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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Startling at the sudden appearance of the blue, naked woman, Pale gathers courage to look her into eyes, still wary. "...Hi"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana flashed a wide smile, replying "why hello there. Enjoying yourself in this place?" her spaded tail swishing back and forth just above table level as she stared into the girl's solid black eyes. Interesting, interesting... Just as I'd hoped.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Starting to relax if only barely, Pale hesitates before answering:"...I...not really. It's all so...strange." Pale spots the tail and her gaze follows it for a bit before returning to the face.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

At that reply, Luciana leaned forward into the girl's personal space, an eyebrow raised at her. "Really? Somehow I don't believe you." She leaned back again, continuing "in any case, you ought to embrace strange. It's better than boring. What do you say to making it even less boring?" The smile returned, the demon's tail swishing faster as she stared at Pale.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale takes a sip of tea before answering: "Right now I'd rather just have my tea in peace, if you don't mind", a bit of anger entering her still uncertain voice.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"I'm fine with waiting until you finish your tea, I am not so impatient as to drag you away from your drink" Luciana replied, closing her eyes and leaning back perhaps farther in her chair than was prudent. "When you're done, though, I won't take no for an answer."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"If you insist. I'm not so certain if you'll enjoy my kind of fun, though." Pale answers, her voice now void of hesitation, before taking another sip of tea. "What's your name? I'd rather know that before our match."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana chuckled, nodding. "Sure I won't, sure I won't. You'd be surprised. In any case, my name is Luciana. Yours?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"My name is Pale." Pale says simply, with a little smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana chuckled again, this time replying only "how appropriate." She would then wait for Pale to finish, and for them to inevitably be transported to the arena.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

After a few more sips enjoyed in silence, Pale drains her cup and stands up, closing her eyes as the pair is teleported to the Mud Pit.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice finally made it out of the wretched arena with Tamonten in tow, her head still numb and dizzy although the voices seemed to have faded significantly. Looking up to see Enigma taunting her with a smug remark regarding the experience, no doubt having enjoyed it all in her own twisted way. If Auralice wasn't still nauseous she may as well have floored the necromancer with a headbutt right there, instead of further amusing the elf with a half-assed remark, she slithers up to her and grabs her under her arm, having placed Tamonten on her back she makes her way back to the hotel room to rest. Once inside the drops Enigma on the bed and crawls up next to her, placing Tamonten on the other side and squeezing them both closely towards her with her arms around their heads, closing her eyes to soon fall asleep to take a decent nap, or possibly lie there and cuddle the rest of the day.

Enigma ---> Auralice ---> Tamonten?

Even as she was now...once again indisposed, trapped upon a bed by a large serpent woman, Enigma continued to find it...puzzling, as to why she had returned to that unholy ground. There had no logical reason for her to check on the well-being of the naga responsible for "defeating" her earlier, especially after she had opted to guide them into a hall of madness...yet... for some reason or the other, at the time she had felt almost "compelled" to do so, as if out of some strange responsibility. A sensation that shouldn't have existed to begin with, as far as she was concerned...yet happened anyway. Was she under some influence or the likes? Or was she frightfully finding herself attached to the idea of becoming a toy for the naga?...

Speaking of which, why was that demon-girl...Tamo...Tamon...Tamo something?...Tamo would do for now, why was she there?

Left with little else to converse with while the naga slept, Enigma would opt to speak out to her, perhaps in hopes of finding an answer to that, so as to keep her from suffocating not only due to the heat of such close proximity contact in a stuffy robe...but boredom as well.

"...Tamo dear, you don't mind if I call you that do you?... What brought you to be there with this...serpentine woman at that time? I recall only luring her into its halls, not you."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Auralice -> Enigma

"Oh, you know..." The pale-skinned swordswoman replied, a little darkly. "Seeing new and familiar sights, meeting new people..." Experiencing terrifying nightmares of enemies vanquished... That experience was still chilling to her. It wasn't as bad as having witnessed the dead Kasumi, but it wasn't good. There was also that whole 'bouncing herself on a naga as though she were practicing for a rodeo' thing, which could also have been considered a poor choice. A faint blush came to her cheeks as she surveyed her sleeping mistress from her cuddled position. Wait, mistress? That didn't seem quite right. What a confusing competition. "So, uh, what brings you here?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Enigma ---> Aurani ---> Tamonten

"...Not sure really dear. Perhaps checking to see that the leftover waste products of my powers didn't cause any lasting damage after an... interesting meeting. Though...as to why I'm here now with our ma- ...this serpent, I'm unsure."

