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The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 18 + 42 + 3 + 8 = 71 vs 58 - 8 = 50 == hit.
Damage: 10 + 8 = 18 - 10 = 8 damage.
To-hit: 16 + 32 + 8 = 56 vs 58 - 8 = 50 == miss.
Damage: 2 + 16 = 18 - 10 = 8 damage.

Bob and Eva turn as one to attack the demon as it is about to strike at Domon, Eva stabbing and Bob smashing. Both of their attacks land, Eva thrusting with her sword while Bob hammers into the demon with a single massive fist. If the demon notices, he doesn't show it, Evas blade stabbing into his side and Bobs fist bashing against his helmet don't even seem to phase him as he strikes at Domon with his mace.

To-hit: 5 + 44 = 49 vs 35 = hit.
Damage: 7 + 20 = 27 damage.

The demons blow lands, cracking against the warlocks back and sending him flying forward, disrupting his spell. Instantly, the demon who'd been held by his lightning glowed with dark energy, surrounding himself with dark power and strengthening his blows with his spiritual might while emitting red light. Domon rises and prepares to cast another spell, this one directed at the one who'd attacked him, proving tougher than Eva had imagined him.

Casting: 20 + 30 + 8 - 4 = 54 vs 15 = Success.
To-hit: 19 + 38 + 3 = 60 vs 58 = hit.
Damage: 1 x 8 = 8 - 10 = 0 damage.
Mind vs Mind: 10 + 30 + 3 = 43 vs 7 + 20 = 27 == Domon wins.

This time his spell is weaker, but still it holds the demon in place, the lightning causing his muscles to spasm if not a great deal of damage.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva felt frustrated, almost enraged, when she failed to stop the knight from harming Domon. Her and Bobs combined efforts hardly even hurt the foe. She needed another way of attacking the knight, just hitting it like this would take too long. An idea suddenly sprang, if she could remove the demons helmet then her weapon could stab his head, doing a lot of damage. Thanks to Domon's most recent spell, she could do this and the foe wouldn't be able to stop her. The only problem was the interference of his partner. Eva then spoke up, speaking to Bob, her voice fast and filled with urgency. " Bob, I'm going to take his helmet off while he can't move. Please, hold off the other one so he can't interfere!" Eva hoped Bob listened to her as she went to remove the demons helmet.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Bob nods, and turns to face the other demon while eva rushes to try and pry the demons helm off.

Grapple: Automatic Success.

Eva has little trouble pulling the demon knights helmet off, revealing a surprisingly human looking face. He grits his teeth in pain and anger as Domon continues his spell.

Damage: 2 x 8 = 16 - 10 = 6 damage.
Mind vs Mind: 14 + 30 + 3 = 47 vs 15 + 20 = 35 == Domon wins.

The demon is held still, and seems to be taking harm from the spell now. Bob and the other demon clash, the mighty troll getting in the first swing.

To-hit: 5 + 32 = 37 vs 58 + 12 = 70 == Miss.

The demon, with his now supernatural speed, easily avoids Bobs punch, and responds with a swing of his mace.

To-hit: 1 + 58 + 12 = 71 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 20 + 12 = 37 damage.

The blow smashes into bobs head with near-deadly force, sending even the powerful troll sprawling to the ground.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

' Please, hang on just a bit longer Bob... ' Eva thought this after she had removed the helmet from the demon knight, seeing the fey get hit by the mace. Eva quickly raised her sword above the demons head. Gripping her hilt tightly, she gave one strong thrust and her sword went downward, the blade going right at the Demons head. Eva would stab the head of the foe until it died, and once it was vanquished she planned to rush to the aid of Bob.
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Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Damage: 3 x 8 = 24 - 10 = 14 damage.
Mind vs Mind: 6 + 30 + 3 = 39 vs 6 + 20 = 26 == Domon wins.

Domons lightning holds the demon, and Eva is free to stab her blade into the demons throat. Expecting more of his supernatural resiliency, Eva is surprised when her blade easily sinks into his neck, blood spurting out into her face as she very nearly decapitates the demon in one hit. He dies, the only thing holding him up now being his muscles held tense by Domons lightning.

To-hit: 18 + 58 + 12 = 88 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 7 + 20 + 12 = 39 damage.

