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The Pit


Jungle Girl
Apr 8, 2011
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Re: The Pit

"Enlistment....enlistment.....enlist... h here it is...."

Neal mumbled to himself....or was it herself? these days he wasn't so sure with the damn nano collar around his neck wrecking havoc on his body. Pacing back and forth meekly staring at the ground thinking if he should go through with this.

Sure in the past Neal was actually quite the boxer, possibly golden glove material... But things tend to become fuzzy when you spend a year or two being degraded trying to hold on to your sanity. Neal wasn't the confident over confident alpha he was just two years ago. Back then he could have given anyone a run for their money easily....

As nervous as he was he knew the plan.. He had to train and become strong again mind and body. He had to resist the... urges that the nanites infesting his body put in his head. He had to win matches and that meant being in matches and not just standing around. Looking up he moves over to roster posted on the wall after taking a few moments to look it over, there were alot of tough fighters but he knew he had to step up.

Walking up to the counter timidly he bows and introduces himself making his decision...

"Ummm e excuse me? H Hi I'm N Neal Avansgard. This... is where you sign up for a m match right? I'd..... I'd like to request a fight.... I mean it now or never right?"

Neal Avansgard Issues an open Challenge!
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Pit

When she finally managed to leave the arena and stumble her way back to the pit area, Gabby collapsed to her knees just outside the arena doors. She expected no help from anybody, though if any did offer it by chance, then she'd accept it graciously, telling them she needed to get to the infirmary. Until someone offered to help, or if nobody helped her along at all, Gabby would crawl her way towards the infirmary. She tried to stand a couple of times, but didn't trust herself to not fall over onto somebody and maybe piss them off.

After she finally made it to the infirmary, she crawled inside and simply collapsed to the floor the rest of the way. "H-Help me... please," Gabby whimpered to the nurses, doctors, or whoever else would help her, as she didn't know who or what worked the infirmary exactly.

She knew that she had to be pregnant, as many times as those huge cocks spurted their seed into her unprotected womb, though which had impregnated her she didn't know. After they got her up onto one of the beds to rest, Gabby awaited word on whether or not she was pregnant, with her fazing in and out of consciousness as she lay there. If it turned out she was pregnant, Gabby would refuse to abort her child, for she couldn't blame the child for the way it was brought into the world.

Her mistresses had given her the choice of what to do with any children she had during her stay here. If she wished for them to remain with her, they promised her that as soon as her term here in the Pit was done, any and all of her children would also be brought out with her. If she wanted them to have normal lives, they promised that they would live in splendor, mostly off the money they made from her matches and such. They also even told her if she wished to sell them to other masters or whatnot then she could and that it may even help her out during her stay here.

(I discussed this next stuff with RJ over AIM. Gabby is gonna have a baby half angel, half tauren herm, or something like that. Her sheet is gonna be added to the NPC sheets until Gabby has earned her freedom.)

After laying in the bed for some time, the nurse came in and talked to Gabby, informing her of what race the child was now growing in her. The nurse told her to go and get some rest for now, and by the time she woke back up it ought to be time for the baby to come.

So with that, Gabby wearily got up off the comfortable infirmary bed and thanked the nurse before she stumbled back to her cell in a daze, ignoring everyone she passed and collapsing down onto her bed when she arrived. She didn't even bother washing up first, as she was simply too tired to care, despite the semen and female juices still drenching her body.


When she woke again, it was to a feeling that Gabby would in time likely become familiar with, the kicking in her belly that signaled her pregnancy had progressed to its final stages. She eased herself up and got to her feet, now refreshed after the sleep she'd gotten, where she rushed back to the infirmary.

Once there the nurses got her onto a bed and into the birthing position, where after many screams and cries of pain later she gave birth to a young half angel, half tauren herm girl. She was absolutely beautiful in Gabby's eyes, despite the way she was conceived, and Gabby held her child with pride.

"I know she will be very strong, and therefore I wish for her to remain here with me and become even stronger. Until such time as my mistresses bring me out of here and back to their manor, or I am freed," Gabby said softly to the nurses, laying back to recover from the birthing as her newborn nursed on her milk laden breasts hungrily. "Her name is Serena, Serena Ashford," Gabby said, almost forgetting to name her newborn before she drifted off to doze while Serena nursed.

