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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah nodded, "Well, then I suppose we don't need to hide behind these bushes anymore." she said, standing up, from where they both had crouched, and walking towards the man, stopping for a moment before looking to Jillian, "He's trying to get away!" she announced.

Jillian wouldn't have any problems reaching the man as he seemed to be freed of one stake that must have gotten loose, and was now working on untying the rope, and would be able to talk to him without difficulty once she did.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out a "Harrumph!", and swaps her bow for her spear, as she walks over with Eilsah, stopping near the man's feet, far enough away that he couldn't reach her without getting his feet free.

Letting her spear-butt thump on the ground to get his attention, she starts to speak, in a stern tone of voice.

"Eh-hem. While it might be fun to let you pull yourself free, and then see how fast you might be able to run, it's almost time for my afternoon nap, and I don't feel like running your fat human legs down afterwards. So why don't you just sit tight there, and we'll talk things over with the goblins, and then you can walk back with us instead of being dragged?"

(I am dozy. Hopefully this actually means what I mean it to mean. ;))
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Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Funny. Is everyone living on this island a hostile, insulting, arrogant creature? Because I've got to say, I'm running out of one liners to spit back when you people spew this crap. You know what, sure. I'll play along." The man says with arrogance of his own back at Jillian, before he began reaching down, scratching his leg with a fury and pulling his pants back up.

Eilsah rolled her eyes at him, "No wonder why it looks like they beat him, he probably ran his mouth like this when they found him. I'd beat him with a giant club to." she chuckled.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian whispers back, "What do you want to bet an Arachne grabs him before the week is out?"

To the man, she answers, "Oh, some of the creatures here forego the 'insulting' part. After all, why should they waste insults on PREY?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Really? That'll be a good break then, might give me some time to come up with some new insults for when the next inhabitant of this island decides to come bother me. Are you going to get me out of here, or am I back to my original sneak out and run away plan?" he said quickly.

Then, Eilsah whispered back to Jillian, "With every word this man speaks, I'm more and more convinced that the goblins are capable of a great amount of mercy, giving how none of his bones are broken."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Like I said, we're going to talk over your release with the goblins. Which means we need to wait for them to be done fussing over the one you tried to kill."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

The stinky, haughty, human replies, "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." in the same arrogant tone.

Then, a moment later, Jillian and Eilsah heard from behind them, "Hey, what the heck is going on!" shouted a very, very familiar voice. When the two hunters looked, they saw the one, the only, Club, standing in front of them, with a suspicious glare directed at them, "Jelly~" she called out Jillian, the name 'Jelly' being one of the many nicknames she used for her, among ones like, 'Jiggles,' "Look, uh, you gotta help us out, Penny is hurt real bad, and you guys are like, the only ones who know how to heal people and stuff..." she said quickly, as her fellow tribeswomen took Penny, and put her onto a soft blanket so she wouldn't be laying on the dirt. And it just so happened, that both Jillian and Eilsah were trained to know first-aid, and had bandages, healing and antibacterial herbs in one of the many pouches that completed their hunter's garb.

Then, Eilsah whispered to Jillian, "This is too easy, let's just bargain the man for Penny." she recommended.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Look, Club, tell you what. We'll patch up Penny, and in return, you let us have the human. Sound good?"

Acting on the assumption Club agrees, Jillian is already grabbing the appropriate pouch off her harness.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club growls, "Fine, okay! Just hurry and make her better!" she demands. And when Jillian and Eilsah reach the wounded Penny, they both noticed that the little goblin was in bad shape. She'd lost a lot of blood, and was still losing some through a nasty wound where a knife was currently sticking out, where it likely dug around her insides as she desperately walked back to the village for the sake of her survival. Eilsah immediately moves in, gently, and dexterously removing the knife, cleaning the wound, and quickly breaking the body of an herb, which contained an odd juice inside, and started dabbing it over the wound. This caused the little, currently pale goblin to cry with pain, and thrash a little from the stinging sensation.

Eilsah had to hold her down to stop her from moving, at which point, she yelled at Jillian, "I'll hold her, you administer the herb to help her to stop bleeding!"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Okay!" Jillian kneels beside Penny, pulling out another herb from her pack, plus a roll of bandage. Tricky, that, centaurs aren't really built for kneeling, but she does it.

"Stay still, Penny, this'll sting a bit but it'll help you heal right quickly..." So saying, she snaps the tip off the herb, letting the fluid within dribble onto her fingers and wiping it on the sides of the wound. Then she wipes up the excess with the bandage, and neatly wraps it around before pulling it snug.

