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The Dividing Line - Station


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

(( Internet craps out, look at all i miss, wow. Posting from phone, just to get something in here. ))

Caitlin heard the broadcast, causing heer current frown to deepen. She remained silent through the ensuing scene, sitting back so as not to add to the crowd around the cryopod. Her datapad lay on her lap, discarded for the moment as she watched the telarin work, Maria rising a few moments later, after Fletch had arrived.

Once things started too settle, Caitlin went back to work, taking the datapad into her grip once again and checking on the state of her various projects.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

(I have decided that Ko's speech is now red. Orange was just a bit too faint I felt.)

--Outer Hull--

Arriving back at the sensor antennas Kars kicks a maintenance panel shut, and plods over to his toolbox. "Eh. The last two times a ship came straight at me like that, they started shooting soon as they saw me. I try not to make a habit of giving them the chance." He replies to Talen's private message. "Sodding Telarin though, are always like that. Acting like we're just inconsequential scenery."

The weird sphere ship still hovering above where he was now standing. He didn't like it. No engine exhausts or visible weapons to track the direction of. Nothing to react to or read during a fight. No identifiable components to subtly sabotage. The more he looked at it, the more he wanted to break it open or mess with it in some way. And the more he did that, the more he couldn't see a way to do so. It was a frustrating cycle.

After a few seconds of simply frowning at the thing, he finally picks up the tool box he had left behind, and heads back inside as well. He idly wondered at this point what Ko had been getting up to since she went off to look at the quarters. Checking the hud display he had his computer bring up, he got only a view of what looked like the corner of a room from a camera view on the floor. The lens was very slightly steamed up, and he could hear a distinctive sound of rapidly pattering water. Drooping his eyebrows he pokes a few buttons on his forearm before speaking.

--Womens Washrooms--

"Slacker..." Kars voice suddenly calls out from the corner of the room where Ko had left her helmet. Ko blinks, having been interrupted from her shower, and grimaces a little. An unrestricted shower like this with both hot water and smooth soapy stuff, was damned luxurious as far as she was concerned. Kars wasn't welcome during it. "Shut up you. You're not allowed in here."

"I'm not allowed in a lot of places."
The helmet retorts.

"Hey! I'll pull the battery out if I have to! I don't give a fuck if I have to re-initialise stuff."
She shouts back at the helmet, motioning as if she was about to throw the bottle of soap at it, before realising that wouldn't really help at all. Unfortuantely despite her efforts into learning software and programing, she still hadn't yet figured out a way to stop him just turning the thing back on after she put it into sleep mode.

After an amount of glaring, the helmet didn't choose to say anything else for the moment, going silent once more. Ko seriously considered doing what she'd said about the battery, but it was actually a fair bit of hassle, which she was less keen about than she'd let on. Shrugging the imersion breaking annoyance off, she goes back to imagining living in the upper class civilised heart of the TPD. Lazing the days away in some grand home of marble, glass and chrome.
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Rule 34

Rule 34

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Several days later, Nadia and Fletch found themselves standing side by side in the hangar bay, awaiting the arrival of their latest crew members. Nadia gave him a sideways glance, grinning behind her veil. "So, I heard you were coming out of Maria's room this morning." The large man rolled his eyes. "Oh for... Since when does CO stand for Chit-chatting Officer? Who ratted me out? Hiram? It was that sodding goatling, wasn't it." Nadia threw her head back and laughed. "So it's true? I was just pulling your leg. Did you tighten her screws?" Ever so slowly, Fletch turned and stared at Nadia's laughing eyes. "I have actually no idea what you mean. No, seriously. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Like, did I fix up her prosthetics, or are you implying we're - because it's neither," he said with a blush underneath his beard, interrupting himself with a gesture. "I was merely checking up on her this morning. Making sure she's... she's doing okay. No... mental damage. She's been through a lot." He raised his paw-like hand and ran it through his thick hair. "Look, can... can we just get this over with? Why am I out here anyway?" "Oh you'll see," Nadia said jovially and reached out, patting the large man on the back, who responded with an annoyed grunt.
Further down the hangar bay, Vigil's ship suddenly came alive. The white sphere had eventually been moved into the hangar bay, and Vigil had mostly chosen to reside within it, only emerging for occasional visits to the med bay and its laboratory, completely unfazed by Caitlin's cold behavior. This time however, the tall and lean alien had a different goal. In complete silence he stalked across the hangar bay, giving Fletch and Nadia a wide berth and headed towards Draven's ship. Finding it closed down, he raised his hand. Not a second later, the Ingrali's comm turned on, tuned to a private channel. "Draven Naros. This is- Vigil. I am hereby politely requesting access to your ship for the purpose of personal communication, to which end lowering your access ramp would be required." It seemed that in social situation, Vigil's speech became quite stilted, as if he was not used to small talk or even plain conversation. It was quite a bit different from the short, concise speech he used when discussing science.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven didn't take long to answer, having expected eventually someone would try to talk with him. He had after all essentially avoided the entire crew over the past several days, going over various ideas he'd had to the multitude of problems they had. He was however a bit unhappy to hear it was the Telarin.

