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The Question of Heresy OOC

Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Owch, all the bad rolls at once :S sure, we can try another fate to make it not as shit...
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

22 = success. Zieg has overcome the fearsome sight of this twisted figure.


Give me a bit to write this up, then we'll be moving on to another combat sequence. The "Red Eye" will have an initiative of 9. So Mordeci will go next after I post the scene.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Willpower roll for looking at the big.....Whatever the hell it is.

Failure by 4 degrees.

Shock Table roll, 20
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

20 + 40 (due to 4 degrees of failure on the Fear test) = 60 on the shock table.

Mordeci reels back in terror, he may not willingly approach the 'Red Eye' and will suffer a -10 on all tests until the end of the encounter. He gains 1 Insanity Point.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Thiopia lines up her shot, holding her autopistol with both hands and squeezes down on the trigger. Buddabuddabudda!

He gets hit a bit, damage is seeekrit.

Lili full moves to get the fuck out of there, running past Lili and Zieg and crouching in the hallway.

The Red Eye, who looks down at its wounds dumbly for a second, raises its arms and chargers straight at Thiopia. Fortunately for her, its sweeping swing is wild, and she easily avoids it. Part of the wall plaster is bashed away violently however, indicating that it has far more power in its punch than a normal human being should. Thio and the Red Eye are in Melee!

Zieg is up to decide what he would like to do. Bear in mind that if you fire, it will be considered firing into melee.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Zieg's deciding to not need to spend even more fate points, swapping to a proper melee brawl methinks! Free action to swap to Knife, then move to engage and attack the Red Eye whatever with it!
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

I'm not saying I'm going to blindly fullauto in a direction you happen to be in, I'm just saying, I don't have a melee weapon and my BS is in the 20s.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Ballistic Skill test for Mordeci's Stub Revolver: Hit.

Damage Roll for Stub Revolver: 3+3=6 Impact damage
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

@ShadowWolf: I assume you don't need much of an answer from anyone else. Mallia's not going to make any additional commentary in front of the Inquisitors. She'll be keeping a low profile in their presence anyways. If she's looked at, she'll nod in confirmation of Markus' report.


Mordeci's shot hits the target, and it shuffles back a step, but it will keep on coming, not unlike Jason a la Friday the 13th.

Mordeci was at short range (+10 bonus) but firing into melee (-20 penalty) so he needs a 37 to hit, and if he had gotten a 38 - 47, he would have hit one of the two people in combat. Just something to keep in mind about shooting into melee going forward.

Thiopia is next to act. She and Zieg are both in melee, but since they outnumber, Thio can flee the combat with a normal move action without drawing an attack of opportunity (Zieg is keeping attention away from her).
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Do I risk friendly fire with a full auto or burst at this range/situation?
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Yes, you risk hitting Zieg as he is involved in a melee with your target.

+10 Short Range
+30 Full Auto
-20 Shooting into Melee

So a net of +20 to hit.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

My above post was in error. It's only +20 for full auto. It's +10 for semi-auto burst. And it's another -20 for a called shot.

So for Thiopia's burst shot while still in melee it would be: +10 (range), +10 (burst), -20 called shot, -20 shooting into melee (might hit Zieg).

Overall a -20 to hit.

Rolls a 41 when she needed a 17. Misses both Zieg and her target as it brushes her arm off target with a sweep of its off-hand.

The creature does an all out attack against Zieg and clips him in the leg. After armor and toughness are taken into account, Zieg takes 3 wounds.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Musical weapons continues as Zieg realizes this knife's gonna do jack to this beast. Now, he brings along his mace and attempts to smack the bugger a new one indiscriminately!
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Okay, for my game, there's going to be a short bit of down-time before the next mission's briefing. Although I'm going to have your characters receive their next mission before the break I have planned to explain your leveling and re-equipping, I'll go ahead and give you your bonus monkeys before hand:

Mission Completion Bonuses:
1 additional Fate Point.
200 XP.
500 thrones.

*BONUS*: Defeating an Elite difficulty encounter with no losses:
1 additional Fate Point.
300 XP.
EDIT: Also, each of you can add a Purity Seal somewhere on your armor or weapons.

Furthermore, I'm probably going to have the Inquisitor giving some better armor for the three characters not in power armor.
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Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Niiiiiice. This is going to be useful. Gonna modify my sheet later to reflect the "acquisition".
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Dosh, grab it while ya can, ladz!

*Cough* ugh, hrm. Need to see what sorta things I can look into and if I leveled enough to gain more Ministorium access...
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Reposting with a actual question or two instead of smart-arse remarks:

In regards to the throne gains, considering certain rules pertaining to wealth and the Sisterhood, would it be smart of me to suggest spreading my earnings for cash amongst my associates?

Also, is our starting cruiser location equipped well enough to act as a weapon depot, as per the details of requisitioning equipment?
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

Yes (I'm thinking), and yes. The cruiser is a combat command post, sort of, so it should count as such in my opinion.

EDIT: Added a sort of non-item reward as well.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

How does weapon acquisition work again? I have some trouble understanding it.
Re: The Question of Heresy OOC

How does weapon acquisition work again? I have some trouble understanding it.

Essentially, the Battle Sisters can requisition up to 2 weapons at a time from the Department Ministorium, depending on the rank and subclasses you have. For example, as this just gave me Rank 3, I can pick up a Godwyn De'az Bolter, Flamer, Bolt Pistol, Sword, Hand Flamer, and/or Chainsword with 2 reloads for each range weapon, as long as the place has a fitting armory for Ecclesiarchy Troops (and I'm sure any other GM limitations. Some places may not have certain heavy weapons after all.)

I'll probably pick up a Chainsword and either keep rocking with the Bolter (or perhaps Bolt Pistol) or grab the Flamer whenever I pick up the required weapon proficiency.

The only downside is because I get essentially free weapons of space-marine caliber, the rest of my looting chances essentially get forfeit to either Ecclesiarchy funds or my buddies, minus the need for maybe some bribery change or so on. Still need to divide that funds up, relatedly...

EDIT/ADDENDUM: I guess on a character scale you could have a Sister who would horde findings like others, but I'm shooting this strait even though my char's a bit... unorthodox herself. Both to increase the 'normalcy' factor, Seraph also doesn't have a thing for much possessions anyway. May as well use it to fund the Imperium and other assistants of the Inquisition.
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