feel about that?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I plan on going back to Atlantis, eventually." Francis declares, but grins none the less. "But, I'd be willing to stay if I were... How you say... Desired?" she giggles. "Preparations to leave should begin by the time all of you come back."

When Azure asked they group, they shrugged. "I've got mixed feelings. Part of me wants to stay and try to help with the war effort, but I get the feeling I'll be rejected because I'm a man." said Ragna. Marth spoke up as well. "I'm happy helping on the sidelines like this."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

It's good that they have time, then. There's also no missing the question in Francis' comment, though the lamia seems a bit uncertain in how to address it. "You're certainly one to follow your passions, Francis. May they lead you true."

"We'll do what we can, then. I'm not exactly eager to get caught up in a war effort, at least one that involves active conflict. At least like this, we get to pick and choose our battles, so to speak. For now, as I said, I'd much rather take steps to prevent this all from happening, if nothing else to protect those who want no part in it at all."

That said, she'll look to Claire and then to the boys. "Shall we see if we can manage that, then?" she says by way of cue to head out, provided everyone is ready.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Francis giggled at Azure. "Oh~ Well, I certainly enjoy doing as I please." she giggled.

Then, all of the boys nodded at Azure, ready to depart, as well as Claire, who looked quite ready. "I must say, a woman commanding a bunch of cute young boys is certainly something you don't see every day~" Claire cooed with interest.

"Don't get the wrong idea." Zidane interjected. "We're all our own men, not boy toys for this rape sna-"

And then Zidane was interrupted himself as Claire cooed with a sudden realization. "You're an amusing one, but don't take it too far, okay?" Claire declared, causing Zidane to go silent, a bit shocked, before he slowly looked ahead, as if unsure. "I've already been told by Francis how much of a help Azure's been to you all. You must surely be thankful." she declared, giggling as Zidane began grumbling under his breath. Ragna delivered a firm pat to Zidane's back. As if referring to words spoken before, he made a gesture with his head at Azure.

Zidane seemed like a victim in that moment, attacked from all angles, before he stepped forth, actually walking alongside Azure. "I guess you have really made a difference in our lives... Without you, we'd still be jobless and harassed constantly. So... When you look at it that way, you are really great in comparison..." Zidane said slowly, as if wanting to find a way to give her the credit she deserved, while not actually giving it. Ragna cleared his throat, causing Zidane to roll his eyes. "And-I'm-sorry-I-was-an-ass-when-you-didn't-deserve-to-be-treated-that-way, I guess" Zidane said quickly. "There, I said it." he announced with a sigh of relief. "So quit treating 'me' like the bad guy when she's right there..." he said, retreating back to the boys unless Azure decided to abduct him.

Meanwhile, Capri was giving the cat boy a look that quite clearly said, 'you have learned nothing.'
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Oh, I don't doubt it," Azure replies to the merrow with a bit of a smile.

Claire's interjection is likely what saves Zidane from Azure jumping in at his remarks but as the others seem to harangue him, her own body language seems to relax, not wanting him to feel pressured, especially as he approaches her.

She listens to his 'apology,' judging by his own posture that this is difficult for him to admit, so again, she's willing to let him have his say without interrupting or making him feel threatened. At least until he gets to the last part. Before he gets too far away from her, he finds himself blocked by the curl of her tail, Azure herself forming a loose boundary around him, not touching, but he'll have to step over her tail if he wants to get away from her.

"So, you consider me a bad guy?" The question comes out in a playful sort of tone but she does seem curious. She's not looking to hold up the excursion but she also seems to want to know his thoughts on the matter.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Blocking Zidane, Azure got a new reaction. Fear. He turned his head to her, looking as if he was about to be struck or the equivalent. It seemed almost instinctual, a flash of expression trained from life experiences. Though after her question, Zidane gave it some thought, before giving an honest response. "I'm thankful for your help... But I still don't trust you." he said, giving his answer to take how she will.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Her own posture remains casual and it's just her tail blocking him. She keeps as much of her upper half away from him as she can, not wanting to invade his personal space beyond the boundary. In fact, as he's thinking about his response, her tail slides away from him, not hindering him further.

At his words, she gives a slight nod. "I suppose that's fair. We haven't known each other very long. Maybe that'll change on the trip."

And given that they do have the journey ahead of them, she doesn't bother him further. Once their things have been gathered up, she seems fine to head out, likely letting Claire lead, or at the very least, letting the crystal mamono direct. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to put their charge on point. That duty probably goes to Ragna, by virtue of his exceptional hearing and demeanor. Marth, Claire, and Capri are probably in the middle. Zwei is likely rear guard. Zidane has his choice of positions and Azure probably keeps to one side of the group, allowing her to converse with the three in the middle and keep an eye out at the same time.