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The OOC Topic

Re: The OOC Topic

Actually, you wouldn't have had an extra 5 energy, since you lost no energy for not escaping it.

Max cooldown for any move is currently 3.
Re: The OOC Topic

Alright, after you two's battle are done, I'll buff the Recovery move a tiny bit, and, for now at least, remove the Breather action.

Sounds okay? Any other thing I should change a little?
Re: The OOC Topic

Can 'breather' be removed now?

Edit: not retroactively, but not available for use.

Simply put, it's the only reason this is a one sided match.

If that hadn't been introduced after the match had started,
the stats would be:

=Sen Traviere= 2 orgasms
Pleasure: 50/100

=Kaiser= 2 orgasms
Pleasure: 10/100
Energy: 10/100
Re: The OOC Topic


How about this? Make Breather into a Recovery Move, which people have to spend a move slot on. Instead of a "free" move. Since people already get a free automatic energy regeneration each turn.
Re: The OOC Topic

DeMatt, Breather is currrently a move that results in +10 energy, +10 pleasure in addition to the normal +20 energy with no drawbacks, no cooldown, nothing. I might could see it if breather made it to where the opponent regenerated no energy at all that turn, not from the move nor from the normal regen, but allowing a move as powerful as breather to exist even with a slot is a bit much.
Re: The OOC Topic

Making Breather into a Recovery Move would involve either revamping Breather to fit the rules of the Recovery Move category, or revamping the rules of the category to fit Breather. Probably the latter.

So essentially the only difference between removing Breather entirely and my suggestion is that Breather would be an example of a Recovery Move.
Re: The OOC Topic

I think you're also missing the fact that, unless you either give the move cooldown time or self damage, a move that deals 10 damage costs 20.

Your proposing that a move where a player gains an extra 10 energy while healing 10 pleasure is even remotely balanced.
Re: The OOC Topic

Considering that both sides can opt to use it... yes.

I'll grant that it'll make for some boring battles ("I hit you!" "I breathe. Now I hit you." "I breathe!").
Re: The OOC Topic

I used it once for increased energy since I had just been in a situation where I dropped to 0. Besides, the main reason I realized about what breather is doing, and why I'm rather upset is I saw this sequence:

Pleasure: 45/100
Energy: 50/100

Grind - 1 Turn

=Sen Traviere=
Pleasure: 75/100

Pleasure: 45/100
Energy: 80/100


=Sen Traviere=
Pleasure: 75/100

The net effect of those two rounds? Kaiser gains 30 energy.

Also, the rule was written up after the battle started, too. If it had been part of the original rules, my moves would have been much different. Quite frankly, my current movee set cannot win if breather is used. I made the set with the thought in mind that if you wanted to regen energy, you would just pass your turn and gain 20. Adding an extra 10 energy and 10 pleasure basically makes a move set like Ryu's necessary to play.

To win, All he has to do is just use a hold move whenever he can, and unless I don't have enough energy to dodge, take breathers. I won't be able to hurt him and eventually, escaping holds will take away enough energy so I can't escape.
Re: The OOC Topic

Starting from this post?

Hm. I think Ryu missed the damage from your attack on post #37, so those should be 55, not 45.

As to the Mount Move lockdown... wouldn't happen with just one Mount Move:
He Mounts -> you Escape, you're down 15 Energy.
He Breathes -> you Breathe, you're up 30 Energy.​
So, yeah, really boring "battle". Unless I'm misreading the regeneration rules and whether you need to Escape as an action or if it's automatic. Lemme think - the basis Mount Move does no pleasure damage, no energy damage, and cannot be used twice in a row. Ryu's Pounce variant costs him pleasure damage, which is regenerated by the Breathe he ends up occupying the cooldown turns with, imposes a slightly larger energy cost on the target, but not enough to overcome the Breathe.

I'll revise my original thought - make Breather into an example of a Recovery Move, revising Breather to fit the Recovery Moves rules.
Re: The OOC Topic

As for attacking. If Ryu just alternated between lick, grind, and forced oral, he averages more damage than he deals himself even after counting my character breathing every turn. Alternatively, I can average at most 10 damage per turn.

Edit: Ok, seeing as how getting the breather rule added in after the beginning of the match (I remember seeing Ryu's post about using it the first time and after a 'what the fuck is he doing' looked it up to see that it had been added 7 minutes previously, probably a good half hour after the battle had started) ruined my character's strategy, for a solution: can we just set the reward for winner and loser equal to each other for this one match?
Re: The OOC Topic

*Cough* Removing Breather now, and yes, I allow Sen and Kaiser to both recieve equal amounts of reward from their match. Namely.

