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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Never really understood the draw of being hassled by higher leveled players with twinked out toons.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

It's great if the combat is skill based and you can wipe the floor with them, dodging their shit and getting your own hits in
It's not great if it's all based on numbers and the high level guy just has better numbers than you so he wins
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

It's great if the combat is skill based and you can wipe the floor with them, dodging their shit and getting your own hits in
It's not great if it's all based on numbers and the high level guy just has better numbers than you so he wins

So basically:

No MMORPG ever.
Every MMORPG ever.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

So basically:

No MMORPG ever.
Every MMORPG ever.

RPGs are based on rolls that are influenced by your stats/level/gear/buffs.
Skill doesn't play as much of role here, until you have similar players, then it can change a lot.

But here is the thing:
Both skill and level/item grind require time to get.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Yeah, most MMOs are like that, but there are a few out there which are in development or done(And since died) where you can do that. But most take the cheap and easy route of "Just make their numbers bigger" for people who played more

I admit the mmos that don't fuck this up aren't popular because they fuck up a lot of other things and have very little players, but it remains that not all of them are about making bigger numbers
And then there's a few I've seen(That I'm pretty sure died since then) where old players didn't want to engage newbies because a single lucky hit by a newbie could still inflict a near-fatal wound on them
Not worth the risk, basically

The entire idea of 'no safe zones' relies on the game having some way of discouraging people from being dicks to newer players. Be it the chance that they surprise outskill them(Or more likely they'll do something completely unexpected and non-meta and catch the guy by surprise still), the chance that a lucky hit will mess them up, or easily organized hunting parties of similarly high level players who get rewarded for taking down the gankers
In a game where spending time purely gets you bigger numbers, you're going to need safe zones
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Yeah, most MMOs are like that, but there are a few out there which are in development or done(And since died) where you can do that. But most take the cheap and easy route of "Just make their numbers bigger" for people who played more
Imma let you finish, but that's how RPGs were... even before we digitized them. Assuming you have MMORPG in mind, also: MMO =/= MMORPG.
And yes, it does make a difference, you can have MMO that isn't RPG.

I admit the mmos that don't fuck this up aren't popular because they fuck up a lot of other things and have very little players, but it remains that not all of them are about making bigger numbers
And then there's a few I've seen(That I'm pretty sure died since then) where old players didn't want to engage newbies because a single lucky hit by a newbie could still inflict a near-fatal wound on them
Not worth the risk, basically
*Plays tabletop RPG, gets rekt by unlucky roll*
And those idiots dared to move that to digital games? Damn them all!
The entire idea of 'no safe zones' relies on the game having some way of discouraging people from being dicks to newer players. Be it the chance that they surprise outskill them(Or more likely they'll do something completely unexpected and non-meta and catch the guy by surprise still), the chance that a lucky hit will mess them up, or easily organized hunting parties of similarly high level players who get rewarded for taking down the gankers
In a game where spending time purely gets you bigger numbers, you're going to need safe zones
Of course you need safe zones for newbies, nothing wrong with that. There are dicks in every game, stopping them is impossible. Making stuff for new players to help improve their survival chance is good enough.

And speaking in general, not directed at anyone:
More or less, I do see where this may be coming from, but there are games where being a carebear won't work. Either git gud/higher level or keep hiding. "But I can't spend so much time on this game, I have a life!", and that's my problem because? You choose what you think is more important, not everyone is like you. Deal with it.
You can't hate someone for spending more time on something and being simply better. That's like getting into fight with pro boxer and whining that he spent more time training and refining his skills...
If you can't enjoy the game... Well, maybe it's not your game.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

EvE online has perfectly fine carebear stuff, in full pvp areas

The key there is to make the carebears and pvpers synergize. The pvpers want to shoot and make stuff dead. The carebears want to build stuff. Make them build new guns and stuff for the pvpers to use, and they'll form groups for mutual benefit
That's what I'm hoping for when I say I want a game without safe zones. Of course that is hard to achieve and also not a thing everyone wants

That said, I specifically said MMO rather than MMORPG
Also many RPGs, even non-digital ones, don't include leveling and growing stats. Or only a little of it
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

And speaking in general, not directed at anyone:
More or less, I do see where this may be coming from, but there are games where being a carebear won't work. Either git gud/higher level or keep hiding. "But I can't spend so much time on this game, I have a life!", and that's my problem because? You choose what you think is more important, not everyone is like you. Deal with it.
You can't hate someone for spending more time on something and being simply better. That's like getting into fight with pro boxer and whining that he spent more time training and refining his skills...
If you can't enjoy the game... Well, maybe it's not your game.

This sounds alot like a rationalization by a high level ganker...

