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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version


....as sad as it is. Could somebody please restrain that pony dude? He's going nuts....with....uhm, nutting.....inside ears. >.>;;

Apart from that, it is nice to be remembered how this weird and crazy ear-f*cking business started - whether you take Pervy's or Zeph's word for it. And in both stories, obviously -> I <- explicitly asked for all this. :p

Don't need my word for it, I got proof, also looks like pervy's writing.....

Do you even realize how many times you entered "silly Stuffie" as rep text!? My rep overview is an insult to myself!! :mad: :D

Oh shit its dat fesh from teh derpbox!

Zeph really took my complaint to heart:

He has shown that he is able to change, and to enter way more appropriate rep messages than just "silly Stuffie" from now on:



...which by the way didn't stop someone else to start giving me "silly Stuffie" reps now! >.>

Also, I got another -rep, something about getting ear-raped by Zeph...I ain't even surprised anymore. :D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Eh? Just grab him and make him eat the mess he made.
In worst case, he will like it.

Uh-huh! And if he likes it, he's gonna try and get the stuff from inside my e- oh my f*cking God this is getting so gross! :(

You secretly do like it, where is the issue in "I asked for all this"? xD

I'm actually fine with regular sex, thank you very much! Ears might get stimulated or nibbled on, but they are not meant to take a cock! >.>;

EDIT: @Zeph: Nice detective work and quote hunting there, I'd +rep if I could. :/
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Ears might get stimulated or nibbled on, but they are not meant to take a cock! >.>;

Yours are.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version


....as sad as it is. Could somebody please restrain that pony dude? He's going nuts....with....uhm, nutting.....inside ears. >.>;;

Ha! Restrain me? There is no force on this Earth that can stop me from nutting in your ears!
Except getting banned from this forum.

Ears might get stimulated or nibbled on, but they are not meant to take a cock! >.>;

Nonsense. If mouth and ass is okay, then ears are okay. It's everything or nothing. No inbetweens.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

It's really not that hard, just go into the RP section and post randerps.

b& within 20 hrs guaranteed.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

random stupidity

Though really anything disruptive to the RP going on would do it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Some lesbian wierdo named Zeph eRal repped stuffie with ear sex comments, then when everyone saw how flustered stuffie got, they all started doing it too.

Then again, stuffie asked for no more "silly stuffie" comments. So in the end, it was the silly renemon's fault.......


*jots down on his journal*

"Renamon is a digimon that looks like an upright Pikachu popularized by Stuffy of The Unofficial LineMarvel Forum for the amount of aural copulations it has recieved...subject seems to be uncomfortable with the legacy pinned to her/him/it...will observe more closely..."
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version


*jots down on his journal*

Don't you dare getting your c*ck ready. No luck, and no entry for you, you bastard!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Don't you dare getting your c*ck ready. No luck, and no entry for you, you bastard!

I am only gathering data...for scientific reasons...

...for now...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

He's going to make you custom ear condoms!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Not a reputation per se, but I just found this in my user control panel:


to join or not to join?

aye there's the rub...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Not a reputation per se, but I just found this in my user control panel:


to join or not to join?

aye there's the rub...
You know all they try to do is enslaving the whole planet with their perverted fantasies. Don't join them, purge them with fire and the stronk hand of the Inquisition.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

More like he's full of it
Did I rustle your jimmies, anon?
I fucking hope so :D

"Being an asshole upsets people by making them think you're an asshole. Holy shit, I've discovered caveman psychology 101!"
I sure did now for another anon :D
But yeah, good job Freud :D

Just as a quick note, I do think he is a cunt, but he is right on the need of an asshole in conversation from time to time.
Otherwise you get triggered Offendercons, like those two anons, that can't just laugh at that and have to bitch like a girl, because muh feelings. Man up.
That's going to annoy some people, won't it? :p
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I'm of the opinion that Triggerlords are assholes. They don't know they are but they are. Closeted assholes, if you will. Is the only way to fight assholes is with assholes? Is that the kind of world we live in?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

So you're suggesting that the best way to combat people being overly sensitive is to purposefully be an asshole. You don't think that that's just a fault offsetting someone else's faults?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

You know all they try to do is enslaving the whole planet with their perverted fantasies. Don't join them, purge them with fire and the stronk hand of the Inquisition.

Oh you're angry you weren't invited, my bad, sorry, fixing.
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