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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Noticing the tail move, Pale throws her upper body out of the way only to see the tail seemingly deflected by thin air. Stepping back she regards the woman. "You wished to see me?" The words coming out a little more than a whisper, yet her eyes burning with cold anger.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six continued to glare at the creature who snuck up on her, somehow. "Even still, making yourself appear like a normal human instead of... how the heck did ya get back there, superjump?!?" Six continued to stammer, staring at her with her own glowing-slightly green eyes glaring at her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Pale smiles at the thing's comment. "Appearing like a normal human is best reserved for normal humans, don't you think?" Pale answers, rising her voice slightly to conversational levels.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six smirked a bit, a bit of the edge going from her. "Fair enough, though around here it seems normal is overated," she replied, lowering her haunches a bit, though if her recent stalker looked right she may notice the drying purple clawmarks of her last self-punishment. "So, what brings you here? You heard that mock-fight down there too?" she asked, gesturing to the cliff edge.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

"Yeah, I was wondering who'd make such loud noises at this time. Though I guess in here there's little reason not to." Relaxing noticeably now that the threatening moment had passed, Pale takes a long look at the combatants down below. "I'm Pale"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale, Beach Cliff Battle Scene

Six shrugged a bit. "Call me Six. As for me, I was watching due to some sembalance of actual combat. Flesh and blood, swords and sorcery. Not..." Six paused, looking for the right words before a strange, low hiss acompanied her finishing her thought. "...some other form of devilry," she finished, looking sour for a few moments before nearing Pale to return to her laying-down position to see how the fight was going on.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala blinked.

It was sunny. There was the sound of sea birds. Sand was underneath her feet. Her body, now dressed in a skimpy bikini of her favorite shade of moss green, was dangling in a hammock suspended lowly between two palm trees. A pink haired servant stood by her side with a glass of sweet smelling juice.

"Ah... you'd better tell me what's going on." Nala said in a rather stunned tone.

Several minutes later the setting had been explained to her. Nala had blushed at first as the obvious entertainment value of this place was made clear, but then began to feel much better.

"What an amazing opportunity to excel in my personal studies!" she exclaimed. Plucking the tropical drink from the tray and sipping at it with a grin, she sauntered sexily down the beach looking for some new friends to play with.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye -> Nadia/Alexandra

Skye's eyes lingered on the red-haired angel's exposed neck for quite a while. As gazes go, it was long though not long enough to become unbearably awkward. By the time her copper eyes shifted back to Nadia's face, her expression had grown intense. There was no malice in her eyes. Instead, it was something strange. The vampire's gaze was wild, lecherous, and distinctly inhuman. Slowly, Skye got to her feet. Considering the look in her eyes, she walked to Nadia with remarkable calm, stopping just before her. She kept her gaze steady until coming to a halt when her eyes shifted back to that enticingly exposed alabaster skin. "Quite the treasure indeed," Skye breathed heavily, "Though the chance to succumb to a vampire's fangs with no fear of death is nothing to sniff at either." She smirked creepily, "There are those who seek it out with great fervor.." The pirate showed Nadia her hand hesitantly to express that she had no vile intent, then made to stroke the side of her neck lightly as if caressing a golden coin. Skye always had little interest in physical treasure, tending to leave that to her crew. She was almost exclusively interested in treasure of the crimson variety, "What are these... contests and arenas you chatter on about so?" There was a hint of annoyance in the pirate's voice, but she was actually being uncommonly friendly as anyone on her crew would attest.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye/Alex

Nadia remained still, showing no discomfort as Skye held her locked in her gaze. The angel only smiled and waited, completely calm as the copper eyed beauty, even as she felt that intense gaze fall over her. She appreciated the surprisingly human look in the other woman's eye, lecherous though it might be, and she even tilted her head a little further so that Skye could get a better view of her throat. She felt the warmth of the woman's breath on her skin as Skye breathed heavily, and her smile shifted invitingly at the captain's words. Nadia nodded slightly as the woman offered her hand, allowing her to continue and brush her fingers against the soft flesh of her neck. As she allowed that enticing touch, Nadia said; "I know.... I have, at times, wondered what it might be like to allow one of your kind to feed. Even among my kind, there are whispers of the ecstasy that your fangs can bring."

Nadia giggled slightly at Skye's annoyed words, and she happily responded; "The rules of this place prevent us from truly harming one another. We can strike only with the lightest of blows, and no weapons are permitted at all. The battles, if they could truly be called that, end when one opponent surrenders, is unable to fight any more, or..... Reaches fulfillment. They may only be held in certain places, and if one shows hostility, they may simply be dropped into an arena facing the one they were battling. So far, you don't seem to have inspired such a response from our host, so I suppose that you might be allowed to slake your thirst so long as you don't harm your.... Subject."