"Stand by, initializing door system."

A moment later the door opened, a short ramp leading up into the ship. Once the Telarin had entered, the doors would close again.

"Just keep coming up to the command center, you can't miss it. And for the love of all things holy, don't touch the glowing stuff unless you want to get a nasty jolt."

The glowing stuff seemed to be some kind of core, off to one side that had a protective force shield around it.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria spent those first days in near isolation, poring over the Klarr's medical charts and their treatments and attempting to research some way to get them on their feet faster than they were currently healing.

She could find nothing.

So, after Fletch checked up on her that morning and she sent him off with a smile, she made her way to the med bay to see if there may have been something she missed.
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Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen and Reno were on board the Laughing Rogue, which was sitting in the hangar once again. During the last few days, Talen had sent in a request for a few new items from headquarters, and the shuttle carrying them had arrived yesterday. Most of what was requested was spare parts and ammo; capturing the station had consumed a fair amount of resources. What Talen was most excited about were the new bodies he had ordered. Should they encounter that shark man, or any of his buddies, hopefully they'd be more than ready. Talen was so happy about this, he actually whistled a tune while he worked. At least, until Reno took a jab at him for it.
Rule 34

Rule 34

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The Telarin made his way up the ramp with striding steps, aided by his slender legs. As soon as he beheld the glowing core he immediately raised his hand... and stared at it, puzzled. Slowly, he turned it in front of his eyes. Lowered it. Raised it again. Finally he cursed underneath his breath. His scanners did not work within the Ingrali ship. Their technology must have found some way to outwit the Telarin - an unfamiliar feeling to Vigil. Cautiously he advanced forward, having to rely purely on his senses for the first time in a very long while.

As soon as he entered the command center, Vigil straightened his posture and walked up to Draven with purpose. "Your technology seems protected much in the same way as ours," he stated as he came to a halt a few feet in front of Draven, doing the very slightest of bows. "It would be fruitful for both of the concerned parties to engage in an old Terran ritual that they colourfully refer to as "cutting the chit-chat." Nadia informed me about the bioweapon. Explain."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven nodded, having half expected this.

"To be honest, I figured you'd have been told and seen me sooner than now. Long story made incredibly short, some years ago the Nnyarthall used a bio-weapon aimed at killing humans within our home galaxy. A year ago my people developed the means of modifying the original bio weapon, designating it to attack Nnyarthall. With the confirmation of both the Nnyarthall and at least one live Ashotur here, my people have begun openly debating about using it here, something I'm dead set against. It should never have been developed in the first place, Allison wouldn't have wanted us to become what we hate. Sadly, my people are too damn sure of the technology at hand to realize altering a few components won't help. In fact, I suspect this may have been the Nnyarthall's plan all along, to get us to use it here and wipe your people out for them, since, as I am sure you know, it would affect Telarin as well. I've tried for the better part of the last eight months to get them to destroy it, to steer away from this road, but it's like butting heads with a neutron star. At least, until you came along. I think you might be able to help me end this nonsense once and for all, if you're willing to do what it takes, and help me convince Nadia to help us as well."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

How many days had it been? Caitlin paused her practically unceasing work and considered the question. Vlado had come and gone nine times while she was here, and she had passed out twice in her chair, gone back to her ship twice, and found an empty room in the dorm hall, sleeping there once. The day and night cycles the station's lighting went through was harder to track, as she'd wired the medlab's lights to remain on the same intensity regardless. Vlado there had probably made other trips while she was sleeping, but with washroom breaks and other such inconsistencies, that would hardly be a fair count either.

Finally ending the mental segway with a physical shrug, she returned to her work. The yellow spore and her plans to have her own biological material inherit some of it's traits had been stonewalling her. She had several promising segments she wished to splice in, but when before she had plenty of examples of recorded behavior to use when predicting what would happen, in this she had just the one. And that recording was obstinate, underintelligent, and surprisingly violent. So she had been forced to relegate that project to the backburner, for the time being.

The new suit for Krell was progressing a fair bit better. She had managed to cultivate a new strain with Pan Kor neural tissue, creating a new strain that should integrate without the rejection issues she had seen from the first test. Problem was, she had to splice out a few of the more useful segments in doing so. So now she had to play around a bit more to work them back in without ruining the overall composition.