Honestly though I don't play mmorpgs, not because of ganking but because they're designed to keep you playing as long as possible. Which means everything requires dumb amounts of time to achieve, I could experience 10 other games fully in the time it would take me to go through an MMO (excluding the grind you'd need to get any of the super-good unique items). While that's usually a case for the title being good, here it is not, you don't get 10 times the story, fun, customization or combat but instead if you're lucky the same amount as ONE of the aforementioned other titles. Also having to rely on other players co-operating = poop.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Final Fantasy 14 is actually pretty decent, time investment wise

You level faster than you get through the content, and then you basically get to do all the quests you want at any time you want
It's all basically streamlined so that you can do whatever you want, with a main quest line that's essentially a single player story you can go through at your own pace. You don't even need to interact with other players aside from some dungeons, but even then it's set up so that you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever unless people are actively trying to mess up

It's a design thing, basically. If the game is made well enough, you can achieve things even if you only play an hour a day
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

This sounds alot like a rationalization by a high level ganker...
Not denying that I had a lot of pleasure in ganking (I am a sadist after all). Neither denying that I had been ganked by stronger players/as a noob.
But, all depends. Using ArcheAge as example: If I see low level player mining, fishing, trading, doing stuff like that, then I don't bother. No point in scaring away new players, plus there is not much to gain. Organized group doing a trade run? I am already half way there. There are pirates that want to steal your stuff, that's the risk when there is a nice income involved.

But saying that destroying someone doesn't give you that "superiority" feeling and pleasure would be a damn idiocy. Or having some shit just to justify what you did. Sure, want to keep lying to yourself so your conscience feels fine? Then keep sinking.

When I was fishing/trading I always expected some kind of attack (AA was that kind of game - out of safe zone, keep your eyes open) and tried to be prepared and have my group organized, so everyone knows what to do so they don't run around confused and useless.
Risk, what made this game way much better.

No one has to agree with that, heck, they may even hate that. I get that, but until something isn't prohibited then why not? Take scamming in EVE for example, personally not a fan of that and makes you feel bad inside. But if it's allowed and others want to do it, then fine. I will just not participate neither will stop them (though, maybe ruin it for them for shit and giggles, not because of moral standards).

Being destroyed by someone, especially if you were raised in comfy house, always getting what you want, is going to have a huge impact. There is nothing worse than being proven that you are not special.
Everyone wants to be "the best" (and catch all of 802 pokemon!), but it's impossible. Either all are the best - therefore no one is, or not everyone is equal on different grounds (don't make it a social thing, I am talking games only).

Going deeper into this topic would require a lot of text and how people act behind a screen, which is longer than a list of pornstarts with fake tits, so I am not going there, neither I'm going to see that list xD

Honestly though I don't play mmorpgs, not because of ganking but because they're designed to keep you playing as long as possible. Which means everything requires dumb amounts of time to achieve, I could experience 10 other games fully in the time it would take me to go through an MMO (excluding the grind you'd need to get any of the super-good unique items). While that's usually a case for the title being good, here it is not, you don't get 10 times the story, fun, customization or combat but instead if you're lucky the same amount as ONE of the aforementioned other titles. Also having to rely on other players co-operating = poop.
Yup, most MMOs are pure shit. That's why I put having interesting community and group to play with on top.

Final Fantasy 14 is actually pretty decent, time investment wise

You level faster than you get through the content, and then you basically get to do all the quests you want at any time you want
It's all basically streamlined so that you can do whatever you want, with a main quest line that's essentially a single player story you can go through at your own pace. You don't even need to interact with other players aside from some dungeons, but even then it's set up so that you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever unless people are actively trying to mess up

It's a design thing, basically. If the game is made well enough, you can achieve things even if you only play an hour a day

And if I remember correctly, open PvP wasn't there, only duels. Good example of MMO where only risks are mobs (and why I stopped playing it, because it wasn't my thing, so why force yourself?).
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

EvE online has perfectly fine carebear stuff, in full pvp areas

The key there is to make the carebears and pvpers synergize. The pvpers want to shoot and make stuff dead. The carebears want to build stuff. Make them build new guns and stuff for the pvpers to use, and they'll form groups for mutual benefit
That's what I'm hoping for when I say I want a game without safe zones. Of course that is hard to achieve and also not a thing everyone wants

That said, I specifically said MMO rather than MMORPG
Also many RPGs, even non-digital ones, don't include leveling and growing stats. Or only a little of it

For computer RPGs, leveling and/or other forms of character advancement are practically the defining feature, since there's little to no actual RP involved.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I once ran into a full on RP-session in Guild Wars 2. I found some people knocked down and tried to help them, only to be told "thanks but no thanks please leave us downed for this". I found it odd but I let them be. I wish I could be immersed as those guys were but eventually the grinding of MMORPGs leaves me unfulfilled.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Also theft involves a loss of goods or profit, neither occurs when I take what I want without paying as I was never going to in the first place and no physical items

That line is such an awful justification I'd pay to see you try and use it with law enforcement.
'Nah officer, I didn't exceed the speed limit, because I never intended to keep to it in the first place. I don't respect limits!'
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

It's not a justification, I feel no guilt or shame about my actions, it's a clarification of a concept.