Nadia's eyes half closed, and she quietly continued; "I suppose that it might be interesting to test that limit."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Nadia/Skye

As she sat the smell of a finely prepared jerked chicken cutlet caught the dragon's nose. She knew where it was, the other half of her meal was still waiting to be devoured, and a part of her wanted to simply dig in and enjoy the rest of her meal before it grew cold. But somethings are far more intriguing than mere food, and this meeting between the tainted and the pure was one. To think that an angel would so readily lay down her defenses all for the sake of curiosity felt almost blasphemous, but she had the rather proud vampire practically eating out of her hand. Such a coy little thing...

From where she sat Alex could not truly see the pair without looking rather obvious in her voyeurism, but what came next changed everything. The angel had acquiesced. What had once been an offer of a chance had now become an offer of a taste, all under the pretense of testing how deeply the rules of aggression went. This whole scene was surreal and reminded Alex of one of those trashy library 'novels' she had thumbed through and discarded. But having it happen only a few feet away was strangely enticing, and intrigue finally overcame discretion. Her plate was lightly brushed to the side, and her elbows came to a rest on the table without any sound so her hands could lace together. Her chin soon came to a rest, her arms propping her head, but she was turned at an angle that finally let her eyes catch the scene so near. It wouldn't be as obvious as if she simply turned her chair and leaned back to observe, but if either Skye or Nadia looked they would spot the dragon nonchalantly watching them from the corner of her eye. If she was discovered she wouldn't turn away. Instead a small curious smirk would play across her face, and though her mouth would be hidden by her hands it would be quite easy to see that she was probably enjoying this far more than what would be considered healthy.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk, the Shield-Maiden!
Zaro'Alk -> Pale Swordsman.
Rock-Beach End.

The Giant Demoness didn't have the same physical limitations as Tomonten possessed for the practice session for the taller woman was content to use the same limb and style to harmlessly fight. She did feel it was strange for the Swordswoman to willingly root herself to one place, and wondered why she did not attempt the obvious method against a larger, heavier foe; to move and not stop for any reason, to deny a bigger opponent the space and time to charge up momentum in a fight. Instead of relying on her apparent dexterity, the pale-skinned female merely allowed Zaro to have the advantage that she used without any regret. Thrusting the long, trimmed branch at her 'foe', the silver-scaled female detected the same thrill of conflict as many times before, hoping that Tomonten would put up a good fight, to make her exert energy to endure and execute skill rather then to flail - to practice as was the purpose of this exercise.

The impact of spear against sword was enjoyable, the momentum of the first set of rapid jabs carried through to the next volley, all forcing the smaller fighter ever-backwards, losing that advantage she foolishly failed to utilize - until soon after the last strike. Adrenaline pumped through the massive body and Zaro had to move back or sideways, not from the fear of being struck but simply to avoid being struck, although with a harmless tool like the training sword, she could have simply allowed the weapon to impact and ignore it to power through. But to keep within the spirit of the excercise, and to tempt the shorter one to over-reach herself, she avoided it with heavily weighted hops that caused the sand she landed upon to distort and shift into the air. This had been the moment she lost her advantage and wished to become more defensive, for Tomonten proved competent enough to avoid such a trap, the Gaintess fell back with that same bounce in her easy, rapid step. Zaro breathed easily, with deep and slow rise and falls of the shawl-covered chest while watching Tomonten with the same impassive visage, yet joy wormed its way into the pale yellow optics as subtle little glints of playful pleasure. Fighting was a natural act and this was beginning to become so much more then simply forcing an awkward foe back with a stick.

The nigh eight-foot tall beast of a humanoid emitted a deep, guttural growl for one long, drawn out moment that sounded so very bestial, inviting the Swordswoman to advance, and changed her posture after the bold challenge - lowering further onto bent anthropomorphic knees and reducing that former bounce to a shuffle, both hands now clutching the spear, effortlessly raised for balance and to side-swipe the sword if it was possible to strike the 'flat' sides of the 'blade'. A risky but useful tactic, one to force the smoother-skinned woman into being careful while allowing her to put to use her supposedly greater speed. At no point did she notice a witness, but was not so concerned - she, herself, had done the same not long ago.

