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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What freaking game are you playing?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Evil Genius, which is in almost all other aspects a really good game, which keeps me playing. The music for example, just the music on the first menu perfectly sets the mood for the entire game, and the game itself is really good at making you feel like the evil genius, nearly all aspects besides the ones I'm ranting about are at least an 8.5/10.

When playing, you can find out a few things while playing, such as why not to capture a superagent, they will most likely blow up half your base, starting with the cells you kept them in. And just as you believe your room designs were perfect, small, but everything fits perfectly, research gives you a new item to put in there. (Also, I assume it's because it's a fairly old game, there is a kinda low amount of maximum units you can have, but that can be modded to have more)

As said, the game is great until you make that one first mistake, and then you either fix it, or start a new game with your new knowledge, and enjoy it much further then the point where you made the mistake.
This works up till when you find the european superagent, which has the mentioned pausing ability, sure, opening all doors and changing your base's alert level makes sense on paper(As well as randomly torching some things, I guess overloading the powergrid or something), but in reality, all you need is to press the pause button, reset the alert level, and then manually go over all your 30++ doors to set them right again, and by the time you find him you probably already knew about fires, and placed extinguishers everywhere, so there you have it, his entire main ability has just been balanced out by you finding the "p" button, then spending 5-10 minutes on all the settings, and then unpausing just to do it all again 30 seconds up to 3 minutes further.
Not fun, and it definitely breaks all the immersion the rest of the game had build up.

At least you can permanently get rid of him eventually, and since you're the evil genius, it will be a slow, painful, and overly elaborate death, I assume it will include giant lasers and evil laughter, but till then, pausing every few minutes.

And since I'm writing now, I also played a bit of painkiller, and in general, well, it's a good game, but this one boss.. I like how they were creative when they placed the location, I like the idea behind it, I also like watching the entire thing fall to pieces and dodging those pieces, but then..
The boss sucks. You only have to look at him funny(With a crappy minigun, or even a starting shotgun) and he just dies, the only thing that makes that boss hard is that when he dies, he breaks the ground, you fall down a few floors and get falling damage, and then he gets up again. (Goes on till ground floor, which is enough to kill the player by falling damage alone)
While I like the idea of blowing the entire place up during the boss fight, and I like going down floors like that, I do not like being defeated by the environment rather then the boss, it felt more like that marioparty game where you tried to get on the right platform because the others would fall down, except that you got a gun and there's a giant demon trying to beat the crap out of you. And instead of having one safe platform where the others fall(Like mario party), they all fall down and you die anyway.
If the area you're fighting in is more likely to kill you then the boss you're fighting, then something has gone terribly wrong.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

But Obeliskos, you charismatic stallion, why do you dislike this game? The shitty, generic name? The fact that it's a demo? Does it cost money to get the good content?

Actually, yes to all of those. But the main reason is the fucking turn regeneration system. Think Kingdom of Loathing, and most zombie browser games. You have limited energy, you wait to get moar. That's slightly bearable since you get like.. what, 50 a day in KoL? But not in this game.

A new turn every 2 hours. EVERY 2 FUCKING HOURS. Like I said, a lot of web games like Kingdom of Loathing suffer from the curse of having a limited amount of turns, but at least you get like, 50 every day and can restore turns by eating food. But in this game, you apparently have to wait 100 hours (about 4 days) to get that very same amount of turns. I read the FAQ topic and I think DO agree with the casual thing. BUT ONE TURN EVERY 2 HOURS IS RIDICULOUS. And I assume you can't recover turns ANY OTHER WAY can you?

The game looks fantastic and I would love the hell out of it if it wasn't for the incredibly slow turn recovery system. Having a number of turns is BEARABLE. It usually drives me away from most games, but I can live with it if the game is good enough. INCREASE THE GODDAMN TURN REGENERATION. I just hope the developer realizes that the slow turn regeneration is the dominant reason that game doesn't have a 4/5 or more. He most likely cheated himself out of the weekly prize and massive praise. Congratulations.


Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So I'd like to talk to you guys about . What is that?
In short, it's a programming language. For life. With BioBricks it's possible to put together standard DNA sequences from different life forms and construct them into an entirely new type of bacteria, amoeba, what have you. The possibilities are almost endless. Want something to find arsenic in water? It can do that. Just slap together a few biobricks (1 to find Arsenic, 1 to change color, 1 to send the signal from brick number 1 to brick number 2) and voila! You've got your very own detector protozoa.
What do you folks think? Opens new possibilities? Going to bring upon the end of mankind?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The first thing I thought of when reading that was that it seems pretty obvious to me that someone is going to use that to make a tentacle monster sooner or later.

edit for extra debatable things..

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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

the Twilight game is not real... yet. Oh rue the day that the tweens get their way.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That's slightly bearable since you get like.. what, 50 a day in KoL?
40 per day, and with the right food/booze, campground implements, and equipment you can easily reach 200.

Honestly, I think a Twilight MMO might be interesting if they dropped everything to do with Twilight.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So I'm now trying to patch warcraft III so I can play together with some people, ok, should be no problem, right?

Well wrong, the track I needed to follow to get the right patch leads past 5 other patches, one of which patches it back to an earlier version, and then I get to apply another patch, so fuck that, not doing it.

Official site: It has text...A lot of text..But it says absolutely nothing at all, it just says a patch should exists somewhere on the internet, but they don't give out real links, give a number, or even mention the game again. To be honest, they do provide download links for the patch, but every single link leads to the same site, which is even worse then the official site. Now, this one has downloads, but they move at the speed of shit rolling uphill. I am not going to wait 6 hours for 50mb.

This is when I cancelled the download and went to google, which shows nothing except the official site and what it links to, so that doesn't help at all.

Ok, so let's see then, piratebay? Sure, why not, I have next to no hope since not even the official site of the game helps, but what I can do is download the entire game from here, and then only use the small 50mb file that's in a separate folder besides the .iso, and guess what? Downloading 1gb+ from piratebay goes faster then your shitty download for 50mb.

Fuck you Blizzard, get your shit in order, if people can get your patches faster when they download the full game with it then when they try it from your site, then you're doing something horribly wrong.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

So I'm now trying to patch warcraft III so I can play together with some people, ok, should be no problem, right?

Well wrong, the track I needed to follow to get the right patch leads past 5 other patches, one of which patches it back to an earlier version, and then I get to apply another patch, so fuck that, not doing it.

Official site: It has text...A lot of text..But it says absolutely nothing at all, it just says a patch should exists somewhere on the internet, but they don't give out real links, give a number, or even mention the game again. To be honest, they do provide download links for the patch, but every single link leads to the same site, which is even worse then the official site. Now, this one has downloads, but they move at the speed of shit rolling uphill. I am not going to wait 6 hours for 50mb.

This is when I cancelled the download and went to google, which shows nothing except the official site and what it links to, so that doesn't help at all.

Ok, so let's see then, piratebay? Sure, why not, I have next to no hope since not even the official site of the game helps, but what I can do is download the entire game from here, and then only use the small 50mb file that's in a separate folder besides the .iso, and guess what? Downloading 1gb+ from piratebay goes faster then your shitty download for 50mb.

Fuck you Blizzard, get your shit in order, if people can get your patches faster when they download the full game with it then when they try it from your site, then you're doing something horribly wrong.


I never had any trouble patching WC3 . . . and believe me, I'll be one of the first people in line when the masses come for the heads of Blizzard's... well... head people.

Though, I agree, it IS sad when it's quicker to just use a torrent than it is to use an official site.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

40 per day, and with the right food/booze, campground implements, and equipment you can easily reach 200.

Honestly, I think a Twilight MMO might be interesting if they dropped everything to do with Twilight.

So....a real vampire MMO?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Underworld MMO?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Uh, maybe? I've never watched the Underworld films. Anyway, I'm going to rant a bit.


For those of you not living in the United States (or those of you within it who fortuitously have not encountered these beings), the birther movement is a conspiracy group who believe that Barack Obama is ineligible for the position of President of the United States by virtue of the fact that he was not born in the US, and/or was not born to US citizens living abroad. The fact that Obama's campaign allowed members of a non-partisan group access to his original certification of live birth, and that said group photographed it and put the photographs on their website, is dismissed by these birthers as being part of the conspiracy and the photographs as being hoaxes. Though this belief existed during the campaign, it only became widespread during the Summer of '09, probably in response to Obama's growing unpopularity among certain groups of people in the US.