(I think this is a good stopping point for RJ to pick up from.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Pit

Irina & Kamui

Casual matches are 1 round long. Competitive Matches are 3 rounds long. All match conclusions are decided by points at the end. If you both agree to competitive, then whoever wins will progress towards being able to have a title bout with the current champ (an NPC atm, and if there was a player you can either fight the player or fight the NPC should the player not be available. If there are multiple players holding a title, then you can fight any one of them. Despite this being an obvious time paradox, I will allow it cuz why not.)

And so Irina & Kamui march off to compete in a Competitive Match, maybe. The arena spectators are in larger number than usual, as to be expected.


After giving birth, the nurses nodded. "She will be under the ownership of the arena. We have a daycare and advanced growth center for newborns. She should be ready to go after your next match." she declared to the angel.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Pit

"Okay then. Please, take good care of her for me. I can't wait to see her again. I think I should rest some more now," Gabby said wearily, waking back up at the nurses words. She held onto Serena for a few more minutes and loved on her before she handed her over to the nurses to take care of her, though not before she whispered a prayer under her breath to give any blessings she could to her child to help ensure her safety and strength.

Once she was able to move without any pain again, Gabby headed back to her cell to rest some more. As she lay there resting, she remembered her mistresses all telling her that her children she had that stayed in here would have accelerated growth and everything, and that they would know her and would likely watch her every match unless they were busy with their own at the time. She hoped that she would do them proud, and that she would also have a little help from time to time from any she had... and she knew that she would likely have many during her stay here if her mistresses had anything to say about it.

When she woke back up, she would head to the showers to get cleaned up and ready for her next match. She could only hope that she'd be ready for whoever she went up against next, and that her trip to the showers would be uneventful, as she'd heard rumors about the goings on in the showers here.

After she finished showering, Gabby decided to go to the training room to get in some training before she went to get her next match instead of going straight there, figuring it might help her along in it. When she got in there, Gabby looked around and decided to work on her reflexes some to help increase her ability to dodge more.

After Gabby finished training some, she decided to go and prepare for her next match. Her mistresses had told her to make it an entertaining one, but she didn't know who or what she could challenge to do as her mistresses said. She headed over to the Enlistment area and talked to the receptionist there. "Hello again. I wish to enlist in another match. I have to redeem myself, or at least try," Gabby said to the receptionist, looking down the list and seeing one named Akroa. "I wish to challenge her if that is alright," Gabby said after deciding

[Rest once again after birthing, then head to showers. After that she's training some and spending her SEW point she just earned to raise her Evasion by 1, and hoping the 2 random ones work out in her favor. Gabby is challenging Tass's character Akroa if Tass is alright with that.]
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Dec 9, 2010
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Re: The Pit

Irina after hearing the match descriptions, was all in favor of the match being competitive in nature. What better way to debut than to dive in the deep end. Her obvious desire was to become a champion, even if it would be the minor leagues... for now.

If Kamui just wanted to roll around in the hay for a round in a casual match, that was fine with Irina as well. Irina however wanted to make her intentions clear on what she was looking to accomplish in this league. At the end of it all, Ieina would leave the decision of what type of match up to her since it was her who initially issued the challenge.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: The Pit


Gabby trains to be the best around, everyone's probably going to take her down.

+1 Evasion
+1 Grappling
-1 Intimidation


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Pit

Akroa couldn't be more delighted, the present target of her hunt actively challenging her to a match being ideal. She accepted without even thinking about it, heading for the ring with her tail swaying behind her.


Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Pit

After signing up for her next bout, Gabby smiled at the receptionist and moved to head for the arena once she had confirmation that Akroa had accepted her challenge. "Alright, I have a good feeling this time. I know I can win if I try hard enough," Gabby said within earshot of Akroa as she passed her on the way to the arena, her wings fluttering softly as she went.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Pit

"Let's keep things casual for now. I just need to blow smoke and warm up. No need to make this competitive for the time being. But I won't hold back either. I want a true challenge and also to test your mettle as well, Irnia. Come! Come, and show what you are made of!" She said as she would march confidently to the ring before making an impressive flip over the top rope and gettin to her corner.

((1 round match))


Jungle Girl
Apr 8, 2011
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Re: The Pit

Looks at the official for a moment blankly before remembering.. "Ohhhh maybe i should pick someone to actually challenge shouldnt I!?" looks frantically again through the combatants before suddenly picking one of the newcomers towards the bottom of the list a few notches below his....