The crash of wood against wood wasn't quite as satisfying as the ringing of steel on steel, but Tamonten enjoyed it all the same. How long had it been since she'd had a 'normal' opponent? Not even to speak of one that didn't intend on defiling her if they claimed victory. To think of the fighters she had overcome in her lifespan would elicit memories of wolves, wildlife, plant creatures, and over-sized arachnids, nothing like the warrior in front of her. The white-haired human hadn't sparred since her days learning under her father. It brought back fond memories of the lead-weighted training weapons. But there wasn't time to bask in those memories, nor time to think about anything beyond her next move for that matter, although maybe she would share some tales with her training opponent later. Perhaps she was glad that it wasn't steel on steel, the swordswoman wasn't entirely sure that she would have survived a real match with the Dragoness.

Tamonten had pressed on against the taller female, thrust after thrust aimed at her legs. The shorter woman attempted to make up for her manacled arm's lack of finesse with quantity. Time after time the Dragoness maneuvered herself out of the way of the attacks, trying to urge the sword-wielding woman to become greedy and overextend. By the time her attempt to push the giantess back had ended, she was starting to grin widely. The possessed swordswoman was almost awed by the grace and speed of her opponent. Her genetically altered training partner might not have been cut out for the work of a ballerina, but her movements were so much easier than her size hinted to. If the powerful shield-maiden could accomplish such, then surely hope wasn't lost for the pale girl's blackened appendage. It was a feeling that only grew stronger as her opponent seemed to get more and more involved in their sparring session.

The pale-skinned woman, herself, was becoming more and more engrossed in their mock battle. When the imposing Dragoness issued her guttural challenge, Tamonten heeded the call. The swordswoman rushed forward. Of course, she had never intended to attack her opponent head-on, the shield-maiden had a huge height, weight, and range advantage over the smaller female. Instead, the pale human's intended course of attack was a simple feint. It was to be a thrust positioned to catch attention before maneuvering for a less guarded part of her opponent. The possessed girl's clash between experienced footwork and an inexperienced sword-arm betrayed her, however. What was intended to be a simple feint became an over-extension, which was easily batted out of the way by the genetically altered woman's training spear. Tamonten found herself completely open to Zaro's next move.

Given the circumstances, it might not have been necessarily surprising that she didn't notice the spectators gathering for their 'duel' on the beach.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nala --> Nadia/Skye/Alex

The cafe bell tinkled to announce the arrival of yet another traveler, this one a rather tall and slender night elf, clad in a dark green two-piece swimwear, holding a tropical drink in one hand and looking about in wonder and with a grin upon her lips.

"Angels and vampires and dragons... oh my." The witch elf murmured, barely audible to anyone save herself and those with superhuman hearing - which indeed might be each of the other women in the room.

"Don't let me interrupt anything," she said, and took a seat not far from where the half-dragon sat. She sipped her drink and stared with interest at the interaction between the angel and the vampire, though she did let her gaze slip suggestively towards the dragon as well, casting her a wink before returning to view the interaction between holy and unholy, saint and sinner.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Auralice -> Enigma, Tamonten

"Tamonten and Enigma... hmm"
Basic introductions more or less done, Auralice can't help but feel as if she's heard their names elsewhere, sometime. Shrugging the idea off she turns to the apparently awake Enigma.
"Oh no reason, just wanted to see if it suits you both, and I must say it's better than I expected~"
Leaning over Enigma, Auralice teasingly strokes the elf across the cheek before lifting her up and placing her in the coil opposite of Tamonten, squishing their bodies together closely as she pokes them on their red-tinted cheeks again while giggling mischievously.
The part of not having had any specific reason behind their makeovers was of course not so much an honest truth, as Auralice merely getting an idea after-hand, slithering off with the two still wrapped in her tail as she digs out a collar with a leash and places it around Enigma's neck. Dropping both of them on the floor as she gives the leash to Tamonten.
"Come, let's go out for a walk"
Auralice giggles in her mind at the enjoyable scene as they walk around.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Zaro'Alk VS Tamoooonteeeeen!

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk, the Shield-Maiden!

The crash of wood against wood wasn't quite as satisfying as the ringing of steel on steel, but Tamonten enjoyed it all the same. How long had it been since she'd had a 'normal' opponent? Not even to speak of one that didn't intend on defiling her if they claimed victory. To think of the fighters she had overcome in her lifespan would elicit memories of wolves, wildlife, plant creatures, and over-sized arachnids, nothing like the warrior in front of her. The white-haired human hadn't sparred since her days learning under her father. It brought back fond memories of the lead-weighted training weapons. But there wasn't time to bask in those memories, nor time to think about anything beyond her next move for that matter, although maybe she would share some tales with her training opponent later. Perhaps she was glad that it wasn't steel on steel, the swordswoman wasn't entirely sure that she would have survived a real match with the Dragoness.