A look up, to see most of the tribe is surrounding them and watching them worriedly... "Why don't a couple of you go and make some soup for Penny? It'll help her recover."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

While Penny does anything but stay still, Eilsah holds the badly wounded goblin down, until Jillian was finished patching up her wounds. At which point, Penny simply went limp, breathing in raspy gasps. And at Jillian's order, the goblin's suddenly jumped, and ran off all at the same time to prepare the soup as she had told them.

And as they ran off, Eilsah began to gently wrap the small goblin up in the blanket under her, in order to keep her warm, before she looked up at Jillian with a rueful expression, "Should we really save this human?" she asks suddenly, "I know orders are orders... But I just get this feeling that helping him is wrong..." She sighs, before shaking her head, "Oh... Nevermind, I suppose... I hope Beatrice will be able to sort him out." she told Jillian, staying near Penny for a moment, to make sure she stays on her path to recovery.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian dusts off her knees as she stands, repacking her first-aid pouch. "Hum. You know Beatrice... if anyone can do it, she can. But maybe we can make sure he doesn't do anything stupid in the meantime..."

She stoops and picks up the knife, left lying in the dirt where Eilsah had let it drop. "Some kind of throwing knife... pretty light, too. Probably he had several of them stashed away. I think we should check whether he still has any... probably he used 'em all trying to fight the goblins, or they searched him and got rid of any leftovers... but we wouldn't want him having one last holdout knife, before Beatrice says it's alright, now would we?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah nodded, "I suppose." she said simply, before giving a look to the small, pale goblin, "I'll stay with her, and make sure she doesn't leave us. Meanwhile, it appears the human made another friend..." she said, directing her look in the direction of the man. And when Jillian looked, she saw the man from before, but with another goblin on top of him, her ass directed at his face, while her mouth was over the head of his cock, trying to make him hard...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out a half-amused snort. "Well, I'm sure I can wait until they're finished." She looks down at Penny, dozing and pale in her blanket. Yep, I can definitely wait for her to be done with him.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah let out a small chuckle, "Oh, do you like to watch?" she said teasingly.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian turns red with embarrassment. "I- you- Eilsahhh!" She resolutely turns her back on the man, arms crossed, unconsciously emphasizing her bust.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah giggled, waving her hand at Jillian, "I was kidding, but you deserved that after all the times I caught you and Beatrice talking about me behind my back." she said simply, before casting a glance at the pair once more, gesturing with her head at them, "Well, they're not having sex yet, so something must be going on." she told Jillian. And if the woman looked, she'd see the little goblin sitting on the man's middle, not bothering his member at all, talking to him, while the man was scowling at her, with his arms, now free, folded at his chest...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian gives the pair a glance, before looking back down at Penny, her red flush disappearing as quickly as it appeared. "Well, whatever they're discussing, I can still wait. Just to be sure Penny's gonna pull through... and have Club actually let the guy free. Wouldn't want her complaining we'd walked off with him, even though she already agreed to it."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Eilsah gave one more look to the goblin and the man, before shrugging, "I suppose. But I'd just much rather get home already... And have dinner. Dealing with these loathsome humans and creatures tires me." Eilsah said with a taste of annoyance on her tongue.

And not a moment longer, did Club, followed by a portion of her crew that helped her cook her infamous, 'Club's Rock Stew,' which actually refered to the names of the three, supposed, 'Strongest' of the tribe, Club, Rock, and Stew. The goblins are famous, among other things, for their odd, and sometimes funny names. Stew's name was given to her, simply because she was the one elected to cook.

Once Club, holding the bowl over her head, reached Eilsah, Jillian, and Penny, she quickly handed it to the crouched elf, while Eilsah wordlessly accepted it. She gently brought Penny's head up, and tipped the bowl into her mouth, encouraging her to drink it. While, having drank Stew's stew before, Jillian and Eilsah knew of it's horrible taste, it did have a number of helpful herbs inside it, mostly thrown in without proper instruction, but still maintaining it's effects of healing, and nutrition. And given the island's magical properties, helpful effects such as those from herbs and plants hardly take any time at all.

And with a few more sips, everyone saw Penny's face flush with color over about a minute's time, before, on one last sip, the previously wounded goblin smacked away the bowl, spilling it all over the ground, and sticking her tongue out, making a loud, "YEAGH!" of disgust. "Nasty!" she announced of the stew afterwards, while Eilsah gave Jillian a knowing look.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian grins, happy that she's not the one drinking the stuff. "But very very good for you. I guess you're feeling better, Penny?"