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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Penny ignored Jillian's question, and instead chose to get up from where she was covered up, seeming quite angry, "Where's that human who stabbed me!" she demanded, "Penny will smash him good! Penny will crush his skull! Penny will..." she trailed off for a moment, as if unable to come up with something else along those lines for what she'd do to the man who almost killed her, "Penny will kick his butt!"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian lets out a *snrk* at Penny's determination... almost centaur-worthy, that.

"So you ARE feeling better. I think the rest of the tribe already took care of 'kicking his butt' for you, Penny... he's tied down just over there. Rock's been talking to him for a bit now."

She waves in the direction of the duo... keeping an eye on Penny, and surreptitiously getting ready to catch her and keep her from barrelling at the guy.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Penny, just as Jillian suspected, didn't listen too well to common sense, and immediately shot up, standing on her feet in one instant, "Penny will crush him! Penny will smash him! Penny..." she trailed off, and suddenly seemed as if she was losing her balance, "Penny will..." she tried to continue, before toppling backwards, back onto the cloth below her, out-like-a-light from moving too fast, the lack of blood only serving to help knock her out.

At that moment, Eilsah looked over to the man and Rock, noticing how Rock now had her hips in the air, and was moaning loud enough for everyone to hear, while the man himself was now stimulating her with his finger. "Well, looks like he's starting to fit in." she said sarcastically.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian sighs, and reaches down to tuck the blanket back around the unconscious goblin. "Penny will realize she's in no shape to deliver beatings, and rest up so she gets better."
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

After a moment, Jillian noticed Eilsah giving her looks, but not at her face. Eilsah was glancing every now and then at how the centaur was on her knees on the ground, and when Eilsah realized she was caught staring, she decided to speak her mind, "How can you stand that...?" she asks her, glancing at her knees once more as reference to her meaning.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian puts on a seriously solemn face. "Pain is weakness leaving the body," she intones.

She promptly cracks up, snickering as she resumes standing.

(Jillian's not kneeling for THAT long... she was still standing as Penny fainted, and she kneeled to pull the blanket around her.)
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(It was the fact that Jillian was kneeling at all that made Eilsah think about it. All that weight on her tiny knees...)

Eilsah twists her lips, having been taught a different side of that story, "Pain is your body punishing you for a mistake." she said simply, before standing up herself, looking at Jillian with an odd expression.

That's when Club started to demand a little attention to herself, "Hey! So-so what happens now...?" the lesser intellectual asked the centaur and the elf.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(Hey, Jillian's not THAT weighty. Two, three hundred pounds tops. She wasn't gonna lie all the way down, not here in the goblin camp.)

Jillian looks over at Club. "Well, Penny seems to be recovering nicely... she should get lots of rest and stay warm. Plenty of food would be good too, although I don't think she needs any more 'Club's Rock Stew'." She giggles a bit. "Especially since Penny would probably spill the bowl again."

Her smile fades. "As to the human... well, once Rock's done with him, we'll make sure he doesn't have any more of those knives, and then we'll untie him and go home... would you mind helping us with the ropes?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club looks over to Rock, who was moaning loudly as she was getting fingered by the man, her ass which was in the air twitching each time he pushed his finger into her. Then, she looks back to Jillian, "Club is getting sick of your stupid village, hogging all the men..." she complained, again. To which, Eilsah only responded by rolling her eyes, not taking anything Club said litterally, even though Eilsah herself had taken advantage of the fact that so many men were in the village of Waymeet.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian glances down at the silk blanket Penny is currently curled up in. "Club... I know you like these blankets... do you want to try talking with the Arachnes yourself? See if they'll trade blankets for gems? And not decide they'd rather wrap you up in webbing and keep you for their own amusement?"

Strong as she is, Jillian doesn't think Club would like spending time with the Arachnes.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club immediately snapped at Jillian at the mention of the arachne, "No way! Evil spiders try to eat Club and her tribe!" she announced, "Spider women are no good, and Club will squish them!"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

"Exactly. So somebody else from Waymeet will be going to talk with them, and see if there're any refugees that need rescuing. Rather than letting the Arachnes, or the lamias, or the honeybees, or the lizardwomen, hog all the humans. You can try and talk the humans WE hog into coming back with you, after all."

Jillian looks over at where the still-unnamed human is fingering Rock with greater intensity.

