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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Definitely need to enlarge

Bag of holding doesn't work because the team also has a bag of holding(each). And you know what happens when you put a bag of holding in a bag of holding?

Bad things happen.
Very bad things
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Also he may have the soul of a bard and needs to enlarge to fuck a dragon or something at some point

Anyone have any suggestions?

I know what you need

"What can you do with a jar of dirt? Aside just staring at it. Ilias should have definitely waited until she was out of loli form to remake you!-A certain, non-scientific ninja"
You can hide still beating hearts inside them. Keeps them nice and fresh.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Definitely need to enlarge

Bag of holding doesn't work because the team also has a bag of holding(each). And you know what happens when you put a bag of holding in a bag of holding?

Bad things happen.
Very bad things

Can't they just leave them with you? They aren't storing any combat items in them are they?

Also, as for wands your caster can just pour any unused spell-slots into it at the end of the day and re-charge the thing, if you get the right kind. I used to hate getting wands as loot, till I made the party mage use them for tech-magic.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Definitely need to enlarge

Bag of holding doesn't work because the team also has a bag of holding(each). And you know what happens when you put a bag of holding in a bag of holding?

Bad things happen.
Very bad things

Wouldn't it just be like putting one balloon into another and blowing them up at the same time? Fucking pocket dimensions, man. How do they work?

You can hide still beating hearts inside them. Keeps them nice and fresh.

I don't think you know how to science properly, and that's coming from a ninja who can't science at all.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wouldn't it just be like putting one balloon into another and blowing them up at the same time? Fucking pocket dimensions, man. How do they work?

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wouldn't it just be like putting one balloon into another and blowing them up at the same time? Fucking pocket dimensions, man. How do they work?

I'd say that it's because the two pocket dimensions align, overlap, and interfere with one another. Wotc never felt the need to explain why it causes a dimensional rift, just that it does.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wouldn't it just be like putting one balloon into another and blowing them up at the same time? Fucking pocket dimensions, man. How do they work?

When you put a bag of holding into a bag of holding, it creates a miniature black hole that sucks in everything in a 10ft radius, dealing a huge amount of damage for the lower to low-mid level players
I think it was something like 20d6 to everything

So don't put your bags of holding in eachother, that's a bad idea
Also yes, there are engineer players who made bag-of-holding arrows, where on impact it pushes a portable hole into a bag of holding with a spring. I remember hearing from a frustrated GM about this
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

So don't put your bags of holding in eachother, that's a bad idea
Also yes, there are engineer players who made bag-of-holding arrows, where on impact it pushes a portable hole into a bag of holding with a spring. I remember hearing from a frustrated GM about this

Why not just have droves of mobs with BOH arrows attack the party?

party: That's not fair! How did THEY know to do it?
DM: You've been slinging them all over the place, didn't think someone would figure it out?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Oh, here it is

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Well, I actually looked into it...

The items are destroyed one way or another, I can't find an online entry for damage that would occur in this event even though I distinctly remember there being one. So the PC's haven't defeated anything and thus are entitled to no reward as far as I'm concerned (maybe the first couple of times, but after that it's old hat).

We'll ignore that a pre-industrial society would find it difficult to manufacture such an item, it would probably take a highly skilled smith at least a day per arrowhead. I'd also imagine finding materials with consistent tensile strength would be difficult.

One even has to question how the actual characters in the world came up with this concept. Even though I can make a diagram for a simple engine, doesn't mean my wizard understands enough of the concepts involved to do the same.

If you can explain those away you then need to consider what this does to the magic item market, with large numbers of BOH's and portable holes being purchased and destroyed their price is going to increase as the demand will be outpacing the supply (remember wizards need to piss away experience into creating such things).

Later on you'd also need to take into account all the dimensional rifts being created, these are typically RARE events, tears in the walls of reality. How long until the astral plane starts seeping into the material plane because the walls have been so damaged?

And at that point wouldn't someone start trying to stop you? #dimensionalpolice Or even the gods? Go ahead, shunt Pelor into another dimension and see how effective it is! You sure as shit don't have the levels to actually fight him.

Edit: I'm really glad you replied by the way. My first response was just knee-jerk, I think creating a world where BOH are super rare, or a scenario where the PC's have damaged the world so much that the gods are after them is a much more satisfying way to deal with them.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I would think it quite possible to put in something and then end up taking out something else entirely. Insert plot hook for introducing an evil element that the player then needs to figure how to deal with perhaps?

An alternative could be that something forces its way out after the dimensional hole is opened up. Perhaps a thing just ends up moving around and gets sucked into the other side of the dimensional hole. Maybe that could be the player character as well, with their goal simply being to find a way back to their own realm. Simple in concept but a few hurdles get thrown into the mix along the way.

I see a few ways to utilize this as a plot hook. It feels like a good way to make all hell break loose one way or another.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

The entries specifically state that the rifts and the gates only go one-way, from material to astral.

And yes there are cursed bags of holding that will transmute +5 weapons into rusty turds.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

did... did you draw this for me? *swoons* -slicer
Nope, just for myself xD
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

The items are destroyed one way or another, I can't find an online entry for damage that would occur in this event even though I distinctly remember there being one. So the PC's haven't defeated anything and thus are entitled to no reward as far as I'm concerned (maybe the first couple of times, but after that it's old hat).

I don't know the exact wording in other editions, but at least in 3.5 you don't get XP for defeating enemies. You get XP for overcoming encounters, which this trick definitely accomplishes.

But a portable hole costs 20k and bags of holding aren't cheap either. Oh, and you won't get any loot the enemy had on their person, either. So you really, really only want to do the trick in emergencies. And by the time you can afford to use it without breaking the bank, anything you'd really need to make go away has a fair chance of having access to planeshift or similar abilities.
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