The question would seem to leave Enigma truly troubled, as doubt seemed to fill every word she spoke, despite her usual confidence. Odd, now that she thought about it...why was she here? And in fact, why wasn't she squirming free?... Oh well.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Vira & Maya

Quite content with the night elf's friendly response, the plant girl eagerly took up a spot next to the night elf. Adjusting herself into a comfortable positition, she eyed her form once or twice before their company was interrupted by the approach of another. A human with quirky catlike ears and twin tails it seemed. The vividness of the girl's green eyes caught Ione's attention away from the night elf, along with her now transparent water soaked clothing, and she found herself staring with an ever increasing grin toward her. This island had certainly 'attracted' a long range of interesting people it seemed.

Hearing the night elf speak, whose name was later revealed as Vira, Ione nodded her head in agreement. "We've all been whisked away at the whim of the wind it seems. Or more precisely the one whom roots deeply of this island that is. That's what I've heard from those rather distant people of this land... always so obsessed with their duties..." The plant girl trailed off, before shaking her head of the sudden thoughts, "It's a... pleasure... to meet the both of you as well. If you wish, I am called by the name Ione."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Nadia

Tomoe still looked at the water, and her own knees. I sure hope so. Though... I do believe the same thing. This place doesn't seem to be hostile, more like a hedonistic spot..." she replied, airing her suspicisions about the strange resort.

There was a brief pause, and the angel soon turned to meet the miko's gaze. Looking up, she curled herself into a tighter bundle under the surface of the water as their eyes met. She still was not comfortable with showing her body to strangers. "I have nothing against having a match with you, training is a good thing. It would be a pleasure really. And it's not like I'm much better with my fists. My focus is really on the sword...." the shy warrioress replied, genuinely honored by such a request coming from an angel, even if they were a younger specimen.

Bowing slightly as Tomoe accepted her challenge, Nadia replied; "Excellent, I will keep my back to you while I get dressed as you get out of the water, so that you can redress without concern. Then we may begin!" With that, Nadia backed away from Tomoe, and then, with a surge that went water splashing everywhere, Nadia took off and returned to the rock she had left her clothing on, only to redress with her back to the lagoon, allowing Tomoe to redress in peace just as the angel had promised.

(We have yet to pick a location, but most of them are full right now. Tomoe can use as much Battle Aura as she likes, as far as I'm concerned, but you can let me know any appropriate limits to balance the two for an even fight if you like.)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Nadia

"That would be nice, thank you..." the super-shy shrine maiden replied from her still-curled position. Once Nadia had assumed her promised backwards position, she got up from the water, moving up on dry land to dress up. Panties went on first, followed by the most time-consuming part of her dressing, the wrapping of her breast-covering bandages. Once that was done, she tugged her robe and skirt-hakama on tightly, securing them both with the belt. Finally, she brought up her headband, securing it around her forehead.

Having dressed herself, she waited for the angel to come at her so they could start the agreed battle...

(If there are no good spots, we can wait a bit or start it regardless)
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

So, assuming that the match between Tenta and I is over, who wants to challenge Iggy now?
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

->Enigma, Tamonten
Auralice quickly passes out into a state of sleep, her arms still holding her company close as if to seek comfort, much like a girl hugging a teddy bear.
Her rest did not come with ease however, the remaining forces in her mind conjuring up a nightmare much like her previous predicament, her body shivering and moaning with discomfort as her mind tries to rape her again, somehow managing to reach out to her body as her nipples stiffen and appendages harden in errection. Her face seemingly screaming for help as her body writhes in a mixed state of increasing madness and arousal.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Tomoe

Nadia waited for a few moments even after once more donning her white robe, until well after the sounds of splashing had dissipated. When she did turn, Tomoe had just finished wrapping her chest in bandages, and Nadia took to the sky for a moment before landing a few feet from the priestess just as she finished dressing. "I believe that we are ready to begin. Shall we battle here then?"

(The oil arena is free, but my original plan was to use the lagoon. It's up to you, though, I'd be fine with the oil arena personally. :D )