"Besides, this is a one-time thing. If that human wanders off again, and you catch him again... we're not getting him freed a second time."

(Blah. Trying to say Club etc. have a better chance of getting humans out of Waymeet than they do out of any other race, so it's better that Waymeet gets all the humans to start with. Hopefully the dialog gets the meaning across.)
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club thinks for a moment, at which point Jillian remembers Eilsah telling her that that was always a bad thing. "So, horse lady is saying..." she begins slowly, before chuckling maliciously, "That Club should squish Waymeet, and then take men! Good idea, Jiggles!" she laughed, referring to Jillian as that humiliating, and embarrassing name once more.

Then, before Jillian could respond, the group heard what sounded like a little goblin moaning in pleasure, and looked to see that the human had finally made Rock cum, and hopefully satisfied her for now. Eilsah got up from where she was kneeling, and looked to Jillian for a moment as she began walking towards them, "I'll fetch the human, you'll settle things here, I suppose?" she said, walking over to the two, freeing the man from the goblin, and the ropes quickly, and speaking words Jillian could not hear due to the rabble of goblins around her speaking amongst themselves.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Errgh... bloody one-track-minded goblin...

Jillian shifts her grip on her spear, fingers tightening for a moment as she concentrates on keeping her cool. If it came to blows, she's sure Club is stronger than her, or indeed any other centaur or elf. Skill-wise, however...

"'Horse-lady' is SAYING... Waymeet does stuff goblins want done, but don't like to do. Therefore Club shouldn't 'squash' Waymeet - or Club will have to do stuff Club doesn't like doing. Like dealing with spiders."

She squints down at Club.

"Now... since Penny will heal, with rest... and Rock's had her fun... Eilsah and I will take that human with us back to Waymeet - and Beatrice. Okay?"
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Club waves her arm at Jillian in a dismissing manner, and was about to speak, before her gaze seemed to fix on the sky, her little eyes locking onto something behind where Jillian was looking, "Hey... What the heck is that?" she asks openly, before the rest of the goblins look, and they to fixate on something in the sky.

If Jillian looked, she would join the others in their stares, as she saw what she'd never seen before. What appeared to be a voluptuous human woman, with an inhumanly attractive body was seen with horns, a tail, and wings coming from her back, flying in the sky, staying in midair for a moment, almost seeming to be looking straight at Jillian with an evil grin, before spinning about in place, and flapping her wings quickly, soaring quickly away.

"Hey," Club spoke up as the strange appearance soared off, "Is whatever that was heading towards the town?" she asks openly.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(Uh... are you letting ME decide whether a succubus is going to visit Waymeet and cause trouble?)

Jillian squints up at the vision. "Seems to be... but I've never seen anything like her before... eh, well, whatever she is, I'm sure Beatrice can deal with her."

Forget her, worry about the human. I'm sure my boobs are bigger than hers, after all.

She looks back down at where Eilsah is chatting with the human.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(Nuh, plot device.)

After Jillian's explanation, Club sighed, folding her hands behind her head, resting her head against her palms. "Yeah, sure." she said with little concern. "Just take the fuck meat and scram, Jiggle-tits!" she said rudely.

And right before Club spouted her remark, Jillian noted that Eilsah and the human seemed to be standing, simply talking with one another... Apparently, Eilsah was true to her words, as the human seemed ready to leave.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

(I dunno, the way it was phrased, made it seem like I could've had Jillian say 'no, she was going in the opposite direction'. :cool:)

"'Kay, see you later, Club!"

With that, Jillian trots off to join Eilsah in leading the man back to Waymeet.
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

As Jillian trotted, Club found it necessary to throw one last remark as she bounced up and down from trotting, "Everyone can see your boobs bouncing!" she announced with a laugh, before the other goblins joined her.

As Jillian walked up to Eilsah and the man, not saying anything other than the words she spoke with the expression on her face, Eilsah looked at her strangely, "... Something wrong, Jillian?" the elf asked her, "Or did the werecat get your tongue?" she asked with a laugh, before shaking her head, "Just kidding, let's be on our way, shall we?" she asked the two of them, the man, and the centaur, before taking the lead, and walking ahead of them...
Re: A troubled home (Jillian)

Jillian reaches the two, muttering under her breath about "flat-chested boyish no-tit goblins"...

She shuts up as Eilsah leads off, motioning with her free hand for the man to follow while she brings up the rear.