"OK..... I'd like to fight....I want to fight Serena Ashford!"

Feeling his collar tingle a bit he's reminded that a win here will bring him one step closer to being his old self... He'd just have to survive long enough to not be broken by this place....
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Jungle Girl
Apr 14, 2012
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Re: The Pit

Her first day in this strange new place, the near eight-foot tall bovine woman looks around the area, calm and stoic in the odd situation she finds herself in. While she mostly keeps to herself, she passes by the Training Room, and can't help but gaze in there, looking over the equipment and fighters in there.

A spark of interest catches in her eyes as she sees a couple sparing in a ring, walking over and waiting until there's a pause in the fight to call out with a smile. "I'll spar the winner. I could use the practice." While she's a confident hand-to-hand fighter, wrestling is a new style to her, and Fistsong definitely wants to experience what it's like for the fighters here, though she doesn't yet feel ready for a public match.


Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Pit

(Yo, Feris. You mind if I pick a fight with Arieta?)
(Sure thing)
Arieta arrived at the training room observing it's occupants rather than partaking in any activity. Trying to sort out who would make the best addition to her master's ideal menagerie, finding a few she of course approached them about the offer. However many whom she spoke too were competitors who were rather forced into this arena and were particularly insulted being in any master/servant relationship. There were a few that seem intrigued but those often tried to request her services in their private rooms/cells. Arieta politely declined until one of the girls tried to force the issue. Arieta quickly managed to restrain her with one quick twist from the girls arm she had her pinned to the wall.

"I'm sure there are many on the premises who'll entertain your advances miss but...I'm a competitor so it wouldn't be proper for me to be so forward..." She says letting go of the lady after a while and curtly bowing. "I'm sorry but I must refuse please leave it at that." She states although the woman seemed still a bit ticked at her minor humiliation. Yet the stares she'd received at the whole event seemed to steer her away from continuing it any further. Fuming she turned and walked away. Arieta walked out of the training room sighing a bit depressed having made such a scene.

"Maybe I shouldn't have reacted so hastily...Should I get something for her as an apology? That might work I'll have to find out where her room is later." Arieta muttered to herself wondering if most of the women here were as forceful. Seeing another woman approach Arieta kicked into gear again. This one wasn't as buff as the previous girl yet something seemed off about her. Especially how her eyes seemed to glow not enough to light the room. 'Still she's very pretty and unique master will love her I'm sure of it! She thought and approached the woman.

"Excuse me miss... She began to ask however as she got near the woman Arieta seemed to be unable to find the right words to say. "Would...You...Um...Be...Interested" She tried to force out the words but they seemed to not come to a point where she threw her head down to hide her rising blush. Unable to continue it seemed to be up to her potential candidate to deduce what she was trying to say.
(I'll leave that to you~)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Pit

Arriving in the Pit after the accelerated growth process, Serena had wanted to see her mother's next fight, which if she remembered was supposed to be against a fighter named Akroa or something like that. She saw that a challenger had already stepped forth to give her a challenge however and smiled, a tingle flowing through her horse cock as she smirked that made it twitch under her belly dancer half skirt. Serena could be kind like her mother, and even wished to be much like Gabrielle. But in the ring, she was a competitor that was there to win, no matter the cost.

She made a detour over towards the enlistment area and happily accepted the challenge, ready to make her mother proud and show her what she could do. "Yes yes, I accept this challenge. I hope you're ready for me babe, because I don't plan on pulling any punches just because I'm the newest here as of right now," Serena said to her apparent opponent before winking and blowing a kiss at the girl that challenged her before she headed over to the arena they would be facing off in with a smile on her face.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Pit

"Excuse me miss... She began to ask however as she got near the woman Arieta seemed to be unable to find the right words to say. "Would...You...Um...Be...Interested" She tried to force out the words but they seemed to not come to a point where she threw her head down to hide her rising blush. Unable to continue it seemed to be up to her potential candidate to deduce what she was trying to say.
(I'll leave that to you~)
Nyx turned her head away from her current activities, which seemed to involve a whole lot of doing nothing. She frowned, trying to figure out what the other girl was trying to say. After a moment of thought, the sexbot realized that she was probably another slave forced to fight in the arena, which led her to assuming that she was looking for a match. "Very well." The robot girl nodded. "Single round or a competitive bout?"


Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Pit

Nyx turned her head away from her current activities, which seemed to involve a whole lot of doing nothing. She frowned, trying to figure out what the other girl was trying to say. After a moment of thought, the sexbot realized that she was probably another slave forced to fight in the arena, which led her to assuming that she was looking for a match. "Very well." The robot girl nodded. "Single round or a competitive bout?"
'No that's not what I meant at all!' Were her thoughts as she started to fidget. Yet merely trying to speak normally to this woman was like to look a bear in the eye before he ate you. Except replace the gripping fear with crippling shyness. Arieta looked up trying to find the will to explain the situation but when she met those bright violet eyes. Any answer that didn't please her would not do. "Um...Single match if that pleases you milady..." Saying that in her utmost polite tone. 'It's unavoidable now...I at least have to make masters offer I must!' She bravely thought and with whatever will she could summon she forced out these words.

"Milady...you...you..." She choked at the words until her mind forced her to spill it out all at once! "You're gorgeous!" With both hands she clamped around her mouth and face now sporting a blush only tomatoes could be jealous of. Arieta bolted down the hall in utter embarrassment and surprising speed for the maid dress she was wearing. 'Fool, Fool, you utter fool!' Were the last thoughts before she reached her room and shut the door. She had a match to prepare for now though how she'd fight someone that so entranced her would prove hugely difficult.

(Accept Match!)


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Pit

"It's Nyx." The robot girl sighed, even though she didn't need to breathe. "My name." She actually preferred when people used it, rather than call her lady or stuff like that. The maid's reactions and words confused her, though. She didn't think much of the girl calling her gorgeous, after all she was built for sex and thus very attractive, for a machine. Her sudden departure, though not before declaring her preferences, was completely unexpected. And not entirely logical, near as she could tell. Still, it was nothing to fret over. In the end, Nyx just shrugged and went to the desk to register a match, her against Arieta. "Single round it is."

('Ere we go, then!)


Jungle Girl
Apr 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Neal's face flushes 3 shades of red when Serena calls him a babe, huffing his chest out he crinkles his face and tries to sound threatening...but it doesn't come out quite the way he wanted his voice raising almost an octave with out him noticing as he calls after her.

"First off I'm not a babe.....Second, the only thing you'll have to pull is my foot out of your butt when I win! I used to be a fighting champ just so you know! Tougher then tough and rougher then rough!"

By the time he finishes speaking Serena is already gone. Taking a deep breath he feels the binding tape wrapped around his swollen breasts constrict a bit gathering his thoughts. Serena was a model of athleticism to be sure but he had a game plan. As long as he could move faster he could gain an advantage. At the very least he had to make sure to stay out of her reach. Lord only knew if the horrific outline he saw in her skirt was real or not and he didnt want to find out...

Taking a second to adjust his chest bindings he sighs a bit before heading out to the arena determined to prove himself and regain some of the pride he hadnt had since his was taken all those years ago and turned into some...perverted wet dream...

"I can do this....I can do this.....
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Dec 9, 2010
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Re: The Pit

Irina would pretty visibly be disappointed that the match was not going to be competitive. It was probably for the best though since Irina did have a penchant for diving into the deep end without really so much as thinking things through. Learning how things worked here in a casual competition would probably be for the best.

Irina would join Kamui, who had already entered the ring, in the opposite corner. The pair now simply waiting for the bell to sound to start their match.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: The Pit

Tanya "The Dream" Madeeme enters the Pit and puts down her duffle bag on a bench next to an empty locker which she decides to claim as her own. She sips a protein drink and takes some headphones out of her ears and unzips her bag with a quick, efficient motion. She draws out her uniform, a thin and alluring material designed to show off her muscular yet still gorgeously feminine physique.

She wasn't stressed about the nature of this competition. It excited her. Drove her to succeed. And she intended success. Nothing less than being a champion would do. She knew she would be. She had to be. It was a matter of destiny. It was The Dream.

She casually stripped out of her street clothes, peeling away her track pants and training under garments. She felt no shame, only pride in the gazes her body might draw. Drink it up, chumps, she thought. You can look, but can you touch? We'll see.

She slipped on the uniform, chucked her duffle into the locker and slammed it shut, putting a padlock through the catch loop and closing it with a click.

"All right. Who wants a match?" she asked, walking to the center of the nearest group and put her hands on her hips, staring the opposition down.