And that's a terribly inaccurate parallel to draw. One action has literally no possibility of causing harm to anyone, while the other is responsible for a great many deaths yearly. Ever hear of the cops taking part in a high-speed internet pursuit? I didn't think so. Guess they've got their hands full dealing with actual crimes.

The Reputation... 14th September 2017 23:24 He's right though.

No he isn't, theft is not a concept that can be applied to digital content, nor do I think I sound 'cool'. Add to that the fact that you're using the rep system instead of engaging in discussion and well... I guess it just proves how little you believe what you've said. Oh and look at that, you can't respond with a rep :'( well if I don't hear back from you by tomorrow I'll just assume you've admitted you're wrong and I'm right.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

One could go into details about how you could have potentially bought stuff with your money later, but lets be honest here
You're not going to buy that stuff most of the time
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

One action has literally no possibility of causing harm to anyone

It causes harm to the artist you steal the experience from. We're not talking big corporations, but an indie developer, hiering independent artists. This is not a joke for everyone, for some, it's the food on their tables and the clothes on their backs.
If you enjoy something and yet don't want to pay for it when you could easily afford it, you are ensuring that there'll be less of what you enjoy in the future,.. well, you say, that doesn't happen, theres always more hentai.

You are right. Because not everyone acts like you. Think there'd be such a thing as a DLsite if there'd be no money in it at all? you'd have a fraction of the creators doing it just for fun. I myself could not provide the product I have, -for free-, if not for the patreon support I recieve.
It's one thing to download a movie you can't get in your country for political nonsense reasons. It's another entirely to proudly boast of your piracy collection. It's nothing to be a proud keyboard rebel about.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

It causes harm to the artist you steal the experience from.

There is no theft and there is no harm. Yet again; theft requires a party to be deprived of something whether an item or currency, as no item exists to take and as that money was never going anywhere there is no deprivation.

As a matter of fact: One CANNOT steal such things! As stealing requires the thing in question to be TAKEN not copied without consent.

We're not talking big corporations, but an indie developer, hiering independent artists. This is not a joke for everyone, for some, it's the food on their tables and the clothes on their backs.

Sales in any industry are not guaranteed. It's not as if I messaged them personally saying "Hey, you should make porn for a living" they've taken the risk on their own. I am in no way responsible for keeping them clothed or fed.

You are right. Because not everyone acts like you. Think there'd be such a thing as a DLsite if there'd be no money in it at all?

It's one thing to download a movie you can't get in your country for political nonsense reasons. It's another entirely to proudly boast of your piracy collection. It's nothing to be a proud keyboard rebel about.

It's one thing to give a shit about the little guy, that I can understand and respect to at least some extent (even though I don't share your values), but when you mention movie piracy you garner no support or sympathy. People bitching about not making 20$ on a movie ticket and 40$ on the DVD sale of a movie that drew in HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of dollars come off like the child who's been bought a candy but throws a tantrum because they want the entire shelf.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Okay, chill out, here is the thing:
Piracy is not a theft, not from legal viewpoint. Deal with it.
What it is however: Loss of potential income.

Can it affect company and destroy their sales?
Can you stop pirates?
Sorry, but no. Other than having a good offer, there is not much you can do.

People thinking: If I do it, it's okay, one person won't change anything.
Wrong. If there are thousands of people thinking like that, it will have an effect.
People thinking: Everything should be for free.
Such thinking is quite close to utopian communism, which is a failed ideology and impossible to achieve.
People thinking: I can't afford it, so it's fine.
If you can't afford it, you don't get it, that's how it works.

People thinking: I do it with full knowledge of what I am doing and not lie about some moral shit.
Fine enough, but if you liked the product, support the devs.

On another note, distribution of pirated product is illegal.
You can't stop pirates, you can only have a good product that makes them feel it's worth buying. Anyone soothing their conscience with some shit can suck a dick, man up and at least be aware of what you are doing.

As proven, fighting pirates with DRMs is useless, fighting them with price and product quality is the way. (And for companies, it's a pain in the butt)
Pretty much all there is to it.
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