That segues nicely into a complaint about the current health care reform effort here in the US. As I'm sure you're aware, the health system in the United States could be accurately and succinctly summed up as 'broken'. 'Limping', 'ineffective', 'as antiquated as a 486', and 'as useless as a snow shovel in Texas' could also apply. Suffice it to say, the US in my opinion needs substantial reform and would do nothing but benefit from a public option as in Europe, Canada, and other un-American countries. Instead, I'm going to complain about the rampant misinformation regarding the various reform proposals.

There are actually at least three bills that I know of in the House and in the Senate right now, there is no one single 'health reform bill'. So please stop talking about the health reform bill.

Second, none of these propose funding abortions with 'taxpayer' money. In fact, one bill specifically bans that option; most bills don't mention it whatsoever.

None of the bills propose a death age for the elderly, nor do any of the bills ration healthcare for the elderly, nor do any nations with universal health care do anything of the sort (as far as I know, and as far as I would assume).

Finally, it's not the Cold War anymore. Socialism is not a bad thing. Leaving health care as it is, however, would be a very bad thing indeed.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well put, Goldstein. :cool:
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

..People are actually still holding on to the birth certificate thing? And they think ..Well

Funding abortions with 'taxpayer' money
Death age for the elderly
Ration healthcare

If they said just one of those, then ok, seems like a misunderstanding, but it's hard to look at that list and not say troll before ignoring it and moving on.
Being from Europe, I can say for sure that 1. We do not have a death age for people where we just kill all old people, that's just stupid.
And 2. Where we pay taxes, and the taxes are used for healthcare everyone can use(Everyone pays taxes), Americans pay insurances for their healthcare, and then by the power of capitalism, the insurance will do everything in it's power to not pay for the doctor.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

1. We do not have a death age for people where we just kill all old people, that's just stupid.

We should, though. Maybe put it around 80 - none of my grandparents made it to that age anyway. Retirement with 67 (as they plan to in Germany), another 13 years of enjoying your life (or not, depending how much retirement money you get), and if you haven't died by then you get a painless injection, and that was it. This would lower the rate of old people, which in Germany is an actual problem - we have too many seniors and too few juniors to pay into the retirement pot. If we just kill the old people, the younger have more disposable income. Or the retired people have more retirement money, because there is more to go around. Either way, the economy is stimulated, less ressources are needed and new jobs are created. Everybody wins.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Sure, it might help the economy, but there is the small problem with 'ethics' about killing people after they worked nearly their entire life, only to be told that "You're old now, go die somewhere".

And killing all the old people is the first step to killing all the disabled..Which leads to killing the people that don't want to work, which leads to killing the ones that are unemployed, which leads to a state controlling who lives and who dies. which is obviously a bad way for any nation to go.

This whole situation of just killing old people will, 9 out of 10 times, lead to a lot of trouble.

As for older people that -want- to die, well, if they want it, that's their choice.

A different solution to the economy could be how the dwarves in dwarf fortress do it, immigrants. They work, they make plenty of food to go around, and even those without money can just get food(Although only the crappiest food). As for a dwarf's retirement funds, that's just all the stuff he bought while he was still earning money, and what he saves for himself, no taxing or forced to pay for others, a game's AI does better then some real people, the dwarves(Which are usually idiots) actually make sure they have things done for later in their life(Which tends to be about as long as an ant investigating a sadistic kid with a magnifying glass).
Alternatively, they just dump the useless and not working dwarves into magma.
And sometimes the useful dwarves get dumped into magma as well.
And sometimes everything else also gets dumped into magma.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Bah, ethics! Ethics have held back the advance of science and society for centuries! Where would medicine be today if its students of the past wouldn't have dug up corpses to do their research on? Blood letting and urine sniffing, that's where the ethics would have kept us!
Please, for God's sake, don't take me seriously. I am hyperbolising my beliefs here.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I know you said not to take your seriously Rule... but Medicine is where it is today because of the lack of Ethics. There was a huge jump in medical science in WWII because of the Nazi experiments during the holocaust.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Please, for God's sake, don't take me seriously. I am hyperbolising my beliefs here.

If I were to take the ethics thing serious, I would not have given an example of a game where every problem can be solved by dumping a large load of molten rock on it, mermaids are hunter to make trophies out of their bones, and justice implies getting a hammer to the face for blinking the wrong way

Besides that, Fuck you Blizzard, another patch came out, and again, your site was about as useful as earwarmers in the sahara desert.