Even as the knight dies, Eva hears a loud clang, accompanied by a sickening crunch. Turning, she sees the other demon, the one who'd spoken, standing over Bobs motionless form, his mace covered in blood. Looking at the fallen Fey, Eva sees that beneath the blood, the trolls head has been crushed, bits of brain seeping out along with the blood, and Eva doubts that there is any way that the Fey could still be alive.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

( Damn it, I liked Bob. )

Upon seeing Bobs dead body with the demon knight over it, weilding a bloody mace, Eva suddenly felt feelings she hadn't ever felt before. Seeing what the demon had done to her companion caused Eva to feel pure hate and anger towards the foe. He had helped crush Gleep and Gloop and now had killed Bob. The death of her three companions had pushed her over the edge and on a sudden rage filled impulse, Eva ran at the demon, then suddenly, leaping at him, her blade aimed right for the head.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(Stupid me, I've been forgetting you had lucky the entire time.)

To-hit: 19 + 40 + 3 + 10 = 72 vs 58 + 12 = 70 == hit.
Damage: 10 + 10 + 3 = 23 - 10 = 13 damage.

Eva slash connects with the other demons helmet, knocking it off and revealing another largely human head and face, this time with long black hair flying free as she knocks his helm away. the demon scowls, and rushes past Eva to attack the chanting Domon before Eva can try and stop him, reaching him well before Domon completes his spell.

To-hit: 7 + 44 + 12 = 63 vs 35 = hit.
Damage: 5 + 20 + 12 = 37 damage.

The demons mace cracks against the gruffs head, knocking him on his back. He doesn't rise, and Eva is unable to tell whether he's alive or dead. He turns to Eva, still glowing with power, and prepares to deal with her, his last opponent.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

( That's alright. )

" Domon! " Eva suddenly cried out, seeing the gruff fall to the ground after the the demon hit hit and turned to face her. She suddenly looked all around her, at the body's of Bob, Gleep, and Gloop then back at Domon. She was alone, left to face this final foe on her own. Looking at the demon Eva felt that feeling that had suddenly caused her to lash out and attack a moment ago, that feeling of hate and rage. A very angered look spread across her face as her tears seemed to reflect the same anger, tears starting to form. She raised her claymore, gripping it tightly with both of her hands as she glared at her opponent; " Foul demon... You will pay! " She yelled as she suddenly rushed at the knight, swinging her sword at the demons head and neck area once she got in range.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 10/40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 2 + 40 + 3 + 10 = 55 vs 58 + 12 = 70 = miss.

The demon sidesteps Eva slash with inhuman speed, and brings his mace up to strike the knight in the gut as she passes.

To-hit: 20 + 44 + 12 = 76 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 3 + 20 + 12 = 35 - 5 = 30 damage.

The blow knocks the wind out of Eva, and she collapses to her knees. The demon knight stands over her, smiling evilly, apparently preparing to finish her off.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva gasped for air as she fell to her knees, the grip she had on her weapon's hilt lessened. With the demon looming over her it seemed that she had lost and that the fight was over. " D-damn it..." she mumbled, her voice seeming to tremble a bit. She refused to die like this though, if she was going to fall she would do it fighting. Suddenly tightening her grip, Eva swung the sword at the demon knight once more.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Submission Hold

To-hit: 12 + 40 + 3 = 55 vs 58 + 12 = 70 = miss.

The demon sidesteps Eva sword, and responds with another swing of his mace, this time going for Evas head.

To-hit: 10 + 44 + 12 = 66 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 4 + 20 + 12 = 36 - 5 = 31 damage. Eva has been knocked unconscious.

The blow connects with the side of the knights head, and Eva is unconscious before she even hits the ground. Her last thoughts before the blackness takes her are of her fallen comrades and of her family.

Hours later, Eva awakens, opening her eyes to find herself under a strange, blood red sky. Her eyes shoot open when she realizes that she is bound by strange, fleshy, ropes. Her arms are held up with her palms out, and her legs are held apart and out. She is held against a stone slab, naked, and faces a massive stone gate. Her equipment is piled neatly on a table not far from her.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

( If you don't mind, I'm going to give Eva some memory loss from the hit to the head.)