Finally, there was the pair of bioweapons Draven was so worried about. She'd had little progress there, but of the most important, she has traced through the original weapon to make a best-guess hypothesis on how the Nnyarthall would immunize themselves to it, which she had replicated successfully, or at least as successfully as she could without a Nnyarthall to test it on.

Her mind was wandering again. Sighing in mild irritation, she glanced around, finding Vlado out of the medbay again, the medic having wandered out without her notice. She'd get something to eat, that may help her focus. Tucking the datapad between her legs, she left as well, headed for the cafeteria.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

As Fletch and Nadia were waiting, a transport of the type used by the TPD military for redeployment of planetary vehicular assets entered the system and began docking procedures with the Line. Once landed, one of the occupants exited the ship, and started heading over to where the pair were standing.

The man in question was wearing a full suit of ground trooper armor, with a full helmet on... Although whoever it was had rank insignia for a Commander. The armor's unit identifier patch bore a black background, although something about it might otherwise seem familiar to Fletch. As he approached, a muttered "Still surprised someone talked him into hanging his ass out over the fire again..." could faintly be heard.

Once close enough, he stopped and removed his helmet, before identifying himself. "Commander Victor Kharos, reporting in."
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

When the soldier spoke up, Fletch's face changed from annoyed to an interesting mixture of disbelief, fear and joy in equal parts. "V... Victor? Victor 'Revenant' Kharos - THAT Victor? Did my medication just wear off or is that actually YOU?!" "You're on medication?" "Fucking shit, it is," Fletch said as he took a better look at the insignia. Slowly, a grin started to form on his face as he pushed himself off the crate he had been leaning against and closed the gap, offering his old comrade a handshake. "TPD still unsuccessful in getting you killed, huh?"
Vigil stood completely motionless while Draven elaborated on his people's plan that would doom his entire race... except for one little detail. The longer Draven talked, the tighter Vigil clenched his fists until the material covering his fingers actually started creaking. When he spoke, his voice sounded cold - even over the translator unit of his suit. "Your people would not only take technology of the Nnyarthall, not only improve on the design of our enemy, but they would do their bidding even after they were made aware of that fact. They are effectively collaborators. They are no better than the Ashotur." He paused, allowing his words a moment to sink in before continuing. "Whatever steps have to be taken to stop them, I will take them. No compensation demanded, no favors asked. But know that the Telarin will not welcome your people in this galaxy from this point onward."

A different Telarin might have reacted differently. They might have jumped at the opportunity to barter their cooperation against technology or knowledge. They might have been more diplomatic. But for Vigil - and every Alpha - the protection of their hiswas the first and last priority. And the Ingrali posed a clear and present danger.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor laughed as he shook Fletch's hand. "They haven't even managed to get anything blown off yet... Well, except for a bit of skin, maybe."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven nodded.

"In your position, I'd feel the same way. Although I suspect they didn't improve it, more simply tried to change it to target a different species. Frankly, they have no idea what they're doing with the damn thing, and they're too sure of themselves to stop and think there are things better left untouched and roads better not taken. So many are blinded by their hatred towards the Ashotur and Nnyarthall for what they did to the humans in our galaxy, yet they fail to realize of anyone I've lost more than any of them did. Yet I oppose the use of this, I felt we should have turned over the genetic sequences of the thing to your research departments for studying to find a cure or destroyed all of it, left no trace of it. Instead, they continue what the Ashotur did in defiling Allison's memory."

As he spoke, the Telarin would sense the Ingrali was becoming both bitter, and very tense, and he might suspect if another Ingrali were present, Draven might actually attack them.

After a few moments, he turned to Vigil and spoke, this time it was colder, but with a calculated purpose.

"I plan on deceiving them. I plan to lie and say I reconsidered deployment of it and used it either in the attack to take this station, or in defense of it. I need the appropriate materials to make it appear it was used here, and had no effect on the Nnyarthall bodies, while killing three of your kind. For that purpose I will need at least two or three of the bodies we left behind, samples from them, as well as three damaged samples of Telarin DNA and fill the bio-weapons genome into those damaged areas to simulate what it would have done if it actually had been used. Then, with some modifications to the security footage, we can actually make it come to life enough to even make ourselves question if we actually did this or not. We'll need Nadia's help for that unless you think we can hack the station's systems without getting caught and get what we need. Then, I intend to send a databurst to them and tell them your people and the humans are asking questions about where it came from. I'll casually drop a line about perhaps telling them where it actually did come from, which should be enough to get them to recall and destroy all samples of it. If they can be made to see past their own arrogance the threat this poses to not only your own people, but it being useless on the intended target, they'll want no part of it. I dislike having to do this, but ... they've left me little choice in the matter. I will die before I allow this weapon to be used, but this is my fear is that should I be killed, it would be used. Not all of us feel comfortable using it, but we're unfortunately a small number. Fortunately for all of you, they won't use it while I'm still alive. I'm ... the oldest of us Vigil. In our society, the older ones tend to call the shots, and most of those who oppose this weapon are the oldest. Right now, it's a fragile thing, which is why I feel we must make a move now, before anything can happen."

