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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

Eh, post the former, we'll just make due with the photos.
Re: The pics thread.

I'd post some new pics of myself, but the only ones I've taken recently are nude or of my dick for my girlfriend to see.

Just use MS Paint to make a thong for the former, and... well... I really dunno about the latter... probably safer to keep those, well, private ;p

Anyway, pic related, taken from her FB; she's the short blond.

Is she the weird one that flirts with you but stood you up twice and has a b/f, or is that your g/f?
Re: The pics thread.

Is she the weird one that flirts with you but stood you up twice and has a b/f, or is that your g/f?

The former.
Re: The pics thread.

What Aika said. She is the queen of mixed signals. Whatever. At least she seems harmless, though she is incredibly annoying sometimes.
Re: The pics thread.



Also, the one in the pink top is surprisingly hot.
Re: The pics thread.

The one in the pink is the weird one. I hung out with her today after my English class. Had some muffins and sat around making fun of what people were wearing. Fun stuff, I guess.
Re: The pics thread.

What Aika said. She is the queen of mixed signals. Whatever. At least she seems harmless, though she is incredibly annoying sometimes.

Ah, kk. Well, if she won't send a clear signal, she's not one to go after. Besides, since you have a g/f already, it's probably best that she's not actually trying for ya :p
Re: The pics thread.

Oooooooor, you could try to orchestrate a three-way.
Re: The pics thread.

i think the less you have to do with a girl like that the better.

sounds like the kind of person who quite literally lives on attention.
Re: The pics thread.

Indeed, Nunu. I found out more about her relationship definition today, and I can now safely say that I've dodged one hell of a bullet. She's pretty much going to leave her boyfriend of one month for some dude she met a week ago. Fuck that shit, mirite?
Re: The pics thread.

The grass is always greener abd so on so fourth. If you're happy with the girl you have don't fuck it up:p You did the right thing.:)
Re: The pics thread.

"I am so happy with John, he's my entire universe, I don't know what I'd.... oh look another cock!"

After this, I picture her skipping towards said man she met next week, blissfully unaware of the boyfriend she left behind standing on the sidewalk with his jaw hanging open in surprise.
Re: The pics thread.

After this, I picture her skipping towards said man she met next week, blissfully unaware of the boyfriend she left behind standing on the sidewalk with his jaw hanging open in surprise.

About as accurate as it gets, probably. Oh well, she has the late shift today which means an hour and a half without her in the morning. ^_____^
Re: The pics thread.

Got my hair recolored. Imma stay a redhead
Re: The pics thread.

Wow, your hair looks really nice :)

Incidentally here's a pic of me a little over a year ago in Florida which I found and quite like.

Re: The pics thread.

Nice hair Chibs, looks good.

Nice beach Aika, looks good.
Re: The pics thread.

Chibi have I ever told you I have a thing for red heads. Definately stay that way, it looks good on you.
Re: The pics thread.

Everyone seems to like redheads.

I think I'll stay this way
Re: The pics thread.

Not a fan of redheads personally but it looks good on you.
Re: The pics thread.

I think my like for red-heads is what lead me to my like for any out-of-the-ordinary colored hair >.<

I mean, yeah, red hair isn't out of the ordinary, but the majority of people have black/brown/blonde hair.


Nice hair Chibi :p