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The Question of Heresy OOC

Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Actually... Caulder's roll might actually make some sense, all things considered.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Tech Use roll to diagnose and potentially repair the damaged cognomen - 22 - 2 degrees of success
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Perception if anyone wants to go for more information on those footsteps.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

So THAT's where all Seraph's good rolls were...
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Fate is on my side for once!
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

11, so three degrees of success for Mallia's perception.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

77, so Drake hears NOTHING.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Caulder, roll Dodge.

After that, everyone roll 1d10 and add your Agility modifer, which is the tens digit of your Agility score.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

That's 3+3=6.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

81. Massive failure.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Whelp. Switched to using physical dice, since Invisible Castle seems hell-bent on nuking the Tech-Priest in one shot...

87. Which means that the attack missed.

Caulder can go ahead and roll Initiative. Still waiting on Slime, then I'll roll for NPCs.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

7 + 3 = 10 for Initiative.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Mallia rolls an 8+3 = 11
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

So, looks like Init is as follows:



Back-up (source of footsteps)



Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Note to people playing with me... I've been told some of you find my posting style jarring. If writing in first person is an issue, I can change it, no problem. I just wanted to point out one thing: you can tell me that without having to rely on a middleman. Seriously, I don't bite.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Okay, ShadowWolf, I have some questions for your game:

Where are the footsteps coming from?

Is the back up visible with just a glance around a corner?

How far is Mallia from the attacker or the back-up? Does she have line of sight? What is the las pistol range to either target?

Is the attacker considered to be in melee with Drake? Since the three of them were in the middle of a street inspecting a body, where exactly did this attacker come from without the acolytes seeing it?

Please describe the attacker. "Not Human" covers a broad range of things, especially in this setting.

My most likely action will be to aim (+10) and fire at the attacker, but I want to have a better idea of the battle surroundings first.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Opposite direction from where the attack came from.


Roughly 2/3 of the from the attacker to where the back-up will first be visible, however at an angle from both. Yes to the attacker, no currently to the backup. Just outside of point-blank range the attacker, slightly farther to where the backup will arrive at.

No. It misjudged the drop enough that it is not in melee. Also, logically: If an Arvus had taken off from the part of the street the bodies were at, said bodies would not be "in the middle of the street" but rather along the side of the buildings, thus providing the roofs as a hiding spot.

Also, I purposefully didn't give more details than not human. It's a surprise attack, it'll either be a Perception check, which will take an action, to get more of an idea, or more details will come at next turn.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Mallia rolls a 30 for her attack, with a +10 for aiming and another +10 for short range.

This means she hits her attacker in the head. Her damage I believe is a 1d10+2 E damage.

3+2 minus whatever head armor and toughness the attacker has. Guessing Mallia will graze him, but I will let you decide the result of the attack.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Yeah, not enough damage to overcome AP+Toughness.