He was silent for a long moment before admitting something else to Vigil.

"Were it not for an oath of revenge I took to avenge Allison's death by those bastards, once seeing this bio-weapon threat gone, I might do you the personal favor of leaving and ensuring we never return to this galaxy. I'm sure of anyone, you know though that one's sense of duty comes before anything else, and I will not break my word, especially to someone now deceased."

As he spoke about her, Vigil might notice the Ingrali's eyes move over to a display screen on one side of the room. If he looked, he'd see a stunningly attractive (for a human anyway, not sure by Telarin standards), woman with brown hair. From the way the Ingrali looked at it, Vigil might guess this was Allison, who seemed to be quite happy in it. The Ingrali stood next to her in it, the two seeming to be close enough in the picture that Vigil got the sense this woman had been far more than a friend to Draven.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Fletch snorted. "Right. Always did wonder how you managed to not lose an arm or something. We gotta catch up, you need to meet Lemmy." Behind him, Nadia cleared her throat, and Fletch flinched for a moment, having forgotten about the Garik. "Commander Kharos, allow me to officially welcome you on The Dividing Line. You are a most welcome addition to our ragtag group." She straightened a bit further inside her heavy robes and took a step forward, offering Victor a gloved hand. "Fletch, weren't you working on something? What did you call it... the quest board?" The engineer's eyes widened for a moment. "Right, the program should be about done. I should get to it. Victor, we should crack a couple of cold ones sometime soon. Find me in the quarters when you have some time." Nodding his goodbye, Fletch turned on his heel and hurried off.
The Telarin tilted his head, listening intently to Draven's plan. "Making them believe their creation is not only ineffective, but would lead to full-scale war with an entire galaxy. They can not possibly want that. Accepted. Acquiring samples of our DNA will take some time. Nnyarthall bodies have been destroyed. Hygiene. Not a problem." If Draven wouldn't know better, it almost sounded like Vigil was... giddy. "We can always produce more."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven nodded.

"That will give me time to speak with Nadia and to finalize the finer points of all of this. And you are quite correct, they won't want another war, especially not with your people or the humans of this galaxy."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

After poking around in the empty med bay for a few minutes, trying to get back in the groove of her duties, Maria flopped herself down into an empty chair and opened a com, broadcast to the entire crew, " Everyone, this is your medical officer requesting that you come down to the med bay at your earliest convenience. I need to preform a physical on each of you to establish a health baseline and get a DNA sample in case we need to regrow any organs. You also need to have your blood type matched in case of any necessary transfusions. Don't rush on my account though. " She switched the com off and spun in her chair, awaiting the first crew member.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Caitlin looked up when Maria broadcast her message, the scientist cracking a small smile over her plate of food. She had most of that recorded herself, but it could be an amusing diversion from her work to go over it again with the woman. Perhaps she was bored herself, and Caitlin could help occupy both of them for some time.

Her mind made up, the woman finished her short meal, and started back towards the med bay. The cafeteria and halls seemed to be in a day cycle at the moment, so she figured she had some time.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor shook Nadia's hand as well... Grimacing slightly at the mention of rag-tag group. Once Fletch was gone, he spoke again, this time to the Garik. "Unfortunately... It's about to get a little bit more 'rag'... There was an... explosives expert... sent with me... I've still got him locked in."

He stopped speaking while the message from Medical played out over the intercom.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Meanwhile, in one corner of the cafeteria, the resident Pan Kor stood chewing a rather tough orange he had acquired, listening to the announcement and watching Caitlin exit, mess, following her soon after, his tall gait allowing him to catch up to and follow her. "So, how's the suit coming along?" he asks as he walks up alongside the woman, his stride slowing to a leisurely amble forward.


Sex Demon
May 24, 2013
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen chuckled out loud as the message finished playing. The only part of him that was still organic was his brain; and even that had been heavily augmented. "I suppose we could use a break. What do you say, Reno? This ought to be interesting, at least."

"Aw, man! I hate going to the doctor's office. Needles make me queasy."

"Reno, you can't feel queasy. You can't feel anything; you're a machine."

Reno gasped in fake shock and held her chest like she was in pain. "No need to be mean about it, Talen! It's called 'getting into character.' You know, role play?" She shook her head. Talen could be so boring sometimes.

"Role play. Riiight." It was Talen's turn to shake his head; sometimes he forgot just how sophisticated Reno's AI was. "Let's just get going, yeah?" Talen grabbed his jacket and started towards the door. As soon as he turned his back, Reno blew him a raspberry.
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