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The OOC Topic

Re: The OOC Topic

Still haven't specified whether Escaping from a Mount Move is immediate and automatic, or requires an action on the escapee's part - and if the latter, whether it needs to be done immediately following the Mount Move or not.
We went over this at the start of the fight: escaping is a choice and a free action. As such, the player making the move needs to leave it open enough so that the other player can escape (Unless the other player is unable to do so).

Also, since you seem to be getting involved, why don't you make a character as well?
Re: The OOC Topic

Evading a Mount Move is a "Free" Action with an Energy Cost.

... Moved both Duration -and- Cooldown stuff to End of Turn phase instead, meaning the New Turn phase have no use whatsoever for now!

Also, Made some tiny changes to Drain and Recovery moves. Drains just got a clearer description, and Recovery changed noticeably.
Re: The OOC Topic

Evading a Mount Move is a "Free" Action with an Energy Cost.
Right. Write that down somewhere, probably in the "How to do Battle" thread.

... Moved both Duration -and- Cooldown stuff to End of Turn phase instead, meaning the New Turn phase have no use whatsoever for now!
Har. Doesn't fix the problem, hence why I didn't suggest moving it, and also why I did say it's annoying:

Turn 1 Action: Grind (1 turn cooldown). Turn 1 EoT: Grind Cooldown - 1 (= 0). Turn 2 Action: Grind.

Also, Made some tiny changes to Drain and Recovery moves. Drains just got a clearer description, and Recovery changed noticeably.
Hm. Does "A Move may at most have a 3 turn Cooldown." apply to Recovery Moves? That restriction is under the "Applies to all Basic Moves" heading, and Recovery Moves are in the Advanced category...
Re: The OOC Topic

Har. Doesn't fix the problem, hence why I didn't suggest moving it, and also why I did say it's annoying:

Turn 1 Action: Grind (1 turn cooldown). Turn 1 EoT: Grind Cooldown - 1 (= 0). Turn 2 Action: Grind.

... "Tick Cooldowns down by 1 except for moves used this turn." << >> << *Goes to sneak that in*

Hm. Does "A Move may at most have a 3 turn Cooldown." apply to Recovery Moves? That restriction is under the "Applies to all Basic Moves" heading, and Recovery Moves are in the Advanced category...

Answered it yourself.
Re: The OOC Topic

Btw, if it's not obvious by now, I'm trying to end the match in a legit tie. ^^
Re: The OOC Topic

I guessed as much, however if you mount during your next turn you will be 5 pleasure short.
Re: The OOC Topic

Incorrect! I take 20 self from my first penetration attack, putting me at 95. I deal you 30 with it, putting you at 95 as well. Then next turn, double boom.
Re: The OOC Topic

Too late, I already ninja'd you on correcting myself.
Re: The OOC Topic

Fair enough. Doesn't get much closer than that though, does it? Both at 2/3 orgasms and 95/100 pleasure....
Re: The OOC Topic

Also, since you seem to be getting involved, why don't you make a character as well?
Arrgh. I LIKE the idea of your tentacle-equipped woman character, but dagnabit I don't want to be a copycat!

*wanders around muttering over what kind of character to make*
Re: The OOC Topic

Other options you can choose include:
A hermaphrodite,
A goo girl (Form tendrils from your body)
A guy
A human with psychic powers that can form psychic dicks

(I'm just listing things that can fuck.)
Re: The OOC Topic

And on that note, time for me to head to sleep. Good match, Pheonix! I enjoyed myself!
(*also agrees with DeMatt being a goo girl* >///>)
Re: The OOC Topic

Hrmph. I was tempted to go fluorescent orange, but then I decided I'd stick with the traditional blue googirl.

I think I got all the math right. The only thing I need verification on is her Empower move - as envisioned, I think it'd make sense for it to convert all of her moves to Water, with all the advantages and disadvantages thereof, and at the moment I don't see any reason for the effect to raise the cost more.

And no, I don't want Melusine to fight Kaiser first. :mad:
Re: The OOC Topic

Wasn't gunna ask you to. But I would like an eventual fight with teh gooey one. ^///^ Or it could just be a freeform thing with posting and no winner/loser.
Re: The OOC Topic

-Feathered Embrace-
Type: Penetration, Wind
Costs: 25 Energy
Effect: 50 Pleasure Damage, 25 Self-Pleasure Damage
Cooldown: 1
This has a base cost of 70 which is 20 above ECfM before reductions.
Adding 15 self pleasure damage and 1 cooldown has the energy cost at 50.

-Cyclone Hold-
Type: Mount, Wind
Costs: 40 Energy
Effect: Holds 3 Turns, 25 Energy Cost to Evade
Cooldown: 1
Adding 1 turn of hold adds 30 energy to the cost and adding 5 to the evade cost adds another 10.
This should cost 50 as well.

-Winds of Change-
Type: Drain, Wind
Effect: Drains Energy from an Enemy, and gains equal amounts Energy and Pleasure as the amount Drained
Cooldown: 2
What happened to the base drain of 5?
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Re: The OOC Topic

The Drain Move, was seemingly too lazy to do that one properly.

-Winds of Change-
Type: Drain, Wind
Effect: Drains X Energy from the Enemy, and gains X amounts of Energy, while recieving X - Drain Cap amounts of Pleasure. Drain Cap = 10.
Cooldown: 3

The Others?

Wind Affinity - Wind Moves of the Foreplay/Penetration Types deals more Pleasure Damage. +5 for Foreplay, +10 for Penetration, And Mount Moves have +5 Cost to Evade

Now when I think of it. Perhaps you are contemplating wether the +Pleasure Damages "Counts as" increasing the Energy Cost, after you had actually notice this abillity. To that, I can just say that such Bonuses does not make a move more expensive.
Re: The OOC Topic

Actually, I just missed it because my character can't really benefit from the ability.

However, you still have the problem of only reducing the cost by 20, I have no idea how you managed to get the energy cost to end with a 5.

(5 from cooldown, 15 from self damage)
Re: The OOC Topic

You are, of course, correct. I seem to have made it a tad wrongly.

Should be about fixed now.

PS: Don't make me go raep your char.
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Re: The OOC Topic

RPing with Pheonix made me realize something... how DO the 'contestants' collect their money?