4XP and 50 Credits, once it is finished. A small bonus for doing the first match and putting up with me changing the rules left and right. <,<;;

Now, calm down both of ye.
Re: The OOC Topic

As for attacking. If Ryu just alternated between lick, grind, and forced oral, he averages more damage than he deals himself even after counting my character breathing every turn. Alternatively, I can average at most 10 damage per turn.
... he needs a fourth move in there somewhere - Forced Oral has a three-turn cooldown. Hm.
Grind -> Lick -> Grind -> Forced Oral...
-10, -20, -10, +45 energy...
 15,   0,  15,  15 self-pleasure damage...
 25,  15,  25,   0 pleasure damage...
  0,  10,   0,  25 energy damage...

Lick -> Grind -> Lick -> Forced Oral...
-20, -10, -20, +45 energy...
  0,  15,   0,  15 self-pleasure damage...
 15,  25,  15,   0 pleasure damage...
 10,   0,  10,  25 energy damage...

versus continuous breathing...
+30, +30, +30, +30 energy...
+10, +10, +10, +10 pleasure...
After figuring in continuous breathing, he takes 45 pleasure damage over a cycle, while you take 25. Swapping Lick and Grind changes that to 30 PD taken versus 15 dealt, and adds a cycle loss of 5 energy. Yeah, I guess "breathing" is just a little bit b0rked as-is.

Those two cycles also do only a bit more PD-per-turn than Sen does... 16.25 for the first one (and 10.25 to himself), while the second does 13.75 (and 7.5 to himself).

"Sweet Scent" does 15 PD for 10 energy and one action. I can't find any rule that says it can't be stacked, so spamming that against a moving opponent (and we'll just say "breathing" counts as moving) nets you, well, an average 15 PD per turn. For nothing. And if he isn't moving, he isn't doing anything to you.
Re: The OOC Topic

... First of all, Sweet Scent has a base cooldown time, second, I would have no way of explaining in game a method in which it would stack.

Also, fuck charts... with a ten foot pole.
Re: The OOC Topic

I'd be fine with the even split, sure. I'm playing for fun afterall.

And I'm sorry if I was 'taking advantage' of the system or anything. I made the character to be a heavy hitter regardless of the rules and breathers and such. He was just using what was at his disposal, and I'm sorry if I upset you.
Last edited:
Re: The OOC Topic

I know you didn't make the character with breathing involved... that sounded odd... breathing hadn't been possible until after we started... again, weird phrasing... It's just that my character was designed to be able to go longer without needing to take breaks which should have made her roughly your character's equal in the long run. However, the ability to breathe fucked that up... this really sounds off...

I just was somewhat upset because it's being there basically negated my attacks and rendered my character's biggest advantage, the ability to not need breaks, completely useless given the breaks were actually helpful.
Re: The OOC Topic

... First of all, Sweet Scent has a base cooldown time, second, I would have no way of explaining in game a method in which it would stack.
-Sweet Scent-
Type: Curse (Normal)
Costs: 10
A fluid leaks out of Sen's tentacles and fills the room with an erotic smell
Lasts for max 4 Turns.
3 Moves Cursed
5 Curse Pleasure
Cooldown: 0
First of all, no it doesn't, and second, "the scent gets stronger", "more cloying", "she squirts it directly in his mouth as he pants", etc. etc. :cool:
Also, fuck charts... with a ten foot pole.
Awww... I didn't know Sen was willing to stick her tentacles THAT deep... :p
Re: The OOC Topic

Alright Girls, changed the Battle Rules a bit, see if this sounds(and looks) better. Breather, as said, removed.
Re: The OOC Topic

First of all, no it doesn't...
Nrrrgghh you.

Second, since breathe has been withdrawn, the only change to Sen's move list will be renaming 'Light Kiss' as 'Light Kiss/Suck' to be easier to apply.
Re: The OOC Topic

Still haven't specified whether Escaping from a Mount Move is immediate and automatic, or requires an action on the escapee's part - and if the latter, whether it needs to be done immediately following the Mount Move or not.

Also at this Phase, Cooldowns tick down by 1, if they reach 0 in this Phase, they can be used in the Action Phase in the same round.
Turn 1 Action Phase: Grind (1 turn cooldown). Turn 2 New Round Phase: Grind Cooldown -1 (= 0). Turn 2 Action Phase: Grind.

Hm. This is annoying. Can't just move the tickdowns to after the Action Phase, because it won't actually change the order of events. How about this - the tickdowns as counted start out one point larger than they are written in the rules. Thus a 1-turn move cooldown would start its count at 2 (so Turn 1 Grind, Turn 2 tickdown 2->1, Turn 3 tickdown 1->0 and can use Grind again). A 4-turn move duration would start its count at 5 (Turn 1 tickdown 5->4, Turn 2 tickdown 4->3, Turn 3 tickdown 3->2, Turn 4 tickdown 2->1, Turn 5 tickdown 1->0 and it's not in effect for this action).

Nrrrgghh you.

Well, he fixed it anyways. Can't have two copies of the same duration move going at the same time.