Tamonten had pressed on against the taller female, thrust after thrust aimed at her legs. The shorter woman attempted to make up for her manacled arm's lack of finesse with quantity. Time after time the Dragoness maneuvered herself out of the way of the attacks, trying to urge the sword-wielding woman to become greedy and overextend. By the time her attempt to push the giantess back had ended, she was starting to grin widely. The possessed swordswoman was almost awed by the grace and speed of her opponent. Her genetically altered training partner might not have been cut out for the work of a ballerina, but her movements were so much easier than her size hinted to. If the powerful shield-maiden could accomplish such, then surely hope wasn't lost for the pale girl's blackened appendage. It was a feeling that only grew stronger as her opponent seemed to get more and more involved in their sparring session.

The pale-skinned woman, herself, was becoming more and more engrossed in their mock battle. When the imposing Dragoness issued her guttural challenge, Tamonten heeded the call. The swordswoman rushed forward. Of course, she had never intended to attack her opponent head-on, the shield-maiden had a huge height, weight, and range advantage over the smaller female. Instead, the pale human's intended course of attack was a simple feint. It was to be a thrust positioned to catch attention before maneuvering for a less guarded part of her opponent. The possessed girl's clash between experienced footwork and an inexperienced sword-arm betrayed her, however. What was intended to be a simple feint became an over-extension, which was easily batted out of the way by the genetically altered woman's training spear. Tamonten found herself completely open to Zaro's next move.

Given the circumstances, it might not have been necessarily surprising that she didn't notice the spectators gathering for their 'duel' on the beach.

Nothing beyond the clash of blunt weapons concerned her, not the memories of fighting disfigured monsters or the feeling of loss, merely the contact one of harmless training tool against another. There were few precious times the Giantess ever recalled a suitably good session of mutual practice between herself and another warrior, thus to not enjoy this was impossible to do. There was no smile or gleeful noise, but her pale yellow optics showed the subtle pleasure of a honest time to mock-fight without consequence.

Speed and agility were negligible issues to Zaro for she planned ahead, executing the 'retreat' and issue of challenge with intuition and instinct fore-most in controlling every action. To defend was as simple as attack, it was natural and drawing out the smaller female from the rocks worked to give both warriors more space to continue the mock-battle.

Thus she swatted some of the oncoming attacks to the side and avoided the rest, the moment she detected an opening Zaro's eyes seemed to record the mistake; Whilst not limited herself by a manacled limb, Tamonten did seem to try and manipulate the Giantess with a thrust... to make her more defensive, to commit to blocking or to root her to the spot? It was un-likely, for she took the opportunity to lower into a low crouch and swept the spear into Tomonten's shins, intending to bring her down into the sand without damaging the flesh - more a swift 'push' then a slam as she would gleefully cripple a real foe and feel no remorse, but for a more pleasant female like the pale one, a minor moment of being impeded would suffice...

If she succeeded, the spear's tip would be levelled near the shorter woman's neck, held out far by the right hand with the left by her side, extending the reach with confidence of not having such a battle finishing gestured successfully 'blocked'. Regardless, Zaro did not woop with victory or otherwise gave a sign of enjoying dominating a foe in combat like this, not from mary-sue goodness in her heart but the lack of experience in competing with non-hostiles like this. It was supposed to help both of them...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia -> Skye/Alex/Nala

Nadia, distracted as she might have been, did hear the elf's lightly whispered words as she entered and intruded upon the scene between her and Skye. It was as she tilted her head to view the newcomer that she spotted the half-dragon watching their exchange. "We seem to have acquired an audience." She remarked, after Nala had taken a seat to watch.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

"I think it beats actual violence. As long as you...let yourself enjoy it, at least." Pale says, watching as the fight below seems about to be concluded.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

Six grunted, watching the fight some more. "Whatever it is, I don't like it," she muttered, biting her lip. "Seems... I dunno, useless... Why try to subdue your opponent when you can just finish them, simple as that," she explained, continuing to hiss a little from discussing the subject.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

"Why kill when it's not necessary? Dead bodies tend to give me more grief than living ones." Pale replies, paying more attention to the combatants down below, especially the pale woman.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach Cliff
Six -> Pale

"When it is the only thing ingraved into the back of your skull, and any connection besides killing have just brought pain, you get used to it," the hybrid replied, simply stating the fact as if it was obvious, but even still she watched down the cliff at the combat below, enthralled at the spectacle.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach cliff
Pale -> Six

Smirking now, Pale says "Sounds like you could use some more...pleasant experiences, then. Just try to relax, I won't hurt you."

Pale moves closer to Six and, wary of her reaction reaches out with her hand to touch the half-breed. If she didn't react violently Pale would then move her hands to Six's shoulders and start massaging them.