Eva silently trembled when she awakened and grasped what was going on. She was in a humiliating position in an unfamiliar place, this frightened her. Her head also ached a bit, it having a slight pain. As she looked around her surroundings she tried to remember what had happened, how she ended up in the strange place, but couldn't. She could remember as far back as arriving at travelers hut during her travels and that was it. Looking over to her neatly piled equipment that sat on a table a thought ran through her head; ' I... Need to get my stuff and get out of here...'

Eva suddenly began to silently try to escape from her bonds, using whatever method she could to escape.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Submission Hold

Grapple: 10 + 30 = 40 vs 50 = Failure.

Eva is unable to escape from her bonds, the fleshy appendages holding her tight. A man steps through the gate, with long black hair and dressed in a black robe. "Awake finally are you, human?"

He seems slightly familiar, but Eva is unable to tell from where she knew the man.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva got frustrated when she failed to escape her bonds. That frustration quickly went away the moment the black haired man appeared. She blinked in confusion when the strange man in black robes walked through the gates and spoke to her, her face seemed to blush sightly from embarrassment. He seemed somewhat familiar, but she really had no idea who he was. When he spoke his words this told Eva that he knew how she ended up here. Her voice slightly hostile, and confused, Eva responded to the man.

" Who are you..? how did I end up here? "
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Submission Hold

"That knock to the head scramble a few things did it? I brought you here after I killed your companions. I'd have killed you too, but you killed one of my men in the fight." The man replies, smiling maliciously, and takes a step toward her. "So, I decided you're going to help me replace him."

(Gain 4 exp from killing the knight earlier, btw.)
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

( At least something good came from that fight. Didn't Eva get any EXP from the demons she killed? )

" Wh-what?! " Eva said, not liking the way the man was looking at her in the least. She had no memory of any companions or any fight, although from what the man was saying, there must of been a fight that hadn't ended well in her favor. She was actually relieved she couldn't remember, the memory's of dead companions would of made her heart ache. " I-I've got no idea what you're talking about, but instead of doing whatever you've got planned, couldn't I just take this persons place? " Eva said this nervously as she began to fight against her bonds once more, really wanting to avoid whatever this man had in store for her.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Submission Hold

(And 2 exp for them, thanks for reminding me.)

Grapple: 11 + 30 = 41 vs 50 = Failure.

The man smiles and steps up to stand in front of her, only a few feet away, as she once again fails to escape from the things holding her. "I'm afraid not, I doubt you'd be so willing to work with demons once you got your memories back."
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Eva felt that familiar frustration when she failed to escape the fleshy ropes. Still, she wouldn't give up. She'd keep trying until she broke out or convinced this man not to do what he planned. Upon hearing his response she tried not to react much as she thought of a response. Thinking of something to say, she spoke, " I'd much rather work with demons then what you've got planned. Please, give me a chance, Ill give you my word that I won't betray you or your comrades. " Eva was still trying to break out of the fleshy ropes as she said this. While the thought of working with demons, possibly ones that had killed companions of hers, was a rather unpleasant one, she had an idea of what he was planning to do to her and was going to do whatever it took to avoid it. She just hoped the man didn't hold her to what she had said and didn't make her swear not to betray him or his men. If he did, then she might have a lot of trouble getting out of this situation.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

Evas Status HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled, Submission Hold

Grapple: 19 + 30 = 49 vs 50 = Failure.

"Would you? For some reason, I doubt you'd hold to your word human. And even if you did, you are a poor substitute for one of my knights." The man replied, reaching out a hand to brush against her cheek.
Re: The Good Apprentice (GoldGolem)

( So close! )

Clara felt embarrassed, having her cheek brushed by a man who had apparently done this to her and killed her apparent "comrades". Her frustration and annoyance grew, but she withheld it. Until she broke out of these bonds or something else happened, she would continue to try and stall the man. " Are you sure about that?" she said, " Didn't I defeat one of your men in combat? Wouldn't that show I'm up to par with them? " Clara had no idea the only reason she managed to take down the mans partner was because of the help of the dead Domon. In her mind, she had thought that she had taken down one of this mans "men" in combat single handedly after he had said she had killed she had killed one of his knights.